
Journey Through the Multiverse

The second life of the man who managed Wield the Power of God. Mostly will go to Anime, Manga, or Eroge. Prett much following canon... I already get used to reading fanfic following canon kinda normal and non-canon basically porn-focused novel anyway not story-based. Warning: I just lazy to write new chap, pretty much already do when I feel like it, suck grammar, only writing whatever comes to mind you have been warned If there any similarity that proves that I got some influence from that fanfic and novel that read. AN: Gonna be Harem if you don't see the tag, kinda waste of multiverse if you don't have a harem... well i guess i just have too many waifu to be included lmaooo Disclaimer: I don't own any character or world that will be used and cover image, except OC

FinzRaizer · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Upgrade, Codeman and Overkill

After solving Fallen Angel trouble at church, Kamiya alongside AnchoR returns to their home using boundaries gate. The moment they returned they received a warm welcome from RyuZu

" Welcome home, Kamiya-sama. Do you have some fun?"

" Yeah, I got some fun. I have a chance to play with my toys and got some stuff to have experimented with. Two of you can help me with an experiment for these Fallen Angel I captured at church. I also have a plan to upgraded your body, like giving a flying capability other than relying on the devil wings. After all the wing quite big and make it more easily targetted which resulting in a higher chance to lose your flying capabilities."

" Thanks for your consideration, Kamiya-sama."

Kamiya discussed what they're going to do for tonight and start collecting information they can get from Fallen Angels they just captured at church. Arrived at the laboratory room, Kamiya unsealed the Fallen Angels inside the card into giant tubes and started to extract whatever he can from them. From what they extracted from them they gained information about how light magic systems from the bible faction side of this world. At the same time, they also take DNA from Fallen Angels and insert them into Evolt Pieces and gaining the ability to changes into Angels and Fallen Angels.

" I never thought I would get two extra races from a fallen angel. I guess you can't change the fact Fallen Angel still an Angel even if the already fall to the dark side."

" There are going be some change from my design plan since I took a liking for these wings. Some change still needed though." Kamiya playing with his newly acquired angel wing, changing it from white to black and black to white.

" I'll start transforming the angel wing into a mechanical wing, I have in mind and wing attack function. If you have a suggestion in mind feel free to tell me."

" I'll leave everything to you Kamiya-sama. I'll just utilize everything you gave to this body of mind."

" I'm same with RyuZu onee-chan, Onii-chan."

" Ok, just leave everything to me I'll finish modification for two of you less than an hour. So I'll have two of sleep for a while."

Making the two super automata to the sleep mode. Kamiya started to do some major modifications to their bodies like making feathered angel wing into mechanical one, new weapon and new part like particle into their body. At the time he also does the same to his angel wing and makes it into a mechanical wing. To utilize the weapon function added to wing, Kamiya created a new AI (Artificial intelligence) that can be transferred from one gadget to another that will have helped to manage weapons and other technology control. Finished the upgrade Kamiya activated the both Automata again.

" How your body condition after the upgrade ? is there any problem?"

" There no problem with all functions on my body, Kamiya-sama."

" Same with me Onii-chan"

" I want to ask something master, What are these green particles that just added to our bodies?"

" Oh, That is GN Particles. They are used as part of an electromagnetic radar-disruption stealth measure, a particle-based barrier, propellant, and a particle coating that enhances both the sharpness (aka. cutting ability) of physical blades and the durability of armor. It also works to disrupt electronic equipment, manipulation of mass and therefore weight that allow to flight. These particles also give you the ability to manipulate the Quantum Effect that allows you to move from one point to another. When you Sync rate with this particle already 100% it gives you the ability to detect and/or project their thoughts, feelings, and intentions to other people within a limited area,"

" As expected of Kamiya-sama."

" Well these particles more or less make the function of wing become meaningless, But since the wing quite good looking I decided to make it a decoration wing you can move it automatically with your high-spec system. Before I forget let me introduce you with a new addition to this house."

From his gadget digitize data flying out and condensed transformed into a woman with black mixed with cyan-colored hair. The woman wears a white nurse-like outfit mixed with black and cyan colors. The woman in question can be categorized as cool, calm and serious who will talk straightforwardly, and jokes kind of impossible.

" She is ultra-high-density integration AI, you can call it Codeman. Also, it's can be incorporated into a pseudo-human body called a 'primary body', It can become a ' substantially substitutable person. You can introduce yourself to them, Eili."

" Medical Specialize Program, Eilietta Lash. Feel free to call me Eili like Kamiya-sama. If there any problem with Health and Maintenance feel free to look for me I will help as much I can. I'll also take care of your daily check-ups."

" Nice to meet you Eili-san."

" Yeah, Nice to meet you Nee-chan."

" I take some rest first, you guys can do whatever you want before taking some rest."


The next day Kamiya arrived at his class and greeted the girls in the class. He greeted back at them and go to his seat.

"It seems you already fine Issei, how about Asia condition?"

