
Journalling in the MCU: Characters Can Read My Diary?

Crossing into the Marvel world, Zhou Cheng gains the ability to become stronger by writing a diary. However, Zhou Cheng doesn't realize that the diary he writes is not only visible to him. The entire world gradually starts to become strange. Tony: I am not Iron Man, stop calling me that! Captain America: Bucky, go turn yourself in, while there's still time! Thor: Father, you never told me I had a sister? Translated from: https://www.69shuba.com/book/52096.htm Future chapters at: https://www.patreon.com/FFAddict

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Chapter 126

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Could it be Jane Foster? Or is it Daisy?

Those two names were the first to cross Nick Fury's mind.

It was simply that, so far, they were the only two who had had an encounter with Thor.

Of course, considering that Thor was also confined in the hospital for a while, some of the nurses and doctors there could also be possibilities.

As for the others, it was hard for Fury to imagine.

After all, if their involvement with SHIELD wasn't considered, what exactly Thor went through is probably known only to Satan himself.

However, for Nick Fury, this wasn't really a big deal.

Even who in the original storyline had a romantic connection with Thor wasn't important.

Since there was a possibility for Thor to open his heart and let someone in, Nick Fury could completely arrange everything.

He could make a SHIELD agent, Thor's girlfriend!

Wasn't it simply about filling the void in Thor's heart, soothing his wounded spirit, and then gaining access to his inner thoughts?

This wasn't difficult at all.

In doing so, not only would it strengthen the bond between Thor and Earth, but it would also deepen his own control over Thor. Two birds with one stone!

Fury, while appearing calm and collected on the surface, couldn't help but have such thoughts cross his mind.

So who would be up for this challenging mission?

Considering Hydra's infiltration into SHIELD...

Fury couldn't help but glance at Black Widow, who was nearby reading a notebook with him.

The task had to be hers!

To be honest, Black Widow's appearance was indeed quite striking.

With delicate features and a presence that could command attention, along with her extensive experience in similar missions, she was the perfect candidate for wooing Thor.

It was settled then!

Nick Fury made this decision with great pleasure in his heart.

Loki died?


Thor's brow furrowed with confusion.

First Odin's death and now Loki's, when would it end?

Was he not at ease unless he cursed himself?

However, it seemed that Loki probably had not sent the diary.

Thor knew Loki well; for no reason would Loki curse his own death.

And similarly, Loki would not curse their father's death.

And finding a girlfriend on Earth? That was even more far-fetched.

Could these mere mortals of Earth be worthy of Asgard's gods?

The idea that he, Thor, would do such a thing was ridiculous!

On closer consideration, the diary did seem rather unusual.

Throughout its pages, the tone was of someone predicting future events, which was not like Loki at all.

Could all this be the doing of Zhou Cheng?

Who was that guy, and what did he want?

Thor was lost in deep thought.

Of course, Thor eventually brought Jane Foster back to Asgard, where, unsurprisingly, Odin did nothing but scorn her.

Odin even likened Jane Foster to goat meat that wouldn't be served at the feast, a rather impolite comparison.

However, Odin could never have imagined that this mortal he so disdained would later become the Female Thor.

She even died in battle for Asgard, and her soul entered Valhalla!

Valhalla, the hall of honor reserved for Asgardian warriors who died heroically in battle, symbolizing the highest honor in all of Asgard.

Jane Foster! The girlfriend of Thor mentioned in the diary was actually Jane Foster?

Nick Fury had to admit, the answer was somewhat unexpected.

In his view, the encounter between Jane Foster and Thor had been entirely coincidental.

After bringing Thor to the hospital, it was likely there wouldn't be any further interaction between them.

After all, Jane Foster was an astrophysicist, and Thor?

Despite his remarkable background, on Earth, he was nothing more than a homeless man with mental issues.

Their worlds hardly intersected.

Jane Foster might well forget the wandering man upon leaving the hospital.

However, considering the small town of New Mexico, if something happened to bring Jane Foster and Thor together again, it wasn't impossible.

Fury could see this clearly.

But for Thor to take Jane Foster back to Asgard was once again beyond Fury's expectations.

Thor apparently held Jane Foster in high regard, it seemed he had developed true feelings.

So, was someone like Jane Foster Thor's type?

This thought struck Fury.

It seemed he might need to have Natasha study more about Jane Foster's character traits and learn some astrophysics.

That way, Black Widow could usurp Jane's place.

But in the very next second, Fury realized he had thought too much.

Jane Foster, the Female Thor?

The idea astonished Fury.

After the diary revealed Thor's encounter with Jane Foster, Fury had conducted a thorough investigation of her.

She was just an ordinary human being.

How could she become Thor in the future?

Considering this alongside Captain America, who also resembled Jane Foster in the potential to become Thor one day, Fury couldn't help but ponder.

Could there be a method by which mortals on Earth could transform into gods of Asgard?

The possibility excited Fury.

If he could control this method, would it mean SHIELD could create gods?

But did such a method truly exist?

Whether it was Jane Foster or Captain America, how did they turn into Thor in the future?

Fury was eager for the answer.

Unfortunately, lacking further intelligence, it was impossible for him to know.

One thing, however, was certain.

After this spoiler, Fury would have to regard Jane Foster as a top surveillance target, using the highest level of secrecy.

