
Journey in the Douluo Dalu world as an OP character

Disclaimer: I only own O.C. This is a douluo dalu fanfic. MC will not kill just everyone without a very good reason. Warning : NO HAREM!!!! MC will be a true believer of GENDER EQUALITY. This is my 1st fanfic and english is not my 1st language. Release Rate: Whenever I get time.

ProfJoyBoy · Action
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84 Chs

Shrek Academy part 15

After fighting training, they would start their physical exercise. Same as the first day, during physical training, they can't use their spirit power, and they had to finish it together.

Grandmaster had myriads of ways to train them. The simplest was weighted runs. More complicated were weighted hiking and other methods. But no matter which method, it had to make Shrek's Seven Monsters reach their limits. After a period of time, they were already used to waking up at night in the medicinal casks.

Because of the dense schedule of training, three months passed. Ma Hongjun, possibly because of consuming too much energy in the training, didn't even go once to Suotuo City to settle his evil fire.

The forging tools that Tang San ordered were delivered ages ago, but he didn't have time to make hidden weapons. He didn't even have time to assemble the first batch of parts the smithy finished.

Tang San, Oscar and Xiao Wu officially registered and became Spirit Elders. To not create a sensation, when they went to register, Grandmaster specially let them wear specially made masks. Though it brought some suspicion, hiding one's appearance was fairly common and they still successfully received their monthly pay.

Three months of devilish training didn't improve Shrek's Seven Monsters' spirit power greatly. In the period, only Ma Hongjun's spirit power rose by one rank. But, after the three months of extreme training, their bodies qualities underwent a massive change.

Now, if Tang San and Dai Mubai did the weighted run like the first day, they would have to shoulder over fifty kilograms and still not reach their extreme. Every person's body was improved greatly.

The one with the biggest benefit of the three months training was JoyBoy. Because of the daily combat he had to participate in every day, especially under different conditions from Grandmaster, his control over his abilities increased greatly.

Now his attributes boost limit was three hundred times without using his spirit rings. The number of shadow clones he could summon without using his fourth ring had increased from two to twenty. But his biggest gain from this training was the combat experience from fighting other students.

Every day, he had to fight them atleast once in a 1 vs 7 battle. Because of Grandmaster's conditions, he could only use two times boost and no shadow clones. He faced a lot of difficulties against them especially Xiao Wu's third spirit ability 'Teleportation'.

It took him two days to get used to their teamwork because of her abilities since he couldn't just punch her in the face as she was his sworn sister. After two days of analyzing their teamwork and abilities, he finally decided how to deal with her.

Any time she tried to teleport near him and use her close combat abilities on him, he would start tickling her. This would make her unable to fight him seriously and start laughing. He would use that time to get away from her safely and it became easier to deal with them.

Of course this was only possible because he was her sworn little brother and she had positive feelings about him because of his polite, soft spoken attitude and the gentle smile on his face. Even his appearance were like that of a gentle and humble scholar especially his square shaped glasses made him appear harmless. If it was someone else who tried the same technique, she would mercilessly beat him or her.

Because of his constant battle against them everyday with only two times boost, his combat abilities became really scary, especially because of his ever increasing intelligence. They were never able to use same tricks twice against him. Of course if he used even three times boost then he would easily be able to defeat them.

After their three months training was over, Grandmaster gave them seven days of vacation to adjust themselves. This vacation was especially meant for Tang San and others since JoyBoy never go tired.

Finally having the chance to rest, Oscar went head first into his bed and slept. Tang San cultivated as usual. Because Zhu Zhuqing insisted on exercising more, Dai Mubai actively requested to accompany her. Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong decided to be like Oscar, choosing to use this rare vacation for rest.

JoyBoy went back to his room, cleaned himself up and summoned his martial spirit and spirit rings to check his conditions.

At present, the age of his spirit rings is twenty thousand years. He was able to increase their age by seven thousand years because his cultivation rank had increased which increased his body's absorption limit and the physical training he did with others everyday. He had to complete his training without using his spirit power and had to carry one thousand kilograms.

This had help increased his attributes because every time he broke his limit, the Power Gem would release energy that would make his body stronger and help him adapt to his training.

He checked his cultivation rank. It was at level forty nine and on its way towards level fifty. He wasn't surprised at this as he had already guessed that he would take nearly three years before he gets his next spirit ring and he used ten clones plus himself every day for cultivating spirit power, he had already reached his current level some time ago.

Since, Grandmaster had adviced him to wait atleast one year before he gets a new spirit ring every time in order to get used to his strength and have perfect control over his abilities, he had stopped using his clones for cultivation purposes and instead used them to practice hand to hand combat techniques and some other tricks from the anime characters he remembered.

His first targets were the six Rokushiki techniques from One Piece anime. He believed that they were sufficient to cover basic close combat techniques. He had decided that once he masters them then he would move onto weapons and learn how to use different types of weapons.

At the end of every day, he would absorb the experiences from his clones and then summon ten new clones at night to meditate and try controlling their subconscious thoughts. He had already learned how to control his conscious thoughts during his time in the Nuoding primary spirit master academy. Every morning after he finished his daily workouts, he would absorb their experiences from meditating and summon ten clones for practicing the six Rokushiki techniques. This became his new routine.

Seven days passed just like that and on the morning of eighth day, JoyBoy finished his morning routine and went to the grounds after summoning ten clones to practice.

Today's sunshine was especially bright, the blue sky without clouds as far as the eye could see. Although it was still early, the sunlight already burned somewhat. Grandmaster's shadow was lengthened by the sunlight, standing there with both hands folded across his chest, waiting for the eight to line up.

"From when I came here and started teaching you until now it has been three months. Under the supervision and aid of the teachers, your bodies already have some foundation. But if you want to become outstanding Spirit Masters, this is still far from sufficient."

It was worth mentioning that in the previous three months of demonic training, the other teachers hadn't stayed idle.

The first time Ma Hongjun slacked off they had learned that the teachers had secretly supervised them along their training route. The consequences of Ma Hongjun slacking off that time directly led to everyone training fifty percent harder for three days.

Grandmaster had all along implemented a policy of collective punishment. One person erred, all suffered. Of course, JoyBoy was the only one who enjoyed the harder training as it benefited him greatly.

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