
JoJo x MHA: The Star

He typical person, but was forced to follow a certain life. However, one day, he dies from a truck in the suburbs. Before he died, he saved a kid from being hit by the truck, so at least he might go to heaven. The boy is in for a surprise when he instead gets reincarnated into MHA. No harems here

DryComplementary · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Jotaro Kujo - Origin


-(Musutafu/Random Street, Ten Years Later)-

It was a beautiful morning: the sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and the temperature was just right. Musutafu, Japan, was a relatively good place to live at the time since villain activity has gone down in recent weeks; nobody knows exactly why, though. But despite all the peacefulness, villains lurk in the darkness - biding their time to strike. We now switch our view to seeing a boy walking down a street without a care in the world...

[The Stardust Man Appears]

The boy appears to be about 184 cm (6'0 ft), wearing high school attire, black shoes, an iconic-looking cap adorned with a golden button near the center, and, on its left, a rectangular golden plate with a design of a flattened star. It is torn at the back, appearing to merge with his hair. The camera (imagine it looking at different angles) panes from his shoes to his knees, from his hands in his pockets to his shoulders, and from his chest to his neck. The camera shows his entire body, not his face from the back, but then the boy turns while facing the ground. He then shoots his head up slowly and looks right at the camera with his teal eyes, showing the face of our protagonist - Jotaro Kujo.


-(Musutafu/Random Streets)-

"Huh, thought I was being watched for a second..." Jotaro considered. "Ah, it's probably nothing anyway..."

Jotaro was walking down the street to get to school, but he was more interested in something else; a villain had shown up nearby. Our protagonist, however, didn't get involved as this particular villain was already being handled by the 'pros,' and he didn't want to get his suit ruined.

"He's the size of a building..." Jotaro said, surprised at the size of the villain. "Then again, there's always that saying, 'the bigger you are, the harder you fall.'"

Jotaro's "Vigorous Healing" was at a professional level at this point in his life, and he could do many things with it, for example, advanced healing and fighting techniques. Sadly, Star Platinum was still unable to stop time (a power unknown to Jotaro). Still, Jotaro's stand was already powerful enough as he had trained him to go farther from him - about four meters total. Jotaro eventually fused his Quirk and Stand to deal extra damage to any punks who think they can pick a fight with him (his Quirk will deal more damage during the day, especially against already dead creatures). Jotaro's body also became pretty athletic; he could probably take on a person without a Quirk with no problem. Things were going swell, but currently, Jotaro was interested in the fight with the villain nearby.

'I wonder what mom will make for dinner-'

Suddenly, as Jotaro was walking, some green-haired kid ran past him. He knew that this was Izuku Midoriya. Jotaro had met him a couple times as a child but usually kept his distance as the kid seemed like a bit... Odd. Jotaro always stepped in to help from time to time to stop some bullying from Katsuki Bakugo and his gang of morons, a routine Jotaro still continues to this day (he was always a good guy in the end).

-(Musutafu/Jotaro's Old School, Ten Years Ago)-

"Enough, Kacchan!" Izuku cried. "Y'already made him cry, so stop it!"

Nearby at a kindergarten playground, a couple kids seemed to be having a fight - one of them was Izuku. Apparently, Bakugo had caused a kid to cry after attacking him. Izuku eventually had enough of it and tried to stop him, putting up a poor fighting stance to try and protect the kid on the ground.


"So Deku, the Quirkless wonder..." Bakugo said smugly; he and his two goons were showing off their Quirks to make Izuku more afraid. "... Thinks he can play hero?"

Unbeknownst to the other kids, Jotaro was nearby, sleeping on the ground by a tree, but all the noise made by the other kids caused him to wake up.

"Huh...? What's going on now...?' Jotaro groggily, a little irritated that his slumber was interrupted.

Jotaro turned to his left to see a kid he knew by the name of Izuku, or Deku, from the other kids at the school, who seemed to be trying to protect some kid who was crying on the ground from Bakugo and his goons.

"Not this again..." Jotaro said, getting up before making himself known. "HEY, YOU GUYS!!"

