
JoJo x MHA: The Star

He typical person, but was forced to follow a certain life. However, one day, he dies from a truck in the suburbs. Before he died, he saved a kid from being hit by the truck, so at least he might go to heaven. The boy is in for a surprise when he instead gets reincarnated into MHA. No harems here

DryComplementary · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

The First Contest


Character Sheet (Oversimplified)


Name: Jotaro Kujo

Quirk: Absolute Alleviation

Description: Can heal any and all wounds; it's also capable to enhance its user's attacks, especially against non-living tissue.

Drawbacks: The user is required to breathe - prolonged breathing causes fatigue and loss of stamina.

Stand: Star Platinum


Power - A

Speed - A

Range - D

Precision - A

Durability - A

Potential - C

Drawbacks: Distance from the user is only four meters; it can be increased through training.

Signature Ability: Timestop

Description: Star Platinum's true ability, as opposed to reaching high relativistic speeds, is to effectively halt all time on a universe scale. From a physics standpoint, any objects interacted by Star Platinum will begin to move and gain momentum instantly. Nobody other than Jotaro Kujo has this ability.

Fact: The reason why Jotaro's timestop is not able to increase as easily as Dio's is because of how much time he can actually accumulate. To try and make sense of this claim, let's have a look at The World which had a pair of twin diving cylinders on its back - this was where the Stand stored its time. While on the other hand, Star Platinum's timestop originated from its vertical star, meaning this was where the time it had was being stored. What should be noticed is how different the sizes are between the two, with the diving cylinders having more 'room' or 'potential' to store time while the vertical star has only so much to work with.

Drawbacks: Even though it lasts a mere six seconds, it will cause incredible fatigue to its user. If abused, it can cause a heart attack.


-(Musutafu: UA/Sports Festival Stadium)-

"Welcome to the UA Sports Festival! Where up‐and‐coming heroes leave everything on the field as they fight for the chance to achieve worldwide fame and celebrity!" Present Mic announced; the crowd watched as Class 1-A made their way towards the center of the stadium. "This first group is no strangers to the spotlight! You know them for withstanding a villain attack - the dazzling students lighting up your TVs with solid‐gold skills! The hero course students of Class 1-A!"

Jotaro and some of the others looked determined, ready to take on whatever was in store for them during the tournament; sadly, Izuku didn't share the same demeanor, shaking profusely when he realized how many people would be watching him.

"Th-Th-There's so many people..." Izuku stuttered, holding onto his profusely beating heart; Izuku felt like he was about to faint at any moment.

"I hope we're still able to give our best performances, even though all these eyes are watching us," Iida said, looking at the audience and sighing. "Well, I suppose it's just another aspect of being a hero we all must learn to get used to."

"Present Mic sure did talk us up a lot...!" Kirishima remarked, feeling uneasy about the number of people in the audience watching him. "Kinda makes me nervous..."

He then turned to Bakugo to see how he was doing. "How you feelin', man? You worried, too?"

"I'm not worried; it makes me wanna win this thing even more," Bakugo said, making a creepy as hell smile.

Kirishima abruptly clenched his fist; a tear had then crept out from under his eye. 'So manly...'

"Whoa..." Toru was awestruck by the sheer size of the stadium; it looked a lot smaller on the outside. "I didn't think it was this..."

"Big?!" Mina shouted; she was just as shocked. "I know, right?!"

Toru turned to ask Jotaro's take on the stadium. "What do you think about it, JoJo?"

"I like it," he said, also making a similar, if not identical, facial expression like Bakugo. "It makes me wanna go all out..."

'So cool...!' she exclaimed, blushing profusely.

Present Mic got back on the intercom to announce the next class incoming. "They haven't been getting nearly as much screentime, but this next group is still chock full of talent! Please welcome the hero course of Class 1‐B!"

Class 1-B didn't receive as loud an ovation as the class before them - how unfortunate. Shinso appeared to be looking behind, listening to what his classmates were saying.

"I get the feeling we're just here to make the hero students look better..."

"I can't wait for this to be over with..."

