
JoJo x MHA: The Star

He typical person, but was forced to follow a certain life. However, one day, he dies from a truck in the suburbs. Before he died, he saved a kid from being hit by the truck, so at least he might go to heaven. The boy is in for a surprise when he instead gets reincarnated into MHA. No harems here

DryComplementary · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

The First Victory


-(UA Sports Festival: Roundabout, Five Minutes Later)-

"For those of you who thought the first obstacle was easy... let's see how ya feel about the second one!!"

Todoroki finally arrived at the second trial of the obstacle course; 'The Fall.' As he stared across the ravine, he could see a person sitting on the ground - not having a care in the world. Of course, this was Jotaro who was busy trying to regain lost stamina from using his signature timestop ability.

'He's here?!' Todoroki exclaimed, continuing to stare in disbelief.

He started to run straight forward, using his Quirk to freeze the tightropes in order to slide across - Todoroki was about to reach the stairs.

"It still doesn't matter - I have to get past him."

"ACHOO-" Jotaro sneezed; all this exercise was making him pretty tired. "I'm definitely gonna hit the sack when I get h--OLY SHIT HE'S ALREADY HERE?!"

He got up and immediately started leaping away; Todoroki had finally crossed the chasm and was now in pursuit. It seems that the other contestants have also arrived at 'The Fall,' surprised at the sheer depth of it. "Uh..."

"If they take a spill, they're out!! If they wanna pass this test, they'll have to get creative. It's 'The Fall!!'" Present Mic's voice echoed throughout the chasm; it was deeper than your mom's, let me tell you.

Mina, Toru, Uraraka, and Asui looked down and saw that there was only darkness waiting for them below if they had fallen in; it wasn't crazy to say that you might actually die if you slipped in.

"When did they even have time to build something like this?!" Uraraka questioned.

Next to her, Asui was getting ready to make the first move.

"What are you doing...?" Toru asked.

"Ribbit!" She replied, leaping towards some glorified tightrope; Asui prevailed and managed to land perfectly - as a frog would. "Ribbit."

"I forgot she was part frog..."

"This is my moment. Easy peasy," Asui remarked, making her way to a rock platform.

"She's fast!" Mina exclaimed.

While Mina, Uraraka, and Toru were left agape at Asui's initiative, someone behind them began chuckling - Mei Hatsume; her weird goggles glittered in the sunlight.

"Here it is! This is my chance to show off what I can do!" Hatsume kept giggling to herself creepily as other contestants watched. "My support items are gonna steal the spotlight from these wannabe heroes!!"

"Wannabe is kinda harsh!!" Toru exclaimed.

"Everyone!!" Hatsume interrupted. "Observe what my brilliant gadgets can do! Wire arrows and hover soles!"

"You're from Support!" Uraraka remarked.

"Hey! How come you got to bring all that stuff?!" Mina questioned.


"Students in the hero course get all kinds of combat training for their Quirks. In order to keep things fair and give us a fighting chance, we're allowed to bring whatever gadgets and costumes we want to the games, so long as we develop them ourselves!" She explained. "So, sit back and enjoy the show!!"

Hatsume then activated her wire arrow, having aimed it at the side of a rock platform. After a few seconds, it latches on. "For those of us in the support course...!"

Concurrently, Hatsume's hover soles began to make her float slightly above the ground; she then ran straight toward and jumped into 'The Fall.' "This is the perfect obstacle to show off our ingenious ideas and creations to any companies out there who might wanna recruit us!!"

She then pressed a button and the wire immediately retracted, pulling her towards her target at lightning speed; Hatsume laughed and cackled all the way up as she thought of all the things she could do once companies invest in her gadgets. "I hope employers are watching~!! My super‐cute little babies are sure to make a splash~!!"

She eventually skyrocketed into the sky with her hover soles, leaving everyone else in the competition in awe at her inventions; the wire arrow returned to its original position. "AHAHHAHAHAHHA!!"

"Wow..." Uraraka said, astonished by Hatsume's innovation. "THAT'S KINDA ANNOYING!!"

