
Journalling in the MCU: Characters Can Read My Diary?

Crossing into the Marvel world, Zhou Cheng gains the ability to become stronger by writing a diary. However, Zhou Cheng doesn't realize that the diary he writes is not only visible to him. The entire world gradually starts to become strange. Tony: I am not Iron Man, stop calling me that! Captain America: Bucky, go turn yourself in, while there's still time! Thor: Father, you never told me I had a sister? Translated from: https://www.69shuba.com/book/52096.htm Future chapters at: https://www.patreon.com/FFAddict

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Chapter 9

What's going on!

Whether it's the other three ninjas from The Hand or the flustered Daredevil.

In an instant, they all froze.

The development was completely beyond their expectations.

None of them had taken Zhou Cheng seriously.

They subconsciously thought he was just an unlucky passerby.

Nothing more.

They believed he would be taken out by the ninja from The Hand in the flip of a hand.

But who would have thought that there would be such a dramatic turn of events.

The one who got taken out instantaneously wasn't the unlucky passersby, but the ninja from The Hand!

Even if the reactions of those present were slow, they now should understand.

The newcomer is no ordinary individual!

But since when did Hell's Kitchen witness the rise of such a character?

Killing people with wings?

That's unheard of!

[Origin Point +5]

Zhou Cheng, however, had no time to care about the reactions of others.

Because in his mind, he heard another notification sound.

This slightly invigorated Zhou Cheng's spirits.

As expected!

His previous guess was correct.

The more powerful the criminal, the more Origin Points they contributed!

A regular ninja from The Hand already contributes 5 Origin Points, then what about higher-ups like Madame Gao?

The other five fingers of The Hand?

What about Bullseye, Kingpin?

What about the other notorious supervillains from Marvel?

It seems.

The Supreme Being also doesn't want me to focus only on those low-grade losers all day!

Being a connected man, one cannot afford to lack class.

Of course.

Zhou Cheng also knew his place.

Food must be eaten one bite at a time, and roads must be walked step by step.

He hasn't grown strong enough yet and could only practice on smaller characters for now.

As for those higher-quality 'leeks'.

There's no rush, there will be more time in the future.

When he keeps getting stronger from the rewards, that will be the time for him to start swinging his blade at those high-quality 'leeks'.

Clang Clang!

The sound of blades cutting through the air disrupted the silence at the scene.

And also interrupted Zhou Cheng's thoughts.

It was the three ninjas from The Hand who quickly exchanged glances and swiftly responded.

Two of The Hand's ninjas once again surged at Zhou Cheng with their katanas.

Leaving only one to temporarily restrain Daredevil.


The current Daredevil was covered in wounds and completely exhausted, easily suppressed by one ninja.


Zhou Cheng naturally did not waste any words.

His wings fluttered slightly, and in an instant, he took off into the air.

Soaring impressively high above, he looked down condescendingly at the two Hand ninjas from the air.

With my position up in the air, no matter how sharp your moves or how cool your katanas, what can you do to me?

This round, isn't it secure?


The ninjas from The Hand on the ground froze again.

He can fly?

So those wings really do take him into the air!

But in such a case, they were somewhat at a loss.

With him flying above, out of reach, how could they deal with him?

Additionally, with his ability to shoot feathers and wound people, weren't they just sitting ducks?

This is bad!

The situation was extremely unfavorable.

Hiss Hiss Hiss!

Hiss Hiss Hiss!

Indeed, the next moment.

Zhou Cheng decisively attacked the two ninjas from The Hand.

Accompanied by the dense and piercing sound of slicing air, a large number of feathers rained down like a deluge towards the two below.In the blink of an eye, the arrows shot straight toward the front of the two Hand ninjas.

Shielding the entire space before their eyes.

That's how exaggerated it was.

The two Hand ninjas, who had just lifted their katanas, didn't even have time to react.

Before they were instantaneously overwhelmed by countless feathers.

They remained motionless.

A one-hit kill!

These two well-trained, exceptional assassins were eliminated in a flash of lightning by Zhou Cheng.

This is the dominance of having a hack.


After swiftly dealing with the two of them, only one Hand ninja remained.

Zhou Cheng, of course, would not let him escape.

With a single thought, he flew straight at his target.

"Daredevil, out of the way!"

He called out quickly to Daredevil.

Daredevil, like a nimble monkey, leaped aside immediately.

This left Zhou Cheng without any reservations.

Hiss, hiss, hiss!

Another volley of feathers shot out.

The last Hand ninja was turned into a porcupine.


The katana fell from his hand, ringing out a clear metallic clinking sound.

Then he, too, lay motionless on the ground, like a dead dog.

The scene became quiet once again.

Daredevil's brush with death had been averted.

It was all so effortless and pleasant.

Of course.

It wasn't exactly a matter of life and death.

After all, even without Zhou Cheng's intervention, Daredevil wasn't likely to die here.

But it surely wouldn't have been so easy to escape danger.


Disregarding Daredevil, Zhou Cheng flapped his wings again and soared into the air.

He crossed the sky, blending into the night, and quickly vanished.

Daredevil, panting heavily, stared blankly in the direction where Zhou Cheng had departed.

A question filled his mind.

Who exactly is this person?

Since when did Hell's Kitchen have such a character?


[Origin Point +1]

[Origin Point +1]

[Origin Point +1]

After leaving Daredevil, Zhou Cheng went around Hell's Kitchen and farmed some more stages.

In total, he reaped four more waves of "leeks."

Upon checking, he now had a total of 40 Origin Points in his account!

According to the rules set by the Supreme God.

These Origin Points could sustain Zhou Cheng writing 4,000 words in his journal.

Plus, with the provision that each entry besides the first activation gift must be at least 200 words.

Meaning, after toiling for the better part of the night, Zhou Cheng could get by for twenty days straight.

For Zhou Cheng, this was of course far from satisfying.

More is always better when it comes to such matters.

However, Zhou Cheng was just an ordinary person who hardly exercised and had average physical fitness.

Even though the battles were quick and did not drain much physical energy thanks to his wings.

But after all the commotion up to now, Zhou Cheng was exhausted.

"Let it be for today," he decided.

"I really can't hold on anymore."

Realizing his current state, Zhou Cheng decided to call it quits.

Everything must be done in moderation.

Otherwise, it's overdoing it!


Having made up his mind, Zhou Cheng no longer hesitated.

He spread his wings and flew away from Hell's Kitchen.

Back at home, he checked the time; it was already 3 a.m.

Body and soul weary, Zhou Cheng collapsed onto his bed without even bothering to undress.

And fell deep into sleep.