
JoJo x MHA: The Star

He typical person, but was forced to follow a certain life. However, one day, he dies from a truck in the suburbs. Before he died, he saved a kid from being hit by the truck, so at least he might go to heaven. The boy is in for a surprise when he instead gets reincarnated into MHA. No harems here

DryComplementary · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

Class Representative


-(Musutafu/U.A. Enterance, Morning)-

As expected, the news that All Might had been hired as a staff member at U.A. took all of Japan by surprise. The media has now swarmed the school entrance in search of a story to fabricate - almost every local and international news outlet wanted to get their hands on All Might.

"Hey, you! Can you tell us what it's like to work closely with All Might?!"

Izuku turned and saw a reporter putting a mic directly in front of his face, causing him to jolt in response; it seemed the journalists didn't care who the student was - only as long as they had any information on All Might's whereabouts and activity. "U-Um, sorry, I must go to the nurse's office!" said Izuku; he quickly made his way to the entrance, trying to avoid any dialogue with the news teams around him.

Some reporters saw a student further back from the crowd, one uninterested in the news affairs - Jotaro Kujo. The reporter then made a rash decision and brought his microphone to the boy's face - a wrong decision, to say the least. "Are you one of All Might's students?!" he questioned curtly. "Where is All Might?! What is he doing now?!" asked another, pushing his microphone in Jotaro's face as well. "Tell us, kid! And why does your hat look so strange?!"

In response to their questions, Jotaro grabbed their microphones and, using his Stand's unparalleled strength, broke them into pieces with both hands - the reporters recoiled in response. Satisfied, he began walking away as if nothing had happened. The journalists could only stare at their broken microphones, fearing what would happen if they hadn't stopped talking to that student. "I wanna go home..."

"Tell us; what's the Symbol of Peace like in person?!" Uraraka was now being targeted.

"Um... What's he like?" she wondered, thinking of the time he entered the classroom and most of the times he spoke to her class - there were many heroic poses on Uraraka's mind right now. "Well... he's super muscle‐y. yeah!" Uraraka answered, imitating All Might by flexing her arms upwards.

"How is he faring as a teacher; what are you learning?!" Iida was now an interviewee.

"His leadership and wisdom remind me daily that I attend the world's most prestigious educational institution. Of course, he's the personification of honor and integrity that one would expect, but he's also not afraid to show his students a more humorous side."

"Okay, not really what I was going for, but-"

"-It's truly a unique opportunity to be under the direct tutelage of the pro we all admire!" Iida would persist with his breakdown for another ten minutes.

Unsurprisingly, the reporter gradually backed away once Iida became immersed in talking about everything he believed that described All Might's character and achievements - there was too much information to endure.

A different reporter saw a blond student and went over to have a dialogue with him - Katsuki Bakugo; he still hadn't recovered from his loss against Izuku. "Excuse me, kid! Are you in All Might's class?!" Not only that, the reporter even doubled down and reminded Bakugo of his 'incident' from a while back. "Wait- aren't you that Sludge Villain kid?"

"Walk away..." Bakugo ordered, grinding his teeth and twitching his left eye. The reporter knew he was in grave danger; he instinctively forced himself to back away in fear of Bakugo's wrath.

"Please, sir! Can you get All Might for us?!" A female reporter started questioning Aizawa. "Also, you look like a mess; what's your deal?!"

"All Might's off today, so get outta here; you've disturbed my students enough already," Aizawa said, flapping his hand up and down.

The woman wouldn't take 'no' for an answer and kept trying to get Aizawa to talk to her, even going as far as to follow him inside the school. "But my viewers want a story!"

Aizawa then walked through the U.A. entrance, ignoring the woman's shouting. 'How does Might All ever get anything done with this media circus stepping on his cape?'

The female reporter gritted her teeth and began making her way toward the entrance. "All right! If you don't bring All Might out, I'll‐"

"No, hold on!" her cameraman warned. An alarm suddenly blares, and the gate shuts in her face with a loud 'Klang.'

"WAHHHH!! WHAT THE HELL?!" she screamed.

"This gate is the U.A. Barrier!" her cameraman exclaimed. "Don't you know about the school's defenses?!"

"Eh?! What do you mean?"