Toru huffed loudly and began climbing a line Asui used to get across. "I won't lose to some pink-haired genius!!"

"Ugh, this is so unfair!" Mina shouted, following her friend. "That's some misplaced equality!!"

"Interesting..." From behind, Shinso was watching the whole display and sneering; he was thinking of something dubious. "Heh."


"In the world of heroes, it can be hard to get popular without a flashy Quirk! Right, Eraser Head?!"

"I don't know what you're talking about, idiot-"

"-Looks like Bakugo got by easily!!"


As stated by Present Mic, Bakugo was now gliding across 'The Fall,' homing in on Jotaro and Todoroki; they glanced behind when they heard the announcement.

'He's finally getting fired up,' Todoroki remarked, darting his eyes forward to keep up and surpass Jotaro's lead. 'Took him long enough.'

"YOU GUYS SUCK!!" Bakugo could be heard shouting angrily at the two. "TODOROKI!! JOJO!! I'LL KILL BOTH OF YOU!!"

'These guys are being a real pain in my behind...!' Jotaro remarked, keeping his eyes forward. 'Do I really have to use my timestop again?!'

From farther back, Iida was now at the start of 'The Fall,' it was his turn to get across. "My older brother is probably watching this..."

He took a deep breath and jumped on a tightrope while activating his Quirk; he began gliding across the ropes with his arms outstretched, trying to keep himself balanced. "I can't let him see me look foolish-! I've got this!"

Present Mic notices and immediately said his opinion through the intercom for all to hear.

"That's so uncool!"


The audience was going crazy over the first and second-place runners, Jotaro Kujo and Shoto Todoroki. "The dude with the white cap in first place is getting far ahead!"

"Yeah... his Quirk is really powerful... but it's really his natural athletic talent and keen judgment that is keeping him in first place."

"Never heard of a Jotaro Kujo before, but I know who's definitely in second place! That's Shoto Todoroki!"

"Of course he is! That's the Flame Hero, Endeavor's son!!"

"Wait, for real?! That guy's second only All Might himself!!"

"Everyone'll be fighting to have him as a sidekick for sure!"

Emiko and Inko were cheering their sons as loudly as they could; both getting very teary-eyed but smiling nevertheless. "Let's go JoJo~!!"

"The leader's putting distance between him and the students stuck at 'The Fall!' It hasn't been announced how many competitors will make it through the next round, so there's no time to relax!!"

Multiple students are now trying their hardest to cross 'The Fall,' kids such as Aoyama and Shoji are easily and quite literally flying over the chasm like birds. Izuku, on the other hand, was having the most trouble since he was literally carrying a metal plate from a robot on his back the whole way - what the hell is he thinking?!

"Come on, Izuku..." Inko was very worried, seeing that her son was struggling to catch up. "I believe in you~!!"


Several minutes pass and Jotaro, Todoroki, and Bakugo stop at the final barrier; a fucking minefield.

"And now, we're finally approaching the last obstacle!! Everyone had better tread carefully! You're stepping onto a minefield!" Present Mic announced.

"What is this shit..." Jotaro said, staring at one of the 'danger' signs. 'I have to tread carefully or else I'm screwed...'




'Or...' He considered stopping time again; it was feasible, but he undoubtedly collapse at the end of six seconds, making him lose the first contest.




'Yeah, I'm definitely gonna do it.' Jotaro decided to stop time, but only after clearing the minefield - that was the best chance he had in order to get first place.


"If you look carefully, you can see where those little bombs are buried, so keep your eyes on the ground, folks." Present Mic began speaking again. "By the way, those land mines were designed for the games, so they might be loud and flashy, but they're not all that powerful!!"

He then took his chair and threw it to the side, getting pumped up.


"--Get a hold of yourself..." Aizawa moaned. 'I'm such a damn fool for listening to him.'


'Someone's already made it to the final obstacle?!' Izuku sprinted fast as he could but was gradually decreasing in speed because of all the weight he was carrying. 'C'mon, I can do this!'

