
Journalling in the MCU: Characters Can Read My Diary?

Crossing into the Marvel world, Zhou Cheng gains the ability to become stronger by writing a diary. However, Zhou Cheng doesn't realize that the diary he writes is not only visible to him. The entire world gradually starts to become strange. Tony: I am not Iron Man, stop calling me that! Captain America: Bucky, go turn yourself in, while there's still time! Thor: Father, you never told me I had a sister? Translated from: https://www.69shuba.com/book/52096.htm Future chapters at: https://www.patreon.com/FFAddict

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Chapter 67: Am I Supposed to Kill Her?

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Zhou Cheng's gaze suddenly sharpened.

He didn't even spare a second glance at the assassins surrounding him; to him, these people were mere trifles.

He could easily dispose of them with a simple flick of his hand, just like a flock of defenceless sheep.

Zhou Cheng just stared intensely at the old man with the staff, his voice suddenly turning frosty, "What are you implying?"

"Today's operation is of utmost importance to me."

"You have a reputation, but I still need to make sure you are as formidable as the rumors suggest."

"There's nothing personal, it's all just business."

The stoic old man remained expressionless.

After dropping these words, he casually waved his hand.

Rustle, rustle, rustle!

The assassins encircling Zhou Cheng made their move, charging at him instantly.

Each gave the impression of being like the emotionless ninja of The Hand—a similar breed of killing machines.

To put it bluntly, even Daredevil would find himself in a hard fight against such a force.

But for Zhou Cheng, it was nothing but light rain.

Facing the furious charge of the cold-blooded assassins, he made no extra movements.

He just gently extended his right hand, and that was all.

"Shinra Tensei!"


In the next moment,

A massive repulsive force suddenly burst forth, sweeping forward like a raging whirlwind.

In the blink of an eye, it thundered onto the group of assassins.


Accompanied by muffled groans,

Every assassin shuddered and then, like leaves caught in a strong wind, they were all blown away.

Bang, bang, bang!

Some collided clumsily with walls, others fell to the ground like dead dogs.

Looking around, all were tossed about, not one left standing!

"What happened?"

"What's going on!"

Elektra, who had been cold and dismissive towards Zhou Cheng, nearly popped her eyeballs out; her face was a mask of shock.

She couldn't believe her own eyes.

What did she see?

That guy merely waved his hand, and more than a dozen well-trained assassins were knocked away through the air!

What kind of joke was this!

How could something like this happen!

Damn it, what kind of devil is this man?

How could he perform such bizarre feats?

It wasn't just Elektra who was shocked; even the old man beside her, the staff wielder, was also taken aback.

A Superhuman!

He had not expected this so-called devil to actually be a superhuman!

And judging by his performance, he might be no less formidable than Kunlun's Iron Fist, perhaps even stronger!

We've got this!

Today's operation is secured!

In an instant, behind those sunglasses covering his now totally blind eyes, the old man's gaze shone brightly.

With such a powerful being on our side, Madame Gao, your end has come!

"As expected of the devil!"

The staff wielder exclaimed in admiration, "Truly an eye-..."


He was abruptly cut off mid-sentence as Zhou Cheng gestured towards him.

A tremendous force acted upon the staff wielder, lifting him into the air.

At the same time.

A strong grip constricted the man's throats!

Crack, crack, crack!

The sound of bones being crushed under intense pressure instantly filled the air.

The staff wielder felt as if his neck was about to be snapped by the crushing force.He struggled under the weight of that power, his face contorted with bulging veins, looking fierce and terrifying as if he would drop dead at any moment.

"Old Stick!" 

Elektra let out a cry of alarm and, with a tight grip on her twin short blades, lunged toward Zhou Cheng.

But she couldn't get close to him. Zhou Cheng simply waved his other hand lightly at her.


Elektra was sent flying back, crashing hard against a wall, disorientated and dizzy.

"If you dare challenge my authority again, I won't be so courteous!" 

Zhou Cheng coldly warned the Old Stick floating before him and waved his hand again.


Old Stick suffered the same fate as the other assassins earlier, slamming into the ground like a dead dog.

After gasping for a few deep breaths and regaining his composure, Old Stick quickly got up and dusted himself off, as if nothing had happened.

"Now, we can go!"

As if it was nothing, Old Stick addressed Zhou Cheng.

All the necessary lessons had been taught; Zhou Cheng wouldn't kill an employer just for a test.

Without another word, he set off with Old Stick and the others.

They quickly arrived at an inconspicuous building in the southeast corner of Hell's Kitchen.

Creak! Creak! Creak!

As soon as they got out of the car, several more vehicles emerged from both sides of the road.

A large group of assassins quickly disembarked and gathered behind Old Stick.

It was clear Old Stick was aiming for something big this time.

Riding on the momentum of 'Satan', they planned to take down Lady Gao's stronghold in one swift move.

Zhou Cheng was indifferent.

As long as it didn't interfere with his mission and the payment was sufficient afterward, it was of no consequence to him.

"Our target is inside."

"Satan, please!"

However, Old Stick, the crafty old fox, didn't make a move immediately; he simply signaled Zhou Cheng and nothing more.

Zhou Cheng didn't mind.

Amidst the watchful eyes of Old Stick and his group, Zhou Cheng walked confidently toward the entrance.

With a casual wave of his hand, he unleashed a repulsive force.


The door instantly shattered into pieces.

Without stopping, Zhou Cheng boldly strode inside.

Swish Swish Swish!

It had to be said.

The reflexes of those ninjas were indeed not to be underestimated – extremely quick.

As soon as Zhou Cheng entered the spacious hall and before he could take any further action, a group of fully armed ninjas burst out from a passageway in front, blocking his way.

They encircled Zhou Cheng.

"Who are you?"

It wasn't until then that a leader-like character stepped forward.

After sizing up Zhou Cheng, he demanded in a stern tone.

It's worth mentioning that although the man spoke in Japanese, Zhou Cheng understood him.

He had once received a linguistic proficiency reward.

He could understand all the languages in the world!

"Where is Lady Gao?"

"Will you tell me willingly, or shall I force her out by killing you?"

Zhou Cheng arched an eyebrow, his tone casual as if he was discussing something trivial.

"Seize him!"

The leader's expression shifted subtly.

Without another word, he coldly gave the order.

Swish Swish Swish!

The ninjas, obedient to the command, immediately brandished their weapons and charged towards Zhou Cheng.