"It's designed to stop anyone who doesn't have a student ID or special pass from entering the campus!"

The female reporter grunted in frustration; she definitely isn't getting her 'story' or whatever anytime soon. "Apparently, there are security sensors like this all over the place..." her cameraman explained.

"Keeping the public out?!" she shouted. "This school thinks it's untouchable! The least they could do is grant me one interview!"

"I know, right?!" a fellow reporter agreed. "We've been here for two days, and I still don't have a single comment on the record yet!"

Unknown to the crowd, someone was watching from behind; he was ominously standing behind the press, staring directly at the U.A. with malice.


-(Musutafu/U.A. Homeroom)-

"Decent work on yesterday's combat training, you guys." Aizawa commended, placing a stack of papers on his desk. "I saw the video feed and reviewed all of your results."

Aizawa explained the class' performance and what they should do to improve, and as expected, Bakugo and Izuku seemed to take the brunt of his criticism.

"Now, let's get down to business; our first task will decide your future." Aizawa's looming sentence sent a 'whoosh' throughout the classroom, sending its students into danger mode.

Everyone knew that every task Aizawa had given them up to this point was always either a test or quiz, regardless if they studied for it or not. 'How brutal is it gonna be this time?!'




Aizawa sighed before revealing the 'big' assignment. "You all need to pick a class representative."

"SUCH A NORMAL, SCHOOL-LIKE THING!!" The class began raising their hands, genuinely eager to get involved in this little task.

"Pick me, guys! I wanna be a class rep!" Kirishima shouted.

"I'll take it! In my administration, girls must show 30 cm of the thigh!" Mineta displayed his intentions almost immediately, which got him a hit from the back of the head by Jiro.

Jiro, after knocking out Mineta, raised her hand as well. "I'll do it."

"Someone with style would be best; this position was made for me!" Aoyama claimed, twinkling as usual

"I wanna be a leader~!" Mina blurted.

Jotaro, however, was weighing his options on whether he should or shouldn't get involved. 'If I became representative, it might be beneficial; I could lead a team of heroes myself once I go pro or something...' he thought.

Yet, after a brief moment of consideration, he decided he didn't want the responsibilities and duties of the class representative; it would cut into his 'busy' schedule. Jotaro then glanced behind his seat and saw that even Bakugo raised his hand - same with Midoriya. 'Those two want the job....?'

"Silence, everyone, please!" Iida shouted. "The class representative must lead others! That's not something just anyone can do!" he continued. "You must first have the trust of every student in the classroom! Therefore, the most logical way to fill this position is democratical; we will hold an election to choose our leader!" Jotaro noticed Iida had his hand up like the rest of the class; he wanted to become a class representative too.

'Huh, thinking about it logically, he might not be a bad choice...' Jotaro pondered. 'I guess he has my vote then." he decided to vote for Iida.

"Is that really the best idea?" Tsuyu remarked. "We've only known each other a few days; how do we know who we can trust?"

"Besides, everyone just votes for themselves!" Kirishima added.

"Most people will, but that means whoever does receive multiple votes must truly be the most suitable person for the job!" Iida reasoned.

Toru, sitting next to Jotaro, scratched her head confusedly. "Uhm- Iida, that isn't how that works-"

Iida, ignoring Toru, turned to the teacher, who was putting on his caterpillar fit. "WILL YOU ALLOW THIS, SIR?!"

"Do what you want; just decide before my nap's over," Aizawa said tiredly, slowly squirming his way to the teacher's lounge.

Iida bowed his head as the teacher left. "Thank you for your trust!"

The class then began putting names up on the chalkboard. "Ugh... I have a feeling something is about to happen..." Jotaro muttered.

"What do you mean...?" Toru asked concerningly. "Is it something really bad?!"

"Hmm..." Jotaro hummed. "I dunno, but maybe I'm just paranoid."

"Okay, then...!" she replied, looking at the chalkboard, which finally had the names of everyone in the class. "Who do you think will get the position? I hope it's me!"

"Definitely Yaoyorozu and somebody else - ain't no way I'm getting the job."




"HOW DID I GET THREE VOTES?!" Izuku shrieked - he had become the class' vice representative.

