
Journaling in Marvel

A Translated work . Original on faloo. com Traveling through the Marvel world, Luo Chen becomes stronger by writing a diary every day! Every day just by writing a diary, you can draw a lottery, and you can get all kinds of super abilities, magic, high-tech equipment, and armor. Originally, he wanted to keep a low profile to avoid attracting the attention of the bigwigs in the Marvel world, but soon he found that these original characters were not right. Spider-Woman Gwen let go of Peter Parker and approached him! Iron Man Tony Stark didn't go to Afghanistan and didn't get kidnapped? Scarlet Witch actually Awakened her Origin Magic Power in advance? Why did everything start to go wrong, did I travel through a parallel universe? Iron Man: I can't believe I'm just a fictional character! Scarlet Witch: Why do you say that I am not as good as Gwen, am I not as big as her? gwen: what? I would die for Peter Parker, I don't want to! The world is not right, very wrong!

Webnovel_Addicted · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 28 Pointing To The Zombie Universe

"For example, in World War II, the Lighthouse Powers were defeated for some reason, while the Axis Powers were victorious. No matter what the reason is, a new timeline that is completely different from our present may be born. I think, Luo That's what Chen's diary said!" said Nick Fury.

Several people nodded one after another. It really looks like this, and this analysis is more correct.

But what kind of danger is more dangerous than the snapping of the purple sweet potato essence he mentioned twice?


"A brand new timeline, and a new concept, hehe, if it is sent to the physics community, it will probably explode by now!" Tony Stark said. "It's parallel time and space, and it's the same body of parallel time and space. Now a new concept of timeline has emerged. How many surprises does he have to give me!"

Tony Stark himself also has deep attainments in physics, so he can fully imagine how much sensation those masters of physics will cause once they hear about this concept.

"But what's more dangerous than that purple potato spirit snapping his fingers?" Tony Stark paused.

Suddenly, a paragraph continued to appear in the diary.

[A more dangerous timeline than Purple Sweet Potato Snapping Fingers. . . That's too much. In the comic universe, which of these guys can't restart the universe, which one can't destroy the universe, it's too scary. Fortunately, this is not the comic universe, otherwise I'm really afraid of being punched to death by Hulk, tsk tsk!

However, even in the movie universe, the level of force is much lower, so you can't take it lightly. If it's the timeline of the zombie universe, it's really over. Anyone whose head is cut off will die!

There are so many abandoned timelines, each one is scary! ]

Luo Chen's words appeared in the diary, and the amount of information contained in his words made Tony Stark's head explode almost instantly when he saw it.

Because they guessed before that this so-called Marvel world is a world of stories, or a world of series stories, and it is likely to be a movie universe, because he has an actor, the guy named Robert Downey Jr.

But that was all guesswork, and he might not have had a hint of luck in his heart, but now that Luo Chen's diary has surfaced, it almost confirms this guess, and there is indeed a movie universe.

And he is the Iron Man in the movie universe, Tony Stark.

Luo Chen even mentioned that there are comic worlds one after another. It seems that in terms of danger, the comic world is much more terrifying. Anyone can restart the universe, and anyone can destroy the universe.

He really wants to complain, the screenwriter of the company called Marvel who set up this kind of plot, is his brain really good?

Let the comic characters under the banner destroy the universe casually, is there any logic?

It's not scientific at all!

Definitely, this matter is originally very unscientific!

But now it is certain that the movie universe and the comic universe exist, but they are not the same, and the destructive power of the movie universe should be lower than that of the comic universe.


"It should be that comics can draw all kinds of outrageous settings at will, but if the movie wants to show it, the budget may be too expensive!" Tony Stark said self-deprecatingly.

Now he can even explain from the perspective of company operations why the combat power of the movie universe is not as good as that of the comic universe.

That is to say, I must not be as effective as my own in the comic universe.

In the final analysis, isn't it still a matter of cost?

The combat power of drawing comics is already exaggerated, but the combat power of writing novels can be even more exaggerated. Anyway, there is no need to visualize it, and you can write whatever you want.

But making it into a movie is another matter. After all, the cost is a consideration. The rendering of special effects per second is a huge sum, and the sum is astronomical.

Although it was nothing to him, after all, he was a super rich man, but for an ordinary movie company, it would go bankrupt in minutes.

"Sir, I think what you should pay attention to is the zombie universe. All the members will turn into zombies. Sir, you will be the first to cut off your head!" J.A.R.V.I.S immediately reminded Tony Stark of the important points. "Even that purple sweet potato essence didn't escape becoming a zombie!"

"Yes, this one is more dangerous!" Tony Stark reacted immediately, he felt more anxious.

Now I really want to ask for a pair of eyes that have never seen this diary.

The more he knows, the more anxious he becomes. He also has to think about alien invasions, superheroes, super criminals, and the advent of gods in the future. Now, the whole world may turn into zombies.

He already felt tired. It would be great if he could not know about this matter.

"Zombies, this shows that there may be dangers of zombies lurking in our universe. When certain conditions are met, the timeline will develop in this direction, right!" Tony Stark immediately reacted.

This zombie universe is likely to be a derivative of their movie universe in a different timeline.

In other words, their future has a chance to become like this.

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt horrified, and the hairs all over his body stood on his head.

"Yes, sir, theoretically, there is indeed such a possibility!"

J.A.R.V.I.S replied.

Tony Stark squinted his eyes and said, "Luo Chen mentioned this purple sweet potato essence several times. It is likely to be a big boss at a certain stage, but they can't even escape this zombie virus. It's really not ordinary!"


"It's a pity that we still don't know what caused this zombie!" Phil Coulson said. "If we can know the reason for the birth of this zombie, we can solve it in a targeted manner!"

"Although our future is unlikely to become like this, does Luo Chen mean that there is a line in our future that points to this zombie universe, and there is a chance that we will all become zombies in the future?" Hawkeye Barton asked.

"Literally, that's what it means!" Nick Fury nodded. "I just don't know if it's the result of a certain biochemical experiment, and I don't know how far those scientists have to research to be satisfied!"

"But the most important thing is that there is not one timeline, but many!" Widow sister Natasha Romanoff said. "In other words, we may be facing at least two timelines now!"