
449. Seventh Mission ~Recruiting~

"Doo doo doo doo doo..." Josuke finishes washing some dishes.

Finn is still thinking about how he could find and kill Dark Finn by researching online articles like, "How to destroy your evil self?"

Jake is rocking on the floor forward and backward, whimpering.

"OH, COME ON!!!" yelled Erina. "I DIDN'T FART, JAKE!!!"


Suki snickers quietly.

Spongebob and Patrick are cooking big Krabby Patties.

Spongebob wears a contraption that allows him to lift patties up. It's like a backpack with normal-sized spatulas and kitchen utensils connected to it through robot arms.

Meanwhile, Patrick is beating the patties to submission into a bowl.

Narcos is cooking Tinola, which is just Chicken Soup with Chilli Pepper Leaves and Papayas. The papayas, strangely enough, are diced into button shapes.

He sips it to see that he did pretty well.

Meanwhile, Gumball is sparring with Darwin.

Mark, meanwhile, is enjoying a hot cup of cocoa.

Yurielle, Mercuria, Irene, and Shizuka are playing a board game.

Finally, Gabrielle is chasing Mikaela, who crawls around on the ceiling without a diaper on. With a diaper in her hand and a pin stabbing her cheek, Gabrielle yells out, "MIKA!!! GET... IN... HERE!!!"

"Why are kids woging earlier nowadays...?" asked Josuke.

"Betas..." said Josuke, proceeding to shake his head.

Note: The official Multiversal Year is 2051. So, anyone born between Maharlican Year 2025-2039 is a Gen Beta, which Gabrielle is included in. Narcos is technically Gen Gamma, which is cursed, yes. And Mercuria, Yurielle, Irene, and Shizuka are Gen Beta like Gabrielle. Josuke was born in the Maharlican Year of 2022. So, he's a Gen Alpha.

"Back in my day..." said Josuke. "We watched good ol' Cocomelon which WAS ACTUALLY PRODUCTIVE FOR KIDS!!!"

Note: Y-Yeah... Time moved weirdly depending on each universe.

Raphael slams the door open.

"Yo..." said Josuke.

"Sorry..." said Raphael, bowing his head while hiding his eyes under his fedora. "I thought you'd be more annoyed..."

Raphael is wearing his trench coat and a fedora.


Iggy barked at the group.

"Nah... it's cool..."

Suki converses with the dog. "She doesn't like you..." she whispered to Jake.

Jake barks at Iggy, who barks back.

Gumball gets a chill in his spine and attacks Darwin's face, clawing it over and over again. He then leaps to Jake and tries clawing his face.

Spongebob, out of fear, flops on the ground, ruining some patties. Patrick flops on the ground like a starfish.

Raphael beats his chest and growls.

Darwin, freaking out, puckers his lips like a fish.

"Whoa! Whoa!" yelled Josuke, who ends up woging and shrieking.


"WREEEEEEEAH!!!" he shrieked, as all the animals behaved.

"Guys! We're civilized people, here!" yelled Josuke. "Everyone chill the F out!Jake, stop biting Darwin's leg."

Jake is doing that. "I'm a disgusting cannibal."

Iggy tells Jake something in his thoughts. "Exactly, Cannibal Bulldog."

"What brings you here, Raphael?" Gabrielle slightly woges.

Narcos and Mercuria do so as well, snarling for a short second.

This freaks out Irene, Shizuka, Mark, and Yurielle.

"Are you guys always this barbaric?" asked Mark.

"Yep," smiled Finn.

"I need your help," said Raphael.

"Great, Kuya Raph!" smiled Gabrielle. 

"And could you guys help, too?" asked Raphael.

"Uh..." She turns to Narcos.

Narcos frowns at her.

"Sure!" smiled Gabrielle.

"Gabrielle. Who would be taking care of Mika...?" asked Narcos.

"Oh... Thought that was a signal that I should take the opportunity..."

"You haven't even heard what it was, yet!"

"It's fine..." said Raphael. "Erina Zeppeli... Could you please take care of the children?"

"Okay..." said Erina.

"Good... we need all the help we could get," said Raphael.

"Sounds serious," said Josuke. "What's El Problemo, Ape Brother?"

"That's racist... But anyway..." said Raphael. "I have recently been recruited to the New Society of the Blind Eye that is currently owned by Dipper Pines. He assigned me to recruit three people from a neighboring world."

