
The Supreme Colour

Dust cleared away and both the fighters stood fixated at the position of the impact. None backing an inch. Their powers were equal. But


A dent appeared on Skuller's gloves. Little by little the fissure grew covering the whole gloves and then with a crack, the gloves broke and fell down on the ground.

"What the?" Skuller thought. He couldn't believe that his prized weapon broke. Skuller looked at Luffy who had already extended his fists to the back preparing for a second attack.

"No, don't. Stop"

"Gum Gum Bazooka"

There was no stopping Luffy now. The palms hit Skuller right in the chest, sending him flying away into the sea. He was not coming back anymore.

Luffy watched as Skuller flew away and then, Thud! He fell down. He was exhausted. He had been running and fighting all this while now. And now, the fatigue hit him.

The pirates watched in horror as their monstrous of a captain was defeated. The little boy who was beating them blue and black has now defeated their last hope.

Seth stood on the deck, looking at the exhausted Luffy.

(He really did it. I am not surprised. After all, he does defeat a lot stronger foes. This feeling of seeing him stand up against an enemy by my own two eyes is kinda new.)

(I really hope I had been the one defeating the captain but can't do anything about it, right? I am still weak)

He laughed by the end of the thought. He was a little jealous of the main protagonist but it was more directed towards his own helplessness than the other's strength.

He looked around to see the consequences of the battle. The ship was in no shape, there were cracks and holes all the over the place. There was no way it was sailing again. Seth sat near Luffy and smiled "Good job."

Luffy opened his eyes and smiled "Hehehe"

"Let me help you."

He picked Luffy up on his back, like a piggyback ride and as he got down from the ship, he was surrounded by pirates on all sides. The pirates who were knocked out earlier seemed to have regained their senses.

"He is exhausted now. Let's defeat him for the captain" One of the pirates shouted.

"Yes" "Yeah" others shouted and one by one, pirates started charging.

(What is with this stupid camaraderie among the pirates? Shouldn't the enemies just dissolve after the main boss is defeated?)

That is what usually happens in anime but it didn't seem to be the case in reality.

Seth retaliated but he was getting pushed back. First, there were too many opponents. Second, he had a knocked out ally on his shoulders who he had to protect at all costs. Third, there was no way out and at the back was sea and falling into it was the worst nightmare for any devil fruit user.

"Hold on tight Luffy"

Seth slashed both his hands, sending dozens of feathers at the approaching enemies.



Enemies hit by it fell down. Using this chance, Seth used full force to strike the enemies in front and made a run.

-:- Scene Change -:-

The tension in the hall was high. They had just heard a terrible news. Luffy was fighting the enemy captain.

"Why does that boy has to go and fight the captain? The entire family's the same. Not a single one can stay put" Woop Slap rebuked. Woop Slap remembered how Garp would run into dangers without a shred of hesitation.

"Are we just going to leave him to his fate?" an old man approached the mayor.

"Johnny?" the mayor looked puzzlingly at his long time friend.

"I have been thinking this for a while now. Are we just going to run away and hide, letting those pirates loot our homes any way they want? Now that they have done it once, they will do it again. Just how many times can we run away?"

"But we are just common people. What else can we do? It is the job of Marines to stop the pirates. All we can do is save our lives and let the Marines take care of them" one of the elders commented.

"That is what gives those pirates the guts to do it over and over again. And Marines? Where are the Marines? By the time they reach the village, it will be all over. If we want to live in this Pirate Age, we need to fight. It doesn't matter how weak we are, with the combined strength of the entire village, if the village fights as one, those pirates won't dare to oppose us. At the very least, we can stall for time for the Marines to arrive. That boy dares to go against the entire crew all alone. And we as the grown ups are scared for our lives. Isn't it too cowardly?" Uncle Johnny looked at Woop Slap and gently held his shoulder with his right hand "So Mayor, what do you think?"

Woop Slap had no answer. It was not just about him. Going with the advice would mean putting everyone's life in danger. But just hiding will result in more attacks in the future. The victory will give the entire village a morale that will allow them to fight fearlessly in the future but defeat would mean massacre.

Woop Slap looked at everyone in the hall for answer, for he himself had none.

-:- Scene Change -:-

Seth was still running carrying Luffy on his back and the enemies were still chasing him. His speed had protected him till now but how long can he keep this up? The longer it went, the harder it became for him to dodge their attacks. He would get flanked, attacked, shot but Seth would still find a way to escape the worst by dodging or using his feathers.

And Luffy didn't seem like he could stand anytime soon.

(I can't even bring him to the mountains. The pirates will just chase us there. But then where should I go? If only I can find some way to -)

Seth fell down dropping Luffy on the ground. He could feel something wet around his waist. He looked back to see a pirate lowering the gun.

(I was shot!!!!)

An attack of that level shouldn't normally be a threat because of his Zoan abilities but all this running and confusion might have lowered his defenses.

The pirates who were chasing caught up to him.


He stood up. The pain from the wound was getting unbearable. The pirate raised gun for another shot but was hit by the feather. Seth hardened his muscles and fought whoever came near him.

Slash! Slash! Slash!

He killed a few but the numbers were too many for him to single handedly manage.

The pain was eating him up from the inside, the fatigue from the running and fighting was tiring him out and the enemies attacking non stop was rising his tension, but he still continued. There was no other way. If he stops for even a second, both he and Luffy would die.

A few enemies left him and went after Luffy but Seth jumped and kicked them away.

(Damn, damn, damn)

He could feel his body giving up. His reflexes were starting to grow slow.

(If only I was stronger)

He cried silently.

There wasn't any stop to the enemies. He was starting to get injured. Punch, slash and shots, he was bleeding all over. But still, he went on.


Just then a kick to his stomach sent him flying to the wall nearby and he fell to the ground.

"Ouch" Seth sat crouching, holding his waist.

"Kill the other guy first. It will be dangerous if he wakes up. This guy is as good as dead" the pirate in the front ordered the one beside him.

(They are going after Luffy!)

Seth tried standing but fell down. There was no strength left in him.

(No, no, no)

The enemy approached Luffy who was laying unconscious on the ground. He lifted the pistol and as he was about to pull the trigger,


Seth shouted at the top of his lungs.

Just then something happened. A strange phenomena. Every one present there, every pirate, fell down. White foam came out of their mouths and their eyes had turned white. Whoever was close-by, hundreds of pirates were knocked out in a second.