
Journalling in the MCU: Characters Can Read My Diary?

Crossing into the Marvel world, Zhou Cheng gains the ability to become stronger by writing a diary. However, Zhou Cheng doesn't realize that the diary he writes is not only visible to him. The entire world gradually starts to become strange. Tony: I am not Iron Man, stop calling me that! Captain America: Bucky, go turn yourself in, while there's still time! Thor: Father, you never told me I had a sister? Translated from: https://www.69shuba.com/book/52096.htm Future chapters at: https://www.patreon.com/FFAddict

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Chapter 142

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The Sorcerer Supreme couldn't help but be shocked.

Throughout the ages, she had observed countless timelines. Some were unclear, but others remained vivid. Though, even the clearer timelines proved not very useful, as the development of the real world didn't align with any of the possibilities she saw. However, now even those previously visible timelines had become obscured, as if a black hole had engulfed them, making them impossible to observe. This time, the future had truly become utterly indistinct, even to Doctor Strange.

"What is this power?" Ancient One mused aloud, her tone grave and heavy.

In her long life, this was a first. But soon, she regained her composure. Whatever the power was, it was beyond her reach, and the headache of solving it was not up to her. Higher beings would concern themselves with it. Her duty was to protect Earth and ensure entities like Dormammu could not invade. As for everything else, it would unfold as it may! Perhaps, in a way, this uncertainty was a good thing. At the very least, it made life less boring, didn't it?

Take the secret meeting between Nick Fury and Tony Stark, for example. What impact would these significant figures, pivotal to the future direction of the world, have next? For the first time in her life, Doctor Strange was not omnipotent.

So what were the heroes of this Marvel universe doing?

"I can do it, I must be able to do it this time!"

At a SHIELD secret base, Thor, who had been striving to understand for an entire month, once again stood before his hammer Mjolnir. By his side were an excited Captain America and Black Widow. Black Widow had been staying at the base as per Nick Fury's arrangements, acting as Thor's "earthly guide."

Guides were crucial for those arriving on Earth for the first time, as seen in the original movies when Jane Foster takes Thor out for a meal. When Thor enjoys a drink and asks for another by smashing his glass, it results in a lot of laughter. So, a guide was necessary, both emotionally and logically.

That's why Fury's decision to pair Black Widow with Thor didn't raise any suspicions, including from Captain America or Thor himself.

For the past month, Black Widow, following Fury's orders, subtly showcased her charm to Thor and even intentionally emulated Jane Foster in some aspects. Unfortunately, Thor showed no interest in her. He was a prince of Asgard, after all. What kind of celestial "goddess" hadn't he seen? How could he be so easily conquered by her? Black Widow wondered what was so special about Jane Foster that attracted Thor. Perhaps she wasn't Thor's type, making things a bit tricky.

"Thor, don't put too much pressure on yourself!" Captain America's voice rang out, interrupting Black Widow's thoughts. Black Widow refocused on Thor, who took a deep breath and reached for Mjolnir once more.

"I can do it!"

He muttered under his breath and exerted force, but the hammer remained immovable, heavy as a mountain.

"Just as I thought," Thor said with a wry smile. He had anticipated this outcome since his enlightenment over the past month hadn't yielded the key to lifting the hammer. This was yet another attempt he was prepared for, and the result was as expected.

Heimdall, from faraway Asgard, saw this clearly and shook his head. Ever since Thor was banished to Midgard, Heimdall had kept a constant watch over him. He witnessed every attempt, every failure. This weighed heavily on Heimdall's heart. With all the troubles in Asgard – with Loki dead and Thor's slow progress on Earth – what was to be done? Was Odin truly content with this enduring trial for Thor?

But these were not Heimdall's worries. His duty was to aid Odin by watching over Thor, and Odin, aware of the situation, including others wielding the hammer, had no intention of changing his plans. Heimdall knew Odin was determined for Thor to grow up.

In an attempt to understand the virtue that had eluded him, Thor, setting aside his pride, asked Black Widow to tell him Captain America's story.

"Wait here; I'll make you a cup of coffee," she said, smiling. "After all, it's a very long story."

She prepared the coffee with graceful movements and began to recount Captain America's legendary tale. Even for someone like Thor, the story was fascinating.

Although this individual's strength is hardly worth mentioning, his life has been so fantastic, legendary, and full of dramatic twists and turns that even in Asgard, such tales are quite rare.

He left a profoundly deep impression on Thor.

"To choose self-sacrifice to save New York?"

In addition to this, Thor began to sink into deep contemplation.

He compared himself with Captain America in depth and seemed to have grasped something.

