
Discussions & Decisions

At Sokyoku Hill

After the the gap in the sky closed many shinigami came to help and heal the injured, Naruto saw that there was a guy who looked liked a noble injured and had a white coat on him , he guessed that the white coat was a sign of position as the Old man also had one & as he looked around Naruto saw a girl with awesome orange hair who was healing a guy who got his arm cut off at first it seemed like it was time reversal but as he paid more attention he realized it was not something simple as time reversal,she was doing something else.

As he was about to open his dojutsu and analyze her power a beautiful women came flying on a creature, she was looking very kind and motherly but Naruto felt endless bloodless hidden in her kind visage she must have felt his gaze as she turned to look at him. He waved at her with a nervous smile she returned his wave and went towards the noble guy and checked his injuries, it seemed like no matter the universe it was rule that the medics have to be scary.

Yamamoto looked at him and came towards him and Naruto asked "what do you want old man." Yamamoto had a vein throbbing in his head at the tone of the boy but he controlled himself and told Naruto "You can not leave seireitei today and in the morning after i sort out this mess we will talk" Naruto tilted his head and gave a thumbs up replied "you got it old man i will sight see today! as you seem to be pretty busy i will get out of your hair" As Naruto was going he stopped and turned around and asked in a very serious tone "Old man do you have ramen here" Yamamoto raised his spiritual pressure at Naruto causing him to running away ! as he ran away Yamamoto sighed, he then signaled with his finger and a figure appeared behind him to whom he ordered " Keep a eye on him and inform me if does something suspicious."

It was now night time and Naruto was tired as he had been touring the place all day as he jumped at a wall he saw the beautiful lady sitting alone with a tea pot and looking at the moon, again as she felt his gaze she looked at him and gestured at him so he went and set beside her and introduced himself "I am Uzumaki Naruto nice to meet you medic lady " she smiled at him and introduced herself "Nice to meet you too! and its not medic lady, I am Unohana Retsu." Unohana then asked him "so what are you doing here so late at night " Naruto got a sheepish look on face "Ah i was looking fr a place to sleep as i got here through that portal today" Unohana smiled and replied "you can stay here at the 4th division for the night " Naruto turned towards her and asked "oh and what is the 4th division" Unohana was startled for a second ,she then explained to him all about the Gotei 13 and their positions, after explaining it she looked at him and asked so "Uzumaki kun now how did you got here" Naruto face got a serious look and he replied "ah ! I was in a war and fighting the mastermind but he had a spacetime technique which sent me to a new universe" Unohana felt while not telling the full story, what he told was truthful and she commented "Hmm a different Universe! it must be difficult being in a new world all alone" Naruto smiled softly "While i do miss all my friends but i know as long as i have them in my heart i will not be alone they will be always be with me." Unohana looked at him and smiled softly and then continued looking at the moon.

Naruto got up and then spoke up "Unohana chan! Once again it was nice meeting you and thank you for letting me stay the night " he then bowed lightly and left to sleep, Unohana startled at been called chan and looked at his back as he was leaving and mused to herself "Uzumaki Naruto hmm"

In the morning Naruto met with Yamamoto and told him same thing he told Unohana ,Captain Commander Yamamoto thought to himself and the spoke with Naruto "Uzumaki as you are still amongst the living so i can give you two options you can either stay here for now or go with the ryoka to the living world." Naruto spoke after a while "can i think on it" Yamamoto replied back "You have time till ryoka heal and leave, at that time you can either stay in soul society or leave with them for the living world understood" Naruto suddenly saluted him "Sir Yes Sir" and left, Yamamoto took a deep breath "New world! him appearing at this time will it be in the favor of soul society?" and got a pensive look on face.

It was a week later we find Ichigo and his friends getting ready to leave as Rukia decided to stay in soul society, Naruto spent most his time in soul society with captain Unohana and rest of the time running away from huge battle junky known as Kenpachi because as he came to know that Naruto had fought Captain Commander and survived he came and pestered him about a fight.

Naruto was getting ready to leave "Unohana chan thank you for allowing me stay at 4th division during my stay in soul society. "

Unohana smiled and spoke " Now take care of yourself Naruto kun" she then looked really scary and spoke "eat something else beside ramen doctor's order" Naruto couldn't do anything beside shaking his head up and down.

Naruto saw that orange boy and his companions were saying their goodbyes and he went towards

them as during this one week he head gotten to know them really well except the orange boy as he was somewhere else most of the time, he turned and waved towards Unohana one more time and left for this Universe's Living world.

Were character interactions okay! because i felt it was a little awkward, any suggestion.

DaoOfWebNovelcreators' thoughts