"Seems easy enough!" Gabrielle smirked with crossed arms.

"But there's a catch..." said Raphael.

"A dangerous dimension called Earth A-137...?" said Gabrielle. "Sure thing."

"Read the file before entering that universe," said Raphael, giving her a folder. "Don't confuse these with your-..."

"I know!!!"

"Hentai pictures."

Gabrielle facepalms.

The Jazz Fusion and Allies snicker at her.

"Wait... You're not coming?" asked Gabrielle.

"No... Sorry... Because I was made to investigate another case regarding an arsonist with a thick British accent. Says he's one of the Sorcerer Supreme.If he is, Strange is gonna get an earful."

"How do you know if the arsonist isn't Strange...?"

"C'mon! He's Strange! He's a Doctor! I do not believe that he is capable of such degenerocity!"


The Jazz Fusion and Allies board the CoolDudeBus.

"Supplies?" asked Josuke, in the driver's seat.

"Check!" smiled Gabrielle, beside him.

"First Aid Kits?"






"Alright... Let's do this..." Josuke drives away.

Suki, with crossed arms, turns to Mikaela, who is teething a ball. "So... You're a variant of my supposed daughter...Do you talk... or are you just a baby?"

Mikaela spits the wet ball on her face.

"Just... Awehsomeh..." said Suki.


The group listens to Beyonce's Single Lady.

"Oh oh oh! Oh oh oh whoa! Oh-oh!" sang everybody.

Josuke slowly opens the file while singing. "Oh! Oh oh oh wh-... WHOA!!!"

Josuke accidentally opens the portal as they crash into a towering single grass weed in a swamp.

Later... They wake up...

Josuke looks at the picture and covers his eyes. "Wah!"

Gabrielle looks up. "Ugh... WHOA!!!" She blushed, covering the folder and hiding it in her trench coat.

"Are you kidding me!?" asked Josuke. "What WAS that!? Why was Simba from Lion King there!?"


A loud aerial creature zooms past them.

The two stare at each other in horror.

They slowly walk out and see...

Giant lily pads cover the watery marshes and giant bugs hover in the sky. Giant Dragonflies, Kill-A-Moths, and Giant Mantises all fly and walk around, grazing on other smaller creatures.

"Huh..." said Gabrielle. "Did we shrink...?"

Josuke checks Gabrielle's pockets.

"HEY!!! PERV!!!" yelled Gabrielle.

"No... We're in Earth-A-137!" Josuke finds the files in Gabrielle's other pocket. "It's a version of Planet Earth where mammals went extinct years ago... And the dominant species that became extant are arthropods. However, along with these creatures are vertebrates including Avians, Reptilians, and Amphibians. It says here that Reptilians and Amphibians have evolved to gain sentience."

"Huh... Interesting..." said Finn.

"Interesting indeed."


Everyone turns to see Selina.

"I believe that you still have no idea how to hunt down the Entity!" said Selina.

"Yeah..." said everyone, bowing their heads.

"Hm..." said Selina, turning away. "Very well... But if we all die, it's on you... father!"

Selina leans right in front of Finn.

"Yeah... I kinda knew that for a while now," said Finn.

Selina's eyes look left and right. "Where are we, anyway?"


*croak... Ogh! Ogh! Ogh!*

"Is that a Frog Chimp or some crap...?" asked Gabrielle.

"OOOGH!!!" it panted, as it, along with its tribe, charged (hopped angrily toward) at the group.

They all yell and enter the CoolDudeBus.

Gabrielle tries to turn on the keys, only for one to shoot its tongue at Gabrielle. "WHAT THE FUCK!?!?"


Stone Free punches the Apephibian away.

The Frog Chimps have fur similar to Chimpanzees, being black and walking on all fours, hopping about. The Gorilla Toads are large, bulky, and muscular. They're slow but fiercely strong. The Orangnewtans have orange fur, and are snake-like, moving around the trees.

They then see Gorilla Toads and Orangnewtans howling and chasing after them.


Shizuka looks out the window. Suddenly, a Frog Chimp flops on the window.

Shizuka shrieks out of fear.

"OGH!!! OGH!!! OGH!!!"

"OOWA!!! OOWA!!! OOWA!!!"

"WHY ARE THE FROGS MONKE!?!?" asked Patrick.



"KEEP DRIVING!!!" yelled Irene, punching an Apephibian with Stone Free. She also zaps the next.