Several students ran past him and made the unfortunate decision to not listen to Present Mic's warning, nor look at the massive danger signs near the entrance of the last obstacle. They screamed in terror when they got flung by explosions erupting from under their feet, even compelling others to accidentally step on landmines as well.

Todoroki was walking unhurriedly, making sure he didn't activate any landmines by mistake. 'Very clever... those in the lead are actually at a disadvantage here; I guess it makes for good entertainment--'

"--HA, HA, HA!!" Bakugo laughed wickedly, using his Quirk to charge at Todoroki. "THIS DOESN'T AFFECT ME!!"


"Bastard!! Your declaration of war was to the wrong person-!" He said, redirecting his hand to try and blast Todoroki who had narrowly dodged it.


"--Did you lovebirds forget about me?"


Jotaro appeared from behind both his classmates and shoved them backward with his Stand. They looked at him in shock and surprise - hating the fact they had forgotten about him. "See you guys later."

He left them behind and kept moving forward with his Stand, getting closer and closer to the straightaway towards the stadium. "Just like that, Kujo - once again - takes the lead! The media here is going crazy! There's nothing they love more than an upset!"

Many of their classmates and other contestants were struggling behind; for example, Iida tried to run faster than the explosions, but they still managed to catch up to him. "Hey, hey, hey! The rest of the competitors are catching up, too!"

Bakugo, Jotaro, and Todoroki were fighting amongst each other for the moment - ice and explosions were going back and forth between the three constantly. "And what's this?! Can our three leaders fight each other and stay in front of the competition?!"

Suddenly, a massive explosion is heard; Jotaro, Bakugo, and Todoroki turn around to see someone nose-diving towards them. "WHAT?!"



"What's with that huge explosion in the back?!" Present Mic questioned. "That was way more powerful than it should be!!"

All Might got up from his seat, raised his arms in the air, and watched on in amazement at his pupil's creativity. "YESSS!!"

"Incredible!" Present Mic exclaimed. "Whatever the case, Class 1‐A's Izuku Midoriya is suddenly in hot pursuit of first place!!"


-(Three Minutes Earlier)-

Izuku, who had just arrived at the last trial, has begun feeling the stress of the situation he was now in. 'Crap!! They're so far ahead!'

He was getting hopeless, but... "No! This isn't over yet!"

Izuku began digging up mines like a madman - monologuing to himself about how his plan was going to work. "Okay, I can do this!!"

Jiro turned around and noticed that he was digging up the ground; confused as to what Izuku was planning to do. 'What's Midoriya doing...?'

She resumes walking with the other students toward the end of the minefield while Izuku kept on digging. 'I can't be impatient, or I'll just blow myself up!!'

"Todoroki, Kujo, and Bakugo are neck, neck, and neck for the lead and knocking on the finish line!!" Present Mic announced.

"There!" Izuku finally had enough landmines to initiate his plan. 'Thanks for the idea, Kacchan! Super‐explosive turbo speed!!"

He moves back to get a running start and then jumps onto the pile. What came next was a massive explosion of pink which sent him flying up into the air; Iida was watching the whole thing play out.




"Whatever the case, Class 1‐A's Izuku Midoriya is suddenly in hot pursuit of first place!" Izuku flew past the three that were in the lead following Present Mic's statement. "STRIKE THAT- THE LEAD IS HIS!!"

The audience cheered even louder when they saw this new upset; things were getting even more engaging. 'I flew over them just like I planned. But there was more force than I expected!'

"AND-!!" He screamed as he began falling even faster towards the ground with only his makeshift shield to protect him from the impact. "I DIDN'T THINK ABOUT HOW I WAS GONNA LAND!!"

"DEKU!!" Bakugo shouted, beginning his pursuit. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING, HUH?!"

'How did he even?!' Jotaro questioned; Todoroki was now creating a path from his Quirk to walk on. 'SHIT-!!"

"This ice path will end up helping others... but there's no time to worry about them!"

