

"Gum Gum Whip"

"Gum Gum Bazooka"

"Gum Gum Gattling Gun"

Seth sighed as he looked at a single person destroying nearly ten enemies with each move. Luffy jumped all around defeating anyone near him. The enemies were half scared half confused, not even being able to stop Luffy for a second.

(I need to rest for now. Even Luffy will be tired after the fight with the boss. At least, by then, I will recuperate a little.)

Though Luffy will be a lot stronger in the future, the current boy was someone who hadn't even started his adventure, let alone enter the Grand Line. So, he is a lot weaker now. Hundred or two hundred wouldn't matter, but there were a thousand enemies here and on top of that, there was the notorious captain.

Seth sat leaning on a wall nearby, closing his eyes, saving as much energy as he could.

-:- Scene Change -:-

The village hall. Villagers were crowding the hall while a bunch of persons were discussing something.

One of the person looked at the old man in the middle and asked "What should we do?"

The old man wore oval glasses and held a cane. On his head was a hat and had a thick moustache and goatee on his chin. The old man was the Mayor of the village, Woop Slap and in the original story, would regularly criticize Luffy's achievements in contrast to villagers' happiness. But he had a good heart and cared for the Luffy the same as all others, just that he didn't have a good impression of pirates.

The old man stroked his beard "Che! What can we do? The villagers should run to the mountains and hide until the pirates leave."

Makino who was listening close-by was feeling sorry for not giving away the alcohol to the pirates in the morning. If she had just done that things wouldn't have escalated this far. All these villagers were facing this crisis because of her.

"I am very very sorry" Makino bowed to the village chief "I only wanted to avoid trouble but my ignorance led to this problem."

"You are not at fault here. It is in pirate's nature to loot others. This is the outcome of this cursed Pirate Age."

"Shouldn't the marines have arrived from the base nearby?" One of the persons in the group asked.

"I did sent a call for help. But it may take a while. Still, for everyone's safety, it is better we move the villagers to the mountains."

"Mayor! Mayor!" A young man came running into the hall.

"What is it this time?"

"It's Luffy. He is fighting the pirate captain."


Everyone in the hall were shocked. No one had expected this turn of events. Even though they knew Luffy was strong but fighting against a pirate captain, and that too against someone so famous, they knew it wouldn't end well.

-:- Scene Change -:-

Skuller was enjoying the view of the burning houses. No matter how many times, he did this, it was still amusing.

"This way everyone will know who the Great Skuller is. Just how strong the Red Skull Pirates are. Huh? What is that?"

Something seemed to fly over to him. At first, he thought it was a cannon ball fired at them but it didn't seem so.


Something crashed the mast of ship before falling on the deck. There lied a person, a pirate, collapsed without any sense.

Skuller was fueled with anger once again "Who the hell dare to oppose us again?"

As if answering his shout, five pirates fell on the ground and behind them emerged a young boy wearing a straw hat. The boy looked at Skuller and held two posts with his hands and propelled himself onto the ship. More accurately at Skuller.



Luffy used the force to launch a stamp but Skuller countered with full force punch. Luffy jumped back and landed on the ship.

"This boy. He is the one with the devil fruit abilities" Skuller muttered to himself "He dares to go against me again."

"You may have lived if you had escaped but not anymore. Came directly to challenge me, huh? This is the biggest mistake you have done in your life. And your punishment is death" he announced.

Skuller dashed and punched but Luffy jumped to the side. But Skuller did not stop. He unleashed punch after punch but Luffy dodged them all.

"So what if you are quick? It still won't do a thing." Skuller released a punch with full force. Luffy dodged it but was blown away by the aftershock.

"Ha ha ha. See these gloves are something special made for me. It can create shocks depending on how much force I put in the punch."

Luffy stood back up. Though there may not seem to be any injury, the shock did shook his internals.

"Oho, still getting back up, doesn't matter I will finish you up with the next one."

"Hah-ah! That hurts" Luffy huffed looking at Skuller preparing his next attack. But he wouldn't take it lying down.

The barrages arrived, each holding a destructive power enough to punch a hole through human flesh. But Luffy dashed dodging the punches by paper thin margins. The punches missing their target ran straight destroying the floors and walls of the ship.

Stamp! Stamp! Stamp!

But Skuller easily reflected the attacks with his powerful punches.

"They are not going to work" Luffy spat trying to figure out a way to penetrate through the captain's defence.

Gum Gum Pistol!!!

"Don't you understand? Your silly attacks won't work" Skuller laughed sending another punch.

But - !

The arriving pistol punch was only a feint. Luffy grabbed the Skuller by his gloves.

Even though he was surprised by the sudden move by his opponent, he still went with his forced punch.

Luffy was assaulted by a wave of repulsion force, especially at the hand which held Skuller.

But Luffy endured the force and just as the force of the punch died out, Luffy propelled himself towards Skuller.


Skuller didn't expect Luffy to survive the assault and now he can see Luffy flying towards him. But before he could react, he was headbutted right in his gut.

He vomited, flew and was slammed into a mast.

Luffy wouldn't leave this chance. He jumped and -

Gum Gum Gattling Gun!!!!!

Punches after punches hit Skuller destroying the floor of the ship.

It was a wonder how the ship was still holding up after all this fight.

Full Power Output!

A wave threw away the attacks of Luffy, throwing him away onto the deck.

Skuller came out of the hole, injured. His mask now broken completely. Anger reflected in his eyes as he looked at the boy who brought him to this state.

Luffy was also equally injured, mainly internally, due to the shocks. He was huffing, his breath holding up. He fixated his gaze at Skuller and extended both his arms to the back.

"Gum Gum Bazooka"

"Full power output"

And both collided, sending a wave of air all around.