"Huh?" Bakugo and his goons interjected.

"Hey, is that Jotaro?"

"I think so."

Just as Jotaro was about to say something else, Bakugo interrupted him.

"HEY JOTARO!! YOU WANNA HELP US TAKE DOWN DEKU?!" Bakugo offered, smiling wickedly.

"What...?" Jotaro said questioningly. "No way, that's just stupid."

"Pfft, whatever!" Bakugo said before gesturing to his subordinates to attack Izuku and the other little kid. "JUST AS LONG AS YOU DON'T GET IN MY WAY, IT'S FINE-"

"Too bad; I like getting in the way."

With that, Bakugo and his goons were grabbed by Star Platinum and thrown to the side, seemingly out of commission for the moment. Izuku looked amazed at how Jotaro was able to so easily take down Bakugo and his goons, looking wide-eyed and shocked. Jotaro then went towards the two almost victims of Bakugo's bullying.


"EEP!! YES, SIR?!" Izuku yelped.

"Move aside."

Izuku did as ordered, and Jotaro then slapped the kid on the ground and healed his wounds completely.

"Huh?" Exclaimed the kid on the ground as he rubbed his former wounds. "Oh, thank you!"

"No problem, now you guys get out of here; I don't like having to go out of my way for crap like this," Jotaro ordered; the wounded kid left immediately, running in the opposite direction of Jotaro.

However, as Jotaro was about to leave, he suddenly felt a tug on his arm - it was Izuku.



"Can we be friends...?"



-(Musutafu/Random Streets, Present)-

It appeared that Izuku was more interested in the giant villain battle than him, which makes sense because he is a bit of a nut for those kinds of things. Anyway, Jotaro picked up the pace, so he didn't miss out on seeing the fight.

'Maybe I could learn a thing or two from it?' Jotaro pondered.


'Actually... Never mind, it's probably just some little altercation.'

-(Musutafu/Giant Villain Battle Site)-

When Jotaro reached the battle site, the villain made a mess of the place. Death Arms held a massive piece of metal, and Backdraft ensured the civilians didn't get too close to the fight. Jotaro overheard from a pair of spectators that the villain had stolen a purse and used his Quirk to try and escape, a stupid move on his part. Kamui Woods then shows up and starts battling with the villain; Jotaro then sees that Izuku is also watching in excitement like the rest of the crowd.

'This is underwhelming...'

"GET AWAY FROM ME, OR ILL BREAK YOU TO BITS!" The giant villain yelled.

The fight continues with Kamui Woods making many acrobatic moves with his Arbor quirk. He then lands on top of a building and addresses the giant villain's crimes.

"Assault, robbery, and illegal use of powers during rush hour traffic; you are the incarnation of evil!" Kamui Woods remarked, growing his arm, preparing to make a signature move that Izuku knows, which causes him to get really excited.

"The Preemptive Binding-" Izuku said excitedly.


"-CANYON CANNON!" Interrupted a giant woman who used both feet to slam into the villain.

Jotaro overheard from the giant woman that her name was Mt Lady and that this was her debut; he could tell from her voice that she was one of 'those' types of heroes. Jotaro then turned to look at Izuku, who appeared to be writing in a journal; he turned back to look at the

"Well, this was boring-"

"Oh, JoJo! It's you! I didn't expect someone like you to watch a villain battle!"

"Oh... Hey, I just happened to drop by," Jotaro said, shrugging. "You are writing in a... 'hero notebook,' or something? You are planning to be a hero like these guys?" Jotaro asked as he pointed at the heroes in front of the crowd who had just arrested the giant villain.

"Ha! Yes!" Izuku said, smiling. "More than anything!"

"Alright, cool," Jotaro said quickly. "I'm leaving now, see ya."

"Oh! Okay! Catch you later!" Izuku said with a wave.

'Thank god, I got away...' Jotaro thought, feeling a little relieved he got away from Izuku. 'If I stayed any longer, he would've blasted me with that damn analysis shit he does...'




