
Sneaky ninja....Unexpected situation

Having a bit of time left for the attack,I decided to train for a bit.I noticed that my perception cannot go higher since it is limited by cultivation,I decided to start condensing my qi.Honestly it is a bit boring process but since it'll help me in the long run,I choose to do it anyway.

While doing it I started to notice some crack in my dantian,so pushing my fire qi I started mending them,expanding my qi capacity.Suddenly a jolt got through my body and like this I stepped into the seventh star.da dou shi.

Using the energy rush from the breakthrough I started practicing haki.I noticed that my soul is not far away from the heavenly level,so I think that this should be a priority for the moment.Peacticing a bit with my sword style i decided to call it a day.

In the middle of the night I felt a sudden jolt. Awakening,I strapped my sword on my hip and started to hide my qi.Using my agility technique I rushed to the palace and rapidly approached the breach in the security.Using my chance,as a particularly strong attack passed by I swiftly entered the palace.Expanding my OH I started to get a feel

of the herbs place,and rushed to them.

Hearing the sounds of fight I used the opportunity to loot the valuable things and suddenly the roof was shot.From it a heavenly beauty with red hair and catlike eyes shot down from the hole in the roof.

Instinctually I reached to catch her.Taking a look at her I noticed just how beautiful yet at the same time cute she looked. With a petite frame yet a fiery aura,I didn't noticed that my face was a little hot.

Hearing a load sound I saw three middle aged men flying to us.I felt that all of them were too strong for me to handle so having nothing to do I started to run keeping my qi checked to the place filled with fiery flame qi as to blend with then.Coming to a particularly big plant,I started to mend in with the fire qi as to be provided by a better coat.Wrapping the girl in a similar coat I started to use my OH to feel where are the men.

Meanwhile the girl started to stir awake.Sensing a bit of warmth she tried to reach it.Since her enemies used cold qi as their weapons she was freezing,so feeling the hot yet warm touch made her mewl in satisfaction.

After a few seconds she felt a similar warmth wrapping around her,making her fuzzy on the inside.

Ren hasn't noticed her observing his qi coat,because those men were pretty close.While using the haki to keep an eye on them he unknowingly reached to the heavenly level of the soul,since he was observing someone several levels his own.

Feeling a bit of movement in his arms,he looked downward to see the girl observing his fire qi.Her gaze tiled towards him,and feeling a bit awkward,he made a gesture to keep quiet.

Seeing as the men were not paying attention to their location,he tried to quietly leave.But as karma would affirm,luck can take someone so far.

A large blast of qi started flying to their location.Ren using his qi started to form something similar to a multi layered shield.Using the dew seconds he acquired he started running to the exit.

The girl in his arms meanwhile stared at his face,since the fire qi just melted his mask(perk of a ninja suit).Looking at his face she blushed a bit,but since they were still in danger she wasn't allowed to think too deeply.

''Boom!!''Accompanied by a huge blast they

were sent flying...

I'm getting the hang of writing on phone.Still annoying but anyway.I'm mastering de dao of cliffhangers.Hope you're enjoying those.See ya!

mishagtcreators' thoughts