"Next up, general studies classes C, D, and E! Support classes F, G, and H! And finally, business classes I, J, and K!" Present Mic continued. "Give it up for all of U.A.'s first‐year contestants!"

Suddenly, once everyone was at the center of the stadium, the sound of a whip cracking was heard throughout the stadium, quieting several students in front of the podium - it was Midnight.

"Now, the introductory speech!" she announced.

At the same time, many pro heroes commented positively about the appearance of the R-Rated hero; these comments were primarily coming from the men in the audience.

"Whoa! This year's chief umpire for the first-year students is the R‐Rated Hero, Midnight!"

"What happened to the principal?"


"Him? He's always assigned to the third-year stage."

"Seriously, the other years don't know what they're missing!"

In front of the podium, however, students were more or less a bit uncomfortable about the attire Midnight chose to wear today.

"Uh, someone should talk to Ms. Midnight about what she's wearing..." Kirishima said, blushing and trying his best to avoid looking at her.

"Yeah... that costume should come with a warning..." Kaminari agreed, keeping his eyes on the woman at all times.

"Is that really appropriate apparel for a high school game...?" Tokoyami muttered, shaking his head in disappointment at UA's clothing regulations.

"YES!!" I don't even need to say who was speaking here...

"SILENCE, EVERYONE!!" Midnight ordered, making another crack with her whip. "For the student pledge, we have - from the Class of 1-A..."

'Heh, I wonder whose the sucker that's gotta speak,' Jotaro wondered.





"Goddamn it..." he muttered, slowly making his way past his shocked classmates. "Let's just get this shit over with..."

"He's the first‐year rep?!" Izuku exclaimed.

"I heard he surpassed All Might's score," Sero remarked. "Man, JoJo really is incredible!"

"HUH HUH?!" He was shocked to hear that his favorite hero got beaten by a fellow fifteen-year-old; it was a little eye-opening for Izuku. 'if he can do it... then is it really possible for me to surpass All Might this year?!'

"Hat bastard got lucky..." Bakugo growled. "I would've smoked him if I were in his area..."

"Only for the hero course exams..." A female student from nearby muttered; she was a little salty because of Class 1-A's 'rudeness.'


"She really hates our guts man..." Sero whispered.

"And it's all JoJo and Bakugo's fault..." Kaminari said distastefully. "Well, more on the part of Bakugo..."

"I CAN HEAR YOU, ASSHOLE!!" Bakugo yelled from behind.

Jotaro moved ahead and was in front of the student crowd; he had no idea what he was gonna say.

'Maybe I should say something inspiring?' He considered, walking up the steps slowly as he got closer to the podium.

Midnight looked at him up and down with a sly smile; she knew his last name very well.

"Nice body, kid~," she said seductively, inclining forward to show her front's 'goodies.' "If you were older, you'd be my type~!"

"Don't touch me, succubus..." Jotaro replied; he may respect women, but there ain't no way he gonna get assaulted by one, especially one older than him by a longshot. 'Guess I'll just improvise on the speech or whatever..."

"Aw~" Midnight pouted; it was obviously another tactic she used to enhance her seduction. "Anyway, do your speech so we can get on with the games."

Jotaro nodded and went right up to the mic, tapping it twice before speaking. 'Here goes nothing.'

"Everyone," His voice echoed throughout the stadium. "I pledge that..."




"I will rise to the top, I will not be stopped, and I'll stand there unshaken."



"That's about it..."

His classmates were screaming internally - as they should be. 'WHY DID HE SAY THAT?!'

There was now loud and incoherent heckling, yelling, and booing coming from the first-years below; Jotaro didn't care, he hadn't planned to make a damn speech beforehand anyway.

"What did he say?!"

"Class 1‐A is so full of themselves!"

"Get him off the stage!"

"You guys are too loud, shut up," Jotaro spoke into the mic, making it even more clear he didn't care about the student's feelings. "Yare Yare Daze..."

"Why would you be so disrespectful?! You're representing us all!!" Iida yelled.

"I state only the facts, Iida; you should know this by now."

"WHAT FACTS?!" Iida retorted, clawing at his face. "YOUR VICTORY ISNT GUARANTEED!!"

