
Journey Through the Multiverse

The second life of the man who managed Wield the Power of God. Mostly will go to Anime, Manga, or Eroge. Prett much following canon... I already get used to reading fanfic following canon kinda normal and non-canon basically porn-focused novel anyway not story-based. Warning: I just lazy to write new chap, pretty much already do when I feel like it, suck grammar, only writing whatever comes to mind you have been warned If there any similarity that proves that I got some influence from that fanfic and novel that read. AN: Gonna be Harem if you don't see the tag, kinda waste of multiverse if you don't have a harem... well i guess i just have too many waifu to be included lmaooo Disclaimer: I don't own any character or world that will be used and cover image, except OC

FinzRaizer · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Battle on Church

The moment the group arrived at the back of the church, they were greeted by a Fallen Angel girl with blonde hair styled into twintails and blue eyes who wore a Gothic Lolita attire, which consisted of a black Lolita dress with white frills, a large black bow on the front, and a green jewel embedded on the collar, white thigh-high socks, and black shoes. She also wore a large black bow on top of her hair.

" Look who is here. People call me the fallen angel Mittelt."

" How kind of you to introduce yourself"

" You're in the group who kidnaped Asia back then!"

"Ara, you're devil-kun who is Raynare ex-boyfriend, So you're coming back to save Asia right? Too bad the Ritual to extract her sacred gear already started, Do you have enough time to save her before she died?"

" You're going to kill her!"

" Well yeah, since all of you are here then. Come forth, Kalawarner and Dohnaseek!"

Two magic circles appeared beside Mittelt. From one of the magic circle appear tall and buxom woman with brown eyes and long, navy blue hair that obscured her right eye who wore attire consisted of a maroon, trenchcoat-like top with a wide collar, a matching miniskirt, and black heeled shoes. While from another magic circle appeared middle-aged-looking man with short black hair and dark blue eyes who wore attire consisted of a pale gray trench coat over a white dress shirt with a matching ascot, black pants and shoes, a pair of black gloves, and a black fedora.

"It seems the devil comes without their master, also there human in this group. By any chance, you're human Raynare talking about?"

" I don't know what she talks about me but I guess she talks about me."

" Well, I guess this will be quite interesting indeed. I hope you give an exciting fight."

" I can give you an exciting and one-sided match if you want, but I don't think you can give it to me that kind of feeling. I'll take care of three of them. You guys can just go to church and help Asia, AnchoR gives them some cover."

" Yes, Onii-chan"

" Are you sure you don't need any help Tendou-kun ?"

" Yeah, I alone already enough to deal with three of them without difficulty."

"Are you underestimate us? The Fallen Angel!"

" Not really, I can't just remove the feeling Gods haven't created any being above me! I guess I'll fight with the item I haven't used it in a real fight."

Kamiya set a belt on his waist and turned on the engine on his belt.

[ Okay, Start your engine! (music)]

He pulled Shift Car powered by Core Driviars, which look like a miniature car. He rotates the shift car and connects it like a lever to Shift Brace on his left hand.


[ Drive: Type Speed! (Upbeat jazz music)]

The moment sound starts ringing a set of tire tracks start surrounding Kamiya and formed red-colored armor with a car theme, the transformation finished with Tridoron tire attached to red-armor.

" No way Kamen Rider!"

" I never know there someone who followed Maou Serafall Leviathan who cosplaying as a character on Tv-series. Though I never see that kind of version."

" Ho-oh, so there a Maou who loves cosplaying. I guess I'll take a look for more information about the devil side. If this version does not exist yet, then just think it as Original. Since someone once said it's not pirating if copying from a parallel world. Also, You guys just don't be dumbfounded! hurry up and save Asia."

" Do you think we'll just let them passed us?"

Three of them created a spear of light with a different color from each other from Blue, Yellow, and Pink color. The attack they launched to the people who run to the church stopped by some sort of barrier.

" Sorry, If you want to stop them you must at least defeat me first. For handicap, you just need to make undo my transformation and I'll be kind enough to let you go without killing you guys."

[ Insert ost: SURPRISE-DRIVE]

The three fallen angels caught by my taunt and start throwing a barrage of a light spear with rage which easily evaded since their accuracy quite low leveled. I lift the Shift Speed Car three times on my left hand. The tire that attached to my body started to rotate and Increase the movement speed to another level, the world itself started to move in slow motion.

[ Speed! Speed! Speed!]

I started to move at high speed and cut half of their wing to erased their advantage of flying and run away.

" How dare a mere Human-like you!"

" Yare-Yare."

I changed the shift car on my Shift Brace on my left hand. The Tire on my body changed with another model that has flare design.