Jotaro, seeing that Todoroki had made him a path to walk on, followed behind closely; he needed to stop time right as he reached the end, or else it was all over. "GIVE ME A GODDAMN BREAK!!"

"Look at that plot twist! Those three aren't fighting anymore!! They're chasing Midoriya!" Present Mic was losing his mind over how incredible everything was unfolding; it was like an action movie or something. "That's what having a common enemy will do in this competition! This fight is still far from over, though!!"

"What are you saying..." All Might remarked at his statements. "Anything can happen..."

Jotaro started to notice that Izuku was losing speed, about to fall in front of him and behind the other two - making them the only ones with a chance of victory. 'He's gonna collide right in front of me?! What the f-"

But then he had also noticed something else; Izuku was planting his legs on Bakugo and Todoroki's back, his hands gripping a thick wire attached to the metal he was using for the big explosions a few seconds earlier. Jotaro, slowly realizing what Izuku was about to do, stopped in his tracks and moved back a little to prevent getting caught up in an incoming detonation.

'It's almost as if he had coordinated it...' Jotaro commented, planting his feet on ice with Star Platinum. 'Todoroki's Quirk won't freeze the landmines at the front before-!!'

Izuku, as expected, brought down his big piece of metal onto the ground, hitting a landmine and causing it to propel him forward while leaving Bakugo and Todoroki stunned.


"In a stunning move, Midoriya has blasted past two of his classmates from 1‐A!! Wait-- what's this?! I don't believe it!!" Jotaro emerged in the most badass way possible from the pink cloud. "Midoriya is being followed by Kujo! He had just narrowly avoided the explosion that caught Todoroki and Bakugo!"

Everyone in the stadium's audience watched as the two landed together; Jotaro appeared to be getting up gradually while Izuku had literally hit the ground running. "They cleared that minefield in an instant!! Eraser Head, your students are amazing! What the heck are you teaching them?!"

"This has nothing to do with me." He claimed. "Each of them is powered by their own drive to succeed--"

"--There ya have it, folks!! Eraser Head is a terrible teacher!!"

"I'm what--?!"

"--Who would have imagined at the beginning of this race that the climax would be a non‐stop mega‐mix of surprises?!" Izuku was several feet ahead of Jotaro, who was now standing up straight, staring at him from behind.


"Izuku Midoriya..." He muttered, watching as Izuku ran in front of him; Bakugo and Todoroki were starting to pass him as well, using their Quirks to try and catch up to Izuku. "You really are a reliable guy."

Present Mic's voice can still be heard from the intercom. "The first to make it back into the stadium...!"

'Sadly, I'm going to have to take this win from you - nothing personal,' Jotaro then made a revolver gesture with his right hand, pointing it right at Izuku; he slowly but surely brought down the hammer, his Stand mimicking him from beside (note: Jotaro will always use two fingers to point while Star Platinum will only use one).


[Jotaro's Timestop Start - Part 4]

Jotaro put down his hand and began leaping again; he glanced behind to see Todoroki, Bakugo, and Izuku frozen in time. 'Almost feels like cheating... almost.'


He reached the tunnel that led to the stadium, noticing how everyone had varying facial expressions; Emiko and Inko appeared incredibly emotional, the pro heroes were very excited to see who would win first - for recruiting purposes, and All Might looked kinda annoyed at the fact Jotaro stopped time again (it was a cheap move in his opinion).

'Ah... this might be as close as I'm gonna get to heaven, huh?'


"That's enough for now - time end."

[Jotaro's Timestop Start - Part 4]

Jotaro ran towards the bright light at the end of the hallway; it was time to claim his victory, though, he had to slightly tip his head town to make sure he wasn't blinded by the sunlight.

"... Is the first‐place winner!!" Present Mic, as he finished talking, noticed that a kid has already made it back to the stadium. "OH WAIT-- Right now the first person back in the stadium is that man...!"


"Jotaro Kujo is our champion!"

