
JoJo x MHA: The Star

He typical person, but was forced to follow a certain life. However, one day, he dies from a truck in the suburbs. Before he died, he saved a kid from being hit by the truck, so at least he might go to heaven. The boy is in for a surprise when he instead gets reincarnated into MHA. No harems here

DryComplementary · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

USJ Incident Part 1


-(Musutafu/Random Street, Afternoon)-

"DON'T GET ANY CLOSER!!" a villain yelled; he was holding a family hostage. "SEE THIS LUCKY FAMILY?! IF ANY OF YOU HEROES TRY TO COME AFTER ME, I'LL SNAP THEIR NECKS!!" he then started flipping off the heroes with his left hand.

Currently, three heroes were at the scene, Mt. Lady, Kamui Woods, and another hero - all three were visibly wounded and starting to get agitated as they were incapable of doing anything to help with the current situation. The villain proceeded to laugh a little crazily before speaking again. "Heh heh, you should stay back - wouldn't want the blood of these damned yuppies on your hands, now, do ya, heroes?" he smiled sadistically.

Mt. Lady was holding her right arm; it appeared to be dislocated from the shoulder down. "Serial robber and murderer... 'Habit Headgear'...!" she exclaimed.

"Not only strong but also a quick strategist!" Kamui Woods remarked, sprawling on his back like a turtle who couldn't get up.

The situation was becoming more grave; the heroes were ill-prepared to deal with a villain of this sort. "SAVE US, HEROES!! AT LEAST SAVE MY DAUGHTER!!" the mother cried as Headgear's clutches got tighter.

The mother also seems to have realized the severity of the situation; the villain now began doing some side steps. "Damn! This guy can really move!"

"AND NOW TO MAKE MY ESCAPE-!!" Headgear announced.

"FEAR NOT, GOOD FAMILY," Interrupted a newcomer who appeared to be falling into the scene with tremendous speed. "MISSOURI... SMASH!!"

All Might uses only his left hand to smack Headgear at the back of his head while also grabbing the family being used as his hostage. Headgear groaned for a moment before falling to the ground unconscious. "I'm here to keep you safe even on my morning commute!" he said with a significant smile; the crowd began cheering his victory over Headgear,

"YEAHHHH!" the crowd yelled. "ALL MIGHT!!"

Meanwhile, the heroes at the scene initially seemed to be ignored entirely. "We appreciate it, but..." Mt. Lady said, sounding a little disappointed.

"He'll put us out of business..." Kamui Woods finished.

All Might waved to the crowd, wearing his school attire. 'I shouldn't be late for school, but I can't ignore someone in need!'

"Thank you, sir! We had our hands full with this one..." A policeman said, expressing his gratitude.

"Ahem, just happy to help!" All Might said with a salute. "I mustn't be late, now farewell!"

All Might was about to return to his original course towards the school until he heard a woman's shriek from far away. "KYAHHH, A HIT-AND-RUN!!"

Suddenly, he began to tense up; he was running out of time for today. "I shouldn't be late..." All Might said, right before he propels himself towards the source of the screaming. HOWEVER...!! I CAN'T IGNORE A PERSON IN NEED!!" he finished.

All Might, flying through the sky, thinks about his decision to continue pushing his limits; he has noticed his power has been decreasing recently. 'My speed dropped... I've been weakening... ever since I passed on my power.' He cupped a hand over his chin. 'Even worse - my maximum duration was shortened when I overdid it last time...'

(Flashback to the time Izuku told Bakugo about One For All)

All Might proceeds to land in the street in front of a car, and people who see him get excited. 'Even if he's a more suitable vessel now, he's still a 15‐year‐old boy; I must ensure I guide him well!'

"There's a hostage situation across town!" someone yelled.

All Might growled for a moment in frustration. "Man, I'm gonna be so late..."


(Musutafu/U.A. Bathrooms)

"Ugh..." Jotaro mumbled, slowly exiting the bathroom stall, not feeling relieved from his ailment at all. "Goddamn it."

He felt his stomach ache for a moment which caused some mild discomfort, but it eventually passed, and Jotaro was left in a dizzy state of mind. 'Okay... I think I'm good...'

Jotaro washed up and returned to the classroom; everyone had already left, but Aizawa left him a note that said to go towards the rescue training area, or U.S.J. There was supposed to be a bus that would be there to pick the whole class up, but since Jotaro was away, it had already left. So he had to likely use his Quirk to get there as per the note's instructions - Aizawa presumably trusted that Jotaro's Quirk was fast enough to get there before even the bus arrived.

