
Journalling in the MCU: Characters Can Read My Diary?

Crossing into the Marvel world, Zhou Cheng gains the ability to become stronger by writing a diary. However, Zhou Cheng doesn't realize that the diary he writes is not only visible to him. The entire world gradually starts to become strange. Tony: I am not Iron Man, stop calling me that! Captain America: Bucky, go turn yourself in, while there's still time! Thor: Father, you never told me I had a sister? Translated from: https://www.69shuba.com/book/52096.htm Future chapters at: https://www.patreon.com/FFAddict

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Chapter 149

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Ensure that no one is following us.

It took almost forty minutes for Nick Fury to discreetly arrive at the secret base where Thor was located.

He joined Thor and Black Widow there.

Why isn't Captain America here temporarily?

It's not that Captain America is considered an outsider, or that he's not trusted.

It's simply because Captain America isn't the holder of the diary.

If Captain America were here, there would be certain discussions that we couldn't have as freely.

"I wonder when Rogers will get his hands on the diary," Black Widow couldn't help but lament. It's awkward to always operate behind Captain America's back.

Moreover, the diary reveals so much critical information that SHIELD definitely needs to take action.

As one of the few individuals we can trust, Captain America is also one of the "Big Three of the Avengers" designated by the diary, and many actions cannot be taken without him.

Always having to hide things is indeed not the way to go.

According to Tony Stark's previous theory, the holders of the diary are important figures who can influence the future direction of the world; they are the protagonists of this world.

Without a doubt, Captain America is the protagonist among protagonists.

So, everyone is certainly looking forward to Captain America obtaining the diary.

Of course, it's just anticipation.

While Tony Stark's theory seems correct, no one can guarantee that it is indeed the case.

Whether or not Captain America will get the diary in the future remains unknown.

"This isn't something we can decide," said Nick Fury, spreading his hands, choosing not to waste time on this pointless topic. Instead, he turned his one eye to Thor, "Thor, what do you know about the Celestials?"

Black Widow couldn't help but shake her head slightly.

Before Fury arrived, she had already discussed related matters with Thor.

Unfortunately, the answers she got weren't particularly optimistic.

"Even to me, they are a very mysterious race," Thor repeated to Fury what he had already shared with Black Widow. "In fact, I know my father fought with the Celestials long ago, but I don't know much more about this war than you do."

With that, Thor waved the diary, "It's all in here."

"What about the other alien races or forces mentioned in the diary?" Fury asked Thor after pondering for a moment, "Such as Ego, the Eternals, or the Sword Station?"

"I'm not sure about Ego and the Sword Station," Thor steadily shook his head, but soon changed the tone, "However, when it comes to the Eternals, they are a group of powerful and reliable allies."

Fury felt a surge of relief. Finally!

The often-clueless Thor was finally able to provide some credible information.

"Thor, can you tell me more about the Eternals in detail?" Fury asked earnestly.

"You know, there was a war between Asgard and Jotunheim that erupted, and I was young at the time, but I experienced the cruelty of war alongside my father."

"It was then that I met those friends from the Eternals. They joined forces with my father and together defeated the frost giants."

"Oh, right, the war took place on Midgard," Thor began to excitedly recount the battle that had occurred on Earth.

On Earth?

Both Fury and Black Widow were surprised by this revelation.

They never imagined that Asgard and Jotunheim would wage war on Earth.

Was Earth even able to sustain the turmoil caused by these two realms of myth?

Fury then further inquired about the war's details.

Unfortunately, Thor was too young at that time and hardly remembered it.

Even information about the Eternals was likewise scarce.

Although Thor promised to introduce the Eternals, most of what he said was about how brave Odin was and how outstanding he, Thor, was.

In ten sentences, it was good if even one mentioned the Eternals.

This left Fury and Black Widow speechless with frustration.

However, they had dealt with Thor before and knew his character.

So they let Thor boast as much as he wanted.

Eventually, they managed to learn a bit about the Eternals.

"There was this one huge guy, I remember him; he was even bigger than me, and his most powerful weapon was his fist."

"Just like my hammer, there was nothing his fists couldn't smash."

"There was another guy with a really strange accent, but his attacks were also straightforward."

"He would just point his fingers at enemies and biu~biu~biu—fire powerful energy blasts."

Unfortunately, because so much time had passed, and since Thor was young at the time, his memory was quite vague.

He only mentioned some of the Eternals he remembered, giving Fury a general introduction.

Although it didn't meet Fury's expectations, it was still something.

At least they had a rough idea of the Eternals— a group of powerful individuals, each with different abilities.

The only regret was that the details Thor provided were too vague to locate the Eternals based on that information.

Otherwise, the Eternals could be a powerful potential ally to recruit.

After discussing the Eternals, Fury and Thor went on to talk about other spoilers from the diary.

Eventually, Fury casually brought up the topic of Thor's hammer.

"I feel I can now," said Thor confidently. "It's different from the many times before; this time, I have a feeling, a feeling that comes from deep within, that I know I can."

"I think I'm beginning to understand why my father exiled me."

At that moment, Thor's demeanor was entirely different from when Fury first met him in New Mexico.

After all, his time on Earth and the days spent with Captain America were not in vain.

He also gained some insights after learning about the Captain's life story from Black Widow.