Loud cheering can be heard from the crowd; it was a deafening experience for Jotaro. The fact he stopped time again made him even more stressed out; Jotaro was beginning to lose feeling in his legs, requiring him to take a knee. He looked up and saw all the people clamoring about his victory; it was even more pleasing to see his own mother balling her eyes out at the sight.

"OOOHH~!! JOJOOO~!!" Emiko definitely needed Inko to help keep her up from falling down. "JOJOOO~!!"

"Congratulations, Emiko-" She suddenly noticed that her son was appearing from the tunnel as well; Izuku had won second place. "OH, MY BABY IZUKU~!!


From somewhere else, Death Arms and Kamui Woods noticed a screen from behind them, displaying a very familiar-looking person...

"Hey, who's that kid?" Death Arms remarked. "Oh wait- it looks like he won the first contest, good job."

"Huh..." Kamui Woods mouthed. "He looks familiar..."

"Familiar how?"

"It's his hat, see?"

"Oh, yeah..." Death Arms tilted his head. "I think it was black though, right?"


At an unspecified location - probably a gamer's den - Shigaraki was staring at a computer screen; it was showing the live feed from the sports festival. He scratched his neck even more after seeing Jotaro on the screen; his face was partially obscured by his cap.

"It's that bastard again..."


"C-Cough..." Jotaro wheezed, needing to take a breather from the strain put on his heart just a moment ago. "Yare Yare... Daze..."

He looked over to see Izuku, standing proud and with a large smile on his face; even though it was only second place, he was still capable of making it this far - it was something he'd never dreamed of in the past. "YES!!"

'Looks like he's not upset by the... loss?' Jotaro didn't know what to call Izuku's second placing - unsure if it can even be called a loss since he was so happy for his 'victory.' 'And those... are tears of joy? Ah, shit. It makes sense after all he's been through.'

Izuku clenched his fist and was looking up at a proud All Might; Jotaro didn't understand at first... but it became clear after a brief moment of contemplation. 'So that's what he meant by...?'

"Good grief..." He sighed, sitting on the ground with a grin. "'I am here,' huh?"


As Izuku wiped his sweat and tears, All Might described the true meaning of the UA Sports Festival - quite obvious, don't you think?

'This sports festival is a competition where everyone aims for the top, even though that means defeating your friends and classmates...' Todoroki and Bakugo, followed by fellow classmates and competitors, began entering the stadium through the tunnel as well. 'And for professional heroes, popularity plays a huge part in their careers, so they have to want to be the best.'

"Haa... it's a bloodthirsty world," All Might sighed. "But at your cores, you both have a resounding determination and passion to help others..."

He gazed and the first and second place winners, Izuku Midoriya and Jotaro Kujo. Yet, for some reason, his smile started to become a frown when he realized a very aggravating factor in his belief.

"YOU COULD'VE PLAYED FAIR, YOU BRAT!!" All Might hated the fact his successor lost to a literal time stopper; he then began pointing at Izuku. "AND YOU - COOL IT WITH THE WATERWORKS!!"


From below, the business course students were speaking amongst each other about the first place victor. "This is interesting. I think it's obvious that Kujo's stock is about to go up..."

"True. He's got an extremely remarkable Quirk; in terms of speed and strength, he's definitely unmatched - as seen by winning first place and reaching the second trial almost instantly." They were very good at making assumptions. "I mean, imagine for a second that an agency was to take him on, how would they even market someone so talented? They'd definitely have their work cut out."

"I know right? He's got a lot going for him appearance‐wise, too," This isn't pandering, I promise. "Plus you'd definitely have to push his skills and outstanding, ambitious ways that he performs under pressure."

'Business course students...' All Might remarked. 'Ah... some things never change.'

From near the tunnel, Bakugo was undoubtedly furious; even through all the pain from Todoroki's Quirk that froze his arms before, his rage was impossible to quell. He panted loudly as he stared at Izuku and Jotaro, gritting his teeth angrily.

"JoJo... Deku..." He hissed, despising them more than usual. "No way... not fucking again..,!"

