
JoJo x MHA: The Star

He typical person, but was forced to follow a certain life. However, one day, he dies from a truck in the suburbs. Before he died, he saved a kid from being hit by the truck, so at least he might go to heaven. The boy is in for a surprise when he instead gets reincarnated into MHA. No harems here

DryComplementary · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
29 Chs



(Musutafu/U.A. English Classroom, A Week Later, Morning)

It was another ordinary morning for Class 1-A; presently, they were learning English with Present Mic. However, for some reason, things were not at all how the Class 1-A thought U.A. was going to be like. To clarify, it came as a shock to most that 'hero school' would be described as tedious, boring, and dull; the class had seemingly spent the entirety of their first week at U.A. completing assignments as every other typical high school did - except the only differences were the new subjects they had to learn, such as 'hero studies,' and the following of a highly complicated routine every day (courtesy of Mr. Aizawa). Currently, the class was fighting to stay awake during Present Mic's lecture, surprising since he is the 'Voice Hero.'

"Now, youngsters… which of these four sentences contains a mistake?" questioned Present Mic - he has been trying to make the learning experience 'fun' for the past hour, going as far as to reference as many widespread topics in his teaching as he could. "C'mon, guys! It's Morbin' time!"

"My god..." groaned Jotaro, covering his face with his hands to muffle his screams. "THAT ISN'T EVEN HOW IT'S USED!!"

Mina leaned over her table, keeping a careful eye on the teacher. "Jotaro... can you send me to the infirmary real quick...?" whispered Mina, almost beggingly.


"Quiet down in the back of the class, please! We got some more 'gamer' things to learn!" said Present Mic with a pose - the class cringed in response almost immediately.

Mina then slammed her face on the table, screaming as silently as she could. "I can't take this anymore!"

"So boring…" moaned Kaminari and Jiro.

Todoroki, in the back of the class, seemed to not share the same sentiment as the class as he appeared content with everything. 'Why do I want to go home...?' (never mind, he's just as bored).

"God, someone just answer the damn question..." muttered Jotaro; he knew that if the question was prolonged, Present Mic would resort to 'other means' to get the class to try harder.

"You okay, JoJo?" asked Toru tiredly - some of the class had gotten to know Jotaro, which made them comfortable enough with saying his nickname.

Jotaro turned slowly to face Toru, looking defeated. "No... this-"

"-sucks…" finished Bakugo; his eyes were half-open.

Bakugo and Jotaro looked at each other for a moment before shaking their heads in shame; the two sharing the same sentiment on anything was never a good sign. "Tch!/Ugh..."

'Jotaro agrees with Bakugou?!' exclaimed Izuku in astonishment. 'I was right! The paradigm has turned the world upside down!'

Present Mic suddenly pointed at the ceiling, making another pose. "Hey, everybody! Look alive! Grammar rules!" shouted Present Mic, getting the class' attention. "NOW, EVERYBODY, SHOW ME YOUR HANDS!! SHOW ME SOME SPIRIT!!"




"... The relative pronoun is wrong in the last one," said Yaoyorozu, breaking the unbearable silence.

Present Mic turned to Yaoyorozu and gave her a thumbs up. "Good job, Yaoyorozu!"

Yaoyorozu smiled and raised her nose in the air proudly. "Ah~!"

'What a snob,' remarked Jotaro, pinching the bridge of his nose. 'Whatever... at least this semester can't get any worse...'

"By the way, I forgot to mention there will be at least fifty tests throughout the first semester, so let's get pumped-"


-(Narrator Voiceover)-

Jotaro - after hearing Present Mic's announcement - was subsequently sent to the principal office after he ripped his table in half.


(Musutafu/U.A. Lunchroom, Afternoon)

The U.A. lunch program was pretty straightforward; students could select a variety of meals for breakfast and lunch, but their quality depended on if the kids had the money for it. Therefore, students like Todoroki and Yaoyorozu could eat whatever they wanted. In contrast, others such as Jotaro and Midoriya could only eat cheap meals. This kind of made Jotaro a bit pissed off since he really wanted to try everything on the menu since he was a very particular eater. For now, he had only white rice, some protein, and apple juice for lunch.

Toru sat down next to Jotaro, taking a bite of her white rice before sighing happily. "Ahhh~! White rice is the perfect comfort food, isn't it?" asked Toru; she always enjoyed eating U.A. food for some reason.

"I'm not a fan," said Jotaro. "I have tried almost everything on the menu, and I'm not impressed - this is the last thing on it that I haven't eaten."

Izuku, Iida, and Uraraka don't appear to be able to answer at the moment because they seem to be having some sort of foodgasm or something; it's unsettling, to say the least. "So good~!"