Shizuka shoots at the Apehibians.

*CROAK!!! OOH!!! OOH!!! CROAK!!!*

Mercuria duplicates the head of one Apephibian and refuses it, killing them.



"UGH!!!" yelled Yurielle, as slime was shot to her face through the open window.

Yurielle throws several knives at the Apephibians.

Selina blasts at them with her laser ray gun.

"PASS!!! PASS!!! PASS!!!" No. 2 kicks the knife into the Frog Chimp's neck.




*COUGH!!!* "Show off!" coughed Irene.

Gumball throws Spin-Imbued coins and Heartarangs at them.

Darwin helps Spongebob by inserting lit firecrackers into the bubbles.

Finn, Jake, Patrick, and Mark beat up the creatures.

Narcos tosses icicles at the Apephibians.

"Oh, God... We shouldn't have left the bus!" yelled Gabrielle. "I know! Irene! I have an idea!"

(theme begins at 1:14)

Suddenly, all the frogs choke and are caught into strings, knocking into each other by Gabrielle and Irene's woven nets similar to orb webs.

They all shriek as they crash into trees, rocks, boulders, lily pads, and the watery ground.

"IT'S WORKING!!!" yelled Irene.

"NOW!!!" yelled Gabrielle.


Irene activates her electricity.

Gabrielle activates her Golden Spin.

This creates a massive energy surge that injures all of the Apephibians and scares all of them away.

"WOOOO!!!" yelled everybody.

(theme ends at 1:36)

"OH, GOD!!!"


Gabrielle immediately shrinks the bus to repair it later.

They land on a field of grass and see that they crashed and toppled a sign.

"*GASP!!!*" Patrick gasped, seeing the sign. "It's a sign that speaks in some sort of interdimensional alien language that is unknown to our world!"

"No... It's written in the Roman Alphabet," said Gabrielle. 

"Well, I didn't know that! We don't have that in Bikini Bottom!!!" yelled Patrick.

"No, Patrick. We do, after being colonized by Atlantis years ago," said Spongebob.

"Pfft!" scoffed Patrick. "Conspiracies..." he shook his head in shame for Spongebob's opinions.

"'Wartwood,'" read Josuke. "Like Westwood, L.A.? Heard that Westwood has a Thai restaurant there that's really good. And there's a Thai community in L.A. with really nice people! They're just like Filipinos! The only difference being the name."

"What about the language and culture differences?" asked Yurielle.

"Dude... We're South East Asians. There's no such thing as differences! C'mon! We all have a shared resentment for China for trying to take the sea that is rightfully ours!"

"Wasn't that solved ten or... fifteen years ago...? By Uncle Jed?" asked Yurielle.

"Still stings that they have most of the waters..."

"I agree," said Irene. "The Chinese and their political control over seas is pretty vexing, especially their hold on the so-called East China Sea, or should I say West Japanese Sea."

"Y-Yeah!" yelled Shizuka. "Modern issues...! Stuff..."

"I get that," said Finn. "Territorial disputes exist in Ooo, too. Especially the Badlands."

"So... should we enter...?" asked Darwin.

"Anyone else wants to add to this discussion?" asked Finn. 

"I'd like to say that there was a territorial dispute in my life..."


"Yeah... The fact that my own deadbeat father doesn't know anything about boundaries by constantly sending me flowers and acting like that he cares."

Finn bows his head as everyone stares at Finn and Selina, awkwardly.

"Well, that ended awkwardly," said Spongebob.

The group walks into the town known as Wartwood, activating their disguises with frog colors in accordance with the color of their clothes and hair.

"What about me!?" asked Darwin, not being transformed.

"C'mon..." said Gumball. "You're already-!!!"

Darwin crosses his fins. "That's racist!"

"Anyone who thinks this isn't racist says 'Aye!'" said Gumball.

"Aye! (Nay!)" yelled everyone (except Darwin).

There, a British blue Frog sings and dances with his accordion. A teenage witch frog experiments on her younger siblings with a magical liquid. Several frogs go around farming their crops.

"That's one ugly golden frog."

"Hey!" yelled Darwin.

They pass by a tall old and mossy mysterious statue of a Thai girl with a  sword and a mysterious box in her arm.

Gabrielle and Shizuka see this and smile in awe.

Yurielle smells the place. "Huh... smells just like home."