"The contestants are pouring in one after the other! Let's hear some applause for all our competitors as we prepare the results!" As Present Mic was speaking, Todoroki was keeping his eyes primarily on Jotaro, thinking deeply about something particular. "Hmm..."

From nearby, Uraraka and Toru ran to their respective cru- I mean, victorious companions.

"Good job, JoJo!! That was so...! So..." Toru was finally out of breath, beginning to faint from the added heat coming from the Sun. "Awaaa..."

She began to fall backward, about to fall onto the ground. Luckily, Toru got caught by Jotaro - yes, he used his own arms, guys. (I'm doubling down, he had catched her in one of those 'romantic stances,' holding her waist and with her arm around his neck or something).

"Muuh~?" Toru muttered, slowly awakening in a daze. "Huh...?"

"Look at that folks! An amazing display of the 'Tango' between two lovey-dovey teenagers!" Present Mic turned to Aizawa.

"Keeping things steamy in your classroom, eh, Mr. Aizawa? Which begs the question; when are you gonna settle down and get married--EEEEDD!!"



Aizawa had taken enough abuse from his friend for one day; he obviously used his Quirk on Present Mic and started throttling him. "SEEND HELLP- AAAAAAHHH-"

Toru, of course, heard it all from the intercom and couldn't stop herself from blushing; accidentally making herself visible from top to bottom. "WAAAAHHH!!"

"What..." Jotaro said, confused that she suddenly had a Quirk; Toru also was kinda decent-looking for a girl. "Did you lie about having a mutation...?"

"HUH?!" She noticed that she had become visible by accident. 'I STILL CAN'T CONTROL IT?! NOOOO!!'

"Don't look~!! I'm indecent!!" Toru squealed, covering her flushed face from Jotaro's gaze. "And let me down, please~!"

'What is even going on anymore...?' He let her go and she went to go 'cry' into Mina's boobs; she didn't know who was 'crying' on her until she recognized the voice of the individual.

"TORU?! IS THAT YOU?!" Mina exclaimed, looking at her friend up and down. "NO WAY!!"

"Please don't look at me~!!" This time, when Toru commanded it again, she became invisible once more. "I regret everything~!!"

"Huh?" Mina, slowly but surely, realized what Toru was crying about, making a very dubious large smile at her friend. "Oooh~! Making it public that he's your man, huh~!"


As Jotaro watched the sad interaction between friends, Tokoyami went up and gave him a pat on the pack. "Well done on getting first place, I'm jealous."

"You don't look jealous..." Jotaro remarked - his raven head was confusing, making him look serious all the time. 'You actually look kinda angry...'

"I'm not-"


"DARK SHADOW!!" Tokoyami put his Stan- I mean sentient as fuck Quirk back into his body. "I'm sorry about him..."

"ORA?!" Star Platinum appeared from behind Jotaro and started observing Tokoyami closely. "ORA ORA?!"

"It's fine," Jotaro was a little happy to hear he was 'fantastic' from even the most silent of classmates - right before replying to his Stand's astonishment. 'Did you not know from those apprehension tests that he had a Quirk that was similar to you?'


'I'm literally the only Stand user on the planet, dude," Jotaro said disappointingly; it could be nice to have someone for his Stand to talk to other than himself... and his mother. "Get ahold of yourself...'

He looked to the side and saw more contestants returning from the obstacle course. Something funny he noticed was that Mineta was using his balls (context) to stick himself on Yaoyorozu's back (context).

"How could this happen...?" She wobbled into the stadium, questioning as to why she was so tired throughout the second and third trials.

Mineta, who was laughing a little crazily, appeared to be bleeding a little from having taken hits for her from behind (context) - not as some sort of chivalrous act but instead because he was a pervert. "Two birds with one stone! I'm a genius!"

"You are the worst..."


Once everyone had returned, Midnight made the next announcement for the second contest of the sports festival. "The first game for the first years is finally over, and what a game it was! Now... let's take a quick look at the standings, shall we?"