Black Widow immediately sensed something significant.

Compared to many previous times, Thor seemed to have genuinely gained some insight this time.

Such matters didn't concern Black Widow much, but she knew it probably wasn't good news for her superior.

Thus, Black Widow reported this intelligence immediately to Nick Fury in the Triskelion.

"Has Thor finally found some clues?"

Fury's brow furrowed slightly in his office.

Black Widow's guess was correct; Nick Fury indeed did not wish to see this kind of development.

Up until now, Black Widow's attempts to strategize around Thor had been highly ineffective.

The only consolation was that perhaps because they were both warriors who had fought side by side, Captain America and Thor got along quite well.

Even Nick Fury had made special arrangements and plans to deepen their bond by having them jointly face threats like vampires.

The results had proven very effective.

But what Fury hoped most for was to see Black Widow become the female Thor.

Yet now, there was not even a shadow of that possibility.

However, Nick Fury also understood that such things ultimately couldn't be forced.

"Boss, I've made a discovery."

Compared to Black Widow's report, Hawkeye Barton had made an intriguing progress.

"No, to be more precise, an eerily strange progress.

"I'm not sure about your source of information, but sir, there's some complexity regarding Peggy Carter."

"She seems unwilling to have her life disturbed; she changed her name, forged a new identity, and has been 'in hiding' in an inconspicuous small town in Brooklyn. It took me some effort to find her."

"She's not alone!"

With that, Hawkeye pulled out a photograph and placed it in front of Fury.

Fury glanced at it with his one eye.

On the photo was an old man with white hair and a stooped figure.

A series of question marks unconsciously appeared in Fury's mind – who was this person?


Immediately afterward, Fury's pupils contracted.

Somewhat familiar was the appearance of the old man in the photo.

Could it be?

The notion was absurd, and Fury could hardly believe it.

He immediately looked up, fixing his eyes on Hawkeye, waiting for an answer.

"This man is called Harrison Himer, Peggy Carter's husband. As usual, I investigated him and guess what I found?"

"The identity is fake."

"But I could not detect Harrison Himer's real identity until I obtained a sample of his hair and performed a DNA analysis match, finally gaining an answer."

"Sir, the result is something I still find hard to believe."

"The DNA analysis shows that he is Captain America!"

The truth!

This white-haired old man was really Captain America!

Despite conjecture, because it was so incredibly bold, even ridiculous, Fury was still severely shocked.

Captain America?

Would Captain America actually age?

Accustomed to the dashing young Captain America, the elderly version caught Fury completely off guard.

Thus, the notes in his diary were validated once again.

The Captain America from the future indeed traveled through time to make up for regrets with Peggy Carter.

That much was certain.

The only unexpected part was that this Captain America from the future had become an old man with white hair.

If Captain America had grown to be like this, why did he surface during the Battle of New York?

What could he possibly do at his age?

Could there be something significant about the Battle of New York?

"Boss, what exactly is going on?"

"Why do we have two Captain Americas in our world, one aged like this?"

"To tell you the truth when you first told me about the existence of another Captain America, I never imagined he would be like this."

Confused, Hawkeye stared at Fury.

"The answer is simple. This Captain America came from the future."

After some consideration, Fury decided to reveal the truth to Hawkeye.

The future?

Hawkeye's first thought was that it was nonsense.

Time travel was merely fantasy from films!

But recalling his investigation and the irrefutable evidence, Hawkeye was at a loss for words.

And since Thor existed, wasn't time travel possibly real?

As a senior SHIELD agent accustomed to extraordinary events, Hawkeye quickly accepted this sensational reality.

"So, Captain America came all the way from the future just to reunite with Peggy Carter?"

Hawkeye expressed his amazement, "If the word gets out, I suppose Peggy would be the envy of all women, right?"


Fury didn't waste time with chitchat but issued another order to Hawkeye, "Keep an eye on Captain America, but be careful not to spook him."

"It looks like you intend to have a chat with the Captain?"

Hawkeye wasn't naive and quickly guessed Fury's intention.

"Shouldn't we extend our hospitality to the Captain who has traveled so far from the future?"

Fury didn't deny it; rather, he stated it as a matter of course.

"Of course, we should!"

Hawkeye agreed wholeheartedly.

"All right, you may go!"

Fury dismissed Hawkeye with a wave of his hand.

What followed was self-evident.

Fury began to make a series of arrangements for his current affairs.

He also secretly conducted a thorough investigation into the elderly Captain America's situation.

A week later, having gathered all the necessary information, Fury felt the time was ripe.

It was time to visit that other Captain America!