

I'm dead.

I'm sure of it.

...At least I think I am. Doesn't make much sense for me to have survived a point-blank gunshot to the back of my head.

However, this does bring me to my next point-Where am I? Why is everything so dark in here?

*crash*-"What the?!"

Turning around, I began looking in the direction that the sound had come from.

"Who are you?"

In front of me, a humanoid figure wrapped in cloth sat behind a table with chairs on both ends.

"Sit" he said

Strangely, I un-willingly began to move towards the chair. "Hey! What are you doing to me?! Why am I moving!?"

As if deaf, the man ignored my yells and waited for me to sit.

"Alright, I've sat down. What do you want?"

"I've chosen you to be my successor."

Successor? What was this mummy talking about?-" I'm sorry? What do you mean your successor?"

*sigh* " Listen, mortal. I am a Primordial, more specifically, the creator of this universe."

"...*snort* Sure you are buddy. As if God was a mummy, actually, have I told you that I'm an ath-"

Almost instantly, the self-appointed Creator raised one of his hands and twirled one of his fingers around. *boom*

Thundering clouds and strong winds began assaulting what I believed to be the endless void I was in.

My only reaction to this, and I'm ashamed to say this, was to scream like a little girl.-"AHHHHHH" Knocking down my seat by quickly getting on my feet, I began running in another direction."WHAT'S GOING ON. WHY CAN'T I JUST DIE IN PEACE?!"

A few meters in front of me, the being began to materialize alongside a giant door.

"You can't die. Your apotheosis has already begun. You are absorbing the whole of the universe as we speak to make your divinity grow."

With another twirl of his finger, I was violently dragged towards the door.

"If this helps you believe me, then enjoy the ride."

*creak* The giant door quickly opened and I was forcefully pulled into it.


Pyramids, farming land, trees, and on the horizon a massive desert.

This was Egypt. I knew it was, I mean, I had once visited it a few years back.

...But this was not the Egypt I knew.

Looking downwards, I could see thousands of people pulling enormous blocks of limestone, with what seemed to be rich architects giving them orders.

"This...Isn't this A..."

"Ancient Egypt, yes." Cutting me off, the mummy made itself known once again.-" They are building the Pyramid of Ahmose. The last of its kind."

Suddenly the pyramids all began to disappear until only one remained.-"And this was when they were building the Pyramid of Netjerikhet, better known as the Pyramid of Djoser. The first one of its kind."

"...How can you be so casual about this? Are you truly the creator of the universe?" I had no better explanation for this, I mean, we just casually time-traveled to at least 2600 B.C.

"Do you understand now?"-with the blink of an eye we were once again back at the void, sitting on each end of the table-"If you are ready to listen to me, that would make this a whole lot easier."

"Well, I still have my doubts. I could be having a hallucination as my mind is dying, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt."

I could it smiling through its darkened cloth.-"Great. It all started when I was born. A first-generation Primordial. There were many others like me, with a handful being more powerful than the rest of us."-*sigh*-" However, after the great war of the primordials, we all went into a resting state. Whilst recovering, however, some of us discovered that they had started a universe of their own. Product of our energy seeping out of our immortal bodies."- stretching his hands towards me, colorless strands began twirling and contorting on themselves until they formed a tiny universe.-" As soon as everyone figured out the reason for this, the warring mostly stopped. The majority of us began to create our very own realities and universes."-clamping his hand shut, the universe began to implode-" ...But the opposing factions of the stronger ones created a ranking system. One that claimed whoever had the stronger reality would be supreme among ourselves, and whoever fell into the lowest...would be eliminated."

"And I assume you fall into the latter?"

"...Yes. I have been too complacent. This universe has existed for 13.8 billion years, and most of them were unattended by me. I have left nature to take its course and it has done nothing more than greatly reduce my power. Life is still scarce throughout the multiverse, and your world destroys itself due to one of my youngest creations. The Humans. I had placed my last hopes on you all. Made you in my divine image. I had even made numerous amounts of gods to lead you during your infancy, though they no longer exist...and yet you still failed."

Well, this is awkward. I'm listening to God scolding the Human race. Wich, I'm a part of. Still interesting to hear though.

"So, where do I come into the picture then?"

"Ah, yes. I have randomly selected one of the most creative humans on the planet and you were picked to be my last foolish bet. I will give you everything I have, with only one wish. Please use these powers better than I have."

"...Alright. I will make your wish come true. I will rise through the ranks of the gods and make myself known."

"Good."-as he said this, the void disappeared and we were left to float amid the stars.-" Ready yourself."

"Hm? Ready myself for wh-"Suddenly, I watched as the universe itself began to rapidly make its way into myself-" WHAT'S HAPPENING?"

"You're absorbing all of creation. All of the infinite timelines of the ever-expanding universe. They will soon be transformed into power inside of you. I will be here with you until it fully assimilates."

Bruh moment

tou_apercebercreators' thoughts