
Jojo System in RWBY

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s) A Jojo fan somehow got transmigrated into another world more specifcally into the world of RWBY. Huntsman, Huntresses, Grimm, Faunus, White Fang, and terrorist organization all over the planet of Remnant and with him the Jojo Bizarre System... He will Ora Ora or Muda Muda his way throught whatever comes... even if the MC doesn't know the plot of the show as he never seen RWBY before. "Yare yare daze."

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 6: Courage (1)

~Soul POV~


[Mission: Run or Fight

Description: A Highly evolved Grimm called the Nuckelavee has already destroyed and killed off some of the people of Oniyuri. This Grimm has now set its sights on the village of Kuroyuri as its next target along with a few other Grimm leading it there with its screeches causing destruction. You have two choices run away leaving with Kuroyuri destruction or kill the Grimm Nuckelavee.

Rewards if you Run: [The Cure], and 1000 Lien.


Rewards if you Fight: [Justice], the sword Pluck, and 2000 Lien.]

This is…

How should I process this exactly seeing my choices here…?

[The Cure] or [Justice].

Those are some good rewards but….

Shaking my head at this as I return to the situation of my current reality for a bit it says here in the mission that a Highly evolved Grimm called the Nuckelavee has already destroyed and killed off some of the people of Oniyuri.

This Grimm has now set its sights on the village of Kuroyuri as its next target along with a few other Grimm leading it there with its screeches causing destruction…. Now that's something that confirms that it's intelligent with some forces at its command.

Quite natural since Grimm seems to hunt in packs but…

Placing my hand on my face I began to talk to myself about how should I proceed with this line of actions to do in a serious tone, "Fuck. Realistically speaking here, I don't think I'm strong enough to be able to defeat the Nuckelavee…... And another question would be can [Harvest] take down this Nuckelavee, to begin with?"

With its Destructive Power being an E rank at best maybe poke a hole if some of the units attacked or just mass tactics to completely beat it to death with 500 units of them. But the thing is though would I hold out long enough to see that happen?


I lack actual training and a revolver gun won't help much since it will be out of ammo.

Even if I were to run away from this place, I don't exactly have a good general idea of how long will I reach the next village before nightfall it could be weeks, or even days before I happen to find one.

And this Oniyuri place was deserted if the mission says about it. I can conclude I wouldn't be out of danger with that adding the fact no help would be there is a bad sign of this.


Sounds like to me whatever option I choose I won't have an easy time by myself even with the rewards I have. However, the real question of how long exactly would it take the Grimm to reach this village is the real question?

From my understanding of what little info I have each village settlement usually has a period of a few weeks or days for them to reach here even by normal human standards. Grimm doesn't have to worry much about stamina-wise about it since they can freely keep on going without no real issue.

Since there is no report on it as it is now or with the Mayor even declaring such an option at this time –

"Everyone I have an urgent announcement to make!"

Never mind I take it back for the mayor to warn everyone. At least I have time –

"We have received word that Grimm is coming close to our settlement of Kuroyuri but fear not as we will have everyone go placed inside the shelter till our hunters can take care of them as the Grimm come in hours!"


No time to plan and no time to leave with things are and I'm too tired from the trip collecting the Iron Ores to be of use… In essence, though I'm fucked.

No, wait… maybe I'm not as fucked as I think if I remember the mission said about me only defeating the Nuckelavee, not the other Grimm… This might be a good chance if I know what the hell a Nuckelavee is?

Searching up my Scroll I began to search up types of Grimm as I began to get a better picture of some of them as I began to find the one I was looking for about the Nuckelavee… AH HA! Eureka!

I found just the one I was looking for!

The Nuckelavee a large, horse-like creature of Grimm is known to be wandering around the continent of Anima and it made its home somewhere near the settlements.

The Nuckelavee is a horse-like creature with an equine main body and a skinless humanoid creature that was fused with it. Its forelegs were shaped like claws and it had hooved hind legs that left a characteristic hoofprint.

The humanoid body had long curved horns on its head, a mouth that looked almost sewn shut, and two long elastic arms each with two clawed fingers. On the back of the human torso were boney spikes along its spine.

When walking on its equine legs, its attached humanoid portion hung limply to one side, making its arms drag along the ground. Once the equine portion stopped to stand still, only then did the humanoid portion of the creature become active, doing so with a twitching movement….

And known abilities… nothing…

Well at least I know what to do about that thing, but I shouldn't underestimate its sheer size as something weak considering the Grimm are naturally stronger than humans. Hmm… Maybe instead of fighting head-on…

How about I use the environment to my advantage instead.

Summoning up my [Harvest] out all 500 of them out in the open as they all greet me, I began to give them commands to follow. Since I don't have time to out trap them, I only need to defeat the beast with him out the hunters would have more of a chance.

Well then… it's time to be courageous.

~Third POV~

Leaving with less time to attack or plan Soul began to use his Stand [Harvest] to begin moving around the whole area to create some environmental advantages he could use that are wide open in the area.

