
JoJo x MHA: The Star

He typical person, but was forced to follow a certain life. However, one day, he dies from a truck in the suburbs. Before he died, he saved a kid from being hit by the truck, so at least he might go to heaven. The boy is in for a surprise when he instead gets reincarnated into MHA. No harems here

DryComplementary · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

What Makes a Hero?


(Musutafu/Sludge Villain Site)

As Jotaro walked toward the manga store, he heard strange explosions coming from the direction he was walking in; Jotaro obviously was curious and went to investigate.

'The explosions...' Jotaro thought - another rang out as he was thinking. 'They're getting louder - what could it be? An accident perhaps?'

The explosions eventually made it a prevalent fact to Jotaro that it was not from an accident as he turned the corner - it was from a villain, the sludge villain. Fire and smoke engulfed a small corridor leading to an alleyway. Close by, people watched the heroes who tried to defeat the sludge villain to no avail.

"These idiots shouldn't be this close to the battle; they could get seriously injured..." Jotaro remarked."Whatever, the heroes will probably deal with that sludge freak- more importantly, where's that-"

It was a pitiful sight; Jotaro's favorite manga store was destroyed by the explosions caused by the sludge villain. Not only that, upon closer examination of the situation, Jotaro realized that the sludge villain had a hostage with him - it was Bakugo.

"Are you kidding me..." Jotaro muttered. "I come all this way just to see my favorite store get fucking destroyed by that bastard, and not only that, he was helped by that little shit, Bakugo."

Jotaro clenched his fists, enraged at the absurdity of the crisis before him; he was very pissed off. Fortunately, Jotaro managed to calm himself down, cutting Bakugo slack since the brat was forced to use his Quirk uncontrollably.

"Those explosions are getting closer to the crowd, not good..." Jotaro noted. 'But... if I can get close enough-'

"T-That's the guy All Might captured earlier! But that can't be right..."

Jotaro hears a familiar voice and glances to his right - it is Izuku.

'Huh, looks like Izuku managed to endure his encounter with All Might; good for him.' Jotaro congratulated promptly.

"The bottle... if he dropped it... that means..." Izuku said, pausing for a moment before finishing his little breakdown of the situation. "It's my fault..."

'Eh?! Hold on, IT WAS YOU?!' Jotaro shouted internally. 'Then that means... when Izuku got on All Might's leg... he must've knocked off the bottle in All Might's pocket that carried the sludge villain!'

"Wait - why aren't the heroes doing anything?!" Izuku exclaimed.

Jotaro turns his head to figure out what Izuku was referring to; fortunately, it was reasonably easy to deduce. Evidently, Jotaro saw that none of the heroes have Quirks that suit the current situation, meaning nothing could be done at the moment. Jotaro also overheard onlookers say that someone has been caught by the sludge villain; Jotaro knew it was Bakugo since his Quirk fitted the explosion's patterns, noises, and destruction.

"I wonder how long he's been in there..." Jotaro questioned audibly. "Someone like Izuku would've died seconds from being trapped in that mass of sludge; I guess Bakugo is a pretty tough cookie."

"Oh, man... it looks like someone got captured-" Izuku said before noticing the voice and appearance of who he saw nearby. "Wait, JoJo?! Is that you?!"

Izuku ran up quickly to Jotaro, who tried his best to hide from the fanboy.

"Nope.. you got the wrong person..."

"You can't lie! Anyway, do you see what's going on?! It's crazy!"

"I know, I have been watching-"

"Seriously! Why hasn't he shown up to help the heroes?!"

"Who? All Might?" Jotaro questioned before recognizing something about Izuku's point. "Actually... you're right; where is he?"

Izuku then looks all around until he focuses on a blond man behind the crowd; he looks terribly ill, weak, and sweaty. Jotaro saw the man and couldn't understand why Izuku was so fixated on him.

"Oh no! He can't power up yet, and none of the other heroes have the Quirks to stop this monster...!"

Jotaro couldn't believe his ears or what he was seeing once he connected the dots to Izuku's claims - that man was All Might.

'No way... isn't he supposed to be tall and muscular?!' Jotaro contemplated. 'Why does he look so disheveled? Wait, is this about what Izuku said? That he couldn't 'power up' or something?"

"It's my fault... I'm sorry... so sorry..." Izuku apologized, crying and keeping his mouth closed with his hands.

Nearby, All Might clenched his wound - angry that he couldn't do anything to help Bakugo.