-(Musutafu/Local High School, Afternoon)-

"I could pass out some career aptitude tests, but... Why bother?" The teacher said before throwing the papers in the air. "I KNOW YOU ALL WANT TO GO TO THE HERO TRACK!!"

The class starts cheering loudly, activating their Quirks in merriment. Jotaro was slouched in his seat, trying to fall asleep through the class' clamoring; he had already had enough of their goddamn bickering since the morning.

"SHUT UP!! YOU'RE DAMN ANNOYING!!" Jotaro yelled, glaring at the class.

"Ugh, Jotaro has to always ruin the fun."

"But he's so cool, though!"

"I think it's kind of hot..."

"Yare Yare Daze..." Jotaro sighed, tipping his hat further down.

"Hey, teach..." Bakugo said disrespectfully, putting his feet on the table. "Don't lump me in with this bunch of losers; I'm the real deal, but these guys would be lucky to be sidekicks to some busted D-lister, Ha!"



"Huh, you've got impressive test results; maybe you will get into U.A. High," Remarked the teacher.

The class begins talking about how crazy that sounds as the school is nearly impossible to get into. Jotaro didn't care; he had already done precisely what Bakugo had done, and the tests were all pretty straightforward, so Jotaro didn't know what Bakugo was so proud of.

"And that's exactly why it's the only place worthy of me! I aced all of the mock tests! I'm the only one at this school with a chance of getting in!" Bakugo ranted. "I'll end up more popular than All Might himself! And be the richest hero of all time! People worldwide will know who I am! It all starts with U.A. High!"

Jotaro couldn't be more annoyed at his cockiness and loud voice; he really wanted to punch him but knew that if he did, Bakugo would probably get knocked out instantly from the amount of force Jotaro desired to hit him with.

"Oh yeah, Midoriya and Kujo... Don't you two want to go to U.A. too?"


There was a pause in the class before thundering laughter erupted in the silence. However, it died down immediately as Jotaro looked up from his hat to look at them; they believed Jotaro would get mad at them if they thought he was being laughed at.

"Ahem, uh... Ah! Midoriya? You're kidding, right?"

"There's no way of getting into the Hero Course without a Quirk."

"But doesn't Jotaro got a shot? He's super strong..."

"Yeah, he'll probably go pro!"

"But that attitude is kind of..."

"Well, actually, they got rid of that rule!" Izuku argued, getting up from his desk to defend himself. "I could be the first one..."

Bakugo then angrily yelled at Izuku, which caused him the fall onto the floor at the back of the classroom. Jotaro looked at the teacher, but he appears to be a fucking moron in this instance because he does nothing to stop this injustice.

"And they wonder why there are so many villains in the world..." Jotaro muttered. "It always begins in these fucking classrooms..."

"Listen up, Deku..." Bakugo began. "You're even worse than the rest of these damn rejects, you Quirkless wannabe! You really think they let someone like you in when they could have me?"

This caused Izuku to gasp in shock; Jotaro didn't understand what was so surprising as it was expected of Bakugo to say something like that to him.

"No way! You've got it all wrong! Really! I'm not trying to compete against you! You gotta believe me!" Izuku pleaded. "It's just that... I've wanted to be a hero since I was little... I may not have a Quirk... But I can still try my hardest, can I...?"

Bakugo didn't care about Izuku's hopes and dreams, as implied by his subsequent remarks.

"You'd never be able to hang with the best of the best! You'd die in the exams! Defenseless Izuku!" Bakugo shouted. "The school's already crappy; you really wanna embarrass it more by failing so hard?"

The class started laughing again, which meant more noise; Jotaro was getting irritated again.

"Can you guys shut up? I'm trying to get some shut-eye..."

The class focused on Jotaro as he glared at Bakugo and Izuku. Bakugo angrily grits his teeth at me and returns to his seat, and so does Izuku.

"Jotaro! You shouldn't be so rude in class if you want to be a pro-"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU LITTLE SHIT!!" Jotaro yelled; he did not want to hear that teacher's bullshit again. "YOU TEACH NOTHING, YOU HEAR ME?!"



