
JMA Chapter 1 New Life

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If you love someone, send him to New York because it is a paradise.

  If you hate someone, send him to New York because it is hell.

  . . . . . .

  Sitting in a chair and taking a picture of his chaotic head, He Zhizhi couldn't help but think of the two sentences he had seen on the Internet.

  He just returned from the hospital to a small restaurant opened in Chinatown, New York. He is now trying to sort out the 'ridiculous thing' that happened to him not long ago.

  Before that, he never thought that he would one day become a part of this bustling city…

  One is the procedure of deceiving a mobile game in the development of the Volkswagen every day. And in his thirties, he is still single. The deposits accumulated for many years are still not enough. He bought a set of places in the magical capital. My own nest, coupled with the stagnation caused by the bloody night and night, and even some hair loss, naturally can not attract the girls who look at the top.

  But now he has turned into an English-Chinese mixed-race. He simply looked at the mirror and knew how good the genetics of the body are. The bright and white face, the cold and sharp eyes, the thick eyebrows rebelliously slightly Upward, the long and slightly curled eyelashes are a pair of dark and deep scorpions. The size of the 1 meter 85 is considered to be excellent even in any country. The strong and straight body is matched with this handsome face. It is a rare good skin.

  However, He Zhizhi, who inexplicably crossed into this body, was not as excited as he imagined. He was still trying to remember the last scene before his crossing…

  He vaguely remembers that the day was the seventh day of their team's over-the-country work, and developed a hand-made game for the heat–the "JOJO's Bizarre Adventure", due to the heat of animation, a group of small people like them The team wants to swear, so development speed is especially important.

  Of course, without any copyright and authorization, they will take a plausible name when the final development is completed, such as YOYO's wonderful adventure, or what JOJO mainland?

  Like this kind of rubbing the ball, suddenly enter the field and get a job, the company is not the first time to do it, as long as it is not big, the original author will notice their small shrimp.

  Just when the approximate framework has been compiled, the boss also sent a nightingale, the purpose is to buy people's hearts, and by the way also painted a big cake for them, as an incentive. In order to win, in order to work, everyone is biting their teeth and continuing to struggle. Even if they know that the boss has said that there are few words that can be fulfilled, but it is also a rush, otherwise how can they be forced?

  The big hands of Niubi had been spicy in those big companies. They had to blame themselves for not having the skills, not a good diploma, and no good talent. After all, now this impetuous society relies on hard work to make a contribution. Drink more chicken soup!

  The last memory of He Zhizhi seems to have stopped at the moment when he got up and wanted to get up to the night, and then he didn't know anything about it.

  When I woke up, I was inexplicably in the hospital ward of New York. I also passed through the body of others. I asked the doctor to know that I was taken to the hospital by gas ambulance and was sent to the hospital. The old man and the mother of China, but the two did not have his 'lucky', and eventually the rescue was invalid, so he left the world. This small restaurant opened in Chinatown is probably the last wealth they left for their children.

  "It should be dying… I watched so many news of my peers. I didn't expect that I followed the footsteps of these predecessors. I don't know if those predecessors have become one of the great men in the army. Mr. He thought that a lot of He Zhizhi probably already guessed his cause of death, but it was not sad.After all, his original life is uninteresting. Every day, he is only mechanically alive. There are no relatives, no wives and children. At most, there are only a few friends who can only get together to eat and drink. If they die, they will die.

  He Yizhi's face, which he wanted to open, finally showed a touch of ease, but he immediately frowned. After receiving all the memories in the body, he felt that the family of three was poisoned at the same time. No one was aware of the problem. It was too embarrassing to call the police after the last neighbor smelled the smell.

  What's more interesting is that if it wasn't for him to come through, it should be a family of three who went on the road together, and together they would like to share the 'family's music'. This is not like a simple accident.

  In fact, he was able to 'awake' and he was already incredible by the doctor who sentenced him to death. Fortunately, although there are not many miracles like 'death and resurrection', there are still some in the hospital. Legend has it that it is rumored that a 70-year-old woman opened her eyes before being sent to the crematorium. did not know whether the family had later brought the hospital to bankruptcy.

  "Forget it, it's useless to think so much now, only the soldiers will stop, and the water will cover the soil."

  As soon as I thought that there were still many bad things waiting for him to deal with it, He Zhizhi could only use this kind of Ah Q spirit to paralyze himself. At least he was not worth nothing. This is not big, but only at most. A small restaurant with 6,7 tables will give him support for living in this bustling city. It's not good. He can also consider selling the restaurant and then returning to the land to try a lifestyle.

  It just inexplicably occupies the body of others. When the old couple are still cold, they consider selling the last legacy of the family, which is not in line with his outlook on life and values.

  At this time, the phone ringing.

  He Yuzhi took a half-shoot and took the phone out of his trouser pocket.

  "Hey, Dior, I just came out of the hospital. The doctor said that you have been discharged from the hospital. Is your health better? I hope that you can cheer up for Uncle Blanco and He Ayi. If you need money, I have a little savings here. In addition, I know that the environment of a cemetery is not bad, the price is relatively cheap, of course, I have no other meaning, I am just…"

  From the memory he got, He Zhizhi knows that the caller who said that he has not finished at this time is his own physical dying Wiljos, a black guy who, like most other compatriots, who does not know who his father is. It has been in the gang for a long time, but it gives him warm care when he is lonely, as well as some hot food and a residence that does not have to compete with other tramps, wild dog wild cats to compete for 'beds' (floors in restaurants) He Ayi, he is grateful for his heart.

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