1. Jotaro Kujo

2. Izuku Midoriya

3. Shoto Todoroki

4. Katsuki Bakugo

5. Ibara Shiozaki

6. Juzo Honenuki

7. Tenya Iida

8. Fumikage Tokoyami

9. Hanta Sero

10. Ejiro Kirishima

11. Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu

12. Yosetsu Awase

13. Tsuyu Asui

14. Mezo Shoji

15. Rikido Sato

16. Ochaco Uraraka

17. Momo Yaoyorozu

18. Minoru Mineta

19. Mina Ashido

20. Koji Koda

21. Kyoka Jiro

22. Sen Kaibara

23. Kosei Tsuburaba

24. Denki Kaminari

25. Kojiro Bondo

26. Reiko Yanagi

27. Hitoshi Shinsou

28. Itsuka Kendo

29. Jurota Shishida

30. Shihai Kuroiro

31. Yui Kodai

32. Hiryu Rin

33. Nirengeki Shoda

34. Kinoko Komori

35. Togaru Kamakiri

36. Neito Monoma

37. Pony Tsunotori

38. Toru Hagakure

39. Setsuna Tokage

40. Manga Fukidashi

41. Mei Hatsume

42. Yuga Aoyama

(Made it for reference)


"Only the top 42 will advance to the next round. But don't be too let down if you didn't make the cut! We've prepared other opportunities for you to shine!" Midnight said, licking her lips; Jotaro subsequently made a silent prayer to the contestants who didn't make it in time, pitying whatever ungodly sentence Midnight had in store for them. "Now the real fun is about to begin... the chance to fully move into the limelight! I want all of you to give it your best!"

Abruptly, a large screen appeared from behind her again, spinning until it stopped on a random game for the students to compete in. "Let's see what we have in store for you next! Will your wildest fantasies come to life~? What could it be?! The waiting is torture! Prepare yourselves--!!"

The screen suddenly stopped on a contest; it was a 'cavalry battle.' "--for this!"

"Cavalry battle...?!" Kaminari grimaced. "I'm terrible at those..."

"Huh, it's not an individual event..." Asui remarked.

"Oh, yes!" Mineta elated. "I wonder how they'll split us up!"

"Allow me to explain - the participants will form teams of two‐to‐four people as they see fit." The screen showed All Might being carried by Snipe, Thirteen, and Present Mic - how painful. "In theory, it's basically the same as a regular playground game. But there is one difference - each player has been assigned a point value based on the results of the obstacle course!!"

"Wait..." Jotaro was getting a little anxious when he heard this; he knew that being either at the top or bottom was bad news.

"I get it, a point‐based system like the entrance exams..." Sato commented. "That seems pretty simple."

"Hold on-"

"-So that means each team will have a different point value based on which students are on it!" Uraraka added.

"Uh‐huh~!" Mina agreed, causing Midnight to finally lose her patience.

"Maybe you should shut up and let me explain things to you, huh?!" She yelled while snapping her whip. "Now, then. The point assignments go up by increments of five, starting from the bottom."

"Oh my god..." Jotaro gradually looked upwards at the leaderboard, waiting to see his score. 'Maybe it won't be so bad...?'

"For example, 42nd place is worth five points, and 41st is worth ten..." Midnight continued. "And the point value assigned to the first-place contestant is... TEN MILLION!!"

'IT'S ACTUALLY REALLY FREAKING BAD!!' Jotaro was dying inside - all those points made him a juicy target. 'WHAT KINDA BACKWARDS, FUCKIN' DISTRIBUTION IS THIS SHIT?!'

'T-Ten million?!'


'In other words, if you take down his team...'

'... You'll win the Cavalry Game and take the lead yourself!' Everyone had looked at him with hungry gazes; Jotaro could obviously feel their stares, and it definitely was not pleasant at all.

"That's right..." If anyone looked at Midnight's angle right now, they would immediately have 'mommy step on me' vibes. "... It's survival of the fittest, with a chance for those at the bottom to overthrow the top!!"






I'm slowly dying inside; this chapter was supposed to be 2k but it turned out to be a teeny-tiny bit over 5k...


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