
Land Ahoy!

It has been more than a week now since Seth was transferred to the world of One Piece, still he had not a clue where he was. The God who had mistakenly killed him dropped him on a boat in the middle of nowhere. It has been over a week now but all he saw all this time was water and water and water.

It was supposed to be the Pirate Age. Be it pirates, marines or a merchant, he should have at least spotted one ship till now. Or is it not Pirate Age yet? Seth had no idea what timeline was in this world. Maybe Luffy hasn't even been born yet, or maybe he is at Wano just like in Oda's manga or maybe he has already become the Pirate King. Stuck in this blue wilderness, there was no way to know.


Seth hadn't eaten anything in days. Even if he could swim, he had no experience in catching fish. All he had were his clothes, a fruit and a boat. He had tried using his clothes as net but catching fish is no amateur's job, especially when it is in sea.

The urge to eat his Devil Fruit was eating him up. But he feared. Feared that if he would fall into the sea after eating the Devil fruit, all that was left is his demise. Luffy could act stupid because he had his friends to watch his back. Forget about friends, Seth had no one, not a single person around him. For him falling into the sea equals to dying. Also, there was the danger of storms. He was lucky to not encounter one yet but he just couldn't get careless.

When he had first arrived, Seth was excited, excited to start a new journey, to leave a mark in this world. He thought life would be happy as they always seem in the anime but reality is far too cruel.

Seth laid down on the boat and watched the clouds fly by.

(Stupid God. At least he could have dropped me in some place safe.)

Just imagining that God was making him angry enough to punch his face.

("Good luck and not return here soon"? And then dropping me to my death. I don't even know if it is really that world of One Piece. Maybe that stupid God was toying with me. The only proof I have is this fruit and then again, I don't really know if it works.)

"Stupid God. Laugh all you can. I will take care of you when I return. I will wipe out that smug off your face. You hear me" Seth shouted with everything he could.

He was breathless. Just shouting it out took every bit of energy. He closed his eyes and started sleeping.

"Caw~ Caw~"

The sound sent a sudden spark through his body.

(Crows in the sea? Land!!!)

The moment he realised that he rose up and started searching where the sound came from. Far from him, he could see something like land. It was big, like an island nation or similar to that.

From who knows where Seth entire body was filled with energy and he started using both his hands as oars to direct his boat to the land.

Smiles, tears, anxiety was all over his face. His hands beating faster, his heart beating faster. All to reach that shore.

"Come on."

He just couldn't wait any longer. He knew that this was the only hope. If he misses this one, it's over for him.

Luckily for him, the boat was slowly moving to the coast. As he got closer, he could see how vast it was. He could even see tiny houses, trees and and what looked like humans.

"Yes, yes, yes." Boosting himself to try harder and harder.

As he entered the big waves, the boat started rocking and it was getting harder to even keep a proper balance.

"It will alright. It will be -"

Before he could finish, the boat overturned and he fell into the sea. He grabbed the Devil fruit which was falling into the sea and started swimming to the shore.

As he finally reached the shore, he fell down as all his energy left him and he started panting.

" Hah! Hah! Hah! He he he he.... huhu....."

Breaths to laughs to tears. He had finally reached.


Never ever before had he carved something so much. And at last, all his waiting, all his hard work, paid.


Now that the ordeal had passed, his hunger kicked in.

He stood up and staggered his way to the houses but with each step he took, taking the next was becoming harder. A few steps and he could barely stand up. His body had no energy left to use.

He looked at the devil fruit in his hand. Now that he was out of sea, there was no more danger in eating it.

His reluctance was fading away. The hunger was starting to take control of his mind.

With shaky hands, brought the fruit to his mouth and took a bite.


Even though it was supposed to taste awful but to Seth, the fruit in his hands felt much better than anything he had ever had in his life.

As he finished the fruit, tiredness took over and he fell down unconscious.

Just then, a young lady with dark green hair saw Seth falling unconscious and hurriedly ran to save him.