"You will say nothing; now shut up and spout more bullshit while I try to sleep," Jotaro said before putting his hat back down over his eyes - the class was pretty quiet after that outburst.

'Yare Yare Daze...'


-(Musutafu/Local High School, Afterschool)-

"Man, that fight from this morning is all over the news; better write some notes before I forget anything!"

Jotaro was getting ready to leave the class. Still, as he was getting his bag - Bakugo and two of his goons appear messed with Izuku again, swiping the hero journal from Izuku's hands.

"I don't know what you think you're doing, Deku, but we're not done," Bakugo claimed.

"H-hey! C-cmon, give it back...!" Izuku pleaded.

Jotaro, knowing that some bullshit was about to go down, did the most logical thing possible; he left the classroom.

'I ain't dealing with this today...' Jotaro affirmed.



Jotaro then walks up behind Bakugo and simply karate chopped him from the back of the head; he then fell limp on the floor, out of commission. Jotaro grabbed Izuku's journal, gave it back to him, and walked out of the classroom.

"You two," Jotaro said, pointing at the two goons - they looked a little scared. "Take him to the infirmary or something."

They both nodded and carried Bakugo out of the classroom following Jotaro's departure. Izuku was now alone and holding his book confusedly.



-(Musutafu/Random Sidewalk)-

Jotaro walked along a sidewalk, nearing his home in the suburbs. It was a reasonably good-looking home; the only downside Jotaro thought was that it lacked a Japanese style he liked. Unknown to Jotaro, Izuku tailed him from school - he wanted to learn about Jotaro's Quirk.

"Okay... It's been like a mile..." Jotaro said, looking behind him at a poorly disguised Izuku plant. "Why are you still following me?

"AH!! Well! Uhm, I just wanted to say thanks for helping me back there, JoJo!"


"Those guys are a bunch of bullies; Bakugo could've burnt my book if not for you!"

"I could tell, but why are you following me?" Jotaro questioned again.

Izuku instinctively takes out a pencil and his journal while going up right to Jotaro's face.


"I don't know," Jotaro replied skeptically. "It just seems-"


"Everyone already knows a brief amount of what my s- I mean Quirk can do."

"Please? I have everybody so far excerpt you figured out!"

"Fine..." Jotaro sighed. "By the way, you and Bakugo keep calling me 'JoJo,' why is that?"

"Oh! Well, we're usually the three who meet up the most at any moment in school... And I heard your mother called you it once, and Bakugo thought it was some sort of insult like 'Deku,' so..."

"How about this; reserved for people I know for a long time." Jotaro simplified. "It's easier that way."

"... What about trust?"

"Sure, whatever..." Jotaro said, not caring about his nickname so much. "Now, ask me those questions so I can go home."


-(Musutafu/Local Hospital, Ten Years Ago)-

Jotaro was walking with my mother out of the hospital with news that he had a hybrid quirk; he then heard faint voices in another room.

"Sorry, kid, it's not gonna happen."

"Oh, dear... So you really think there's something wrong, then? Most of the other kindergartners in his class have begun to show signs already."

Jotaro peeked in a little and saw a woman with her son; both had green hair and were talking to a different doctor than his.

"My records say you're a fourth-generation Quirk user; What powers do you and the boy's father have?" The doctor questioned.

"Nothing too special... I can float small objects towards me, and my husband breathes fire..." The mother said, almost ashamed. "They're useful enough, I suppose."

"Izuku should have already manifested one of these Quirks or a combination of both, but after viewing his x-rays, I don't think he's going to."

"Oh..." Inko said sadly - her son looked shocked.

"You see, when superpowers first began appearing, many research studies and doctors discovered a link between the bones in a person's foot and their likelihood of developing a Quirk; People with powers have only one joint in their pinky toes, allowing their bodies to evolve into a more streamlined version of the human form."

The doctor then pointed at a small photo of the boy's pinky toes; it looked different than that of a Quirk user.

"So you can see here that Izuku has two joints in his pinky - roughly 20% of the population these days has this abnormality." The doctor explained. "Based on the available research, it's safe to say your son isn't going to develop a Quirk."

