
New Powers

Jūshirō Ukitake and Shunsui Kyōraku were both among the oldest shinigami in soul society and they were also the students of the Captain Commander but even they were not immune to the sheer weight of Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto's reiatsu as they stood against him.

Yamamoto spoke " Come little ones" as he started walking towards both the captains and as Ukitake was speaking "Yamamoto sensei" But Yamamoto lifted his wooden cane which disappeared in fire and revealed a sword he then told both the captains " Its too late for talking ! Draw your swords." he discarded the haori draped on his back and his upper Shihakushō revealing a very muscular body and there were many scars on his torso and head, the two most prominent being a pair of long, perpendicular scars above his right eye and he intoned "Reduce All Creation to Ash Ryūjin Jakka."

Both Captains were affected by the increased spiritual pressure which can be felt for miles upon miles across all of the Seireitei by the release of the most powerful and oldest fire-type Zanpakutō in existence.

As Yamamoto was walking towards them he was kicked in the head and launched into some tree's as Naruto appeared , he lifted both his hand high and said "yosh score 1 for team Naruto."

Ukitake was shocked to see the strange boy launch his sensei by a kick which was nigh impossible as his battle and situational awareness was very high and it was difficult to get a drop on him as he was looking at the scene Shunsui got his attention "Ukitake look at his waist."

Ukitake looked at the boy's waist he saw a Zanpakutō on him and he was even more bewildered.

Naruto turned around and gave them both a thumbs up and they both looked at each other and nervously gave him a thumbs up back.

From the trees a large amount of fire spread and from between the fire Yamamoto walked he had a cut on his left side of his face & he had a grave look on his face , he looked towards Naruto and said "Boy it has been a long time i have been injured and first time i have been injured from a runt of your age ! speak who are you and how did you come in soul society."

Naruto pointed towards himself and shouted "I am the one and the only Uzumaki Naruto sama, the number one surprising ninja ."

Yamamoto replied "Ninja eh ! Whirlpool of maelstrom, strong name boy."

He then appeared in front of Naruto and spoke Ikkotsu and punched with his right hand which Naruto blocked with his left hand palm but was thrown back and had to take 2,3 steps back to disperse the force of the punch and was surprised that he had to take even a single step back.

Yamamoto was even more surprised as Ikkotsu is a Hakuda technique, he was astonished that the Uzumaki had bore the the full might of his punch and was not even a little bit injured.

Naruto the unsheathed the sword on his waist and upon seeing the Zanpakutō , Yamamoto raised his spiritual pressure further and questioned him "boy where did you got that Zanpakutō? "

Naruto got a soft smile on his face he lifted the sword up to his face and whispered "she is Sokyoku, and she was lonely on that hill, you people kept her sealed away and only released her for executions so i asked her if she wanted to come with me & she agreed" he then got a serious face and was upon Yamamoto in a instant and swung the sword downward to cut him in half , Yamamoto bought Ryūjin Jakka up and blocked Naruto's strike and Naruto kicked him in the chest and Yamamoto was thrown backwards as soon as he stabilized his balance Naruto was once again upon him this time as he swung for Yamamoto's head but was forced to step back put some distance between them when Yamamoto spoke "Taimatsu (torch)" which created a great inferno with a wave of Ryūjin Jakka which he directed towards Naruto.

As the the inferno was coming towards Naruto he raised his Zanpakutō Straight in the sky and released his hold on but it kept floating as he spoke "My turn Cleanse all Evil In Universe Kikōō ( Blaze Fledgling King) " he also started releasing a spiritual pressure matching Yamamoto , the Sokyoku turned into energy and went towards Naruto where it turned into a Silver haori which had a lifelike phoenix on the back proudly raising his wings.

The Captain Commander and Jūshirō Ukitake and Shunsui were shocked to see him display Shikai as he had just got a Zanpakutō , as the inferno arrived at where Naruto was standing he did not move from the place the trees , grass and even the ground was scorched by the fire, as the fire receded Naruto was still standing at the place he looked at Yamamoto and smirked "Old man i am perhaps the worst opponent for you after getting the Sokyoku as its Shikai gives me a passive ability where fire and heat type of energy heals me and fills my reserves as a phoniex fire is only beneficial to me. "

Yamamoto's eyes were wide open but not believing Naruto he spoke again "Jokaku Enjo" which created an immense wall of flame, which surrounded Naruto before forming a huge sphere of flame in which to imprison him. Naruto looked the wall of flames and just walked past the sphere of flame , the fire not harming him in the slightest he looked at Yamamoto and spoke "what now Old man".

Shunsui looked at Ukikate and spoke in a astonished tone "Its the perfect counter for the Ryūjin Jakka."

Yamamoto looked at Naruto and spoke " I am Captain Commander for a reason & I have been been the only Captain Commander in soul society all this time because no other shinigami was born in all the thousand years to rival me in strength, just because Sokyoku can counter Ryūjin Jakka does not mean you can get ahead of yourself Gaki. " He used Bakudō #9 Horin which generates an orange-hued tendril with spiraling yellow patterns, which ensnares and immobilizes the target as the tendril of the energy was coming towards Naruto looked at coming tendril and pointed his palm at it and spoke "Storm Release; Laser Circus" which released several beams of energy and destroyed Horin and forced Yamamoto to dodge, Naruto cancelled his jutsu and spoke "Old man i can also fire energy beams now what."

My first Fight Scene was it okay?

Technique's and there descriptions taken from wikia.






DaoOfWebNovelcreators' thoughts