

The man in the robes raises his hand, and Joseph feels a sudden surge of energy. He's lifted off the ground, and he finds himself floating in the air. The man tells him that he will not give up the ring, and that he must hand it over or suffer the consequences. Joseph is in a panic, and he doesn't know what to do. Then, he hears a howl from the woods. Suddenly, the wolf appears, and it leaps at the man in the robes. The man falls to the ground, and the wolf stands over him, growling. Joseph drops to the ground, and the ring falls from his hand. The wolf picks up the ring in its mouth, and it runs into the woods. Joseph is left alone, and he's not sure what to do next. Joseph decides to follow the wolf into the woods. He follows the sound of its footsteps, and soon he finds himself in a clearing. There, he sees the wolf standing beside a large tree. The tree has a hole in its trunk, and the wolf drops the ring into the hole. Joseph approaches the tree, and looks inside the hole. Inside the hole, Joseph sees a glowing light. He reaches out and touches it, and he's transported to a strange new world. It's a beautiful, lush place, and the air is filled with the scent of flowers. He sees a small house in the distance, and he walks towards it. As Joseph enters the house, he sees a woman sitting at a table. She's dressed in a simple gown, and she's reading a book. She looks up at him, and she smiles. She stands up and greets him, and she asks him to sit down. She offers him some tea, and he accepts. They sit in silence for a moment, and then the woman asks him why he's there. Joseph explains that he found the ring, and that it brought him to this world. The woman nods, and she tells him that the ring is a magic ring. She says that the ring can open a portal to any world, and that the ring chooses who it goes to. She says that he's been chosen, and that he can use the ring to go anywhere he wants. She asks him where he'd like to go. Joseph thinks for a moment, and then he says that he'd like to go home. The woman nods, and she hands him the ring. He puts it on, and he feels a tingling sensation in his fingers. Suddenly, he's back in the clearing, and the wolf is standing in front of him. The wolf looks at him, and then it disappears Into the woods

Joseph decides to explore the world around him. He walks through the woods, and he sees a village in the distance. As he approaches the village, he sees people bustling about. They're wearing strange clothes, and they're speaking a language he doesn't understand. He approaches a man who's selling fruits and vegetables, and he asks if the man speaks English. The man looks at Joseph, and he smiles. He says, "I speak a little English. How can I help you?" Joseph explains that he's a little lost, and he asks if the man can tell him where he is. The man nods, and he says, "You're in the village of Aqarth, in the kingdom of Elenia." Joseph is shocked. He's never heard of this kingdom before. He asks the man how he can get home. The man says, "I'm sorry, but I don't know how to get you home. I've never heard of the place you're from." Joseph is starting to feel anxious. He doesn't know how he's going to get home. He starts to panic, and he asks the man if he can stay in the village for a while. The man considers for a moment, and then he says, "Of course you can stay in the village. We have extra rooms in the inn. I can take you there, and you can rest for a while." Joseph is relieved. He thanks the man, and they walk to the inn. When they arrive, the innkeeper welcomes them and gives them a room.