
Jojo System in RWBY

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s) A Jojo fan somehow got transmigrated into another world more specifcally into the world of RWBY. Huntsman, Huntresses, Grimm, Faunus, White Fang, and terrorist organization all over the planet of Remnant and with him the Jojo Bizarre System... He will Ora Ora or Muda Muda his way throught whatever comes... even if the MC doesn't know the plot of the show as he never seen RWBY before. "Yare yare daze."

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 5: Sub-Mission Done

~Soul POV~

Going forward towards the river path I made a mental point to count how much time was needed to take care of the Grimm I has the chance of encountering. I counted that it took a few seconds if most of [Harvest] attacked the creatures.

Minutes if fewer of the [Harvest] units fought against such Grimm such around I think… 60 or 70 of them took care of the Grimm in minutes. Those Grimm are certainly interesting creatures that are certain.

They take so many forms and there are so many discoveries according to my scroll is yearly kind of thing or not. But most of all is that these Grimm don't even need much to survive or even eat at all.

"Found it!"

Glancing over to some of [Harvest] units I smirked seeing the cave as I see that we found the cave as I ordered [Harvest] what to do next, "Ok. [Harvest] go collect as much as you can of the iron ores or anything of value inside."

"Hee hee!"

Some of the [Harvest] units then went ahead to go collect the materials inside as I waited outside the cave. No way I'm risking my skin going inside without knowing what types of Grimm are there.

As the info said they come in all shapes or sizes so one having to adapt to the cave is certainly possible. Plus, having some distance at the ready to flee would be wise.

Waiting for a while I saw that some of the units began to come out with some of the iron ores coming out of the woodworks as I smiled at the scene. It seems that [Harvest] collected enough of the materials and…

Raising my eyebrow at this I see that some of the [Harvest] units collected some kind of crystalized color rocks. Holding one of them specifically a red one I can feel the heat it radiates off from it as I took to examine the rock with some surprise in my voice, "Oh? So, this is a Dust crystal I keep on hearing about. I guess this is fire Dust correct? I can even feel its warmth it radiates off it."

So this is Dust Huh?

Dust is a source of energy in Remnant. The physical properties of Dust make it incredibly useful for a variety of purposes, particularly in weapons.

The name "Dust" is implied to be a reference to the primordial state from which mankind originally believed it was born. As a natural resource, it is sometimes poetically referred to as "Nature's Wrath", or more prosaically as an energy propellant.

According to ancient mankind that was fighting a losing struggle against creatures of darkness known as the Grimm. However, through their resourcefulness and ingenuity, Humanity managed to discover and harness a source of power they named "Dust" to battle the Grimm.

The advent of Dust became the turning point in the war. It would appear that after mankind drove back the Grimm and built civilizations, Dust became integrated into everyday life within Remnant.

Despite its widespread use and prevalence in society, Humanity has yet to understand the origins or the implications of its involvement with Dust.

Dust is used everywhere and it's kind of funny.

Dust serves as a power source for the majority of technology in Remnant, from airships to androids, though some alternative technologies do exist. Dust can still be used without the aid of weapons or machines and can be unleashed in its raw form such as lightning.

Technology powered by Dust is known to glow. Even bullets, infused weapons, and even in modern technology Dust is heavily used but what if I introduce some different power sources instead?

Maybe I can use this to my advantage to possibly recreate gunpowder or possibly use another use of energy like from my old world. Dust seems to be a limited resource on remnants, like coal for the real world. I think that eventually, it will run out, considering how it has to be mined out of the ground according to the facts.

I don't know if there are any ways to artificially produce dust. Although Dust is extremely powerful it requires a person to use their aura to activate it, so not very accessible.

Compare this to modern propellants, which are not as explosive or powerful as dust, but can be mass-produced and artificially made without too much difficulty. Also, anyone can use a real-life gun, it's not like you need to unlock some special soul-bound power to use it.

That is a good business method for people who are villagers or that can't use aura but I have to make sure that gunpowder is useful against these Grimm furthermore multiple different types of propellants can be made, like ballistite or rocket fuel.

So essentially dust wins out in short battles that take only a few days, but modern-day propellants would win in a long-drawn-out war due to the ease of using it and how many different types of propellants there are.


Gunpowder is composed of a mixture of three ingredients: potassium nitrate (saltpeter), Sulphur, and charcoal. Potassium nitrate supplies oxygen for the reaction. ... Mixture is then mixed in a revolving drum. A little water is also added to make a so-called green mixture.


