
Baterilla Chronicle

For the next ten hours, Alva was hunted. Garp savagely pursued him through the nearby jungle at top speed. If Garp caught up to him Alva was attacked, a single punch sending him careening through the air his body struck trees toppling them.

Garp's relentless pursuit reshaped the landscape.

Garp would throw boulders, felled trees and any large animal unlucky enough to be in arms reach. Alva forced to dodge the missiles with all of his ability one hit could critically injure or kill him.

"Boy, you'll die in this forest! Bwahahaha" Garp had an air of playfulness, but his attacks could kill.

When night finally came Alva was collapsed on the ground he could no longer move.

In both lives today was the hardest ''workout'' he had ever done.

Alva was covered in wounds, his arms and shins were fractured from blocking.

His body was covered in bruises and cuts. Sweat would pour into them causing more pain. The most severe injury was a two-inch piece of stone shrapnel from an exploding boulder. The piece of rock was stuck in his right shoulder.

Garp sat down joining Alva looking at the stars.

"Still alive?," Garps said.


"Kid, you are amazing. I have never seen such raw potential. It is why I'm gonna push you to your limit; it would be a waste if I don't push you further than I managed to go."

Alva could hardly listen.

Garp carried him home.

"We'll continue tomorrow."

That night a doctor stayed up late tending to all of the wounds.

The next morning all of the cuts were gone, and the fractures started to heal.

A large gash remains stitched shut on the shoulder.

Alva looked like a mummy wrapped in bandages.

"This is crazy, I had always heard human potential was limitless, but in this world, it's so true." Alva was even more excited for his training.

"let's get after it!" A favorite saying he picked up from the guest Navy SEALs at the Army Special Forces Underwater Operations School.

Alva continued his morning routine.

Garp received a call this morning from Sengoku.

Francis went to Alva


"Alva, I have to leave for Marineford today, would you like to live there?"

"No father I will remain here to finish my training," Alva said.

"Very well, on the way, I could drop you off at your aunts' place."

"Really? I need to go ask the old man for time off!"

"No need, I have to return to HQ as well," Garp said. Walking in on the conversation.

"What about my training?"

"I will return in a week," Garp said

"Then it's settled Alva pack your things," Francis said.

Alva packed clothes and other "necessities" as well as his brand new custom Khyber knife. With a 16inch blade, with a black spiral pattern on the blade like damascus steel. Black steel handle with gold fixture along the bottom with a shops seal. An actual work of art. He paid a young master-smith 2.600.000Beli to devise the method to produce a new damascus like alloy.


Alva used his Knowledge of damascus steel, alloys and chemistry to assist the smith whenever possible. It took six months but they did it, the result was a metal comprised of carbon steel, sea-stone alloy, and four other metals masterfully fused together.

Wayland, the smith, gave Alva a discount of four million for the smithing method.

Alva sold the method with conditions.

1. The method for forming Damascus must be a guarded secret.

2. The smith may never sell or share the technique.

3. Only use it yourself and teach it to one apprentice only.

4. The materials used for any product can never be shared, even with the customer.

5. The method is never to leave Briss.

6. At the threat of death or torture. The secret is not to be shared with the Crown of Briss or the World Government. The secret of the material and production method are to go to the grave.

7. All conditions of the blood pact will be inherited along with the secret technique and information regarding it that is passed on.

Wayland instantly agreed, the contract was strict but nothing he wasn't willing to accept. He would only pass this secret on to his apprentice if they also agreed beforehand and signed his copy in blood as well.

Alva and Wayland Davenport signed a contract in blood, forming a blood pact.

Alva sealed the agreement with an RSE.

If any of the terms of the agreement were broken, Alva would kill Wayland, his apprentice, anyone else that knew or had exposure, and all of their family. Legally of course; as this was a blood contract with the Royal Seal to Enforce on it.

The RSE Something only nobles could get their hands on. However, its use was very rare.

In Briss, once this seal was used on a document, not even the Crown could protest with any actions taken against another in case of infringement if it was stated in the agreement. If a blood agreement with this seal said.

Upon infringement of the terms above, your wife is to be beheaded, the King himself could not punish the one who took her head.

Alva went to such lengths to protect the secret behind this new metals creation for one reason. It was world breaking; according to Wayland nothing like it existed.

The knife could cut through steel and iron easily, it could also damage sea-prism stone which was as hard as diamond.

Wayland proclaimed this knife had the sharpest edge he had ever seen and it would almost never dull. The most shocking information Wayland shared was the fact that this blade could kill anyone even people with "Devil-Powers" as he put it. Making this blade a real terror to all.

Alva was very interested in these powers.