[ Tire Koukan: Max Flare! (Electric guitar squeal)]

Still keeping the same speed as before I launched multiple fire barrage fist to the fallen angel and keep them away from touching the ground.

"It seems you guys can't even fight back at the power of this level, even though I already adjusted my power to the level someone like Raynare able to undo my transformation. I guess the power of a mere grunt only this level."

" To be toyed like by a mere human."

" Time to finish this, since I want to see the aftermath of their battle at church."


Tires appeared out of nowhere and trapped the three fallen angel.

[Full Throttle! Flare!]

Tridoron started to move in high speed forming whirlwind surrounding I and three fallen angels inside. The flame energy started to my feet and jumped into Tridoron. The jump to Tridoron which moving like whirlwind resulting me bouncing again and again to launch flaming barrage kick. The barrage of flame kick ended with Kick that resulting explosion. The final attack resulting in three fallen angels knocked out of consciousness on the ground.

" I guess it's already time to capture them."

Kamiya taking some kind of card and throwing one card for each fallen. The card started to absorb the fallen angel the moment they got touched by the card. After they got absorbed the card flying back to Kamiya's hand with the image of each fallen. After putting the card to his space inventory, I undo the transformation.

[ Nice Drive!]

" Two of you can come out now, I already sense your presence after Issei group went to church."

From behind the tree appear, two women, the first one have an appearance beautiful young woman with white skin, blue-green eyes, and a buxom figure. Her most distinctive feature is her long, beautiful crimson hair. She was followed by a beautiful young woman with a voluptuous figure, very long black hair and violet eyes. Her hair is tied in a long ponytail, reaching down to her legs with two strands sticking out from the top and sloping backward, with an orange ribbon keeping it in place.

" Ara ara, We never thought we will meet new transfer students in this kind of place dealing with what we need to do in our place."

" I was just asked by Hyoudou Issei to help when I was bored to death at home. At least I have something to do."

" So can you tell me why you stay in Kuoh Town since this is pretty much Gremory and Sitri territory."

" Not much of reason in the place for my reason being here. Just a string of fate brings me in. You can talk about it later since I won't move out of Kuoh town for a while except you guys forcing me out without specific reason other than this is you guys territory. I kinda want to see what they do in church, Two of you also want to see that right Leader of this peerage Rias Gremory from Gremory Household. No need to give that kind surprise expression. It's already obvious from your name 1 of 72 Ars Goetia Demon."

" Well, we will continue this talk later, since I kinda worried my cute peerage member. Let's go to church."

" There no need to worried by their well being, since I already have someone to protect them if needed. If you want to watch the development we can see it from here."

Kamiya using his Manipulation of Boundaries to create some sort of display that shown many kinds of an image of location on church alongside the sound. From the display the saw Issei managed evaded Raynare attack and managed to take away Asia who just have her sacred gear stolen using Sacred Gear extractor.

"Hyoudou-kun! Our formation is at a disadvantage while we are protecting that girl! So go upstairs at once! we'll make the path for you! Now hurry!"

" Koneko-chan, we will make an escape path for Hyoudou-kun!"

".. Affirmative."

Kiba and Koneko managed to create the path for Issei escape from Raynare Location with Kiba sword skills and Koneko Brute strength. The moment Issei who was Carrying Asia on his arms arrive at started he looks worried at her comrade and shout their name.

" Kiba! Koneko-chan!"

" You go ahead! We will handle here!"

" ... Please go quickly."

" But!"

Using the connection I have with AnchoR. I telepathically send an order to her.

' AnchoR you can use your ability to assist them, just leave Raynare alone for Issei to solve. If his life in danger just kills her immediately.'

" No need to worry I'll assist the fight with this Stray Priest and Exorcist this time. You guys can take care of the Fallen Angel yourself."

The moment he hears what AnchoR said Issei started to run away carrying Asia to upstair. He was being followed by Raynare who was allowed to pass by AnchoR and not stopped by Kiba and Koneko. The moment they leave AnchoR started to make her moves.

[ Announcing classification, Initial-Y series, Unit 2, "One who Annihilates," AnchoR.]

[ Threat level category 2.]

[ Damage level set to C.]

[ Beginning shift to differential ring number 12.]

AnchoR hair started to grows longer until it reaches her feet and the color will change into a bloody red color. Also, she was wearing a black control mask that matched her Bloody Murder form over her face. Red-Black metal claw appeared on her hand.

[ Beginning imaginary output through the Limitless Engine. Perpetual Gear; Materializing now.]

[ Following instructions. Set "Stray Priest" and "Stray Exorcist" as the target. I am going to destroy my target.]

