

Dimensional Rift


Naruto "Kurama what has happened to Kaguya and other tailed beasts where are they " .

Kurama "Brat the tailed beasts are reforming it will take some time before they reformed and as for Kaguya look there!" he pointed at a directon.

Naruto looked at the direction Kurama pointed at and saw two huge black gates which had chains on them and had a really creepy pictures on it he asked his companion "So Kaguya is behind that door "

Kurama "yes she is caged there and you should be able to handle her after training, your training so far has been lacking "

Naruto shouted "what do you mean i beat pain , i beat you didnt i" Kurama "you beat pain because he wanted you alive and even then you nearly lost yourself in my power if not for your father & as for you beating me you only beat my yang half and that too with the help of your mother's special chakra which has sealing properties if not you would have lost"

Naruto got silent and looked down and thought back on all the fights he had and how many times he had to rely on Kurama's chakra to survive from Sasuke to Pain and even against Madara in all the fights he pulled through only because of his help "

Kurama "Brat dont go emo on me !" Naruto comically shouted " Hey just because i got sharingan does not mean i would go emo like the Uchicha " Kurama laughed "Thats the brat i know who had the guts to demand rent from a tailed beast ! Now i am not saying you dont have talent it just has not been explored , tell me naruto if you made 365 clones in a day and had them train 15 days in just chakra control all day long how much training would you get"

Naruto got contemplative and thought to himself that and whispered"15 years "

Kurama got a shine in his eyes "yes 15 years of just chakra control who could have that much time for just chakra control and while your clones do chakra control , you can do physical exercises and with regeneration factor from me and the healing ability you got from six path chakra will allow fast results. Then just your physical parameters would allow you to go toe to toe with Tsunade and Sakura & as you now have both sun and moon seal your understanding of chakra would have skyrocked"

Naruto "yosh Kurama i am getting all fired up " Kurama " First brat you have to practice Banbutsu Sōzō no Jutsu so you dont die of hunger ! although once you have gotten control over all your powers you would have a tug of chakra like you had with me with Kaguya then you would not have to worry about eating and drinking anything ever again "

Naruto tilted his head and had question marks on his head "what do you mean i would not have to worry about eating and drinking after chakra tug of war with Kaguya "

Kurama "she is immortal brat when you get her chakra her essence will mix with your life force and and you will be also a immortal as in not die of old age & not need to eat but dont get a big head you can still be killed and thats why we are training. "

Naruto "ok lets get started " Kurama " First brat i am sending sealing knowledge into your brain so get your clones to practice it "

Naruto was surprised "Kurama you have sealing knowledge " Kurama "brat i was there when sealing was invented so how could i not know and i was then sealed inside Mito Uzumaki she was so powerful she sealed me inside her & its just basics"

Naruto was surprised at the respectful tone asked Kurama " but my father also sealed you didnt he"

Kurama replied "he did seal me inside you brat only because he summoned The Shinigami now enough talking make 730 clones brat "

Naruto made 730 clones and 365 were practicing creation of all things and the rest 365 were practicing making seals, after 3 days he was proficient enough in creating things to not go hungry and he had created a gravity seal which he applied on his body and he deactivated his seal after getting 5x and 10x gravity level of seal and sparred with his clones to get used to his new strength & speed , he had his clones practicing all his Kekkei Genkai and Kekkei Mōra and sage of Six Paths powers and with 730 clones training all day for two months he got 119 years of training, he made his own new jutsu some original and some he saw other shinobi use and he knew how to use them without any handseals and he was on level 30x gravity on his body and was using all his bloodline limits like had them all his life.

As Kurama looked at his host training he saw a shinobi who will surpass his father The Sage Of Six Paths and all who have come before he thought to himself " Watch out world a brand new Uzumaki Naruto is coming and all who come in his way will be swept away in this maelstorm. "

Any suggestion for the first world as i was thinking of bleach and then one piece.

And is lenght of the chapter ok should i increase it?

DaoOfWebNovelcreators' thoughts