
Infiltrating & Rescue

It was a tense atmosphere at the Orihime's house, Naruto had pinned both Zaraki and Byakuya face down on the floor by the pressure of his chakra which he kept increasing.

The silence was broken by the sound of Unohona appearing and she walked up to Naruto and put a hand on his shoulder which calmed him down his chakra pressure vanished and he took a deep breath and spoke in a quite tone " I am not angry that you were not able to protect Orihime, the blame of it falls on me too. I got lax in here security after one month of no attacks but what i a angry about is that you are just leaving her in Aizen's hand and you are even ordering her friends to abandon her, One thing my sensei told me that has always stuck with me is that 'those who break the rules are trash but those who abandon's comrades is worse than trash" As Naruto was leaving he was suddenly attacked by Zaraki from the back but Naruto just tilted his head and allowed the sword to pass through empty air and he backhanded Zaraki oh his jaw which launched him in the Senkaimon from which they came through.

It was quiet for a while after Naruto left, Yamamoto broke the silence by smacking his cane on the ground which got every one's attention he ordered Byakuya to take the other shinigami and come back immediately, Unohana looked towards the direction from which Naruto had left for a while but she also left while telling Ikkaku to grab Zaraki who was unconscious.

It was one day later Naruto was standing on the top of a building with his eyes closed after some seconds he opened his eyes and spoke in his mind "Kurama it has been a day but i could not find a single hollow in the town" Kurama replied back "Naruto without a hollow you can not go to the Hueco Mundo with your Haraishin or Kamui as you don't know the location, i think you should go to that Urahara fellow maybe he will have a way " listening to Kurama Naruto jumped down from the building and teleported right outside of the Urahara's shop to find Kisuke waiting for him.

Kisuke seeing Naruto appearing looked at him and spoke "ara ara you are late Uzumaki kun, Ichigo and his friends have already left for Hueco Mundo" Naruto with a serious looked on his face and spoke "show me".

____Las Noches____

When Naruto appeared it seems most of the fighting was winding down after going towards the location from where he felt the reiatsu of the Orihime.

Naruto while running spoke to Kurama "It seems i was wasting time searching for a hollow to come here, i can even feel the captains reiatsu here it seems they came here after all" Aizen's voice was heard all over the Hueco Mundo how he closed the garganta and was going to the Karakura town.

Naruto sped up and arrived at the tower from where he felt Orihime's was, only to see Ulquiorra in a new form he had wings ,tails and horns and his spiritual pressure felt stronger, looking closely he saw Ulquiorra was holding Ichigo by neck with his tail and was gathering energy in his hand.

Naruto took a step and appeared in front of Ulquiorra and grabbed his hand which was gathering energy and pointed towards the wall, which was blown away by the attack.

A clone appeared and took Ichigo to Orihime to heal him as Ichigo was badly injured, the real Naruto who was holding the hand of Ulquiorra was blasted away by a kick straight to the gut as he was mid air Ulquiorra appeared atop him and launched a cero at his face, Naruto saw the cero and tried to dodge it but he was only partially successful as he was thrown on the floor by the force of cero kicking up alot of dust and making a crater, Ulquiorra saw Naruto getting up from the crater he was fine aside from a long cut on his cheek.

Naruto was standing up as Ulquiorra appeared in front of him trying to punch him which Naruto stopped and he punched back which Ulquiorra stopped, they tried to over power each other in a show of strength but the were both equally matched, Naruto was launched into air once again colliding with a broken pillar of stone as Ulquiorra attacked with a Cero Oscuras from his tail as Naruto was standing up Ulquiorra attacked with Lanza del Relámpago which creates a javelin-like weapon using his spiritual power which he threw straight at Naruto's heart.

Naruto appeared to have been stabbed in the heart but he looked at Ulquiorra and grinned " Gotcha" and poofed up in smoke.

Naruto appeared from behind Ulquiorra and launched Adamantine sealing chains which Ulquiorra dodged while flying but as the chains grew in number it became difficult to dodge so he was caught by the chains which forced him in his base by sealing and supressing his energy.

Naruto brought Ulquiorra towards himself and spoke "It seems you are pretty powerful to dispel my improved version of shadow clone" Ulquiorra was surprised he questioned "A clone" Naruto grinned and spoke up "I switched myself with the clone when i rescued Ichigo, Ulquiorra realized that the Naruto who took Ichigo to Orihime to heal was the real one.

Naruto brought out Sokyoku and decapitated Ulquiorra , walked towards Orihime and put a hand on her head and asked in a soft tone "are you okay Orihime" Orihime hugged him and started to crying quietly, Naruto was about to speak when they heard Ichigo groan and saw that he was coming to consciousness.

Ichigo sat up and shouted "Orihime" which had Orihime blushing and Naruto grinning, Ichigo turned around and saw Orihime standing with Naruto he got up and pointed towards Naruto and shouted "Baka where were you we searched for you before coming to Hueco Mundo" Naruto got a sheepish look on his face and replied "I was searching for a hollow in the town so i could force it to open a Garganta but i couldn't find one then i remembered that Kisuke and went to asked him if he knew a way" Ichigo was speechless listening to Naruto as he was about to shout at him for wasting time like that he remembered about Ulquiorra and looked around and asked "where is Ulquiorra i was fighting him"

Orihime spoke up "Naruto oniichan defeated him it was like boom boom then shroom then Naruto Oniichan used his cool looking chains and and" She was interrupted from continuing further by Ishida who came running in.