
New Enemies

While he was making his seal and mindscape defence's he also had his clone"s keep an eye on the Ichigo and his friends living their lives.

Some day while a Naruto's clone was keeping an eye on Ichigo who was killing a hollow he saw Ichigo encounter a shinigami which was assigned for the area, what was interesting about that meeting was that as Ichigo showed his badge as seal of approval but the other shinigami didn't recognized it so either the shinigami forgot about the badge or something was wrong with the badge.

While Ichigo was talking with the other shinigami he was attacked by some other man by the name of Hirako who summoned a hollow's mask and gave Ichigo some spiel about being a shinigami who crossed in the domain of hollow and was now called a visored and that Ichigo was the same kind as them, while this was happening another one of Naruto's clone saw Ichigo's body which had some kind of artificial soul taking control of it was also attacked by a hollow and saved by Ichigo's father.

Ichigo in his shinigami form felt the huge reiatsu of his father but he didn't recognize it leading Naruto to believe that Ichigo had no knowledge that his father was a shinigami, as soon as Ichigo left from where he sensed the reiatsu Naruto's clone which was keeping an eye on the situation punched Hirako who was standing in the air sending him down on a building roof Hirako looked at Naruto "and who are you punk" Naruto said nothing as Hirako sighed and got up and dusted his clothes and suddenly tried to slash at Naruto but his attack was stopped by Naruto grabbing his Zanpakutō with two fingers and spartan kicking Hirako who was thrown some distance back as he stopped himself in mid air he was coughing up blood , he got angry and summoned his visored mask and tried to attack Naruto again only to find that Naruto was nowhere in sight, he then felt some one standing back to back with him as Naruto commented "dont play mind games with Ichigo! i will be keeping an eye on you" while raising his chakra and focusing on Hirako felt the pressure level of a captain and turned around immediately only to once again find himself alone.

Some distance in a alley was the Naruto clone who was laughing" It was so much fun acting like Kakashi sensei all hip and cool, i should dispel so boss can get my memories".

Naruto was surprised by his clone's memories but he went back to training, for the next few days Ichigo was mopping and Naruto who wanted nothing to do with angst after dealing with Sasuke left him alone and after completing his seal he went to the house of Orihime with whom he had became friends with in Soul Society and rang the bell.

Orihime opened the door of her house to find Naruto standing outside "AH Naruto kun where were you for the past 2 weeks " Naruto sheepishly rubbed the back of head " Orihime chan i was busy with settling in this world it is very different from my world" Orihime looked at his face as he got a sombre look on his face while talking about his world and hugged him Orihime spoke kindly "Naruto kun don't be sad" Naruto was at first surprised with the hug but eventually hugged her back and spoke softly"Orihime chan! Thank you" While he did not show it or even liked to dwell upon it Naruto was affected by leaving his world behind and Orihime was the only one he felt connected to in this world aside from Unohana But while Orihime felt like a younger sister, he felt something deeper for Unohana.

They were about to step inside when they felt a massive spiritual pressure engulfing the whole town Naruto rubbed the top of Orihime's head and spoke "Stay here I will take care of it" Orihime seeing the serious look on face looked reluctant but nodded at him, he then went towards the location from where he felt the spiritual pressure and appeared there in a instant, he saw some people dead in the woods and two men who had hole in their bodies like a hollow standing there and one of them was about to kick a girl in karate gi who appeared to be only surviver here Naruto appeared in front of the girl and caught the kick.

Yami looked at human who had caught his leg and tried to free his leg but was unsuccessful he looked toward Ulquiorra and asked "Is he special" Ulquiorra spoke in a monotone "If you paid attention! you will know that Aizen sama warned us about him."

Naruto looked at the girl who looked ready to keel over and looked around at all the people dead seeing this he got a dark look on face, a clone appeared who carried the girl and disappeared from the area ,as soon as the clone was gone Naurto whispered in a angry voice "Unforgivable"and he lifted Yami's whole body up by the leg and slammed him down once,twice,thrice and he kept at it till he slammed the human looking hollow 10 time's as he had also lowered his gravity seals from 105 to 100 the strength available to him was greater then Gai had upon opening 4 gates.

He dropped the body of Yami who looked unconscious in the crater he made and looked at the Ulquiorra and asked "why are you here" Ulquiorra replied in his monotone voice"Aizen Sama wanted to take a look at Ichigo Kurosaki's potential" Naruto had by now gotten all information about Aizen and for him Aizen was no different than Orochimaru so Naruto took a step forward and appeared on the top Yami's body and allowed Sokyoku to appear in his hand unsheathed, he then proceeded to drop it allowing it to impale Yami he then Intoned while looking Ulquiorra in eyes"Cleanse all Evil In Universe Kikōō ( Blaze Fledgling King)" the Sokyoku stayed as a sword this time & didn't turn into a haori but instead just caught on silver fire which incinerated Yami.

Ulqiorra's eyes widened a little at the series of event which happened in some seconds and then he felt Reiatsu of three captain level opponent's coming towards this location so he decided to retreat and opened a Garganta and was about to step in when he felt a pressure of new kind of energy which he didn't recognize and was brought to his knees.

It was Naruto who saw same hole in front of him by which the teme Aizen escaped, so he raised his chakra to One tail's level and focused it on the hollow and was about to kill him also but he was interrupted by Chad appearing the area, Ulqiorra taking advantage of the momentary lapse in Naruto's concentration sonido'ed inside the Garganta.

Yoruichi appeared with Kisuke in the area, looking at the crater and the dead people in the area asked Naruto "Boya what happened here" Naruto was about to reply when Ichigo also came running in while shouting "Chad what happened."

Naruto sighed and explained to them about everything which had occurred.

The story will now pick up the pace!

DaoOfWebNovelcreators' thoughts