"It's just white rice, guys..." muttered Jotaro, a little disgusted by their reactions.

"C'mon! Trust me, it's good!" insisted Toru, taking a spoonful of rice before turning it to Jotaro. "Here! Lemme-"

Suddenly, Toru shoved the spoonful of rice into her mouth, surprising Jotaro with her astonishing speed. Apparently, Toru realized what she was about to do was something a couple would do together; her face flushed red, and she began muttering things along the lines of 'stupid, stupid, stupid!' Jotaro looked at the white rice again, noticing there was some sort of warmth hidden inside. Slowly, Jotaro used his spoon to poke a hole into it, which allowed a burst of steam to escape onto his face - Jotaro then took a bite.




Jotaro put down the spoon and cupped his chin. "Pretty good."

Toru proceeded to clap her hands in triumph after hearing Jotaro liked the food. "I knew you'd like it!"


(Musutafu/U.A. Homeroom)

Inside the classroom, everyone sat peacefully, playing with their thumbs and whatnot. However, Jotaro suddenly felt a disturbance (in the force), something that was... too bombastic for him to comprehend, and it was about to come through the door. Jotaro instinctively got up to prepare for whatever came next, and it was none other than…

The door suddenly opened, and a powerful-looking man was in sight. "I AM HERE!!"

The class gasped as they witnessed the number one hero enter their homeroom through the door. Jotaro, realizing there was no danger, sat back in his seat with relief. "Jeez..."

"COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!" said All Might, holding the doorframe with all his strength so he wouldn't fall down.


The class clamored for a bit regarding All Might's sudden appearance since most of them were fans of All Might. Jotaro, on the other hand, hadn't much to say about the number one hero since he focused primarily on getting more powerful all his life, unable to pay attention to things like television or the news; Jotaro did, however, credit the man's remarkable feats in life which granted him his merit.

"I can't believe it's All Might!"

"So he is a teacher!"

"This year is gonna be awesome!"

"Hey, look! Is he wearing his Silver Age costume?!"

"I'm getting goose‐bumps! It's so retro!"

Jotaro tipped his hat over his eyes, an instinctual habit for him whenever the class starts getting lively. 'A pelvic thrust through a door; I can see the normalcy in that.'

"Welcome to the most important class at U.A! Think of it as 'Hero‐ing 101 because this is where you will learn the basics of being a pro and what it means to fight in the name of good!" said All Might with a heroic pose. "So let's get into it; today's lesson will pull no punches!"

"Wait... that's another name for..." muttered Jotaro; his interest was piqued when he realized what 'pull no punches' meant.

"Fight training…" said Izuku worriedly; he still couldn't control his Quirk, so today's assignment would greatly concern him.

Bakugo got up from his seat and made a vicious grin. "Real combat...?" inquired Bakugo.

"Yes! And not only that, another one of the keys to being a hero is... looking good!"

Immediately after All Might finished, the left wall of the classroom revealed several numbered boxes.

"These were designed for you based on your Quirk registration forms and the requests you sent in before school started!"

The class immediately got up from their seats and shouted cheerfully. "COSTUMES!! YEAH!!"

Jotaro, however, couldn't recall if he had a costume designed for him before his enrollment into U.A., which made him worry that some random designer hero made his costume. 'Fantastic, now I gotta wear something some schmuck made for me-'




'Hold on... I think my mother designed me something a while back...'

"Get yourselves suited up, and then meet me at Training Ground Beta!" instructed All Might before leaving the classroom.

"Yes, sir!"


(Musutafu/Kujo Residence, Five Months Ago, Afternoon)

Jotaro was punching the air outside his yard when his mother called him from inside the house. "JoJo~! I made a design for your hero suit! I hope you like it~!" shouted Jorine.

"Thanks, mom! I'll look at it if I have time after training!" replied Jotaro, punching the air even faster than before (he was actually hitting Star Platinum's palms); Jotaro eventually became so focused on the training he didn't remember to check out his costume.


(Musutafu/U.A. Homeroom, Present)

Jotaro got up from his seat and walked over to his numbered container, picking it up before walking to the boy's changing rooms. 'God... I hope it isn't too flashy or anything like that Aoyama kid.'

Jotaro felt a shiver down his spine at the thought of having a hero suit that resembled Aoyama. 'Mom, I hope you didn't do anything too flamboyant...'


(Musutafu/U.A. Boy's Changing Room)

Jotaro entered a changing room and heard the others begin to put on their hero costumes, expressing their happiness with silent comments. Jotaro opened his container, looked at his suit, and saw that its design was… familiar, for some unknown reason - almost as if it felt appropriate to wear it.