"More importantly... why did I get four?" Jotaro muttered, squinting his eyes at the board with his name having four votes beside it.

"OKAY, YOU IDIOTS, WHO VOTED FOR THEM?!" Bakugo roared, having only his vote beside his name.

"Did you honestly think anyone was gonna vote for you?!" Sero said incredulously.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!" Bakugo was definitely furious about the outcome of this election.

Meanwhile, Uraraka stayed a reasonable distance away from the angry pomeranian; her vote was for Izuku. 'Maybe I'll just keep my vote to myself...' she whistled.

"One vote..." Iida said defeatedly, placing his hands on the table and trembling with dismay at his loss. "I feared this might happen, but I can't argue with the system I chose...!"

"So you voted for someone else, huh?" Yaoyorozu commented.

"But you knew it was best to vote for yourself, right?" Sato noted. "What were you tryin' to prove here, Iida?"

"All right, the class rep is Jotaro, and our deputy is Midoriya," Aizawa stated, unhurriedly getting out of his caterpillar suit.

Izuku's face was fearful and anguish; he didn't expect this outcome at all. "REALLY?! IT'S NOT A MISTAKE...?!" he exclaimed, almost pleadingly.

"Why did this happen..." Jotaro moaned, squinting in disbelief at the floor.

"All right, everyone, return to your seats so we can begin class," Aizawa said.

Jotaro sighed loudly before returning to his seat, facepalming once he sat down. 'This day has already got off to a terrible start, and I have no doubts that it's probably going to get worse...'


-(Musutafu/U.A. Lunchroom, Afternoon)-

"It's always so crowded in here..." Izuku muttered, loud enough for his table to hear him.

"That's because students in the support, management, and hero courses all share the same cafeteria," Iida claimed.

Uraraka, not paying attention to the conversation, munched on some white rice. "Mmm~! This rice is tasty~!

"Ugh..." Jotaro moaned, contemplating his current predicament - administrative duties and responsibilities had just been put onto his schedule; it was empty, and he liked to keep it that way. "I don't think I'm 'qualified' for this representative stuff," he said, taking a bite of his lunch. 'Tastes good.'

"Yeah, me too!" Izuku said, nodding in agreement. "I think it should go to someone else!"

"Nuh-uh! No way!" Uraraka insisted, beaming at the deliciousness of her meal.

From nearby, Toru showed up and sat next to Jotaro; she overheard their dilemma. "Don't worry! You guys are totally qualified!" she said, nudging Jotaro's shoulder lightly.

"For me, it's in terms of actually caring for the position... which I don't," he said, shaking his head. "Where's your friend Mina by the way?"

"She went to hang out with Kirishima; apparently, he has been talking with her and a few others about something for a while," Toru confessed. "I wonder what it is about, though..."

"That sounds... devious..."

"I know, right!" she exclaimed, turning to Iida. "By the way, Iida, how do you feel about these two being our representatives?"

"You'll both be great," Iida said, eating another spoonful of his soup. "I'm sure of it."

Izuku raised a curious eyebrow at his words; he expected Iida to be a little jealous that someone like him got a 'sacred position' in the classroom. "Huh?"

"What do you mean?" Jotaro questioned.

"Your courage and quick thinking under stress will help make you a worthy leader, Izuku," Iida admitted. "Not to mention the strength you've demonstrated; those are the reasons I voted for you, at least. That's probably why the others voted for you too, JoJo."

Izuku was very surprised; he didn't expect Iida to have voted for him. "Wait, you were one of the three who voted for me...?"

"Maybe voting for Iida was a bad idea..." muttered Jotaro.

"Huh? You voted for him, JoJo?" Toru asked.

"Iida has... a certain 'persuasion' and 'quality' that makes him representative material," Jotaro acknowledged. "So it was an obvious choice."

It didn't take long for Jotaro to notice the happy look on Iida's face; it was the same face he'd made when Yaoyorozu explained why he was the MVP during All Might's training. Jotaro shook his head, hoping Iida didn't take his vote wrong the wrong way.

"But didn't you wanna be rep really badly? I mean, you do look the part!" Uraraka pointed out. "Cause of the glasses!"

"Especially because of the glasses!" Toru remarked. "They make you look smart!"