Additionally, the spoilers from the diary revealed that Asgard was not as peaceful as it seemed but instead faced many crises.

As Thor worried and fretted, a sense of responsibility was also stirred within him.

Even though he was "trapped" on Earth during this time, in addition to attempting to pick up the hammer, Thor repeatedly called for Heimdall to transport him back.

Despite lacking the power without his hammer, Thor still wished to return to Asgard to do his part.

However, with the Bifrost Bridge destroyed, Heimdall was simply unable to send Thor back.

It required the use of the dark energy by Odin himself.

But what about Odin?

He planned to continue Thor's training.

The All-Father, knowing his time was short, was truly determined this time to make Thor grow!

Though the process was more complicated than he had anticipated, Odin's efforts were not in vain.

After being stuck on Earth for so long, Thor finally achieved the growth and experience Odin had hoped for.

Next, without further delay, Thor approached his hammer once again.

"This time, Thor is different."

Captain America spotted this right away and nodded to himself, "I have a feeling that this time Thor will indeed be able to lift the hammer."

"Let's just wait and see."

Black Widow echoed emotionlessly.

Unlike Captain America's simple joy for Thor, Black Widow's thoughts were much more complex.

If Thor could truly lift the hammer this time, wouldn't it mean that her mission had completely failed?

For Black Widow, the ace spy, it was not a pleasant experience.

This was even more so for Nick Fury, who had been scheming against Thor from the start.

But such matters were not for Fury and Black Widow to decide.

And so, under everyone's watchful eye, Thor reached out his right hand and placed it on his hammer.

Unlike all the previous attempts, this time Thor didn't have to try.

The moment his right hand touched the hammer, a happy smile couldn't help but spread across his face.

He felt his hammer!

The previous sensation returned!

"Mjolnir, have you been waiting long?"

Thor spoke as if to an old friend, and then gently raised his hand.

The hammer immediately allowed itself to be lifted by Thor's hand.

"Ha-ha, I knew it!"

Thor was ecstatic, as gleeful as a child.

It had not been easy!

After so many days in Midgard, he finally succeeded in reclaiming his own hammer.

In the next moment, with a flick of his wrist, a burst of lightning surged forth.

Crackle! Crackle! Crackle!

Beneath the lightning, pieces of armor flew towards Thor like moths to a flame, colliding with his body and assembling into a cool, domineering suit of armor!

Having spent so long on Earth as a mere mortal, Thor had finally made a grand entrance.

"So, this is the real you?"

Captain America gave Thor a once-over, nodding continuously with approval, "Not bad."

"Rogers, I want to thank you, my friend, from the bottom of my heart," Thor said sincerely.

"Don't mention it, I wasn't sure what I should be doing anyway," replied Captain America, with a shrug and heartfelt sincerity.

For Captain America, who had already been revived for some time, the gap of seventy years with this era was still something he was trying to adapt to.

"Also, thank you, Natasha and Nick Fury," Thor then turned his gaze to the spy duo, thanking and saying farewell, "But now, I must go."

He was eager to find out the state of Asgard, unsure whether his father had awakened from the Odin sleep, the state of Jotunheim, and Loki's situation.

With such eagerness, he wouldn't waste any more time on Earth.

Sharing a similar position as diary keepers, Fury and Black Widow understood Thor's feelings well.

Thus, they said nothing about asking Thor to stay.

"Welcome to come back any time."

Black Widow smiled at Thor, full of charm.

"This has been our first encounter, but it won't be our last," said Fury, meaningfully.

Thor nodded to everyone, not saying much else, and left with his hammer in hand.

Fury also had nothing more to say; he pulled Black Widow and Captain America out of the secret base.

After all, he had placed these two there solely to conquer Thor.

Now that Thor was gone, it was pointless to waste their presence there.

However, considering Captain America's situation, Fury didn't make any arrangements for him.

He simply coordinated with Cap in adjusting to society, and that was it.

As for Black Widow.

Undoubtedly, such a fine blade should not sit idle; conveniently, there was a situation that required her assistance.

Fury gave Black Widow a new assignment.

She was to fully cooperate with Tony Stark in secretly initiating an investigation on Alexander Pierce.

With Tony's technology on his side and J.A.R.V.I.S.' abilities online, virtually anything could be dug up with ease.

Black Widow provided comprehensive offline support.

Together, their efficiency was unmatched.

Moreover, this investigation differed from previous inquiries.

It was not unraveling a mystery from clues; instead, it presumed an outcome and worked backward to prove it, which was immeasurably simpler.

On just the third day, Tony Stark's side had results.

A plethora of irrefutable evidence showing Pierce's ties to HYDRA was brought before Fury by Black Widow.

Fury looked over the undeniable evidence with a face that was both solemn and serious.

"Pierce, you made the wrong choice."

"If that's the case, then don't blame me for what comes next!"

Fury, after a moment of silence, flashed a sharp glint of determination in his eye.

Dealing with Pierce was not a difficult task for Fury.

In fact, Fury didn't even need to change his strategy.

He simply needed to continue replacing Pierce with a Skrull.

And by doing so, taking control over HYDRA was just a matter of time.

The troublesome mess that was HYDRA finally seemed to have a solution.

The solution was simple—to become the new head of HYDRA.