Shaking my head for a bit I need time to get the resources for the first but for the time being though I should try to take after myself first before going to anything else. Seeing that the [Harvest] units are carrying some of the materials I guess this is decent goods for now.

Now it's time to return to the Kuroyuri to see I can get this quest done.

"Hmm… at least this should be enough."

Finally returning to the village and handing over the requested amount of iron ores to the young blacksmith I managed to hand over some of the items needed. He seems somewhat surprised about the items but genuinely is happy getting the materials.

At the very least I managed to change the outlook he had on me.

Still, though I keep the Dust


[Sub-Mission: Collect Iron Ores (20/20) (Completed)

Description: Help out the young blacksmith collect iron ores in the outside area of Kuroyuri to help prepare to create more weapons. Iron Ores can be found in caves outside the city but needs one to be careful against the Danger of Grimm. Collect the amounted iron ores and return them to the blacksmith.

Rewards: 400 Lien, Smoke Bombs x5, and Hamon Manual.]

[Rewards are transferred.]

No sooner than later I managed to feel an increase in my bag feeling some weight to them as I can tell the rewards had been transferred easily. Perfect this would be a good time to start reading that Hamon manual.

Those Smoke Bombs are a nice bonus as well in case things get very hairy.

Leaving the young blacksmith already knowing I got paid I began to pace myself back to my small home looking at the sakura tree making the sakura leaves fall. Have to admit it's something peaceful here.

But I also come to notice that this place doesn't have any Huntsman or Huntresses in this place… I wonder if there is a reason why or not? But also, what is the current situation of the Mistral Kingdom or how are the people handling the Grimm situation?


There is still too much lack of information about this place and others…

Well for now I should take this time to study as much as I can about Hamon Manuel and hope nothing bad happens…. And why do I feel like I raised some flags right now?


Must be my paranoia talking now about that book…

~Third POV~

Later on the same day, Li Ren's father was meeting with the Mayor of Kuroyuri bringing grave news to the mayor as he spoke to him seriously, "Mayor Flo we might be in danger from this monster coming. I hunted along with the others but we also caught sight of Oniyuri being deserted."

Mayor Flo glanced at Li with some hesitation in his eyes as he expresses his concern to him with furrowed eyes, "Tell me Li is it all true. Did the settlement of Oniyuri truly is gone? Then where are their people."

Li only frowns at this as he responds to Flo with a grave expression on his face as he spoke the obvious answer, "Grimm. Grimm Mayor Flo, it's always been them surely you know the answer to this."

Frowning at the answer Mayor Flo nods his head at this as he clenches his two hands together before replying to Li in a serious answer, "Hmm…. If that monster is still out there… no for now Li we can worry about the monster later. We need to prepare quickly and make sure to send the people into the shelter for safety."

Li agrees with a nod to respond to Mayor Flo as he also began to announce his plans of what to do about the Grimm, "If that is the case then we might need to have gathered our remaining hunters for assistance. Sir is –"


A quick slam of the Mayor's fist to the table of his desk as he replies quite harshly to the question that Li was about to propose, "NO! You know fully well that those Huntsman and Huntresses under Mistral work under for… they will simply bully or demand us of our supplies. Tch. Talking about protecting the people they are no better than bloody money-grubbers."

Li could only sigh in the agreement of that but also knows the strength is greater than what they had. After all the hunters only have very few of their auras awakened but lack of training to use them.

It's only for them that they could live as freely as they could even with their wooden and iron weapons, they have limits. Another reason is that they can't awaken their auras because that attracts Grimm that is only taught the basics in Huntsman Academies.

Li could only sigh and hope that his family would be safe as he tries…

Elsewhere in Soul home he already started to begin reading the Hamon Manuel in his leisurely time till he heard one of the missions happening to leave him to stump with confusion apparent in his voice, "The fuck?"


[Mission: Run or Fight

Description: A Highly evolved Grimm called the Nuckelavee has already destroyed and killed off some of the people of Oniyuri. This Grimm has now set its sights on the village of Kuroyuri as its next target along with a few other Grimm leading it there with its screeches causing destruction. You have two choices run away leaving with Kuroyuri destruction or kill the Grimm Nuckelavee.

Rewards if you Run Option: [The Cure], and 1000 Lien.


Rewards if you Fight: [Justice], the sword Pluck, and 2000 Lien.]


A/N: Here's the next chapter and this time I'll leave you guys the choice of what action to choose in these missions and which ones would work for the MC. The choice is which is good for his life or greed for the rewards.