"He's still dense when it comes to choosing role models..." Jotaro muttered, recalling the times Iida thought Izuku was superior.

"I'm sorry, but that's not exactly how we should choose our rep; wanting a job and being suited to it are quite different things." Iida takes a sip of his drink before continuing. "Observing the Iida family's hero agency has taught me that much."

'But all we did in class was elect the most voted -that doesn't exactly determine if they're competent enough for the job...'

To the side, the other three at the table become interested in what Iida just said in his last sentence. "'Agency?'"

Uraraka was the first to ask hard-hitting questions. "Hold on, what does your family do?" she probed. "Could it be that you are..."

"A RICH KID?!" Izuku and Toru shouted simultaneously, getting the attention of some passersby.

"Stop making such a ruckus; others might notice." Jotaro cautioned.

Despite his warning, it didn't stop the three from getting closer to Iida to find out how loaded his family was. "UH‐! Oh, it's nothing!" he said, trying to put it off to the side.

"Y'know, I've been wondering about you because of how you talk, so admit it, Iida!" Uraraka pressed; she seems to have caused Iida to give in to the peer pressure.

"... I was afraid people would treat me differently if they knew about my family...! I tried to hide it, but it seems you all have found me out...!" Iida puts down his cup, preparing to give them an explanation. "You see, my family has been pro heroes for generations; it runs in our blood."

'Strangely relateable.' Jotaro thought; he felt it was almost strange to say it in his head.

"WHAT?! THAT'S AWESOME!!" they shouted.

Iida smiled at their reactions. "Are all of you familiar with the Turbo Hero, Ingenium?" he asked.

"I know all about him! He's a super‐popular pro with sixty-five sidekicks working alongside him at his Tokyo agency!" Izuku replied.

Iida was amazed at how studious Izuku was; the truth was, it was in terms of hero stuff, not academically. "How very informed...!"

"I've heard of him, too," Jotaro said, sipping his drink. "I knew that armor you wore was familiar."

"Wait- don't tell me...!" Toru got up from her seat in disbelief. "THAT MEANS-!!"

"He's my elder brother!" Iida announced, placing a finger on his glasses as any intellectual anime character would.

"Your family's famous!"

"I can't believe it!"

"That's amazing!"

"Ingenium is an unmatched commander who honors the hero code!" Iida's extreme adoration for his brother was stunning. "As the second oldest Iida son, I strive to be just like him! However, I think it might be a bit soon for me to be in a real leadership role." Iida pointed to Izuku. "You, for example, figured out what the judges were looking for in the practical exam - any rep needs that sort of insight!" he finished with a smile.

'What are you talking about, man...?' Jotaro was perplexed that Iida still believed Izuku was 'all knowing.'

"That's the first time I've seen you smile, Tenya!" Uraraka noted. "You should do it more!"

"Yeah yeah!" Toru said with a thumbs up.

"What're you talking about? I smile all the time!" Iida exclaimed.

"Hey, yeah, so about that practical exam‐" Izuku was suddenly interrupted when a loud bell rang: Uraraka spat her food, Toru yelped and hid behind her chair, and the three boys stood up from their seats and stared at the intercom. "What is that...?" he questioned.

"Not good..." Jotaro murmured; he could tell from the alarm's pattern that it meant bad news.

The whole cafeteria suddenly heard a message from the intercom. "Warning; level three security breach."

"Three?" Uraraka said worriedly. "That's really bad, right?!"

"It is! Level three is super serious!" Toru replied. "I saw it on one of those signs in the hallway!"

The intercom then followed up on its previous announcement with a directive. "All students, please evacuate the building in an orderly fashion."




After reading the room, Jotaro suddenly grabbed his four classmates using Star Platinum and got on the table. "GET READY!!" he shouted.

"HUH?!" they exclaimed.

Jotaro knew all hell was about to break loose; it was only a matter of time until the intercom gave the students an order to follow. And then, almost as if on queue, everyone started rushing towards the exits like a stampede of wildebeests from 'The Lion King.' Jotaro immediately grabbed the four at his table again and did his best to keep them as far from the crowd's path as possible.

"What's a 'Level Three security breach?!'" Iida questioned. "Also, where are you taking us?!"

