
Journalling in the MCU: Characters Can Read My Diary?

Crossing into the Marvel world, Zhou Cheng gains the ability to become stronger by writing a diary. However, Zhou Cheng doesn't realize that the diary he writes is not only visible to him. The entire world gradually starts to become strange. Tony: I am not Iron Man, stop calling me that! Captain America: Bucky, go turn yourself in, while there's still time! Thor: Father, you never told me I had a sister? Translated from: https://www.69shuba.com/book/52096.htm Future chapters at: https://www.patreon.com/FFAddict

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Chapter 123

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"Give it up, Stark."

"You know you're just wasting your energy, right?"

Black Widow couldn't help but laugh as she watched Tony Stark turning red and straining.

However, only she, the egghead, and the few owners of the diary knew the true meaning behind her words.

After all, in the eyes of the average person, this hammer is simply difficult to lift, nothing special.

But those who own the diary know very well that this hammer is a divine artifact!

It belongs to Thor!

"I'm sure if I change into a different 'suit', the result would be quite different."

Tony Stark then stopped trying.

What he really thought, no one knows, but as always, he was verbally defiant.

Black Widow just shook her head and didn't say much more.

Having been a spy around Iron Man for so long, she understood Tony Stark's character well.

"Nobody can lift it?"

This piqued the interest of the Red Guardian, who walked over energetically and grabbed the hammer.

"That's because I haven't tried yet!"

He confidently spoke and tried to lift the hammer with a casual stance, intending to show off.

But he found out that the hammer didn't budge, like he was trying to move a mountain.

"I haven't started to put in strength yet, but when I do, this hammer surely—"


The voice of the Red Guardian came to a sudden halt, as he could no longer keep up his elegant pretense.

He started grabbing the hammer with both hands, putting in as much effort as possible, but just like Tony Stark, it was to no avail.

"Alright, this thing is really quite mysterious."

The Red Guardian chuckled sheepishly and admitted defeat.

"Who is this 'Long-haired Nikola? Did you bring him?"

Tony Stark turned and asked Nick Fury with a puzzled look.

Iron Man's "Nikola" was none other than the basketball star Nikola Jokić.

Of course he looked nothing like the Red Guardian, but their robust figures were undoubtedly similar.

"Stark, this is 'Peaceful Warrior', Erik Joseph."

"And Erik, this is 'Destroyer', Tony Stark."

The egghead simply introduced the Red Guardian and Iron Man to each other, revealing the Red Guardian's new identity, or his American identity—Peaceful Warrior, Erik Joseph.

"Destroyer, I've heard of you. You're an interesting fella. But don't you get hot wearing that heavy iron suit?"

The Red Guardian greeted Tony Stark casually.


Iron Man was slightly surprised, "I thought you only had fat in your belly; I didn't realize you had it in your brain as well."

How else could you ask such a stupid question?

Do you really think wearing an iron suit is just wearing a shell of iron?

"My father used to talk about you. In fact, many times. I never expected I would get to really meet you one day, Captain."

Shaking his head, Tony Stark no longer paid attention to the Red Guardian and turned to greet Captain America.

"Mr. Stark!"

Captain America also nodded towards Tony Stark.

He couldn't help but feel a little strange, recalling when he knew Howard, who seemed to be about the same age as Tony Stark now.

No, even younger!

And after closing his eyes and opening them again, Howard was gone from this world, and here stood Howard's son, about the same age, in front of him.

It was indeed an odd feeling.

"Coulson, you keep an eye on things here."

Once the greetings were over, Nick Fury did not hesitate to greet Coulson and left with the Avengers to a temporary base prepared by the egghead, where they housed the Red Guardian and Captain America for the time being.

And Nick Fury?

He, along with Black Widow and Tony Stark, the diary owners, rushed to a hospital in a small town in New Mexico.

"Director, everything is in place. We can take him away at any time."

Having received the order early, Hawkeye Barton, who used his FBI status to go through hospital procedures, reported to Nick Fury.

"Let's go!"

Nick Fury nodded.

The group, led by Hawkeye Barton, went upstairs to a hospital room.

"Release me! You foolish mortals!"

"Do you know who I am? I am Thor, son of Odin!"

"How dare you offend Thor like this!"

They had just arrived at the door when they heard roars of rage like those of a wild beast from inside.

Through the glass, they saw a man with long, golden hair and a physique like that of a bodybuilder, struggling on the hospital bed.

But since he was tied up with various restraints, he couldn't break free, looking very pitiable.

"Don't tell me this guy is Thor."

Tony Stark shook his head disbelievingly. The pitiable man didn't fit the word "Thor" at all!

Was Thor really unable to escape a mere hospital room?

This was almost comical.

Iron Man glanced at Nick Fury, "You haven't got the wrong person, have you?"

Of course, that was just a quip.

Iron Man knew that someone of Nick Fury's level was unlikely to make such a mistake, not to mention the detailed information spoiled by the diary—being knocked down by Jane Foster, being electrocuted by Darcy, and then being sent to a psychiatric hospital.