 "You lived in a frog kingdom?" asked Darwin.

"Nah," said Yurielle. "Missouri."

The group ends up in Stumpy's Diner.

A taller frog who has spatulas for hands walks up to them.

"Uh... Ribbit. Ribbit... Ribbit..." said Gumball.

"What...? English, please... We don't speak in foreign languages anymore," said the frog.

Darwin punches Gumball's shoulder.

"Ow!" whispered Gumball. He speaks up, "Uh! Uh... How many are we...?"

There's Josuke, Finn, Jake, Spongebob, Patrick, Gumball, Darwin, Mark, Gabrielle, Narcos, Mercuria, Yurielle, Shizuka, Irene, and  Selina.

"15 orders..." said Gumball.

Josuke whispers. "Do we even have the money for that...!?"

"Quiet, Quiet Kid! I'll figure it out later!"

He places delectable noodles on the table.

"Phad Thai!?" whispered Josuke. "These people are Thai!?"

Gabrielle digs in. "Holy shit! You guys gotta try this!"'

The whole group digs into the noodles.


"Uh... Uh yeah..." Everyone pats their bellies.

"Whoa! What was in that stuff!?" Shizuka smiled, patting her belly.

"Peanutbutter, Herbs, and Dung Beetle!" smiled the owner.

Shizuka gags and coughs immediately.

"Nice..." smiled Gabrielle.

Gumball coughs as well.

"You don't like my food, tadpole?" asked the owner.

"No! Mr... Uh...!"


"Of course! Heheh! 'Stumpy's Diner!' Duh! Haha..."

"Well? Pay up, kid... One who orders should pay... And we don't take too kindly to outsiders around here... Unless you earn our trust... But you haven't earned it yet..."

"Uh...! How about some I.O.U.'s?"


"They're with me, Stumpy!"

Everyone turns to a pink frog wearing shorts, an open green trench coat, a bonnet, and a pair of goggles.


He's around 21 years old.

"Put it on my Grandpa's check!"

"Sure thing, Sprig..." He walks away.

"Uh... Thank you!" smiled Gumball.

Josuke shakes the frog's hand. "Yeah! Thanks a lot! Sorry for the trouble, Mister...?"

Josuke pulls away, but his hand is now slimy.

"Plantar! Sprig Plantar!" smiled Sprig.

"Huh... Hey! You're the guy we've been looking for!" smiled Josuke.

"Oh! Is it for the University? I just declined that yesterday."

"No, no, no!" smiled Gabrielle, as she presses her watch.

"NO!!! GABRIELLE!!! WAIT!!!" yelled Josuke.

"GABRIELLE!!!" yelled Narcos.

She presses the button on her watch and they all turn into their normal forms.

The frogs gasp.


"Isn't that a dog?"

"The legend was true!?"

"A cat!"

"Sea creatures! Aren't those extinct?"

"What a weird frog."

"I am not a frog! I'm a goldfish!" yelled Darwin.

"Greetings!" Josuke stood on top of the table. "Uh... We..! Are... ASWANGS!!!" He woges and growls as the Amphibians scream in terror.

Gabrielle, Mercuria, and Yurielle facepalm.

"Ooh boy..." said Narcos.

"No! No, it's okay!" yelled Josuke, woging back. "I'm just another subspecies of human! See!? Good! Me? Good!"

"YOU'RE A MONSTER!!!" yelled one Toad.

"What! Hey! That's racist! As a matter of fact, I am a Filipino!" yelled Josuke.

"What's a Filipino?" asked a Newt.

"Canned fruit?" asked a Frog.

"Josuke... stop doing what you're doing," said Gumball. 

"BUT!!!" yelled Josuke. "Us Filipinos and fellow American, Ooish, Bikini Bottomite, and Japanese friends..." Josuke points to the first group (Himself, Gabrielle, Mercuria, Narcos, and Yurielle), the second group (Mark, Gumball, Darwin), the third group (Finn, Jake, and Selina), the fourth group (Spongebob and Patrick), and the fourth group (Shizuka and Irene) "...- are only here to recruit three of your kind frog kind!"

"Josuke, this is the only time where being the Quiet Kid is a good thing," said Gumball.

"Did he say that he was gonna abduct three of us?" asked an old lady frog.

Gumball facepalms.

"Yes!" smiled Patrick, as Spongebob grabs Patrick's mouth.