" Ah! Tendou, thank for your help yesterday. I already fine thanks for you and Asia. Buchou said Asia will be transferred into our school."

" All students please go back to their seats, We have a new transfer student." The teacher comes inside the class followed by a blond girl, Asia who seems to become a devil since there is a smell of devil on her.

" My name is Asia Argento! I may still be new to this place, but glad to meet you!"

"Blond beauty!"

" Bust 82, waist 55, hip 81. Good!"

" I'm currently staying at Hyoudou Issei's place!"

" What!? Explain! Why are you living with blonde beauty!? Why are you the only one getting all these chances!?"

" Asia, you can sit on the empty seat next to Hyoudou Issei."

" Yes, sensei." Asia moved to her seat and greeted everyone who sits near her. She also gives her thanks to me.

" Thanks for your help yesterday, Tendou-san."

" No need to thanks me, I'm bored at that time so I helped on a whim."

The class started as usual until the break time arrived. Kamiya, Issei, and Asia are called to Students Council Room by Tsubaki. When they arrived at the Student Council room they meet the whole member of the Student Council and Occult Research Club.

" You can sit down first, Do you understand the reason you're called here?"

" I can think several reasons, Since the location, I'm called is Students Council room. Then the answer pretty much I run away from school at self-study class, right? After all, you just give me some scolding before I do that." Kamiya said while showing some smirk at his face.

" As much I want to talk about that, The topic I want to talk about is a different matter."

" Just ask what you want to know, I will give you the answer as long I think the questions are worth to be answered," Kamiya replied with an amused face.

" I got a report from Rias and her peerage about you. Are you really a human-like what you declare?"

" What a silly question, Do you face the sun and say 'Are you the sun?' "

" Another question then, I don't know where your power comes from, but it doesn't seem like the power comes from sacred gear. Can you tell me where you got that device and power?"

" Another foolish question, Do you face the sun and ask 'Why do you shine?' "

" Huh... Can you tell me the reason you're in Kuoh town?" Sona asked in tired to ask a question

" Do you face the sun and say 'Why are you in the sky?' "

" Answer Kaichou question seriously Tendou!" Student Council member Saji seems can't accept the answer I give and start angry at me.

" What are you angry about? I already give an Answer to your question with an obvious answer in the first. Don't tell me you can't even understand something so simple as that?" Kamiya giving his reply to angry Saji without change on his attitude.

" Huh... I guess I'll give a simple answer so idiot like you can understand. First, Yeah I'm 100% human. Second, Is there any problem with a human having the power to stand above supernatural & create a weapon to stand above them? Third, Is there any problem with Human Living on Earth in the first place? since Earth pretty much is Human territory, unlike you devil who should be in the underworld, though it's not my problem and I don't care too much about that. Is there any more question you want to know?"

" How about..." before Rias suggested something, Kamiya intercept it with another word.

" I reject that offer, I will not join under someone else or any supernatural faction."

" So you'll stay lone wolf without other?"

"That's not it, My Individuality is just too great, I would not fit under any organization or faction." Taking out Chess piece from his pocket and showed it to the devil. " Also It's impossible for any being to reincarnated me. Since God doesn't create any being above me."

" It's just sounded like you overestimate yourself too much."

" So... you don't believe me? I guess showing our power difference will be easier. Let's just play the rating game you devils favor so much. Me against your two peerages at the same time."

" Are you underestimate and ridiculing us? by challenging all of us alone?"

" Fine fine, I don't underestimate you guys, I just know how strong I am and know my power placed in this world. If you don't want to fight me alone, I guess you can count two people from yesterday and one more people to make four. You two can come here." The moment Kamiya finished his line, two-particle appears on thin air next Kamiya formed into some sort of gate and replaced with a woman wearing maid dress RyuZu and gothic lolita dress AnchoR. Eili also formed her own digitized body from gadget worn by Kamiya. Their sudden appearance making Devil peerage surprised and make a combat-ready stance.

" Let me introduce myself, I'm RyuZu Yourslave."

" I'm AnchoR Trishula."

" I'm Eilietta Lash."

" Damn Tendou already have Harem of beautiful girls."

" How can they suddenly appeared here?"

" Two of them come here with space jump which using Quantum effect theory to move from my home to this room and Eili already with me in the first place."

" Sorry, but they're still a lot of students at this time and I don't approve to fight at this room."

" Don't worry about that since I don't plan to expose the supernatural side personally. I'll provide the place for this fight!" Kamiya raised his hand upward " I use my Game Master authority to change the stage!"

[ Stage Change: Cathedral of Sacred Blood ]

The moment he said that everyone inside the room closing their eyes from brightness, then swallowed inside the light and moved into a cathedral-like place.

" Huh... that light doesn't give some hurt feeling at all." They started to check their bodies. The moment they finished check their body, they started to check the new surrounding." Where is this place? it's like church cathedral."

