
Journey: The Destructive Incarnate

In the Stellar sea of stars, a giant tree stood, rivers made of countless white streaks flowed throughout its giant body travelling toward its root. Those rivers were made of souls going through the process of rebirth, but among those countless rivers, a certain stream travelled directly toward the stem of the tree. In that specific river, a soul flowed like every other; nothing special about it would have remained as such. Suddenly the space it inhabited collapsed as a brilliant golden glow travelled out of that distorted space. The soul unable to escape got showered by that golden glow, its spiritual body absorbing it. Unable to handle the magnitude of the power contained in the golden light, the soul started to tear up. But somehow it managed to absorb it all, but it came at a cost, as the single soul split into two, one being thrown out of that river. Passing through another river, it made its way toward the root, whereas the other part continued on its way. A soul who got the body to handle the power of the golden glow after rebirth but didn't have it, and a body that had the power but couldn't handle it was created. But fate works in mysterious ways as after the death of one body, the soul finally reunited making someone whole. Neo was the part that got the power but couldn't handle it, this gave him a fate worse than death. He couldn't use mana, in a world filled with mana and where the strong ruled. But his family didn't give up on him or shun him, so to help them even if a little he chose the path of a scholar. Knowing that he had the talent to be a mage but couldn't use mana always ate away his heart. Then on the fateful day when he was four, the soul finally reunited, becoming one. All the talent he had finally burst forth, as Neo was born anew, now with memories of 30 years worth of life and the vast amount of knowledge he had collected in this life. So with that, how will he change this world, how will his existence affect the world, and will he be swept away by this world? It is for you to find out as you follow his journey. ... Here are some additional tags. Crafty MC, Strong Female leads, Yandere

youareme · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Ch.52 A Normal Girl(3)

After that was done, the nun brought the child to a quieter room, so she could have a proper rest. Seeing the child's sleeping face she smiled.

Walking toward one of the baby cribs, she put the basket with the child down as she picked up the child, some things were left inside the basket but she didn't mind them.

Looking at the child grabbing the pendant she is wearing, the nun giggles as she puts the child on the crib.

Seeing that the baby was sleeping comfortably and was having no trouble she looked at the basket. There were three things inside.

Two pouches and a note, picking up the note she looked at its content, there was only one thing written there.


She muttered, this was the child's name, seeing this she put the note near the crib as she picked up the two pouches.

Picking them up, she knew both of them contained coins, one of them had Church written on it and the other had nothing.

She wasn't surprised by it, after all this was the outskirts of the city, and adventurers sometimes do the deed unprotected creating a child.

Some choose to have them, but knowing how dangerous their lifestyle is, they leave them in church care.

But they aren't heartless, so a tradition was created that if an adventure were to leave a child they must leave some money for the child, so he/she may use it in the future.

Some even chose to donate some money to the church, and this was this kind of situation. feeling the heaviness of the bag, she can tell that there are quite a few coins inside.

Thinking that it's most likely silver coins she opened the pouch meant for the church, but instead of a silver glow, she was hit with a golden one.

There were gold coins inside, and not just a small amount, Fifteen entire gold coins. Judging from the weight of the second pouch she is sure that it has even more coins.

"Thank you for bringing such fortune to us, God."

She said as she kneeled down, she was overjoyed, after all with this money she could make the life of the children even better.

Looking at the child, her fondness for her increased even more, after all, she was like God's blessing to them.

Putting the pouch that belonged to the child next to the crib, she silently left the room. After all, she has various topics she has to discuss with Father.


A year passed by, and as the winds of time moved on, on the outskirts of Ravenhood City, a church lay, its exterior old, but still gave a divine charm.

Since it was not the most developed part of the city, the morning routine of the nun was to fetch water from the nearby well.

So, they did, before anybody in the city even woke up, they did as after a prayer to the god they traveled on their merry way.

But this time they had someone else following them, a child with short green hair and deep blue eyes, she was cute by every way of the word. She had a green gemmed pendant on her neck, as it gave a beautiful glow due to the sunlight.

Like a hen following their mother, she followed them, her eyes both curious and determined.

"You know Aline dear, you don't have to follow us like this."

One of the nuns said as she saw the child following them, they had tried to stop her but she didn't listen.

"I.. wis.. to.. help"

She said, her words broken as she hadn't properly learned to speak. Well, it is already something that she can speak and walk at such a young age so easily.

"You know, it is a difficult job."

Another one said, though a little disheartened, as she knew the answer she would get for her words.

"I.. stron.."

She said as she pointed at herself, nobody refuted her as she was right. This little girl was strong, stronger than them.

In fact, even a year ago, she was stronger than them. As for the reason, well she is a High-human, so she was born with mana. Born at the "Mana Filling Initial Rank".

"Yes, we know. You are a god blessed child after all."

But how could these nun's know it, it wouldn't be a surprise if they didn't know that there were different races of Humans.


She said, and nobody said anything else, after all, if she wishes to help then they will let her. It is just that they didn't wish for a one-year-old child to work.

But who made her more mature than her peers, in the fact she is even taller than some of the other children years older than her.

So they walked toward the well, it wasn't that far, only a kilometer away. After arriving there each nun took to buckets already placed there and started to fill it with water.

Aline did the same, picking two buckets the same size as hers, she filling them with water. As if they had no weight she picked them up effortlessly.

 The Nun were amazed by this, no matter how many times they saw this they couldn't help but be surprised.

In fact, they have been seeing this type of scene for a year now, though it did give Aline some trouble. The children in the church didn't get close to her.

Most likely due to jealousy, after all, most of them wished to be strong adventures. They have read many things done by adventures, like breaking boulders with a punch.

Leaping high into the sky, Aline who wasn't even a year old could do the same. However, this didn't dishearten Aline as she did her best to make friends.

If one were to ask the Nun's what is the best quality of Aline, they would reply, her strong willpower and determination.

After arriving at the church, Aline put the buckets down as she waved goodbye to the nuns. Most of the kids should be awake by now, so she can play with them.

Though there are only limited games she can play with them, after all, due to her strength most of the games will either become dangerous or too one-sided.

So the other way for her to pass the time to to look at the flowers in the garden or climb large trees and look at the city.

So today was no different, after playing a little with the other kids, she went toward the garden, picked up a beautiful flower she stared at it.

Keeping it in her hand she looked at the tree in the middle of the garden, since they were in an elevated area, this tree could help her look at the city.

She kicked the ground and jumped, grabbing the tree trunk with her empty she put power in it as she reached one of the branches of the tree.

After reaching there she did another jump as she reached the tree's top, sitting in her favorite spot she gazed at the city.

Putting the flower in front of her face, she covered her view of the city with it.


She giggled, her childish mind thinking of various things. After all, even if she is more mature than her peers she is still a child.