
Journalling in the MCU: Characters Can Read My Diary?

Crossing into the Marvel world, Zhou Cheng gains the ability to become stronger by writing a diary. However, Zhou Cheng doesn't realize that the diary he writes is not only visible to him. The entire world gradually starts to become strange. Tony: I am not Iron Man, stop calling me that! Captain America: Bucky, go turn yourself in, while there's still time! Thor: Father, you never told me I had a sister? Translated from: https://www.69shuba.com/book/52096.htm Future chapters at: https://www.patreon.com/FFAddict

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Chapter 160

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"Hmm, this really tastes good!"

"After so long, I almost forgot how to use a knife and fork. It feels a bit awkward!"

In an unassuming Western restaurant by the street, sitting by the window.

Captain Marvel and Fury are sitting face to face.

Captain Marvel silently marvels as she stuffs a piece of steak into her mouth with a fork, the familiar flavors evoking many memories.

To be honest, Captain Marvel has had her fair share of delicacies across the stars.

If we're talking taste alone, the piece of beef in her mouth right now would just be considered average.

But no matter what, Captain Marvel is an Earthling through and through, raised on Earth's food.

Some things are ingrained in her very marrow and cannot be changed no matter what.

"I knew you'd like it," Fury says, his face showing a rare smile, one seldom seen by others.

"You might not remember, no, you definitely don't remember, but Earth has undergone tremendous change."

"When we were investigating Project Pegasus, passing through a small town called Bruges or something similar, we came here."

"We're not particularly picky eaters, so we ordered two classic meals."

Fury reminisces about the past with Captain Marvel, unintentionally bridging their relationship while casually enjoying the meal with her.

"No way?" Captain Marvel glances around, "Is this place..."

"No, no, this isn't that town, but the restaurant is the same—it's a chain."

"Only a decade has passed, so the decor has changed quite a bit."

"In fact, aside from the sign, almost everything else has changed," Fury explains to Captain Marvel.

"Is that so?" Captain Marvel also laughs.

And so, the two of them enjoy the meal while engaging in light conversation, strengthening their bond.

The atmosphere is exceedingly pleasant.

After a hearty meal, the distance that came from not seeing each other for over a decade almost completely vanished.

They became familiar with each other again.

It was even reminiscent of when they fought side by side against the Kree.

"Alright, Fury," Captain Marvel suggests after the meal as Fury takes her for a walk around the area.

After all, Earth has indeed changed significantly in the years since she left.

As they walk down the street, it's Captain Marvel who speaks up first.

"We've eaten, we've relaxed; let's get to the point."

Fury straightens up, ready to talk business.

"It's the Skrulls."

"They might have become a problem for Earth."

"At least a ticking time bomb."

Fury gets straight to the point with no beating around the bush.


Captain Marvel raises her eyebrows in surprise and disbelief.

She had made it clear to Fury before leaving Earth: call her back only in a real emergency.

When she received Fury's signal, she thought something serious had occurred on Earth.

But this?

And what issue could the Skrulls possibly have?

Their home had been destroyed, and it was Fury and her who had helped these people escape the Kree's clutches.

Strictly speaking, the Skrulls were their allies.

"I understand, Danvers, but the circumstances have changed."

Facing Captain Marvel's serious and questioning gaze, Fury begins to detail the current situation of the Skrulls on Earth.

After hearing him out, Captain Marvel's brow furrows even more, her attitude nonchalant.

That's it?

Sure, the situation seemed troublesome, but hardly an emergency!

Was this truly worth calling her back from across the stars? She had plenty on her plate!

Across the galaxy, countless species faced extinction, and countless homeworlds were under threat – places that needed her far more.

"I think you should understand, our planet can't even tolerate two different skin tones, let alone two different species."

"You may not realize it now, but the Skrull issue is a big problem."

"A problem that could threaten the very survival of Earth."

Seeing Captain Marvel's reaction, Fury seriously attempts to explain further.

"Fury, that's an exaggeration."

"Even if those few hundred thousand Skrulls waged war on Earth, they couldn't possibly do what you're suggesting."

Captain Marvel can't help but shake her head, disagreeing with Fury's viewpoint.

Nick Fury's belief seemed like an overstatement.

Even though Skrulls are a powerful species and their civilization more advanced than Earth's, there are billions of humans on our planet.

The numbers are vastly different; even with tremendous ability, the Skrulls couldn't possibly do what Fury suggested.

Moreover, based on Captain Marvel's understanding, the Skrulls were not a species keen on colonization or violence.

It wouldn't make sense for them to engage in such actions.

"In truth, they are fully capable."

"And they have already begun preparations."

"Danvers, you know me – I wouldn't be calling in a big gun like you for just anything. That would be a tremendous waste."

Seeing Fury's earnest expression, Captain Marvel begins to ponder.

Fury was right; he wouldn't treat this matter lightly.

Thus, it seems the issue might not be as straightforward as she thought.

It must be something critical that she was not aware of.

So Captain Marvel ceases to argue and instead looks at Fury solemnly, waiting for him to continue.

"I have reliable intelligence indicating the Skrulls are either planning or have already started an operation called 'Secret Invasion'."

"They're using their unique abilities to infiltrate our military and government leadership."

"Their aim is to launch nuclear weapons and trigger a nuclear war, to eradicate humanity and claim this planet for themselves."