Jotaro grabbed the first article of clothing he saw; it was a beautifully designed overcoat. "Huh... I think... I can work with this..." muttered Jotaro.

Fortuitously, Jotaro has no trouble getting his costume on as it slipped on quickly before tightening around his body, helping outline his muscles. It took Jotaro about ten or so minutes before he got the suit on and noticed that once he had gotten done, everyone in the boy's changing room had already left. Jotaro then went in front of a mirror to check himself out before leaving.

"Not bad, mom - not bad at all..." said Jotaro - satisfied with his costume's designs; he now makes his way out of the changing room. "Okay, let's go see what All Might has in store for us..."


(Musutafu/U.A. Training Ground Beta)

All Might turned to look at a tunnel that led outside. "They say that clothes make the pros - young ladies and gentlemen; behold, you are the proof!"

Class 1-A began entering the training ground through the tunnel; some showed parts of their costumes, such as a glove or headpiece, as they came into the sunlight. "Take this to heart because from now on, you are all..."




"HEROES IN TRAINING!!" finished All Might excitedly; he could barely contain himself since the class looked so incredible to him. 'This is getting me all revved up! You all look so cool!'

All Might's smile started to widen. "Now... shall we get started, you bunch of newbies?"

Walking down the tunnel toward the other potential heroes was Izuku. Iida and Uraraka turned to look at him as he walked proudly wearing his hero costume.

'It's a gift from my mom, so of course, it's what I'm gonna wear! It's not state‐of‐the‐art or flashy, but it means something to me!' exclaimed Izuku.

Izuku was now in the sunlight, his All Might-looking outfit in full view. "This is it - my hero costume!"

Uraraka then walked up to Izuku. "Hey, Deku!" called out Uraraka.

Izuku suddenly gets a little flustered when he hears the voice of his crush. "Huh-?! AHH!! URARAKA!!" exclaimed Izuku.

"Love your costume! Not too flashy, ya know?" commented Uraraka, rubbing the back of her head. "Ah... I should've been more specific about what I wanted - this bodysuit is skintight, not really my style!"

Uraraka was wearing a pink, astronaut-looking bodysuit that led to Izuku having only four words to describe it: 'I love this school.' He was lost in thought for a moment before he noticed that someone else was walking down the same tunnel from where he came - Jotaro Kujo.

[Stardust Man Appears]

"Huh? Oh, hey, JoJo!" called out Izuku.

Jotaro walked into the sunlight wearing his iconic hat but now also wearing a red scarf. He was wearing a roughly mid-calf-length, modified trench coat with a tall-standing and still collar; there were also faint outlines of purple stars all over the overcoat.

Underneath, he wears a fitted, purple-sleeved shirt with black gloves and a pair of slim-fitting black pants of very short, sharp flares that also have faint outlines of purple stars; they're held up by two thin belts; they were colored yellow and white (Hamon yellow), with a patterned in a row of alternating colors between white and yellow that say 'JOJO' and 'THE STAR' with a purple star before and after the words, continuing until to the stars are at on both sides of the golden belt buckles. Finally, he wore a pair of knee-high, black combat boots (Jonathan Joestar boots but modern or something).

"Nice costume, JoJo! You look like a true hero!" complimented Izuku.

"My mother made the design, so all the credit goes to her," said Jotaro. "Honestly, I'm just glad it's comfortable and isn't too embarrassing to look at."

Uraraka inspected the suit from top to bottom, moving all around to check out Jotaro's fit. "It is awesome, dude! Your mom is talented!" added Uraraka.

'Ha... I know...'

Jotaro was definitely happy with how his costume turned out; it wasn't too blinding and was relatively dark enough to use at night (he wanted to go on the prowl as a hero; he thinks daytime attracts too much attention, which would make his job harder). Mina noticed that Jotaro was with the rest of the class and moved over to see him.

"Whoa, you got some retro or jazz-style costume going on there, JoJo! Hey, Toru~! Come check JoJo out~!" yelled Mina; she was hoping to embarrass her some more.

Jotaro tugged a little on his scarf and inspected his costume a little before speaking. "I think it's probably best if there are as few bright colors as possible on any costume; I mean, imagine if I had to do a stealth assignment wearing something like Aoyama's," said Jotaro, making a gesture to Aoyama.

Aoyama saw the gesture and immediately became offended. "HUH!! I TAKE OFFENSE TO THAT!!" shouted Aoyama with a pose.

Toru was standing near the others listening in on All Might's when Mina yelled for her to come over and check out Jotaro's costume. Once she got close enough, she saw him and immediately blushed.