"It means someone's managed to get past the school's barriers!" Jotaro shouted - crowds of students started to drown out his voice. "We should get moving before-"

Jotaro's sentence was cut abruptly once he and his classmates were getting pushed around in every direction by students trying to flee the lunchroom. Then, he quickly summoned Star Platinum to hold them all together, ensuring he could see if anyone was getting trampled. At least a hundred U.A. students were trying to get out in the same direction, yelling and pushing each other around with their Quirks and bodies.

"Ow! This is an entire mob!" Uraraka exclaimed as her feet were getting stomped on.

"Everyone was quick to react; I'd expect no less from UA students!" Iida said proudly while getting elbowed in the chin.

Jotaro ordered his Stand to make a barrier to ensure he wouldn't get his balls crushed. "Is this a perfect time to be talking like that?!" he questioned.

"They're causing a huge panic!" Izuku yelled as he fell to the floor. "CRAP!! I'M GOING DOWN!!"

"DEKU!!" Uraraka cried out.

"MIDORIYA!!" Iida yelled.

"Goddamn, these- OI, IZUKU!! GET OVER HERE!!" Star Platinum then grabbed Izuku by his collar, placing Izuku right against Uraraka, practically touching the... 'features' on her chest. "STAY TOGETHER!!"

Izuku's face suddenly turned ten different kinds of red; his body even started going limp.


"Are you okay, Deku?!" Uraraka asked, trying her best to hold Izuku up from falling into the chaos that was as far as the eye could see.

"Who in the world could've trespassed onto campus grounds?" Iida said as he was getting pushed against a window.

Looking closely, Iida saw that the media probably caused the alarm. "It's... the press that was outside!" Iida was now smudged up against the window. "I was afraid it was some kind of attack on the school, but there's no need to worry, everyone!"

"I don't think they can hear us!" Jotaro shouted.

"THIS IS CRAZY!!" Toru yelled; she was on the ceiling, hanging on for dear life.


'Where are the teachers?! Why aren't they taking control?!' Iida wondered.

He started noticing that some of his classmates were getting caught up in the mix. "Everyone! Stop freakin' out!" Kirishima said, trying to get everyone's attention but was also drowned out by the crowd's noise.

"THIS SUCKS A-" Kaminari was about to say something but was cut off by a falling elbow to his balls. "OH F-"


"The current's too strong!" Kaminari yelled.

'Am I the only one here who realizes everything's fine? There's no reason for us to be panicking!' Iida knew the situation would only get worse as time progressed.

Uraraka is heard yelping from the side as the current is taking her away. "TENYA, HELP ME!!"

"URARAKA!!" Iida cried.

"I GOT IT!!" Jotaro immediately sent Star Platinum after her, lifting her up and keeping her above the crowd with Toru. "You two! Hang on to each other!"

"Okay!" they replied.

'What would Midoriya do?! Or my brother?! And Jotaro?! How would they handle this?!' Iida was sweating profusely before he gasped, realizing what he needed to do - get everyone's attention.

"I have an idea!" Iida exclaimed.

"Huh?" Izuku interjected when he heard some good news. "You do?!"

"Uraraka! Touch my hand and make me float above everyone else!" Iida requested.

"HUH?!" She said, slapping her hand onto Iida's, causing him to begin floating above the crowd.

Iida began floating around like an astronaut, moving back to a wall and revealing his Quirk, Engine. 'Engine Boost, go!' he has made his first signature ability.

Iida propelled himself to the exit sign while rotating around like a pretzel. "IIDA?!" Izuku yelled in surprise while also being squished by three students.

Iida eventually got to the spot he wanted to be and turned to the crowds of students. "EVERYONE!!" Iida screamed at the top of his lungs; they all looked up and saw him posing like an emergency exit man.

Iida then takes a deep breath. 'This is it. Be concise, clear, and confident; make an impact!' he opened his eyes to make his announcement.

"Listen up, everything is okay!" Iida informed; the students were now concentrated and focused on Iida entirely. "It's just the media outside! There's absolutely nothing to worry about! Everything's fine!"

The crowd started murmuring to each other, looking outside to see the media being dealt with by the police and pro heroes. "We're UA students! Therefore, we must remain calm and prove that we're the best of the best!" Iida finished.