Fury shares the information regarding the Secret Invasion and how the Skrulls are not affected by nuclear radiation with Captain Marvel.

Upon learning these details, Captain Marvel's expression grows somber.

If what Fury says is true, then this is indeed a critical situation.

At the same time, Captain Marvel was left with new questions. 

"If you really have this evidence, why don't you expose them to the government?" she asked. 

"Even if Skrulls can perfectly disguise themselves, they shouldn't be able to withstand the might of a nation's machinery," Captain Marvel said piercingly, staring at Fury. 

"For various unavoidable reasons, I cannot disclose the evidence I hold to anyone else, not even to you," Nick Fury said with resignation. 

Since things have reached this point and Captain Marvel still doesn't understand the reason he called for her, it means she's definitely not the holder of the diary! 

Therefore, Fury can't disclose the source of its information to Captain Marvel. 

"So, you're saying that for such a crucial matter, you want me just to accept your verbal account and then take action?" 

Captain Marvel was at a loss for words. Although our relationship is good, it hasn't reached that level. Even if the relationship was better, such a significant issue couldn't just be based on your word alone. We are adults, not children. 

"First, as difficult as it sounds to accept, that does appear to be the case," he began. "The only thing I can tell you is a rough idea of where my information comes from, but I'm afraid you might not believe it." 

"Secondly, Danvers, the Skrull issue isn't just my mess; it's one we created together. You can't just wash your hands of it and ignore the problem," Fury argued, making his case intensely. 

Despite his hard words, they did have a point. In the matter of the Skrulls, Fury might not have been honorable, but Captain Marvel was not without blame either. 

"Alright, though what you say is harsh, it leaves me without a response," Captain Marvel admitted, shrugging helplessly partly due to the anger of being deceived by Yon-Rogg, her nature, or the influence of Mar-Vell. 

Initially helping the Skrulls was her own decision, influenced by her mentor, Mar-Vell. And indeed she did so. As a result, her actions then led to a situation where hundreds of thousands of Skrulls are hidden on Earth. Fury was right; this was Captain Marvel's burden to bear, and she couldn't shake it off. 

"However, I'm interested to hear about your source of information." 

"Believe me, my experience and knowledge far exceed your imagination. To me, what seems unbelievable to you might not be such a big deal," he continued. 

After a pause, Captain Marvel looked at Fury again, who then revealed his incredible, unutterable diary to her. 

"So, it's that 'magical thing' guarded by a mysterious force that doesn't allow you to disclose to anyone, but can predict the future, that told you about the Skrulls' plan?" 

Captain Marvel soon realized she had overestimated herself; even from what Fury disclosed, she couldn't believe it. Even for her, it was absurd. 

"Danvers, from the moment I got it, all the information provided by it has been confirmed to be correct. There's never been a single mistake." 

"I know this might be hard for you to believe, and it's understandable if you don't trust me," he said. "But I still ask you to find a planet for the Skrulls, so they can move away from Earth as soon as possible. That was your promise, after all, and I believe you're someone who honors their promises, aren't you?" 

Nick Fury tried to persuade Captain Marvel from all angles. 

Captain Marvel fell into deep thought, seriously considering the matter. Fury's request was one reason, but more importantly, she indeed wasn't someone to shirk responsibility carelessly. 

"I will find you a home!" she had said to Talos, honoring her mentor Mar-Vell's last wish. 

Just like Nick Fury, she had made promises to the Skrulls but had long since discarded those promises like Fury. 

"Maybe you could report this to S.W.O.R.D. I wonder if this falls under their jurisdiction," Fury's voice rose again, piquing Captain Marvel's curiosity. 

"S.W.O.R.D.? Interesting, is that also revealed to you by that 'magical thing'?" 

Captain Marvel was starting to trust Fury's account of the future-predicting diary. S.W.O.R.D. had contacted her and attempted to recruit her. However, she hadn't taken it seriously since it was still in the planning stages. This was clearly not something Fury would've known. 

"Of course," Fury said with a mysterious smile. 

"Is that so? What else has 'it' told you?" Captain Marvel inquired curiously. 

"In the future, I will lead S.W.O.R.D." 

"Is that so!" 

Captain Marvel thought Fury was joking and couldn't help but laugh out loud. 

The two continued chatting and laughing as if nothing had happened, without bringing up the Skrulls again. 

But Fury knew his goal was accomplished. Regardless of Captain Marvel's reasoning, she had decided to intervene and truly help the Skrulls find a home. Although not necessarily successful, it was nevertheless a positive development. 

"Danvers," after a while of idle talk, Fury began to ask Captain Marvel about more serious matters. 

What matters? Naturally, it was about the cosmic events – Thanos, Titan, Sakaar, Domammu, Vormir, the Celestial Order, and so on. All key intelligence spoilers from the diary, leaving Captain Marvel completely stunned. Some of this intelligence, even Captain Marvel herself had not heard of. 

Seeing Fury's serious demeanor, Captain Marvel certainly didn't think Fury was joking with her. He was serious! 

Of course, some of this intelligence was known to Captain Marvel. And that's why she was all the more surprised. It seems that Fury's unspoken, future-revealing 'thing' might not be baseless after all. 

Captain Marvel unconsciously grew more trusting of the diary mentioned earlier.