"I'm gonna crush this overconfident jerk! I can't wait to knock 'im down a size!" Tetsutetsu shouted.

"Heh, the bastard has some balls on him, that's for sure," Bakugo remarked. "Still, though... THAT SHOULD'VE BEEN ME!!"

Jotaro made it to his classmates and Izuku slipped onto the ground, grabbing ahold of Jotaro's legs.

"JOJO, I COULD UNDERSTAND WHY BAKUGO WOULD DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT, BUT YOU?! WHY?!" Toru questioned, waving her hands in front of him.

"It was improv; I didn't make a script-"

"-WHAT DO YOU MEEAAAN?! JUST SAY SOMETHING INSPIRING!! LIKE ALL MIGHT!!" Izuku was speaking to a wall at this point.

Jotaro sighed loudly before looking back at the podium, waiting for Midnight to make the next announcement. 'Today's just getting better and better...'


Once everything calmed down after Jotaro's pledge, Midnight announced the first contest of the sports festival. "Without further ado, it's time for us to get started!"

"U.A. doesn't believe in letting us catch a breath, huh?" Uraraka commented.

"This is where you begin feeling the pain! The first fateful game of the festival! What could it be?" Midnight asked, almost like how a gameshow host would.

A large screen then appeared and began revolving until a randomized choice of sport was decided. "This year, it's..."

After several seconds, the screen finally stopped on - you guessed it - an obstacle course race. "... This!"

"YOU WERE RIGHT?!" Toru exclaimed, staring at Jotaro with a dumbstruck expression.

"Guess I'm just lucky..."

"Ta‐dah! So it's gonna be an obstacle course!! All 11 classes will participate in this treacherous contest!" Midnight declared, causing some distress among the student participants who didn't have Quirks made for running. "The track is four kilometers around the outside of the stadium!"

She then licked her lips, about to make another - most likely - sexualized statement. "Our school's selling point is freedom! I don't wanna restrain anyone, at least in this game, so as long as you don't leave the course, you're free to do whatever your heart desires!"

The crowd began cheering and two large doors that were left of the first years began to open up gradually; it turned on three greens light that indicated when it was time to start the race. "Now then, take your places, contestants! The race is about to begin!"

All the students positioned themselves in front of a large corridor that led outside the stadium; two green lights remained. Everyone began to tense up as the indicator turned off one more light, implying that the race was about to begin. From elsewhere, All Might closed his hands in almost a prayer fashion, hoping his successor will do well during the obstacle course. Several seconds passed and then, suddenly, a "ding" rang out - the last green light had turned off.



An overflow of students began to rush outside the stadium at once, ending up becoming jam-packed together. "And we're off to a racing start!"

Present Mic was speaking into his intercom, making play-by-play commentary; he then turned to his co-commentator. "How 'bout some color commentary, Mr. Aizawa?!"

"How did you talk me into this...?"

"ANYWAY!!" Present Mic shouted, ignoring Aizawa's despair. "What should we be paying attention to in the early stages of the race?"

"Sigh, well - it's this part right now..."

"Which is?!"




"The doorway."


"HEY, HEY!!"



While getting knocked around like a pinball, Izuku was slowly realizing what was going on. 'I get it; they're testing us ‐ seeing how we get through!'

"Because the starting gate itself is...!"

"The first obstacle/The first sifting," Todoroki and Jotaro stated at the same time.

As expected, Todoroki had used his Quirk to freeze everything in his path to get out of the tight and narrow hallway; he had frozen most of his competition's feet in his escape. "Apologies."

"Owww! What the-?!"

"It's freezing over! I can't move!"

"Ouch! No fair!"

"So cold!"

"Outta the way! I can't get it off!"

"You're not getting first place that easily," Jotaro said, using his Stand to leap forward at tremendous speed, catching up to Todoroki.

"What?!" Todoroki exclaimed, watching as his greatest opponent was flying overhead. "You-"

"-Good luck, iceman," Jotaro said as he landed in front of Todoroki, causing him to fall backward on his ass; he quickly leaped again to make sure he got ahead by a good margin, keeping first place in his hands. 'You're gonna need it - with my new ability and all.'