Jotaro looked outside where the media was primarily located; the police had just moved them all outside, which meant the crisis had been averted.

"Good Grief... looks like we made it," he said, tipping my hat and smiling softly. "You really are a reliable guy, Iida."

"Huh, that's the first time I saw you compliment someone!" Toru remarked with a point - lousy judgment as it caused her to accidentally let go of her grip on the ceiling "WHOOPS-!!"

Luckily, Jotaro catches her with his arms, preventing another unnecessary injury. "W-W-Wha~!" she stuttered.

"What are you talking about?" Jotaro questioned. "I compliment people all the time, right?"

He had ignored the fact he was now carrying Toru bridal style; she paid back the favor by smacking him repeatedly in the chest. "Y-YOU PERVERT~!!" she said, blushing and hitting him with minor blows.

Jotaro, unable to understand a girl's anger, could only sigh in defeat. "Yare Yare Daze..."


-(Musutafu/U.A. Homeroom)-

"Okay, so we need to figure out who the other class officers will be, but first, there's something that Jotaro and I wanna say..." Izuku said, looking like he was about to pass out.

He then nodded to Jotaro, signaling that he should finish what he was about to say. "We've thought a lot about this, or at least he has, and we think that Tenya Iida should be our class rep." This causes Iida to gasp. "Also, Yaoyorozu as vice representative," he added.

Tenya and Yaoyorozu gasp together in astonishment. 'Did they not expect us to retire from this position that quickly?' Jotaro thought.

"You see, he was able to capture everyone's attention and get us in line," Izuku explained. "So I believe he should lead our class from now on!"

"Also, Yaoyorozu was good at analysis throughout the battle training, which makes her a better candidate than me," Jotaro noted. 'She's probably smart enough to do a better job than me.'

There are gasps throughout the classroom, but Kirishima is the first to speak up. "You know what? If Midoriya and JoJo vouch for him, I'm good!" he nodded. "Plus, he was a big help and totally manned up and took charge, right?"

"Yup! Did you notice he looked like the dude on the emergency exit signs when he was on the wall earlier?" Kaminari mentioned.

"This is a waste of time..." Aizawa muttered, drinking his juice pouch. "I don't care who the rep is; hurry up..."

Iida rises slowly from his seat and places a hand behind his back and a hand in the air - palm facing outward. "If Midoriya and JoJo nominate me for this job... then I humbly accept; I pledge to carry out the duties of class rep to the best of my abilities!"

"Sounds good, 'Emergency Exit!'" Kirishima said, giving Iida a nickname that will stick (it won't).

"'Emergency Exit' Iida! Don't let us down, man!" Kaminari cheered.

"Hello...? I got two more votes than him..." Yaoyorozu muttered; she then shrugged and allowed Iida to have his moment.

Jotaro suddenly felt the need to head to the bathroom - probably because of the lunchroom maneuvering he had to do. 'Did they put something in that damn rice...? No, it's gotta be because of that goddamn incident with the fucking media!' he raised his hand almost urgently.

Jotaro then began to grab his stomach. "May I use the bathroom, sir?" he requested.

"Ugh... you might miss the lesson, but whatever - go ahead, and make sure to go to this location once you're done," Aizawa said before writing something on a piece of paper and handing it to Jotaro.

He exited the homeroom and rushed toward the bathroom; unbeknownst to Jotaro, someone was watching him from inside the classroom as he left...


-(Musutafu/U.A. Enterance)-

Outside the school, the whole gate was destroyed at the entrance, and about four layers were visible from the damage. Someone had instigated this entire ordeal during lunchtime, but who?

"No ordinary reporter could've done this," Principal Nezu proclaimed in front of some other teachers on standby. "Someone else must have been behind this - some villain actually managed to infiltrate our school." he continued. "But the question is; was this purely a show of power... or a declaration of war?"

And who knows if they weren't already inside of the school?


Finally, third-person perspectives are done, I just need to make some final adjustments, and we are good!


Never said it yet but let's get a round of applause for me getting over 200k total viewers on both my stories!

Anyway, see you guys next time; I got lots of stuff to write about.

DryComplementarycreators' thoughts