
Journey in the Douluo Dalu world as an OP character

Disclaimer: I only own O.C. This is a douluo dalu fanfic. MC will not kill just everyone without a very good reason. Warning : NO HAREM!!!! MC will be a true believer of GENDER EQUALITY. This is my 1st fanfic and english is not my 1st language. Release Rate: Whenever I get time.

ProfJoyBoy · Action
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84 Chs

Shrek Academy part 16

"Consequently, starting from today, I will advance you to the second stage of your education. According to Flender, you have already gone to Suotuo Great Spirit Arena, and that is where you will receive your education for some time.

This time the education doesn't have a time limit, whenever you've obtained a silver spirit fighter badge is when the training ends. For this time I will arrange for you to stay at the inn closest to the Great Spirit Arena. You will provide lodging and board yourselves. As long as you have the ability, your income from Great Spirit Arena should be considerable."

JoyBoy wondered if he would also have to participate in the Great Spirit Arena as he knew about the problem his age would create. Hearing Grandmaster's words, the other students simultaneously loosed a breath. Going to Great Spirit Arena would always be more relaxed than Grandmaster's demonic training.

"But, you must remember that obtaining a silver spirit fighter badge is not limited to one versus one spirit battles, you must simultaneously obtain a silver spirit fighter badge in group spirit battles. You will fight as Shrek Seven Devils.

Group fights can not only let everyone receive personal points, at the same time they will grant team points, this is something two versus two fights do not have. Of course, if you want to obtain the silver spirit fighter title even faster, I will not object to you freely forming combinations to enter two versus two fights.

But I have a few restrictions you must keep in mind. First, you may not reveal your faces or names to your opponents in spirit fights, everyone has to fight under code names. Second, including Tang San, no one may use hidden weapons. Third, whether you win or lose, every day each person must fight at least twice."

Oscar somewhat grumbling said

"Grandmaster, me and Ning Rongrong are auxiliary system Spirit Masters, must we also get silver spirit fighter badges?"

Grandmaster calmly said

"Maybe. You can choose the kind of training you did before, until the others have silver spirit fighting badges."

"Eh..., Grandmaster, I suddenly realize your decision to have us go compete at Great Spirit Arena for actual combat experience is brilliant, take it as I said nothing just now."

JoyBoy hearing this option available politely asked

"Grandmaster, what about me ? You know my age can create a big problem for us. Can I just continue kind of training we were doing earlier ? I believe it would be more beneficial for me than bullying others. You just said that we have to fight as Shrek Seven Devils. You meant them right ? "

Hearing the words bullying, the others had a smile on their face while Ning Rongrong and Oscar were giggling. After knowing JoyBoy for so long, they knew that he was a kind hearted person and would never start a fight with others.

Of course they still remembered the beating he gave to Zhao Wuji on the admission day, after he accidentally hurt Tang San and Xiao Wu. Grandmaster's mouth twitched hearing his questions and he replied after coughing

"The training option is only available for Oscar and Ning Rongrong as they are auxiliary system Spirit Masters. Do not worry about your age problem since we will get you a new iron spirit badge with a different identity. You just gave to remember the warnings I gave you earlier.

You don't have to participate in the group fights as it is intended to help them train as a group. You just have to get the silver spirit fighter badge in one versus one battles. This training is just to let you experience different types of spirit masters and their abilities. "

Hearing his response, JoyBoy politely nodded. After letting all the students simply put their things in order, Grandmaster immediately brought them out, leaving for Suotuo Academy. Journeying together with them were still old acquaintances of the students, the Academy's original two deans, Four Eyed Owl Flender and Motionless Bright King Zhao Wuji. The other three teachers stayed behind to take care of the Academy.

After arranging the lodgings for the students, Grandmaster called all eight to Tang San's room.

"At present you may team up freely and choose to participate in any kind of spirit contest. The Great Spirit Arena's one versus one and two versus two bouts start first.

Although team battles are separate from the other two, they start comparatively late, and also attract the most spectators in Great Spirit Arena. With the staggered starting times they can also sell even more tickets.

Every day you must participate in one team battle, for the other bout you can choose freely on your own. I also won't object if you want to participate in three. The precondition is that you properly understand your own spirit power condition."

After that the others teamed up just like in the story for two vs two battle because Grandmaster wouldn't let anyone team up with JoyBoy as that would defeat the purpose of this training exercise.

"How you choose to participate is up to you. I'll give you these, unless there are no people around, wear them when in spirit battles. At the same time, when speaking on stage, you must not let the opponent know your age."

While speaking, Grandmaster pulled out eight long ago prepared masks from within his spirit tool bracelet. The masks were very familiar to everyone, exactly the symbol of Shrek Academy, the image of the green monster Shrek.

"When participating in team battles, you will do so as the Shrek Seven Devils team. When participating in your own bouts, you can name your two versus two combinations yourselves.

For one versus one, I will give each of you a name, use this nickname to compete. As long as you explain it when signing up, your real names won't appear in the spirit arena."

Everyone could understand Grandmaster's intention. They were after all too young, especially twelve year olds like Tang San and Xiao Wu who had already reached the thirtieth ranked Spirit Elder state not to mention JoyBoy, casually revealing this to the whole Spirit Master world would be universally shocking. Especially when becoming well known at Great Spirit Arena, perhaps Spirit Hall would first come call on them.

Oscar curiously asked:

"Then what names will we use?"

After discussing with Grandmaster for some time, the Shrek Seven Devils had their own names.

Evil Eye White Tiger Dai Mubai,

Sausage Monopoly Oscar,

Thousand Hands Asura Tang San,

Evil Fire Phoenix Ma Hongjun,

Soft Bones Demon Rabbit Xiao Wu,

Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Ning Rongrong,

Hell Civet Zhu Zhuqing.

After that they looked towards JoyBoy who was observing everything with gentle smile on his face and asked Grandmaster about his chosen code name.

"For little JoyBoy, considering his Infinity Gauntlet martial spirit, use Iron Fist. What do you think ?"


A/N : What do you think about 'Iron Fist' ? Is it good or should I change it to something like 'One Punch Man' or 'Madara' ? What do you think ? If you want me to change his code name, mention it in the comments. I will change it in the next chapter.

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