
Journalling in the MCU: Characters Can Read My Diary?

Crossing into the Marvel world, Zhou Cheng gains the ability to become stronger by writing a diary. However, Zhou Cheng doesn't realize that the diary he writes is not only visible to him. The entire world gradually starts to become strange. Tony: I am not Iron Man, stop calling me that! Captain America: Bucky, go turn yourself in, while there's still time! Thor: Father, you never told me I had a sister? Translated from: https://www.69shuba.com/book/52096.htm Future chapters at: https://www.patreon.com/FFAddict

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Chapter 11

"Sir, I suggest we increase your security level."

"During this special period, Mr. Hogan alone is not enough!"

J.A.R.V.I.S. had also seen the content on the notebook and immediately made such a suggestion to Tony Stark.

"Mr. Hogan" is none other than Tony Stark's driver and bodyguard, Happy Hogan.

Like Pepper Potts, Happy is also one of Tony Stark's most trusted and capable subordinates.

But the thing is—

As a driver, Happy was definitely without fault, completely up to the task.

However, as for being a bodyguard, there was still significant room for improvement.

Under normal circumstances.

With Tony Stark's status and position, he would not usually encounter any serious criminal incidents.

Happy was sufficient to handle such situations.

But now it was a completely different story!

In just over half a month, Tony Stark would be kidnapped by an international terrorist organization!

The intelligence was also deemed to be quite reliable!

Who would dare to be careless in this situation?

"The thing I hate most normally is having a bunch of goons following me around every moment."

"It makes me feel uncomfortable all over."

"Happy would be upset if he knew, right?"

Tony Stark's brow furrowed slightly.

The thought of that scenario was indeed uncomfortable.

"I'm sure he'll understand."

J.A.R.V.I.S. continued to persuade Tony Stark.

Tony didn't say much else, but instead fell into deep thought and consideration.

Despite his usual flamboyant playboy demeanor—acting cool and like he didn't care about anything, as if he was above all else—

Tony Stark was not foolish.

His seemingly reckless behavior was simply a manifestation of his confidence and arrogance.

Because Tony Stark knew—

With his status, position, and talent, he could get away with anything without consequences.

But now?

"I'll leave this matter to Pepper to handle."

In the end, Tony Stark made such a decision.

When it came to his life and wealth, even Tony Stark would not dare to be negligent.

"Should we contact Colonel Rhodes?"

J.A.R.V.I.S. put forward another suggestion.

Given Tony Stark's relationship with the military, he could actually request military protection.

"No need."

Tony Stark waved his hand dismissively and then asked J.A.R.V.I.S. earnestly, "Has there been any movement from the Ten Rings lately?"

"The Ten Rings are still up to no good, engaging in various criminal activities around the world."

"However, I have not detected any suspicious matters related to you."

"I'll keep a close watch."

J.A.R.V.I.S. replied as such.

As expected, there was no significant finding.

Tony Stark understood and simply nodded, not saying much.

Instead, he turned his attention back to the notebook in front of him.

[But how to put it, everything is predestined, right?]

[If it weren't for this kidnapping, how could big shit become Iron Man?]

[Become the superhero that countless people respect and idolize?]

[Just think about the time when this jackass sacrificed himself to save the world, and countless people shed tears for him!]

[All of humanity felt regret over the loss of a superhero.]

Tony Stark's face couldn't help but reveal a peculiar expression.

Is it really me?

Respected and revered by countless people, even bringing countless to tears at the time of sacrifice?

Indeed, Tony Stark is met with cheers and screams wherever he goes, fervently adored by many.

More popular than the top-tier stars.

But even if Tony Stark is arrogant and full of himself, he knows that it's not genuine respect and admiration.

It's just a result of his status and identity.

If he were to die, probably only a few would shed tears, right?

And as for sacrificing oneself to save the world? Total nonsense.

What has the world given him, for him to sacrifice himself for its sake?

That's totally not his style! Although Tony Stark doesn't know what happened to his parallel universe self during the abduction to become like Captain America, such a goof.

But Tony Stark is certain; he would never turn out that way.

That's just too dumb.

Compared to all that.

Tony Stark is more concerned about why this world needs "Iron Man" to save it.

Is it because of the Asgardians arriving, or the Chitauri invasion, possibly an Ultron legion, or the cosmic planners?

Or some other crisis?

All in all, the future seems to be filled with many crises.

And that other version of himself, quite obviously, stood up in the face of many crises.

So that's why he's called a "superhero," isn't it?

[It's not just about Tony Stark himself; this abduction is of extraordinary significance for the entire Marvel world!]

[After all, the era of superheroes in Marvel was kicked off by Iron Man!]

[After Iron Man, came super-soldiers, aliens, witches, sorcerers, and so forth.]

[A pantheon of gods each displaying their powers, that's the real Marvel world.]

[After all, what's Marvel without superheroes?]

The era of superheroes!

Tony Stark's eyebrows lifted, immediately attracted by this term.

Because this term indeed carries a lot of information.

Since it's called an "era," that means the future will have many more superheroes!

It's also recorded in the diary.

Super-soldiers, aliens, witches, and sorcerers, and the like.

Looks like there's quite a number.


Is this really what superheroes are supposed to be like?

All along.

Tony Stark has been skeptical about the term "superhero" as suggested by Zhou Cheng.

He wasn't sure if the "super" in superhero referred to the kind like Captain America's "super-soldier," or if it was "super" like a "superstar."

Now, though, it seems he's got the answer.

Via the examples in the diary, it's apparent.

The superheroes recorded in the diary are individuals with extraordinary powers!

So, this era was initiated by me, Tony Stark?

Even a mere abduction has great significance for the whole world!

Worthy of me indeed!

Just awesome!

The smile at the corner of Tony Stark's mouth slowly started to smug up.

But what does "Iron Man" mean?

From the literal sense, did I gain the ability to control iron?

What kind of ability is that?

A cool kind of magic?

Although he doesn't know how it's done, it sounds pretty cool!

Looking at the diary entries, it seems this very ability arises precisely because of the abduction.

With that insight.

Tony Stark suddenly finds himself looking forward to that abduction!