[ Absolute Maneuver! Bloody Murder!]

AnchoR started to move in high speed to the point it's hard to be followed by eyesight. With the claws that attached to her hand, she started to rip apart her opponent one by one without mercy. The stray priest and exorcist who fighting against her at all. Their weapon can't give any damage to her armor and they also cannot block the attack launched by AnchoR. The strays who understand their struggle is useless started overcame by their fear and loses their rational mind. They started to attack without care of their life and some of them started to run away from the current location. Not allowing to escape AnchoR using her ability to sever the space to move to another location and killing them all without anyone surviving. On another screen displayed standing Issei who was stabbed on both his legs and fallen angel Raynare who was laughing at him inside the sanctuary.

" A low-class demon like you who wasn't able to flight should be enabled to move from light attack."

" Yeah, it hurts. It hurts. I feel like I'll lose consciousness any seconds. But... I'm so pissed at you that it's doesn't matter in the slightest!"

[ Explosion!]

With the sound from sacred gear. Issei Sacred Gear forms changed into the red claw-shaped gauntlet with yellow accents and green inscriptions. The new form of sacred gear has become more Dragon-like gauntlet that covers up the Issei's hand and a majority of his left arm. Unlike his previous Twice Critical that takes a form of a red, armored bracer with yellow accents and a green jewel on top of the palm area. The fingers aren't covered.

The changed on his Sacred Gear increased his power that matches and surpass Raynare which startled her. She who was surprised with Issei change throwing her Light spear attack to Issei who manages to deflect the attack with his sacred gear. She who was cannot accept reality started to run away from the place, but she was caught by Issei and knocked out with a single punch.

"It seems the result already out, I'll give you free service to the location since two of you want to that place right?"

Kamiya without waiting for their reply he created a boundary of Space that becomes something like a gate that allows anyone to pass it to wherever he wants.

" That quite versatility ability you have there Tendou-kun."

" You'll be surprised to see the full capability of my ability if you managed to force me to use it to that level."

With the talk finished Kamiya, followed by Rias Gremory and Himejima Akeno entered the boundary and exited on the sanctuary and saw Issei, Kiba, Koneko and Asia. Though Asia still not regain her conscious from after effect sacred gear extracted forcefully.

" Kamiya! also Buchou and Akeno-senpai! how you guys also come here."

" I meet two of them after dealing with the trio fallen angel. Also, it's will be bad if we let Raynare escaped."

Kamiya using his boundary ability and bring Raynare who was blown away to outside the church inside and chained her with the living chain he created with his ability.

" Though I'm surprised, you managed to defeat her when you just entered the supernatural world in a span of 1 week. well, she just grunts so it's still easy difficulty if you put in in-game words."

" I'm just lucky that my sacred gear evolved into like this."

" I see, Issei your sacred gear isn't a regular sacred gear. That's why you're able to win against Raynare. Your sacred gear name is [ Boosted Gear], a sacred gear that is said to be rarest of the rare. The red dragon marks on your gauntlet are evidence. Even someone like you have heard of that name before, right?"

"B-Boosted Gear... One of the [Longinus]... Even though it's for temporarily time, it's said that it has the power to surpass Maous and God... Are you telling me that hateful power is possessed in a boy like this!?"

" If it's just like the legend told, then the ability of the [ Boosted Gear] can double the power of the possessor every 10 seconds. Even if his power starts from 1, it doubles his power every 10 seconds, it can reach the power of leader-class Fallen Angels and High-class Devils. And by mastering it, he could even kill God."

" Well, you can talk about it later. I'll take this fallen angel, You'll only kill her right ?"

" What you're going to do with her and the other three?"

" It's not something you need to know, you can see it later. But before that, I will have you return what you stole from this girl."

The moment Kamiya finished his lines, He inserted his right hand into Raynare's body. Raynare who was surprised by his action started screaming loud in pain.

" Don't worry I won't kill you. After all living being brought more benefit than dead anyway."

From Raynare's body, Kamiya managed to take [ Twilight Healing] Sacred Gear that takes the appearance of two silver rings with a blue-green gem on each ring. After taking it from inside Raynare he put it back inside Asia's body and started giving some healing to her.

" This should be enough to solve her damaged soul problem from forceful Sacred Gear extraction from this defect equipment. I'll leave it to you to solve the aftermath, Gremory-senpai. Let's go, AnchoR."

" Yes, Onii-chan."

He started to seal Raynare inside the card. After sealing her, he creates and enters a boundary that leads them to their home to continue their activity.

For the one who asks for romance development, truthfully I can't think of anything ... since my romance knowledge only comes from games & novel after all...

FinzRaizercreators' thoughts