"It shouldn't take too long to get the costume back on again," Jotaro said, moving towards the box on his desk.


(Musutafu/U.A. Hallways, Later)

Jotaro was now wearing his hero suit and was walking down the empty hallways of U.A; he was about to pass a corridor, but - for some reason - there were lots of talking and snickering. Jotaro, being intrigued and curious, went to investigate. What he saw was unexpected - villains, and lots of them. There were almost one hundred villains that were in front of him. Yet, he only focused on the only two unique-looking ones- a disheveled, rat-looking man next to a person wholly consumed in black smoke. The villains stopped clamoring once the man with black void-looking shit around him raised his hand - this was 'Kurogiri,' the second-in-command of the 'League of Villains.' Additionally, Jotaro had noted that there were three towering, monster-looking figures besides Shigaraki and Kurogiri - Nomus; he didn't know what they were, so he decided to believe they were an immediate danger.

"Quiet down, everyone; young master has something he would like to say to all of us." Jotaro listened closely to the man's words, 'young master? So there's two?!'

"Everyone, the plan is simple - we kill the symbol of peace, I don't care how it is done - well, I would prefer it would be by my own hands, but I can make some expectations," Shigaraki explained. "Anyway, go into the portals once they're formed."

Jotaro scoffed at the man. 'That plan sounds too straightforward... could those creatures be the reason?' he considered. 'Needless to say, I gotta tell someone-'

A hand appears behind Jotaro, it was about to grab him, but he rolled out of the way and into the view of all the villains. "Well, well, who we have here?" one villain said jokingly.

Apparently, a man with a camouflage Quirk managed to get behind him - how unfortunate. "Goddamn it," Jotaro muttered. "Cover blown."

"A student?" Shigaraki questioned. "No matter, hurry up and kill him so we can continue with the plan."

A massive portal appears in the hallway, and villains start pouring into it; simultaneously, a giant villain goes up to Jotaro and stands before him, displaying an apparent disparity in their heights. "Leave this twerp to me; crushing his puny neck will be easy!"

"ORA ORA ORA!!" Star Platinum punches the villain three times: his face, chest, and stomach.

The villain doesn't move for a moment; the others think that he is just letting Jotaro have a chance to run away or maybe get in a free hit before he is killed. However, the villain coughed blood and fell backward, knocked out of commission. "HUH?!" they exclaimed.

"Oh?" Shigaraki said, sounding curious. "It looks like this is a tough cookie, but he will crumble all the same..."

"You sound like an asshole," Jotaro mocked.

He then made fighting gestures to several tough-looking villains, who all rushed toward Jotaro at lightning speed with fists ready to pummel him into dust. The remainder of the villains - including Shigaraki, Kurogiri, and the three Nomus - enter the portal, leaving Jotaro behind.

"How troublesome," Jotaro muttered, getting his Stand into a fighting stance. "I guess we're doing this the hard way... STAR PLATINUM!!"

The villain's fists connect, and they smile at this assumed victory; there was no way the kid could endure simultaneous punches like that. However, Jotaro did survive and returned the attacks in full.

"ORA!! (x300)" Star Platinum cried.

The villains flew backward from the shotgun blast-sounding attack, flying swiftly into the portal. One villain remained in front of the portal, shaking from fear. 'how could this kid be this powerful?' he thought.

Jotaro noticed that the portal was closing; he had to move quickly. "YOU'RE JUST A KID-!!" The thug cried; he stopped talking when Jotaro used his fist to punch the man right through the portal. In fact, there was enough force in the punch that he had sufficient momentum to enter the other side with the villain.

'Let's see where you are going!' Jotaro remarked as he went through the portal.


(Musutafu/ U.A. Teacher's Lounge)-

All Might is currently on the phone with someone; it sounded like he was talking to Thirteen. "Sorry... I should be able to go for a little bit at the end." he was sweating profusely. "I'm really sorry!"





-(Musutafu/U.S.J. Entrance)-




"That man is the height of irresponsibility," Aizawa said; he was really irritated All Might had wasted time. "Well, we should be okay with just the two of us; let's get started."

"Excellent." Thirteen put up some of her fingers. "Before we begin, let me just say one thing..."




"Well, maybe two things... possibly three, four, or five..."




"Six and seven... eight-"

"-WE GET IT!" The class cries, startling Thirteen for a moment.