'Holy crap! He looks amazing!' exclaimed Toru, regaining composure. "Whoa! Nice costume, JoJo...!"

"Yeah, you look pretty manly!" added Kirishima.

'Remarkable.' opinioned Fumikage; he had a preference for dark stuff for obvious reasons. "It's outstanding, JoJo."

Iida made some agreeing nods to the side. 'Perfect for night missions; Well done, Ms. Kujo!' remarked Iida.

Other members of the class also complimented Jotaro's outfit, which made him a little bothered. Suddenly, All Might speaks up again, which gets the class's attention.

"ALL RIGHT, CLASS! Let's get focused because today-" said All Might, right before he noticed what Izuku was wearing and what he... resembled.

'Why'd he stop talking...?' questioned Jotaro, looking at All Might and his gaze on Izuku back and forth. "Wait..."




"HA!!" exclaimed Jotaro.

Uraraka was startled by Jotaro's sudden laughter. "Huh?! What's up?!"

"You're so obvious…." snickered All Might.

Jotaro looked back and forth to see the comparisons; he felt slightly disappointed in Izuku for using such a blatantly obvious style resembling All Might.

'One day… he'll learn to be cool...'

"Ahem, now that you're ready, it's time for combat training-"


Jotaro turned to see Iida holding his hand up, requesting All Might's attention. Izuku was surprised to realize that it was actually Iida who was wearing the power-ranger getup. 'Oh! That's Iida under there!'

"This is the fake city from our entrance exam, yes? Does that mean that we'll be conducting urban battles again?"

"Not quite; I'm going to move you two steps ahead! Most of the villain fights you see on the news occur outside," explained All Might. "However, statistically speaking, run‐ins with the most dastardly evildoers take place indoors!"

'That would make sense; what villain would want to expose himself and his crimes to the whole world? Aside from idiots, of course.' contemplated Jotaro.

"Think about it; backroom deals, home invasions, secret underground lairs! Knowledgeable criminals stay hidden in the shadows, but for this training exercise - you'll be split into teams of good and bad guys and fight two on-two indoor battles!" continued All Might. "The best training is what you get on the battlefield! But remember, you can't just punch a robot this time - you're dealing with actual people now."

All Might is then bombarded with questions from everyone. Jotaro asked nothing because he wanted him to hurry up and begin the first match of battle training.

All Might seemingly ruptured a vein at the stress the class was causing him, "I wasn't finished talking!" growled All Might.

All Might pulls out a piece of paper with a bunch of writing. Izuku immediately recognizes it as a script he was probably given for this lesson. "Ahem, listen up!"

'A script...?'

"The situation is this; the villains have hidden a nuclear missile somewhere in their hideout, and the heroes must try to foil their plans," continued All Might, reading his cheat sheet. "However, to do that, the good guys must catch the evildoers or recover the weapon! Likewise, the bad guys succeed if they protect their payload or capture the heroes!"

"Sounds like a classic action movie setup," observed Izuku.

"It probably is," admitted Jotaro. "I'm definitely not 'playing the part,' if you know what I mean."

"Uh... yes?"

All Might then pulled out a box with a hole shaped like a ball. "Time's limited, and we'll choose teams by drawing lots!"

"Isn't there a better way?" asked Iida.

Izuku tapped Iida's shoulder, seemingly about to tell him the reasoning behind drawing lots. "Think about it, Iida; pros often have to team up with heroes from other agencies on the spot, so maybe that's why we're seeing that here!"

"Yes, I see... life is a random series of events - excuse my rudeness," said Iida, bowing.

"No sweat! Now, let's draw!"

The class gradually pulls out balls with letters signifying partners and teams for the next few minutes. Then, Jotaro reaches in and sees he pulled out an 'I,' he wandered around to find his teammate before stopping at Toru - she has the same letter as him. "Looks like we're teamed up, Toru."

"WE ARE?!" exclaimed Toru before fist pumping the air. 'WE WIN THESE!!'

'What's got her all excited...?'

All Might then takes the balls from the students and puts them back in the box before shuffling them. "I declare that the first teams to fight will be..."




"These guys!" said All Might, pulling out two balls with the team letters of who will be participating in the first match - they read 'A' and 'D.' "Team 'A' will be the heroes, and Team 'D' will be the villains! Everyone else can head to the monitoring room to watch!"

"Yes, sir!" replied everyone, moving towards the waiting room while Team A and D went to the fighting area.

'Bakugo and Izuku put against each other...?' remarked Jotaro. 'Yare Yare Daze...'


The remake did and done.


revised, hope you guys enjoy the better writing style (used grammarly, prob gonna get premium)

DryComplementarycreators' thoughts