'I'm pathetic...'

'Help will show up and save the day, I'm sure...'

'I'm pathetic...!'



'A real hero will come soon...'

Bakugo then turned to face the crowd, teary-eyed and afraid - Izuku cried a little more at the sight of it.




"Hey, fanboy," Jotaro said, causing Izuku to look at him. "See ya."


As the sludge villain grew, Bakugo would lose the strength to resist and struggle against the monster. Yet, this wouldn't be the case for so long; suddenly, Jotaro runs past the crowd and dashes toward the sludge villain; he knew that he needed to get closer for his Star Platinum to be effective; at least four meters would do it.

"No, you idiot! Stop! You're gonna get yourself killed!" Yelled a pair of heroes who tried to stop Jotaro from getting past the crowd; All Might was shocked.

The sludge villain looks at Jotaro before realizing who he is.

"This brat again? HAH!! I HAVE A SCORE TO SETTLE WITH YOU!!"

Bakugo overheard the sludge villain and turned his head to the side, noticing that Jotaro was running at him and his captor.

"JoJo?" Bakugo uttered; he then noticed something following behind Jotaro - it was Izuku. "Huh? Deku?"

"Hey! Don't tell me you're trying to save that kid too?!"

All Might then saw Izuku, who was rushing towards the scene behind Jotaro.

'Wait, those two before! They're-'

"Eh?!" Jotaro exclaimed; he looked briefly behind and saw Izuku tailing him, causing a slight grin on his mouth. "He's insane."

Jotaro returns his gaze to the villain, knowing what he had to do to succeed in saving Bakugo. Concurrently, the sludge villain turns his eyes around to see Izuku running right at him. Meanwhile, on the sidelines, All Might watched on, disturbed by the high likelihood that he was about to watch two kids die in front of him.


Jotaro immediately attacked the sludge villain with his Stand, hitting on the eyes and teeth of the monster, causing the sludge villain to lose some of his grip on Bakugo.



Izuku followed up with the assault by using a trick from page twenty-five in this hero notebook to distract the sludge villain, throwing his bag right into the monster's face.


The distraction allowed Jotaro and Izuku to get past the sludge villain and finally reach Bakugo.


"What the hell...?! Why are you here?!"

"I dunno! My legs... they just started moving! I don't know why I did what I did!" Izuku answered, clawing at the slime villain's body. "But... It's probably because I've always wanted to be a hero! I couldn't just stand there and watch you die!"

Izuku then grins at Bakugo - as if trying to replicate All Might - the tears in his eyes going down his cheeks.


"Just a little bit longer, kid!" The sludge villain exclaimed with an evil smile.

The sludge villain then looks at Izuku and expands his body so that it would loom over him.

"AND I'M DONE PLAYING WITH YOU!!" The sludge villain shouted, thrusting his body downwards so that it would slam into Izuku.

"NO!!" All Might yelled.




[You Say Run]

"Now..." Jotaro grunted; he couldn't stand the smell from up close, finally close enough to the sludge villain. "What were you saying..."

"WOOOOHH!!" Star Platinum respired loudly.



Star Platinum smashes the sludge villain into a building, causing him to let go of Bakugo completely.

"ARHGHGHHH!! YOU DAMN BRAT- OWW!!" The sludge villain screamed - one of his eyes was pierced by a piece of debris. "UGH!! I'LL KILL YOU- HEY, WHOAAAA-"

The sludge villain's screams become incoherent as Jotaro uses Star Platinum to suck up the monster until a mere cup of his remains is on the floor with a single eye looking at him. Jotaro quickly grabbed a bottle and put the villain inside of it, effectively ending the fight. The crowd looked at Jotaro, dumbfounded at the fact that a kid had defeated a villain alone. Jotaro quickly realized that if they found out who he was - his home might get surrounded by media outlets. So, without thinking, Jotaro threw the bottle at the nearest hero using Star Platinum and leaped away from the scene.

"GOTTA GO FAST!!" Jotaro said while flying through the air.

From Izuku, Bakugo, and All Might's perspectives, the three had differing views...


'JoJo... That bastard...'

'That kid... He's the ideal successor...'


(Musutafu/Random Suburbs, Late Afternoon)

Jotaro, after leaping across town for a while, lands in a pile of trash near his home.

"Goddamn it..." Jotaro said, getting up from his messy spot. "Gotta work on the landing..."