"Yep! Wait... What!?" asked Josuke. "NO!!!"

"He definitely said 'abduct,'" said the town Mayor.

"Quiet, Fix-It Felix lookin' butt!" yelled Josuke.


"That sounded like a brutal swear!" yelled the Mayor, who is a small frog.

"No... It honestly wasn't," said Gumball. "But I don't blame you if you think so."


They take out torches and pitch forks.

"Nice going, Quiet Kid," said Gumball. "Why not tell them that our nation was a former colonist?"

Josuke sighs.

"BACK AWAY YOU SLIMY SAVAGES!!!" yelled Shizuka.

"Yep..." said Yurielle. "Just like Missouri..."

The others prepare their Stands, weapons, and fists.

"Whoa, whoa!" yelled Josuke. "Don't engage! These people are innocent!"

The others look at each other, pretty concerned with the predicament they're in.

"WAIT!!!" yelled Sprig, hopping in front of them to defend the Jazz Fusion. "Guys! We talked about this! What do we do with outsiders?"

"'Hear them out...'" they said, groaning.

"And who do we take them to...?"

"'Our leader...'" they all spoke.

"Wait... What!?" asked Irene. "Isn't that guy your leader?"

"Oh! I sure am the Mayor! But all I do is govern this city! You should talk to the wisest of us all!" smiled the Mayor.

"Who is it?"

"Psst! He's the guy, right?" whispered Irene. "Just put him in a sack and board him in the van!"

Gabrielle elbows Irene.

"Huh?" asked Sprig.

"Nothing!" smiled the group.

"Who's the wisest one? The oldest one?"

"I'm the oldest one, fool!" yelled the old lady. "Sadie Croaker! I'll kick your ass when I feel like it!But I'm not feeling it..."

"Sorry... That was ageist," smiled Gabrielle, sweetly. She puts her fingers in a tent formation and tilts her head to the right.

"Right..." said Josuke, writing it down. "'Old Ladies in this dimension: Fiesty as every South East Asian Grandma.'"


"Plantar Farm...?" asked Gabrielle.

The group looks around. 

"Okay...?" asked Josuke. "Where is this... Hop Pop of yours?"

The door opens as a choir sings.

*choir singing*

An orange old frog in a wheelchair rolls out of the house.

His eyes are shut. His back is hunched. His legs seem to have shrunk. He is incredibly wrinkly. And, his hair is gone. He is also senile...

"Who...?" asked the old frog in a very elderly voice. "Who is it?"

"It's visitors from another world, Hop Pop!" smiled Sprig.

"Aw!" smiled the Jazz Fusion and Allies.

"I could eat you up!" smiled Gabrielle. "Not literally... Sorry... An Aswang thing..."

Irene elbows Gabrielle.

"'Aswang...?'" asked Sprig's Hop Pop. "What else...?"

"Uh... they're humans..."

Suddenly, Hop Pop's eyes pop out and he gets a good look at them. His back cracks and becomes upright. His legs become limber. He loses his wrinkles. His hair grows back, but it's still gray and he still has a balding spot. Finally, he hops before them. "HUMANS!?!?!?!? No... NO WAY!!! DO YOU KNOW WHERE ANNE IS!?!? IS SHE ALIVE!?!? IS SHE OKAY!?!? HAS SHE BEEN EATING!!!I hope she didn't become skinny after she hadn't been eating all these years!"

"Who is -?" asked Gabrielle.

"Calm down, Hop Pop..."  yelled Sprig.

"Quiet, boy!" yelled Hop Pop.

Josuke writes it down. "'Even Old Dudes are like Southe East Asian Grandmas... Noted... And mentioning possible relative becoming skinny automatically triggers regeneration.'"

"These guys are just trying to recruit three warriors from this world!" yelled Sprig.

"What!? Why!?" asked Hop Pop. "How could we trust these young humans... and... weird... anthropomorphic wingless Kill-A-Moth. And... weird frog..."

"Hey!" yelled Darwin.

"And... Is that a Sea Sponge with eyes, arms, and legs? Why is there a Starfish? And... is that one of those dogs from the human world? And why is it moving like a Dancing Inflatable Man from McDonald's?"

Jake dances like a noodle and sings. "On a tropical island,Underneath the molten lava moon.Hangin' with the hula dancers,Askin' questions cause' they got all the answers." Jake rubs his belly."Puttin' on lotion!Sittin' by the ocean!Rubbin' it on my body!Rubbin' it on my body!"

