

I do not know how much time has passed.

I have seen the memories of the infinite timelines and lived the lives of all beings in them. Mortals and Immortals alike.

I have seen the fall of Asgard and the rise of Olympus. I have seen the beginning of Alulim's reign, and the demise of the Last Human.

"Is it done?" he asks me

"I believe so."

"Good."-it says-"The we can begin the next part."

Gathering my thoughts I turn to face him.

"I will be giving you my divinity. Do not worry, it won't take nearly as long as absorbing my reality."

Separating his soul from his primordial being, he allowed me to consume the ether his body was made of.

--------------------SYSTEM COMMENCING-----------------------

"Now, before you absorb my soul, I will give you a basic rundown of the creation system."

*groan*"System? Is this one of those annoying systems with personalities I read so much about?"

"Nay. Do not worry about that. While it's intelligent, it has no soul or personality. More of a supercomputer than alive."

"That's great. Thank you."

Gently grabbing onto my right shoulder he said.-"Now, think of an interface for it."

Thinking back to a game I used to play, Metroid Prime, I recalled its cool UI.

[*Ding* Interface created]

"Huh?"-looking to my right I exclaimed-"I didn't even choose it yet."

"But you thought of it. That's all it needed."

"I see. Well, Metroid Prime's UI was cool so I don't have a problem with that."

[Booting Up]

Suddenly, I saw a loading bar.


That didn't take very long at all.

[Hello, User. Welcome to the Creation System]

"Good, you have finally entered the system. This system will allow you to keeps tabs on your creations and to interact with other primordials. With this, you can see what you would call stats of your and other worlds and realities."-Lifting my hand, he continues-"Will for there to be a planet."

Doing as he said, an infinite amount of colorless strands made their way out of my hand and, just like before, started contorting on themselves. Almost instantly, a lone planet was created. Big enough that it would dwarf my birth planet by at least fifty times, yet still small enough to be overshadowed by the sun.

"Good. Now check its stats."

[Unnamed Planet] [Population: 0]

[ Created mere instants ago, this planet is 50 times bigger than Earth.

Mainly composed of rock and metals, it is placed in the Super-Earth section]

I see. Then what about the store feature?

[*Ding*Omniversal Store]

[Worlds] [Races] [Pantheons] [Laws] [Systems]

"Hey, what are these systems on the store?"

"Those are systems that regulate your reality. They can be systems of reincarnations or systems of hell. Things like that."

"I see. I think I understand the system now. What else do you have to teach me now?"

Releasing my shoulder and floating in front of my planet, he touched it with his finger and absorbed it.-"Hey! What are you doing?!"

"Giving you a blank canvas. Now there exists nothing but you and me here."- Rapidly approaching me, he continued-" I have nothing left to teach you, however, as your predecessor I shall grant you a new name. A name fit for a new Primordial."

Lowering its non-physical head as if inspecting me, he quickly found me a good name.

"Yes. You shall be named Udall, after one of my fallen brethren of the war. Adept with swords and spears, Udall was what inspired me to make the hoplites and the triarii. The bravest of warriors."

"Udall...A fine name. I will wear it with honor."

Spreading his arms open, my predecessor spoke for the final time-"Now, take the rest of my power."

And so I ate. I devoured his soul hungrily.

"*burp* A delicacy. I wonder, do all primordials taste like this?"

[*Ding*Points Acquired by having consumed (Nilios)= 180,000]

I guess these are used for the store, but I don't see the need to use them right now. I guess I'll save them for when the need arises.

Glancing at the void of non-existence I began to imagine all the possibilities.

"Well, time to work."

Bruh moment

tou_apercebercreators' thoughts