The boy looked shook; it was only until Jotaro returned to school that he realized that Izuku Midoriya was the Quirkless kid and knew his life would be hell from onwards.


-(Musutafu/Random Tunnel, Present)-

Jotaro was now walking next to Izuku, nearly falling asleep from the sob story Izuku just told him, all about why he wanted to be a hero or something.

"I made a decision that day... No matter what anyone else thinks, I must believe in myself, and I'll keep smiling, just like him!" Izuku looks to the sky, closes his eyes, and grunts as he clenches a fist. "So what do you think, Jotaro-"

Jotaro Kujo - Being just tired out of his mind - has fallen asleep while walking.

"HUH?!" Izuku exclaimed.

"WHAA?!" Jotaro said, awakening from his slumber. "WHAT'S GOING ON?!"

"Did you even hear me?!"

"Uh... Yeah, sure!" Jotaro said since he didn't remember a thing Izuku said.

"So I can be a hero like All Might?!"

"Er... I guess? Not being on the same level as All Might, but a good start would be to stop being so damn scared of Bakugo."

"Ha! I guess..." Izuku said before starting a burst of boastful laughter like All Might; Jotaro has never cringed so hard in his life.

"Ugh... Well, I think it's about time we part ways-"

"SURPRISE!!" Swirled a newcomer from nowhere - suddenly, a slimy, green tendril shot at Jotaro.

Star Platinum luckily caught in and threw it back from where it came from - sludge villain in his disgusting form.

"Shit," Jotaro remarked. "Its a-"

"A VILLAIN!!" Izuku finished, appearing terrified.

Jotaro quickly used Star Platinum to throw them away from the villain, who almost grabbed them with his body.

"A villain...!" Izuku reaffirmed.

"Yes, you just said that," Jotaro replied, keeping his eyes on the sludge villain.

The villain noticed he missed both of them and stared at Izuku before staring at Jotaro.

"You'll make a perfect skin suit for me to hide in, kid! Too bad your friend will have to die!" The sludge villain declared in a distorted voice.

Izuku was freaking out while Jotaro merely furrowed his brows and prepared for battle.

'My first villain battle is with a pile of snot... That's just disappointing...'

"Don't worry, I'll only take over your body; It'll be easier for us if you don't fight back..." The sludge villain said before he made a twisted smile. "It will only hurt for a minute!; You'll feel better soon!"

"You're not getting anywhere near my body, you pedophile," Jotaro said, pointing at the sludge villain. "STAR PLATINUM!"

Jotaro's stand appears in front of him and performs a boxing guard. The sludge villain engages first, trying to grab Jotaro with his tendrils and body. Still, he manages to dodge the sludge villain's attempts to hold him and initiates a barrage of punches in his direction.

"ORAORAORAORAORA!! (x100)" Star Platinum cried; the sludge villain's slimy body was pushed around by the force of the punches, leaving behind only imprints of closed fists.

"Punch all you want; my body's made of fluid-"

The then sludge villain stopped talking after Star Platinum's attacks hit his eyes and teeth, the two locations of his body that could sustain any damage; the sludge villain then staggers backward and angrily looks in Jotaro's direction.

"Fucking kids... I gotta get that one's body and get outta here fast before he tracks me down." The sludge villain muttered. "Shit, I didn't know he was in the city-"

"You aren't going anywhere, criminal!"

The sludge villain was interrupted by a loud and booming voice at the end of the tunnel; it was him - All Might. The sludge villain gasps in fear of the number 1 hero; he is about to be in a world of hurt.

"Have no fear..."

[All Might]

"FOR I AM HERE!!" All Might shouted. "Texas... SMAAAAASH!!"

All Might before punching in the sludge villain's direction. A burst of wind pulls Izuku and Jotaro in the opposite direction. Star Platinum immediately places its feet firmly on the ground as Jotaro grabs Izuku by the arm so he wouldn't fly away from the sheer force of All Might's punch.

'This power...' Jotaro thought as the wind hit his face, making it twist and turn. 'It's much more powerful than my Stand, no doubt almost sixty percent stronger; if I was hit directly, my chances of survival would be almost zero...'