" Look at the sky! The sky is red and there was a black-hole like a thing that absorbed some like particles." One of them look at the skies and pointed at them which get the attention of other people in this place.

" Whaa... what is that!?"

" Welcome to Dimensional Plane I created for this fight. This field for this battle reflects the space in between dimensions! There no need to worried about your life or injuries since the damage you took from this place won't be brought when we are back. Just think this as your normal Rating game, though the pain brought by damage still real."

" This is like what Rating Game looks like. My bodies still feel like always and there was no restriction at all. So what is the rule?"

Sona asked Kamiya who standing on the top of the highest building with the other three beside him.

" The rules are simple. You just need to knock out or make the opponent king retired. You guys knocked me, while I needed to Knock Sona-senpai and Rias-senpai. You can see the green bar on your top left vision, that was your life bar based on your digitize life force. The moment the bar becomes empty you are going to forced retired, of you can just retire on your own will. There are saying 'What doesn't kill you make you stronger' so learn from this fight and become stronger to become worthy opponent for me. Let's start this fight!"

The moment Kamiya declared the fight begin Rias and Sona Peerage start making a battle chance and the one who has sacred gear started to call their sacred gear, like Kiba, Issei, and Saji. A sword on Kiba, a dragon gauntlet on Issei arm, and a small lizard on Saji arm.

" Heh... Another person with dragon-type sacred gear."

" Just be prepared to get some beats on your ass! Tendou!"

" Ho-oh, Just try if you have the ability to that to me. RyuZu, AnchoR you two can use what I just added yesterday for testing If there any problem report to me after we back home. Eili, come back and I planning to use that, I leave the control to you."

"Yes, Master." Three of them give their confirmative. Eili comes inside my gadget while others to activate their new ability.

[Trans-Am System Activated]

[Trans-Am System Activated]

The bodies of RyuZu and AnchoR started to become red alongside particles surrounding them. Two of them started flying at high speed toward the direction of both peerages with their weapon. The two vanished from both peerage vision and suddenly appeared in the middle of their formation and start giving attack on each one of them in quick succession. Both peerages, of course, won't just let RyuZu and AnchoR attack without fighting back. The one equipped with a weapon trying to block and giving cover to magicians type to unleash their magic. They also trying to find some chance to counter-attack.

" Fire Ball!"

" Win Blade!"

" Water Dragon Attack!"

" Ruin of Extinction!"

" Thunder Strike!"

Magic attacks from both peerages launched at the direction of RyuZu and AnchoR which easily evaded by both of them without giving a scratch.

" Shit, they are too fast! It's just too hard to give some damage to them!"

" There must be a way to hit and finish them."

" It seems all of you already a problem dealing with two of them, but I still have more gifts for all of you." Angel-like Machine Wing appeared behind Kamiya back and making who see it giving surprised expression.

" Angelwing and Six pair to add that!"

" No the Wings is like made of metal and manmade."

" Feather Sword Bits!" The Wings behind Kamiya started dispatched from his back and move like a flying sword while shooting a beam-like weapon at devil peerage. " Bwahaha! Dance! Dance! from this beam party!"

" What the heck with this Funnel-like this from Super Robot series!"

The attack from Feather Wing added more chaos on the battlefield, Both Peerage of Gremory and Sitri already full of injuries on their bodies from both the Automata attack and the Funnel-like weapon.

" All of you should just give up since I don't see any of you have the chance to win."

" There no way we will give up when our master still fighting."

" Yeah, my pride won't allow me to give up."

" Bwahaha! I commend you guys for your guts! I'll give you a reward to face my Sacred Gear Annihilation Maker in Balance Breaker state!"

[ ♪Insert: Zenonzard Theme- Wake Up♪]

" What! One of Thirteen Longinus!"

" At a Balance Breaker to add that!"

Huge Fire energy started to concentrate above Kamiya and started to form something.

" Since there were two people with dragon power and one dragon maiden among you. Feel honored to face this monster I'm going to summon!"

" Appear now before me! Ninth Dragon God of War, Alabaster!"

The concentrated fire above Kamiya started to form into a huge horned red western dragon with an armor-like body.

" What with this huge power level!?"

" Engrave this power to your bodies and Soul! Now go Alabaster! Dragon God Breath Impact!"

The Dragon that created from the result of Annihilation Maker started to unleash a special attack of Dragon kind, Dragon Breath from his mouth. The attack landed on the whole devil's peerage at forced all of them to retired.

" Now I just hoped they get into major trauma..." Kamiya said worriedly. If what he does is just too overkill.

With Rias Gremory and Sona Sitri retired, the winner of the match has been decided. With this, the fight has been ended and the field started to vanish. With the field vanished, everyone back to the Student Council room.

well It seems to type this chapter take quite while

ehm.... lazy .. got sick.. and other...

not sure which word I need to use at each paragraph.

EIlietta Lash: Zenonzard

GN Particle: Gundam 00

Alabaster: Zenonzard, you can try to watch eps 00

FinzRaizercreators' thoughts