After looking around for a minute, he saw his house in the distance - only about twenty minutes walk. Jotaro thought about using Star Platinum for a moment, but, considering his recent landing, he didn't risk it.

'Finally, some peace and quiet-'


"Oh my god..." Jotaro said, realizing whose voice had just called out to him - Katsuki Bakugo.

Turning slowly, he looked at Bakugo, who seemed pretty sweaty - almost as if he had run across town to find Jotaro.

"I got something to say to you!" Bakugo said, getting a little closer to Jotaro. "YOU DIDN'T SAVE ME, YOU HEAR?!"

"Huh...? But I did-"


"Is this..." Jotaro replied. "... Your way of saying 'thank you?'"

"NO, YOU BASTARD!! DON'T MOCK ME!!" Bakugo yelled before turning around to walk back home. "THAT'S ALL I WANTED TO SAY, JOJO!! THAT'S ALL!!"




"... Okay... weird," Jotaro muttered. "First time he's ever apologized, I think - what a rare moment indeed."

Jotaro breathed in a little before returning to his walk home.

"I wonder what mom's cooking tonight-"


From out of nowhere, All Might appears from behind a corner and startles Jotaro.

"SHIIIT-" Jotaro said, falling backward on his ass. "ALL MIGHT?! WEREN'T YOU BUSY WITH REPORTERS EARLIER?!"

"Shaking them off is nothing to me!" All Might exclaims with a pose. "AFTER ALL, I AM ALL MIGHT- KOFF!!"

All Might, coughing blood, began reverting back to his weak form in front of Jotaro.

"WHAT THE HELL, MAN!!" Jotaro remarked - blood was all over his shoes. "Ugh, god... these stains aren't ever gonna come off now..."

"Kid... I'm sorry you have to see me like this." All Might apologized. "But that's not important; what's important is that I have a proposal for you."

"Which is...?"

"Of all the people at the scene... it was only you and that other kid who acted!"

"'Other kid?' Wait, you mean Izuku-"



"Yes, kid?"

Jotaro is looking down at the ground - All Might assumes this is because of the significant proposition he just laid on him, thinking it might take a minute for Jotaro to comprehend everything going on right now. But, in truth, Jotaro was planning on doing something incredibly bold...




"Daga Kotowaru."

"NANI?!" All Might exclaimed, coughing out some more blood.

"I'm sorry, but I don't 'want whatever you're offering me," Jotaro replied. "I'm well off with my own power right now."

"BUT- YOU'RE PERFECT!!" All Might remarked. "I mean- why would you turn down my Quirk? It's the strongest there is?"

"That's precisely why I'm refusing - I want to become stronger on my own, using my Quirk."

All Might gasps, remembering that this might be a reference to his time on that Tv show (the one where he explains what "I AM HERE' means).

"Ah... so I guess it'll be a long time until I find a suitable successor like you, kid..." All Might replied, a little grief-stricken.

"Uh..." Jotaro interjected. "What about that kid who followed me?"


"He was fighting the sludge villain too, and he did it willingly without a Quirk."

"What?! He... didn't have a Quirk?" All Might said, shocked at this revelation. 'How could I forget?! That other kid was just as brave as this one!'

"My name is Jotaro Kujo, by the way, but close associates call me 'JoJo.'"

"'Close associates...?' Don't you mean friends?"

"Close associates."

"Ah... I see, well then! I best go find that other kid!" All Might remarked, returning to his hero form. "What's his name, by the way?"

"Izuku Midoriya, and he lives..." Jotaro said, trying to remember where Izuku lived. "That way."

Jotaro then noticed something - Izuku lived just a few blocks away.

'Note to self - do not let Izuku know my location.'

"ALL RIGHT!!" All Might said before turning the corner again. "THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP AND SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY!! I HOPE TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!"

With that, All Might fly away at incredible speed to track down and find Izuku Midoriya. Jotaro now stood alone in the suburbs with a blank expression.




"I'm definitely going to regret this in the future..."


(Musutafu/Kujo Residence)

Jotaro, finally entering his home, collapses onto the couch after a long day of bullshit and walking.

"Ugh... finally, I can read my manga in peace-"

" Oh, JoJo~!" Jorine cried, immediately hugging Jotaro; she sounded distressed. "I accidentally burnt every single one of your manga! I'm so sorry!"




"Yare Yare Daze..."


Remake done.


Updating my things today so no new chapters coming out; I can still see your previous paragraph comments if they get deleted so don’t worry.

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