"Tch..." Todoroki grunted and began to slide on his ice, endeavoring to catch up to his classmate. "I won't let you succeed!"

From behind, most of their classmates were just barely able to avoid Shoto's ice, getting past his frozen blockade of students.

"Here I come!" Kirishima got past by jumping above the ice.

"Naïve, Todoroki!" Yaoyorozu said, using her Quirk to propel herself into the air and out of the frost; Aoyama did the same except with his belly button.

Todoroki and Jotaro glanced back and saw that some of his classmates managed to escape the ice; their headstart was about to get contested.

"RAHHHH!!" Bakugo screamed, using his explosions to fly past everyone else. "I won't let you get away so easily! You icy‐hot bastard!"

"You almost froze me in place once before, it won't happen again!!" Toru remarked.

Tokoyami appeared to have used his Stand- I mean Quirk, Dark Shadow, to rise above his competition.

"WHOA!!" Mina exclaimed, walking on the ice using her acid. "Close one!"

Izuku and Mineta seemed to have escaped as well but were unable to get a good footing, seeming like a pair of kids who just started ice-skating.

"Gotta wait for the right time to show off my Quirk!" Uraraka said, stomping on the ice as well.

Watching from even further behind was Shinso, being carried by several students; he was impressed by Class 1-A's perseverance. "So they are good at using their powers, huh?"

"I didn't expect so many people to dodge that. Especially those from other classes..." Todoroki remarked, staring back at Jotaro who was still in the lead. "

Mineta started to fling his balls (context) onto the ice, allowing him to bounce on them and advance closer to Todoroki. "You think you're so cool, but I've outsmarted you! Ha! How pathetic, Todoroki!"

He looked up and saw that the grape-child was above him, getting ready to launch his 'special attack.' "Eat this! My special attack! GRAAA-"

Suddenly, a robotic arm smacks Mineta directly in the face, causing him to fall and roll out of control. "-WAAAHH!!"

"MINETA?!" Izuku exclaimed, wondering what had just hit him.

Jotaro looked behind to see what was going on and saw that there were faux villains from the entrance exam being used as obstacles for the race. 'So crude, there's no way I'd let one of them hit-'

And as if on queue, a two-pointer robot appeared from out of nowhere and hit Jotaro in the face, forcing him to get flung behind Todoroki who has just taken his spot in first place.


"Targets acquired." A one-pointer was now behind Izuku. "Terminate them."

"It's those robots from the entrance exam!"

"Goddamn it! I let my guard down for a second and this happens to me?! Where's the fucking logic in that?!" Jotaro leaped towards the two-pointer in a rage. 'Cost me first place, you metallic bastard!!'

He then punched the robot and caved in its head completely; he stared in the direction Todoroki was in and followed - the tables had turned; fortunately, he was being stopped by three gigantic three-pointers, which meant Jotaro had time to catch up. "The shit I have to put up with... it's almost like an anime..."

On the intercom, Present Mic was describing the events during the obstacle course as they happened. "Ooh! Enemies have shown up out of nowhere! I bet we're in for a treat here! A test of strength and cunning! It's a Robo Inferno!"

Kaminari and the rest of the contestants halt in front of the automatons before them; this was an unforeseen predicament that was unfolding. "Are those the zero‐point villains from the practical test?!"

"Seriously? This is what they meant by 'obstacles?!'"

"There are too many!!"

"I can't get through!!"

Todoroki, standing in front of three massive machines, was the first to engage in combat with them. "So this is what the other students faced in their entrance exams?"

"Where's the school even getting the funding for these things?!" Yaoyorozu questioned.

"They obviously went through a lot of trouble, but I wish they'd prepared something a little more difficult..." A three-pointer was bringing down one of its legs on top of Todoroki, but it was already too late; he had already activated his Quirk. "Especially since my dear‐old dad is watching..."

Todoroki brought his hand to the ground with his hand and sent his ice going upwards, sending a tremendous wave of cold air which completely froze the three-pointer. However, as he was busy examining his work, Jotaro was leaping overhead - heading towards the three-pointer with his right first clenched.