Barrels, Dust, stone buildings, sticks, rocks, trees, anything he could use to his advantage as well as learning how to use Hamon and his revolver gun. Soul has in his possession some Fire and Wind Dust crystals at the ready.

He then waits for the attack to happen as even if he prepares for as he used his [Harvest] to see at the distance only a few Grimm as they head their way towards Kuroyuri.

Sighing at this Soul knew if he told the villagers of his stand power then maybe they could think of another way to go about this but he trusted his skin first. While helping them would be great for him it wouldn't be wise to let people know about how many abilities he has.

Especially if people want to ask such questions he would rather be worried about getting stronger first as he has to make sure to have the courage to do it as he saw the fight happening already in the distance.

Narrowing his eyes at the scene he saw that the Nuckelavee along with a few other Grimm around attacked as he already have his stand [Harvest] at the ready as he began to announce his current goal first, "I see that the Nuckelavee is going to attack the safe house. [Harvest] the 200 units of you deal with any Grimm 300 of you remain with me till further commanded."

"Hee hee!"

"Hee hee!"

"Hee hee!"

Agreeing to their user command the 200 of them left to fight off against the Grimm grabbing anything that was weapon-based and going towards them in numbers. While it takes about 60 or 70 to successfully kill a Grimm in groups…







While normally the case Soul used one of the great abilities and versatilities of [Harvest] can do in situations like this as he sees the people flee from the Nuckelavee or die… [Harvest] while limited use in combat, can dismantle objects rapidly and, enabling them to occasionally take advantage of the environment.

As such cause, the building was destroyed intentionally with enough of them to punch and break apart them causing the Grimm that was unfortunate enough to die from the weight of the building it collapsed on….


Or another as the units of [Harvest] are causing suicide bombers using the Dust they took from the village and forcibly enter inside the Grimm's stomachs as they crawl their way towards their bodies and destroy them from the inside and out.


But also forcibly injecting the Grimm with air to cause them to blow up like a balloon till they pop up like one in the process…


As such things going Soul way he knew for a fact that in a fight against the masses like the Grimm he used his Stand to even the fields so to speak by destroying his terms. A single unit of [Harvest] is not enough to defeat the Grimm…

So, Soul had to think more outside the box of what can a Stand do till he was reminded of one thing that is similar to Stands…

Stands are also ghosted by technicality sense.

Stand users can see ghosts, because their Stands are technically ghosts as well, albeit generated into existence by their wielder's vital energy. Remembering that piece of information he used that fact to make [Harvest] phase through objects to get what they need and destroy the necessary destruction needed.

With the whole army of them assisting each other and causing them to phase through the building like the natural stand Ghost they are to destroy their enemies as well as destroy obstacles to land on the Grimm that are not intelligent it was a simple job so long as the user is alive.

Observing the madness happening at a distance with 300 units of his [Harvest] on standby to protect Soul he zooms with his Scroll to see the progress made in a serious tone, "Hmm… seems like the Grimm are being taken care of from the looks of things. Some of the units led the Grimm into literal death traps with collapsing buildings, suicide Dust bombers, and death by balloon air. All have been going smoothly so far…"

Narrowing his eyes on the scene he saw the Grimm attacking the people but more saw a familiar face hiding under a house crying, "Wait isn't that Nora? Where is-"


However, Soul didn't have time to finish as he heard a loud shrieking sound in the distance he clapped his hands to his ears from the sound. But he also didn't lose sight of his eyes viewing the quick change of attacks suddenly from the Grimm.

Clicking his teeth, it seems like the more adult ones are listening while the baby ones are still dying to the traps of his [Harvest] units as the shift of the attack changed everything as he sighs out a breath of relief.


Using his remaining 300 units of [Harvest] he had them travel down to where Nora is as he couldn't stomach leaving her to fend for herself even though he let the attack happen as he began to get her as she cling tightly as he asked the obvious, "Hey kid. What happened and where are your parents or anyone-"


Instead of an answer, Nora was sobbing into his shoulder in fear and not wanting to let go as Soul made his conclusion that either one of her mothers abandoned her or that she already died in the attack. However, he thinks of the latter as being abandoned first since the first time seeing her.

The only response he could do is gently hold her head as he spoke to her calmly, "Shew… don't worry I ain't leaving but-"


However, his eyes widen as he saw the Nuckelavee glaring in Soul's direction as its horse portion began to charge straight after him leaving Soul no choice but to fight now, "Tch! Y'all can't do anything against [Harvest] seeing it's been whooping your sorry Grimm asses... Want proof? Absolute proof? I'll give you proof! Come out [Harvest]!"

"Hee hee!"

Resummoning [Harvest] once more with all 500 of the units out Soul began to tread carefully of this for his win against the monster charging against him… But even so, the odds weren't in Soul favor…


A/N: Now we have here the MC choosing to fight but the question is will he succeed, or will he fail? Guess that depends on how much the MC is willing to push his luck.