

CHAPTER ONE Joseph is walking home from work when he sees a mysterious figure lurking in the shadows. He's afraid, but curiosity gets the better of him and he walks towards the figure. The figure steps out of the shadows and Joseph is shocked to see that it's an old friend of his, who he hasn't seen in years. Alright, so Joseph's old friend steps out of the shadows, and Joseph recognizes him immediately. The friend's name is Sam, and he used to be one of Joseph's closest friends, until something happened that drove them apart. Now, Sam has a haunted look in his eyes and he seems to be in trouble. Joseph decides to stay and help Sam, even though he's afraid of what might happen. Sam tells Joseph that he's been running from something terrible, and he needs Joseph's help. Joseph is about to ask what's going on when they hear a noise from the darkness. It's a low growl, like the sound of a wild animal. Joseph stands his ground, determined to face whatever's lurking in the shadows. Suddenly, a huge wolf steps out of the darkness. It's as big as a bear and its eyes glow red in the moonlight. The wolf growls at Joseph and bares its teeth. Joseph is terrified, but he doesn't run. Then Sam speaks up and says something surprising."Joseph," Sam says, "the wolf won't hurt you. He's my friend." Joseph is even more shocked to hear that the wolf is Sam's friend. But Sam tells Joseph to trust him, and not to be afraid. He explains that the wolf has been helping him to run from the people who are chasing him. Joseph is starting to feel like he's in a dream, but he still doesn't know what to do next. Joseph decides to stay and listen to Sam's story. Sam tells Joseph that the people who are chasing him are dangerous and ruthless, and that they'll stop at nothing to get what they want. He says that the only reason he's still alive is because of the wolf. Joseph is curious, and he wants to know more. He asks Sam who's chasing him, and why.Sam tells Joseph that he's being chased by a powerful, wealthy man who wants something from him. He says that the man is after a special ring that Sam possesses, and that he's willing to do anything to get it. Joseph is skeptical, but Sam insists that it's the truth. Then Joseph has an idea. He asks Sam if he can see the ring. Sam hesitates for a moment, then reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small ring. It's plain and unadorned, but Sam says that it's more valuable than anything in the world. Joseph is still skeptical, but he's starting to believe Sam's story. Then Sam asks Joseph for a favor.Sam asks Joseph to hold the ring for him while he runs an errand. Joseph is hesitant, but he takes the ring. Sam tells him to keep it safe, and then he disappears into the darkness. Joseph is alone with the ring. Suddenly, he hears a noise behind him. Joseph turns around, and sees a group of men in dark robes. They're standing in a circle around him, and they're staring at the ring in his hand. One of the men steps forward. He's tall and imposing, and his eyes are cold and calculating. He says, "Give me the ring." Joseph is terrified, but he refuses to give up the ring.