"ORA!!" Star Platinum cried, smashing the machine's head in completely with enough force that it fell backward and crushed several two and one-pointer robots - dust began to obscure everything around, but it luckily cleared up in a matter of seconds.

'I'm glad my Stand's so precise, I wouldn't be able to avoid getting unnecessary casualties and injuries without it!' Jotaro remarked, getting ready to do his ultimate move. "And now...!"

Todoroki began to run on top of the robot's body, thinking he could get past him in the next couple of seconds; he couldn't have been more wrong. "Dammit- I shouldn't have stopped mid-freeze!"

Many of the kids behind were thinking that Todoroki and Jotaro had helped them all get past - perhaps as an act of goodwill from their class or an apology of sorts; they also were in the wrong.

"Dude, they stopped the robots!"

"Way to go!!"

"Look! Between their legs! We can get through!"

"Thanks, 1-A!!"


"That's Kujo from Class 1‐A!! Taking advantage of Todoroki, and pulling ahead to an early lead after leaving such devastating destruction! Amazing! He's one we should watch, it almost seems unfair!" Present Mic then turned to Aizawa. "Thoughts?!"

"Todoroki's attack was both offensive and defensive, and Kujo's actions were logical and strategic."

"Ha! No wonder Todoroki was let in on recommendations! He'd never even fought those Robo Infernos before, but they didn't stand a chance against his chart‐topping moves! And that Kujo kid has obviously earned his spot in UA by showing us such a powerful display!"


"OH, MY BABY IS IN THE LEAD AGAIN~!! DO YOU SEE HIM INKO~!!" Emiko was starting to get teary-eyed watching her son accomplish so many things she couldn't dream of doing. "YOU SEE~!! AAA~!!"

Inko, of course, was starting to get annoyed when she was getting constantly nudged and shaken by her friend (And Inko thought she was the emotional one!). "Calm down~!!"

However, her attention was more focused on watching her own son who was currently before such terrifying machines.

"Oh no, you can't beat those, son!! Get outta there!!" Inko cried even more as she saw her son getting into a fighting stance. "Please, just run away for me, baby!!"


Jotaro was finally descending and landed a little bit in front of Todoroki who thought he was about to pass him. He turned around to face his competitor with open arms, yet that was not Jotaro's intention; he was about to do the 'thing' again.

'The hell is he doing?!' Todoroki questioned, creating some ice on the ground so he can slide past. 'Doesn't matter- I'm getting the lead!'

"Star Platinum..."


'What's that kid doing?' Aizawa was getting confused right now; Jotaro had just uttered some random phrase. 'The hell's a "Star Platinum?"'

'Why is he just standing there? Run kid, run!' Present Mic was also confused as to what he was doing.

From Emiko's perspective, she was getting a little concerned that her son was about to allow Todoroki to pass him so easily. 'SON PLEASE GO GO GO~!!'

All Might raised an eyebrow in curiosity, but he had suddenly remembered what Jotaro did in the teacher's lounge just two weeks prior - realizing what he was about to do. 'Hey, hey- ain't that unfair kid?!'


Todoroki was now right in front of Jotaro, about to jump over him and gain the lead.

"Move outta my way-"

"- Time has stopped."

[Jotaro's Timestop Start - Part 4]

Todoroki and everyone else in the world no longer moved; the red-colored hair on his right was now entirely black, the snow and dust that were flying around in the air was now grey, and everyone else's expressions were still as can be - time had been stopped for six seconds.

'I better get out of here quickly and win this thing already,' Jotaro turned around from Todoroki and started leaping with his Stand. 'I better only use half of my timestop or else I'm gonna end up getting too tired to walk in whatever comes after this damn obstacle course...'


What would've taken minutes had only taken a second for Jotaro to do; he was now about a quarter of a mile ahead of his classmates and the competition - about to make it half a mile.

'What should I eat when I get home...?' he wondered. 'Ah... I think mom'll make something up in celebration of my victory - maybe we'll go eat out for some ramen...'