"A mortal becoming Thor?"

"What a ludicrous idea!"

Even Thor couldn't help but scoff at the notion.

To him, it sounded like an intergalactic joke.

Gods are gods, and mortals are mortals; the former stand high above the latter. How could the latter ever transform into the former, let alone into the most outstanding and amazing Thor?

Among all the deities in Asgard, Thor is indeed one of a kind, isn't he?

A mere mortal aspiring to stand shoulder to shoulder with oneself?

Must be out of their mind, right?

And to even mention that so-called individual who became the female Thor, who entered Valhalla upon her death!

That's absolutely ridiculous.

Valhalla, of all places!

It's not Hel, where any casual wraith can be admitted!


Truly ridiculous!

So, is this Zhou Cheng guy trying to tell jokes to make me laugh?

[Here comes something very interesting.]

[Jane Foster devoted her last bit of strength for Asgard, but when she died in Thor's arms, it was as a human.]

[And although Jane Foster possessed the power of Thor, she was fundamentally human, and so was her soul.]

[Yet, her human soul did indeed enter Valhalla.]

[What about Loki?]

[Loki isn't Odin's biological child, nor even Asgardian, but a Frost Giant, the sworn enemy of Asgardians.]

[So, would Loki enter Valhalla after his death?]

Ah, this!

Tony Stark was stunned in front of the journal.

He never expected such a startling revelation to pop out of the pages.

Thor's brother isn't his actual brother?

Odin's son isn't biologically Odin's?

Good gracious!

Iron Man nearly blurted out in astonishment.

At that moment, he really wanted to exclaim, "What a chaotic bunch!"

As a member of high society, Tony Stark was no stranger to such shocking relationship twists.

Many tycoons had affairs, illegitimate children, and whatnot—quite normal and not a big deal.

However, Iron Man hadn't expected such things among gods.

Then again, after reconsidering, Tony Stark resigned himself to the idea.

Mythological gods are notorious for their dalliances, with countless bastards and byblows, even playing more dangerously with each other.

Even Odin, the All-Father, has his share, with gods like Váli and Heimdall reputed as his bastards.

Yes, according to the myths, Heimdall is, in fact, one of Odin's illegitimate sons!

Being high society, Tony Stark wasn't particularly shocked.

Even so, Iron Man couldn't help but scoff.

Odin had been cuckooed spectacularly, even, one might say, luminously so.

A regular cuckold's cap could have been enough, but with a Frost Giant, no less—that's Asgard's archenemy!

Did Frigga really have an affair with Odin's nemesis to bear a son?

Damn, Tony Stark felt almost sympathetic towards Odin.

"There's another possibility!"

After his rant, Iron Man logically speculated yet another theory.

Perhaps Loki wasn't the secret love child of Frigga and a Frost Giant, but instead, was adopted by Odin and Frigga!

This also fits the "not biological" description.

Although the specifics were beyond Tony Stark's knowledge, to him, both scenarios seemed plausible.

"Loki isn't his own?" 

"Utter nonsense!"

Thor muttered under his breath.

Although Loki's nature does differ from grand Thor's, even vastly so, they grew together, played, fought, and were nurtured by Odin and Frigga. That makes him his brother.

How could he not be biologically related?

He is my true brother!

Thor refused to even entertain such a possibility, instinctively dismissing it as Zhou Cheng's baseless rambling.

It was impossible; Loki is indeed Thor's good brother.

And the claim that Loki is a Frost Giant was even more absurd.

Frost Giants and Asgardians are entirely different in appearance, alright!

With their blue skin and monstrous figures, does Loki look like that?

Pure fabrications indeed.

Was Zhou Cheng trying to sow discord between brothers?

But such a tactic was far too crude, wasn't it?

[However, Jane Foster couldn't likely lift Mjolnir just yet, right?]

[I remember Jane Foster becoming the Mighty Thor due to Thor's enchantment, not Odin's.]

[And that enchantment of Thor's was exclusive to Jane, designed just for her—others need not even dream of it.]

[However, Odin's enchantment might be worth a try.]

[Even though I'm not sure what sort of qualification Odin spoke of, once you lift the hammer, you gain the power of Thor!]

[Should I try my luck in New Mexico? Experiencing the sensation of being Thor seems like a rather fine thing!]

[The chances might be slim, but there's nothing to lose if I can't lift it.]

So this is the way for a mortal to become Thor!

A glint of intrigue flashed in Nick Fury's one good eye.

He had just been wondering if there was any chance for him to discover such a miraculous means of ascent from mortal to god.

And, as if on cue, the journal offered the answer.

Becoming Thor is simple; simply lift his hammer!

Though Nick Fury didn't know the exact enchantment Odin placed on the hammer, the journal hinted at "qualification."

Piecing context clues together, a guess seemed reasonable.

It was probably about being worthy to lift the hammer and thereby obtaining Thor's powers.

At this point, whatever the spell might be became irrelevant because the journal made it clear—lift the hammer, get the power.

So, Captain America became Thor just by lifting the hammer?

Had I known that back at the crater, I should've had him try his hand at it!

But no matter, we are all in New Mexico now, not too far away.

Once this wave of spoilers is over, I'll have the Captain give it a shot.

As for Thor's exclusive spell for Jane Foster, that's, of course, beyond me.

It's clear that it's of no consequence anymore.