"Ahem- listen carefully." she cautioned. "I'm sure you're aware that I have a powerful Quirk; It's called Black Hole, and I can use it to suck up anything and turn it into dust."

On the side, Uraraka was bobbing her head up and down, and Izuku asked Thirteen a question. "Yeah, you've used Black Hole to save people from all kinds of disasters before, haven't you?"

"Indeed, but my Quirk could also be used to kill very easily." Thirteen warned - this was a highly alarming property of her Quirk. "Some of you also have powers that can be dangerous."

(Insert long Thirteen speech about Quirk safety and potential for good or evil)

"... After all, that's what being a hero is all about - ensuring the safety of others." Thirteen finished her speech with a bow. "THAT IS ALL!! THANK YOU FOR LISTENING!!" The class, especially Iida and Uraraka, cheer in admiration.

"Thirteen is so cool!"

"That was wonderful!"



Aizawa sighed and turned to the class, ready to begin the rescue training. "Right, now that that's over-."

And then, unexpectedly, a flow of electricity could be visible from the lights above, causing them to break down. Not only that, even the fountain had malfunctions - something was terribly wrong. "Huh?"

Everyone was confused about what was happening, looking all around until their gazes focused on something below; at the fountain, there seemed to be a swirling black hole forming - its edges showing a purple hue resembling that of the void. The portal eventually expanded to a point, and a person whose face was covered by a severed hand could be seen peering at the students and teachers.

"Stay together and don't move!" Aizawa demanded. "Thirteen! Protect the students!" he said, placing his arm out in front of the class.

The portal expands further, and Quirk users begin pouring out of the hole. "Whoa, what is that thing? Wait- has the training changed? I thought we were rescuing people?" Kirishima questioned.

"Stay back!" Aizawa ordered, putting on his goggles - a sign that he's getting ready for combat. "This is real, and those are villains."

The class was shocked; they couldn't believe that any criminal could get inside the school; three muscular creatures emerged from the dark portal - their faces seemed to have twisted smiles. "Thirteen... and Eraser Head, is it...?" Kurogiri observed. "According to the staff schedule I received the other day, All Might is supposed to be here," he said, slowly returning to a more humanoid form.

"Of course... that whole incident earlier was this scum's doing." Aizawa deduced; the villains started walking toward the class.

"Where is he...?" Shigaraki questioned. "We've come all this way and brought so many playmates... All Might... the Symbol of Peace... is he here?"

The students and teachers watched as the villains made their way toward them; Izuku was doing his autobiography or monologuing as usual. "I wonder if some dead kids will bring him here...?"

Kurogiri turned to look at the portal, curious about something that should've been dealt with already. "Young Master, the villains we sent to kill that child, haven't returned yet; should I close the portal anyway?"

"Might as well; they are all disposable, apart from these three." Shigaraki gestured to the Nomus.

Kurogiri complied and began closing the portal. But then, suddenly, several of their thugs reappeared from the doorway - incapacitated and flying out of the portal. Almost every one of them would've hit Shigaraki if not for the Nomus. "The hell?!" Shigaraki shouted.

[Jotaro's Theme]

One more villain appears from the portal, followed by the kid that was supposed to be killed by them a minute ago. He does a barrel roll that lands him between the villains and their leaders. Then, slowly and gradually, the kid got up and glanced around at his surroundings; surprisingly, his face was unamused and unaffected by the mob of villains he now found himself in the center of.

"You..." Shigaraki muttered. "You're supposed to be dead."

The boy turned to look at Shigaraki - hands in his pockets, expressionless and tired-looking as usual. He smoothly takes his left hand out of his overcoat, places it on the edge of his cap, and tips it down; his class was watching him from the entrance. "Is that..." Izuku murmured.

"It's him!" Uraraka exclaimed.

"What's he doing down there?" Aizawa said, noticing one of his students was right in the danger zone. "Oi-!"

"-JoJo?!" Toru finished.

Kurogiri and Shigaraki hadn't expected the kid to survive; they knew the students were strong, but this was different - the men sent after him had exceptional strength Quirks. He said nothing except stare at the villains, their leaders, and the three abominations. The boy could be heard sighing loudly as he looked upon them with brilliant, teal eyes.

"Yare Yare Daze..."


It's straightforward to make remakes since it's the third person from here on out; I think I can get more chapters done today!


couldn't make a chapter yesterday b/c I was at a friend's house.

anyway, have fun reading.

or don't... suffer throughout reading it for all I care... I MIGHT WANT YOUR SUFFERING.

DryComplementarycreators' thoughts