"Eugh!" yelled Hop Pop.

Sprig whispers something to Hop Pop. "They might know where Anne is!"

Hop Pop smiles.

Gabrielle's eyes widen. "Wait... Have you been on one of the Human Dimensions!?"

"Well... Duh!" yelled Hop Pop. "How do you think I was so excited about meeting you all!? 'More dimensions,' you say?"

"Excited!?" asked Gumball.

"Why'd you come here, anyway?" asked Hop Pop. "To buy my famous Avocados?"

Finn has avocados in his mouth. "Nope... Just Earth's Avocados..."

"To recruit three warriors. One is your Grandson! Sprig Plantar. The others are Polly Plantar and Hopediah Plantar."

"That's me!" smiled Hop Pop, AKA Hopediah Plantar. "The other one's my grandbaby! Polly Petunia Plantar!"

"I'm guessing that this Polly is also a frog..." said Patrick.

"Yes..." said Hopediah, lowering his eyelids.

"What a mind fuck..." said Patrick.

"Patrick... Everyone here is a frog, newt, or toad," said Spongebob.

"You and your conspiracies..." Patrick shakes his head.

"You? You're the warrior who led one of the three armies of the Amphibian Rebellion and saved the whole world?"

"I also protected Amphibia from Reptilian invaders!" smiled Hop Pop.

"Uh... huh..." said Josuke. "You were 68 years old when you did that...!?"

"Yep, yep, yep!" smiled Hopediah.

"You...? An old bumpkin...?" asked Gumball.

"Gumwad!" whispered Josuke.

Gumball approaches Hopediah. "Yeah, right! Like you could-!!!"

Hopediah knocks him with his tongue, sweeps Gumball's feet, and grabs his collar.

"-knock me down...?" Gumball whimpered.

"You'd be surprised, Blue Kill-A-Moth..." smiled Hopediah.

He gently places Gumball back to a standing position.

"Haha! Just bein' a little rough is all! Come inside! We'll set you up with some food."

"They're Filipino, too!?"

"No, Patrick... That's just customary for all cultures. It's just that Krabs isn't like that, Patrick... Krabs is never like that..."


The group eats calmly with the Plantars.

"'The Weather Reporters?' What? Do we act like those weird guys who predict the weather on the television?" asked Sprig.

"Not exactly. You'd be working to investigate and report supernatural occurrences, called Weirdness Weathers, and investigate them."

"What about home!?" asked Hopediah. "My farm!?"

"You can visit it any time through your authorized portal gun."

"Are you gonna colonize our world...?" asked Sprig.

"No. We don't do that anymore," smiled Gabrielle.

"So... you're just recruiting us for no reason...?" asked Sprig.

"Well... Yeah!" smiled Gabrielle.

The two frown and look at each other.

"I have an idea!" smiled Gabrielle. "We'll let you have one request that is within our power! Any request!"


Everyone turns to a young pink teenage frog with yellow hair. Unlike her brother and grandfather, her head is round and her lips aren't very big. She's actually more humanoid.

"*Ahem!* Sorry! Old habits!" smiled the girl, Polly Petunia Plantar.

"Polly, what'd I say about scaring our guests with your desire to conquer and rule over Amphibia...?" asked Hopediah.

"'To keep it quietly hidden in the inner labyrinths of my mind...'"

"And did you do that...?"

Polly shakes her head. "But, I will ask one thing. Can we please see Anne Boonchoy?"

The group looks at each other and smiles.

"We'll do the best we can," smiled Gabrielle. "But it'd take a while to find her."

"Anne Boonchoy... Interesting! She's on our list of warriors to recruit!" yelled Josuke. 

The Plantars all smile.

"But... she doesn't have any contact info or any location in our files... It's as if her existence is classified by the Maharlican government..." said Josuke. "Sorry..."

They all bow their heads and frown.

"It's okay," said Mark. "We'll help you find your friend."

"Thank you. She means a lot to us," smiled Hopediah.

"Wait... do you have a picture of her...?" asked Gabrielle.

Hopediah points to the statue outside... Of Anne Boonchoy.

"Huh... expecting her to be a frog, too," said Spongebob. 

"Nah... That was obvious..." said Patrick.

Gabrielle's eyes twinkle as she smiles. "Statue Girl..." she whispered.