"I can't... Hold... Together...!" The sludge villain screamed before being torn apart by the shock wave produced by All Might.

All Might captured the sludge villain swiftly as Jotaro and Izuku recovered from the ordeal.

"Is that...All...Might?" Izuku said slowly before fainting.


"He does that sometimes..."

"Huh?! Hey kid!" All Might said, slapping Izuku's face, trying to wake him up. "Hey! HEY!!"

'It's gonna be a while... I might as well surprise him when he wakes up.'


-(Musutafu/Local High School)-

Izuku began to stir in his fainted state. When he finally opened his eyes, he saw Jotaro hovering over him with the most suspicious smile ever.


"HOLY SHIIII-" Izuku cried, looking terrified and immediately getting up.

"Thank goodness!" All Might exclaimed; he was glad Izuku was okay; he definitely didn't want 'dead kid' on his hero record. "I'm glad-"


Jotaro backed up slowly from Izuku since his fanboy energy had just gone over nine thousand.

'Good lord...'

"Well, looks like you're both moving around all right!" All Might said before doing a heroic pose. "Sorry about that back there; I didn't mean to get you two caught up in my justice-ing!"

"Oh my god, it's him, it's him, it's him, it's him, it's him, it's him, ITS HIM!!" Izuku said, expressing his excitement.

"Usually, I pay more attention to keeping bystanders safe, but this city's sewer system is pretty difficult to navigate!" All Might laughed loudly before giving the two his thanks for keeping the villain somewhere he could find.

"Anyway, you guys were a big help! Thank you, I've captured the evil-doer!" All Might said, showing off the bottle with the sludge villain inside.

Izuku was thinking about how amazing All Might was right now, but Jotaro just wanted to go home and read some manga. Izuku looks around for his journal and a pen; he probably wants an autograph.

"PLEASE SIGN MY NOTEBOOK!" Izuku asked as he opened his notebook to a random empty page - it had All Might's signature on it already. "HE ALREADY DID?!"

"Holy..." Jotaro remarked. "Not even my Stand's that fast..."

Izuku begins to bow continuously at All Might.


"Uh-huh! Well, I've gotta get this guy to the police so they can take care of him, so stay out of trouble; I'll see you around!"


"Pro heroes are constantly fighting time as well as enemies!"

Jotaro looked at Izuku; he couldn't shake the feeling something really foolish was about to happen, and Izuku would be at its center.

"He can't go yet... There are still so many questions I have to ask him..."

"You can ask him your questions whenever he goes to a convention or something," Jotaro suggested. "I mean, it's unlikely since he doesn't usually show up at those at all, but who knows? You might get lucky."

All Might walks towards a good spot on the ground where he can leap into the air.

"Now stand back; I'm taking off!" All Might said, crouching and preparing to take off from the ground into the air. "Thanks for your continued support!"

Jotaro watches as the number one hero lifts off into the air with tremendous momentum, dust, and dirt flying everywhere - some even got onto Jotaro's clothing.

"Damn it, I just had mom wash this one..." Jotaro remarked bitterly before turning to speak with Izuku. "Alright, Midoriya, I think I'm done here-"


"... Where the hell did he go...?"

Jotaro looked around and saw that Izuku was nowhere to be seen. That was until Jotaro realized something - Izuku, a fanboy, and All Might, his hero, at the same place...


"Oh my god, he is with All Might..."

Jotaro stared blankly at the sky where Izuku left with All Might, thinking of two things he could do to make light of the situation; Jotaro could go and find Izuku to make sure he doesn't get himself killed or something, or he could go down to a manga store and buy the latest issue, hoping that All Might handles Izuku accordingly.


"Welp, good luck, Izuku."


remake number 3, the next one prob get done today.


Finally, goddamn. Filling up conversations and dialouge editing sucks ASS but it's necessary. See you guys next chapter.

By the way, I may be forced to do only 1 chapter per fanfic from now one because I will be spending 2 weeks at my father's home up north where I live, but I will still be posting chapters so don't worry. See you later!

DryComplementarycreators' thoughts