Wayland knew this would change his life. He could charge any amount for one of these custom blades making him a fortune.

Wayland had charged Alva 6.000.000 Beli, but he had achieved something, and without Alva, it wouldn't have been possible.

The final price was 2.000.000Beli, but Alva threw in an extra 600.000Beli Wayland assumed it was a tip and a bribe the blood pact was binding, but it was considered extremely rude.

To Wayland Davenport, money was always the start of the best of partnerships.

Similar blades will be made in time; however Alva's would remain one of a kind. Alva had provided high-quality sea-prism stone ore something Wayland could not get his hands on alone. As a true craftsman, Wayland relished the opportunity to work with the forbidden material.

Alva obtained 3.000.000 Beli last weekend from a local drug dealer, the man was pushing a black powder substance, it appeared to be a poppy product and had the effects of opium. Alva noticed a large number of addicts in the slums of the city while running through the district.

That day Alva beat random junkies in the allies until he got a name.

LaCroix, Alva followed him home that night from the intersection he sold from.

Alva broke into his house and killed him in his sleep. He stole 1.300.000Beli from a hidden compartment in the wall. Then Alva burned down the house with all drugs he could find inside.

LaCroix real name Walter had a bounty of 2.000.000Beli on his head. Alva got a random guy to turn in his head at the Marine station for 300K of the reward money. The passerby threw up when he opened the sack with Walter's head in it.

LaCroix worked for a larger criminal net-work on SkyFang island Alva noted he would have to address that issue later. Along with the guards that left LaCroix, a wanted man, alone to do business in broad daylight.


Alva named the Damascus Khyber knife Gilgamesh.

Alva used the rest of his money for all new gear.

Black leather gloves with steel plates on the back of the hand.

New black armored boots. Dark brown pants with extra pockets and a black belt.

A pistol and brown leather holster put behind his back on his belt.

All covered by a long dark red leather coat the shoulders and upper back were darker leather, three silver buttons fastening the two together seamlessly. The long sleeves of the coat were unzipped at the wrist and rolled up to the elbow.

Alva modeled the coat after Dante's from Devil May Cry but customized it a bit.

With a black Drake family sigil on the back. The sigil, an eagle wings spread with a knife held in its beak.

With new cloths Alva decided to cut his hair he left the shoulder length but had it shaped evenly and undercut slightly from his sideburns to his ear. He hated when hair touched his ears, the military ingrained it into him. He wore his hair tied back in a ponytail leaving only a lock of his bangs free to drape over his forehead.

Alva had his weapons concealed, but his walk and eyes gave people a sense that he was dangerous. If he weren't a child, many pedestrians would assume he was a famous criminal.

Alva boarded his fathers' ship before noon.

"What took you so long?" Francis was annoyed he had been waiting for Alva for at least an hour.

"Sorry I had to go pick up my new coat and cut my hair. I also had my pistol cleaned and..." Alva began listing of a myriad of things.

"What's with all that you know you are visiting your aunt, not the king," Francis said.

"It's my first time in Baterilla I wanted to splurge a little." Francis couldn't reply he didn't want to continue this conversation. His son was dressed head to toe in brand new and shining cloths even having his boots shined. However his clothes were practical, he looked ready for combat. Francis mused Alva was the stylish soldier and laughed to himself.

The trip to Baterilla took a day. When Alva disembarked alone, Francis gave him 50.000 Beli to eat and get back home with.

Alva left the port and headed for an inn. The elderly innkeeper thought it was cute Alva was brave enough to travel on his own. After getting a room, Alva decided to go find his aunt in the morning.

On his way to the address, his father gave him. Alva was shocked to see what was going on around the town marines and government officials swarmed all over the place frantically searching houses.

"What are they doing?"

Alva quickly noticed that most women where being searched and detained.

He noticed the look in the eyes of the marines and the panic in their voices.

He had seen it before and new it wasn't good.

These men were on edge and frantic making them dangerous.

Alva came across a disturbing scene.

A gang of Marines was dragging a pregnant woman out of her home.

She had tears in her eyes, reaching out for her husband who was restrained by a marine.

When the man broke free from the marines.


He was shot in the chest as he lay on the ground bleeding he was still reaching for his wife.

The woman began to shriek, and scramble for her husband.

The marine pulling her away let go, and punched her in the face.

The woman dropped to the ground, the marine then kicked her in the stomach, and dragged her away by her hair.

Alva was seething with anger he began to move forward.

A marine pointed a rifle at his head.

"Halt! Do not interfere."

Hello everyone, thanks for reading.

I'm going to count this chapter as yesterdays and release another one later today.

Purples_Oncreators' thoughts