'Hmm?' Jotaro has now come across 'The Fall' or just a knockoff version of the grand canyon with a bunch of rock platforms sticking up from the bottom. 'Piece of cake.'

He had simply just leaped platform to platform and crossed the chasm easily; his heart beating faster and the 'clicks' were speeding up as well.

Jotaro quickly looked at himself and saw that he was now getting kinda sweaty; he supposed running two kilometers, fighting giant robots, and using his signature ability was starting to make him pretty drained. 'I'm getting exhausted; I think I've gotten far enough.'


"That's enough - time end."

[Jotaro's Timestop End - Part 4]

Everything had begun to move again almost instantaneously; Jotaro sat on the ground and rested a little before resuming the race; it was such a drag for him to get tired so easily.

"Give me a break..."


Aizawa had just stood up when he saw that Jotaro was no longer on the screen with Todoroki; he had just vanished out of thin air. "The hell?!"

"Huh? Hey, where's that kid-" Present Mic looked at another camera to see that Jotaro was, in fact, incredibly ahead of the other students. "THE HELL?! HOW DID HE GET THERE?!"

He immediately pressed a button on the control panel which showed on the big screen that Jotaro has already completed the second stage.


"WE COME AT YOU LIVE WITH AN INCREDIBLE SIGHT TO BEHOLD!! IT LOOKS LIKE KUJO, WHO WAS ABOUT TO LOSE HIS LEAD, HAS SOMEHOW APPEARED AT THE END OF THE SECOND TRIAL!!" Present Mic announced with the loudest voice he could muster; it truly was a sight to behold for some people.

All Might, after hearing this and seeing Jotaro at the end of the second stage for himself, leaned back in his seat and sighed loudly; some of the other teachers watching with him were astonished to see him being so far in the lead. 'Words cannot express how lucky we are that he wants to be a hero...'

"Such a terrifying power..."


In the audience - everyone was going ballistic; no one could believe what they were seeing. Emiko and Inko were both shocked to see that Jotaro had achieved what may have been impossible without some sort of teleportation Quirk.

"How did your son get there so fast?!" Inko shouted.

"I-I don't know!!" she exclaimed. "But he's my son - that's probably why he's so gifted!!"

'Who the heck did she do the "Devil's Tango" with?!'

From nearby, Endeavor watched the large screen in disdain; Todoroki was going to be stuck in second place if he didn't push himself to the brink.



Todoroki stared confusedly at what was in front of him, seeing only a straightaway. What was supposed to be in front of him was Jotaro, standing with open arms - right before losing first place. However, he had unexpectedly disappeared and left Todoroki alone in what he believed was the lead.

'I'm in the lead? But where is Kujo...?' he questioned, looking behind to see if Jotaro was there; he was not. 'Interesting...'

Todoroki turned forward and kept moving; he needed to win. From behind, people were - once again - starting to catch up or were busy battling one, two, or three-pointer robots. Kirishima was currently crying over the fact that Tetsutetsu had a similar Quirk as him, making him stand out even less than usual; Bakugo was flying over the robots with rapid explosion bursts - subsequently followed by Sero and Tokoyami; Iida, Jiro, and Kaminari were fighting faux villains in order to push through; and Izuku had just grabbed a large, car-door-sized piece of armor plating from the ground, running with it like a madman all the while smacking some sense into a one-pointer. Oh yeah, and Yaoyorozu just made a fucking cannon with her stomach, creating a path for everyone to move through.

"I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON!!" Toru cried, jumping over a destroyed two-pointer. "I CAN'T HEAR ANYTHING!!"

"WHAAAT?!" Mina questioned, putting a hand to her ear to try and figure out what she was saying.

"YOU GUYS-" Uraraka shouted, getting their attention.


She clenched her fist, causing a robot to fall out of the sky onto another right behind her; Uraraka was trying to look badass right now.

"Let's do this thing!!"


Jotaro and Izuku abruptly stopped whatever they were doing simultaneously, feeling a sudden need to scratch their heads in confusion.

'Why do I feel like I'm not the protagonist of my own life anymore...?'




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