How could they possibly have the wrong person?

And although it was unclear what was going on with Thor, since he could be taken down by a taser, it was indeed not strange that he couldn't escape from a tiny hospital room.

But one thing was certain.

This man had completely destroyed the image of Thor in Tony Stark's mind.

"That's right."

Hawkeye Barton, clearly not understanding Tony Stark's sarcasm, confirmed on the side. "Since this guy was locked up here, he's been yelling nonsense about Thor and Asgard."

"Let's go meet our Thor!"

With Nick Fury's command, he motioned to those with him and pushed the door open directly.

They all approached Thor.

"Release me! Immediately!"

"I am the son of Odin, from Asgard!"

"Do you realize what you're doing?"

Thor saw someone enter and struggled even more fiercely, roaring non-stop at Nick Fury and the others.

"Mindless fury is of no use; you've been howling here for so long, haven't you realized that?" Tony Stark casually walked around Thor, sizing him up with curiosity.

"Are you mocking me, mortal?" Thor glared angrily at Iron Man.

"No, I'm actually curious. Although I've never seen a real god, shouldn't a god have mighty divine power? Something like this..." Tony Stark commented, tugging at the restraints that bound Thor, "Should be just a plaything for you, right? What got you into this situation?" Iron Man was genuinely curious about this, as were Nick Fury and Black Widow on the side.

Thor then ceased his roaring. Stark's words might have been impolite, but he was the first person in a long time who didn't mock him, didn't treat him as a lunatic, and actually listened to what he had to say.

"My divine power has been stripped away." A trace of sadness appeared on Thor's face, and his voice dropped a notch.

"That sounds like a terrible experience," said Nick Fury, stepping forward with a serious look, "But it ends now. We're here to get you out of this."

"Really?" Thor was surprised and delighted, and slightly caught off guard, "You believe me? You believe I am Thor?"

"It's not about belief, but knowledge," interjected Black Widow, "We know you are Thor, and we will help you leave, so please calm down for now, okay?"

"Really?" Thor felt so unexpectedly blessed that he was close to tears, "You must be the most intelligent and wise people on this planet, right?"

"I won't comment on them, but I should be fine," boasted Tony Stark, utterly unacquainted with modesty.

Black Widow, without a word, just spread her hands and went forward to untie all the straps that bound Thor. Thor felt the freedom immediately.

"Ha ha, this is great! Finally free from these things!" he said as he moved his hands and feet, in a very good mood, "Thank you for your help. Thor will remember this!"

"Don't mention it, Mr. Thor," Nick Fury gestured invitingly, "Let's leave this place now."

"No, I have something very important to do. I've lost my hammer, Mjolnir. I must find it!" Thor finally remembered the urgent matter and urgently addressed Nick Fury and the others.

While Thor wanted to thank the wise ones who had helped him, finding his hammer was more important.

"Calm down, I know where your hammer is. We can take our time," said Nick Fury again.

"Really? You know what I am talking about? My hammer, Mjolnir, calls forth brilliant lightning every time I swing it. You're aware of it, right? This is fantastic! Buddy, tell me, where is Mjolnir?" Thor, overjoyed, wouldn't stop pestering Nick Fury.

Originally, Fury's intention was to settle Thor down first, get to know each other, and then gather some intelligence. Questions like how he arrived on Earth with his hammer and the forthcoming threats such as the Destroyer needed to be addressed. But seeing how Thor couldn't wait, Fury knew he had to indulge him first.

"Thor, no worries, I'll take you there," Fury immediately calmed the eager Thor.

Without further ado, Nick Fury, who had just arrived in town, once again drove out, heading for the cordoned-off crater site.


Agent Coulson, who had received prior notice, was already on scene, leading Fury and his group to Thor's hammer.

"Mjolnir, it's you!" "I've finally found you!" Thor rushed over to his hammer as soon as he saw it standing in the crater, excited like a child with a smile that seemed to melt the winter ice and snow.

Snap! Without hesitation, Thor eagerly placed his hand on the handle of Mjolnir.

"Director, is he truly able to lift the hammer?" Coulson couldn't help but feel curious as he watched Thor's attempt, considering it clear by now that the Director made a special trip back just for the golden-haired "drifter" to try the hammer. His anticipation for the unfolding events had grown.

"If anyone is likely to lift that hammer, it would be him," Fury said to Coulson casually, looking straight at Thor, filled with anticipation himself. Not just Fury, but Black Widow and Tony Stark, who knew Thor's origins, were equally expectant.

However, what they were eagerly awaiting was soon to be contradicted. As Thor began his attempt to lift the hammer, his expression of confidence and certainty froze. A look of disbelief took its place. What the hell? Why can't I lift my own hammer? This is impossible! Thor was truly shocked. He took a deep breath and grasped the hammer with both hands, putting forth all his might. Yet, the result remained unchanged. Motionless as ever, the hammer defied all Thor's efforts.

"No!" The next moment, a roaring cry echoed through the vicinity. Thor knelt powerless on the ground, gazing up at the sky and wailing in despair.