
VØⱠɄ₥Ɇ 4, ₱₳Ɽ₮ 6 - Respite: Norn and Adventurer's District

~5504 words

In front of the stately expanse of the Boreas estate, Rudeus and Eris found themselves seated on a plush grassy lawn, their fingers woven together in a silent declaration of unity. Their gazes were fixated upon the sun's descent, the fiery orb casting elongated shadows that seemed to blend with the contours of their entwined hands. 

The atmosphere held a breath of anticipation, as if the world itself was attuned to the emotional gravity of the moment.

As the sun's molten glow painted the horizon, Rudeus shifted his attention from the beautiful display to the girl beside him, her presence a comforting warmth. His voice, a hushed murmur, held an undertone of unwavering support as he spoke, "Eris, there's something I need to ask. Are you planning to journey to the Land of Swords, to the Sword Sanctum?" His gaze bore into hers, a mixture of concern and intrigue etched into his features.

Eris met his searching eyes with a resolute look, her countenance a blend of determination and fondness. Her response carried the weight of her convictions, delivered with a gentle strength. 

"Yes, Rudeus," she affirmed, the word holding layers of meaning that echoed beyond its surface. "I've made the decision to embark on that path—to train, to become stronger...for both of us." Her words, infused with sincerity, painted a portrait of their shared aspirations and the profound connection they were nurturing together.

As the sun's vibrant hues melted into the horizon, casting a warm glow over the landscape, Rudeus turned his attention fully to Eris. His voice carried a note of tenderness, his question laced with a hint of longing, "Eris, when will you return from your journey to the Sword Sanctum?"

Eris' lips twisted into an affectionate smile, her eyes brimming with unshed tears. "Rudeus," she began, her voice soft yet resolute, "I'll come back when I feel I've become strong enough to be the sword you need." Her words were imbued with a deep sincerity, resonating like a promise to stand by his side as a steadfast protector. 

A sword capable of striking down the dragons and the veiled adversary who had threatened their lives---a sword that would be capable enough to cut down the Dragon God and the masked man who tried to kill the man she loved. 

The gravity of her words hung in the air for a moment before Rudeus spoke again, his voice infused with a distinct yearning. "Can I visit you while you're training?" he inquired, his hope evident in his expression.

Eris looked at him, her gaze gentle yet tempered with a touch of practicality. Something that was unlike her. She truly had matured. 

"Only once a year." she replied, swallowing the bitterness in her words. 

"Oh....." Rudeus' voice trailed off.

"I am s-sorr---"

"No, it's not your fault. I've hit a ceiling for such a long time. We have to prioritise getting stronger so no one can bother us anymore." Rudeus interjected as Eris nodded with a bright smile. 

"Eris! Time to go!" Ghislaine shouted from the other side of the lawn, bringing in two horses. 

"Well, Rudeus! It's time to go now!" She tried to hide the quiver in her words and tears in her eyes by acting like her usual self, bringing her voice to a maximum volume. 

Rudeus stood up as well and looked at her, "I'll miss you, Eris." He said and hugged her tightly. Eris felt her shoulders droop as she was about to hug him back but stopped as she felt Rudeus feeling her up. 


Rudeus went flying over a yard after Eris kicked him between his legs, making his jump around like a dying fish, out of the water, gasping for air. 

"Er....is. You just killed me....." 

"Hmph. I just made sure you're not sleeping with anyone else in the time being. It'll get better in one year." She snorted and got into her usual stance, legs wide apart---shoulder length and arms crossed.

"Ow.... wait, it somehow doesn't hurt. Am I getting used to it? Hey Eris, can you kick me once more?" 

"What the hell! Gross!" Eris made a disgusted face and turned around before looking over her shoulder, "Even if you do something, don't think of getting serious. I'll permenantly disable you."

"Yes ma'am!" Rudeus bowed in front of his husband.

Radiating satisfaction, a content smile gracing her lips, Eris propelled herself toward Ghislaine with a spirited energy. Swiftly, she cleared the distance, her agility on full display as she gracefully vaulted over the back of the waiting horse. 

Turning her gaze in Rudeus' direction, Eris let out a joyful exclamation that rang through the air, "I love you, Rudeus!" The heartfelt confession tumbled from her lips, painting the moment with the vivid hues of her emotions. Rudeus, caught off guard yet deeply touched, felt a familiar warmth spread across his cheeks, his reaction mirroring that of a bashful high school girl having her first crush.

He balled his hands into fists, "I will get strong too!" He spoke to himself. 

"Well, well, who could've thought my daughter would end up like this." Abruptly, Phillip's voice sounded from Rudeus' side, a surprise that rendered Rudeus's complexion instantly pale. Startled, he jolted as if he had come face-to-face with a specter. 

"Wha—Oh, Philip-sama," Rudeus managed, his surprise quickly giving way to a respectful greeting as he regained his composure.

"We're family now, so you can drop the honorifics," Philip responded with a smile.

"Oh, then, daddy~" Rudeus retorted playfully, his grin carrying a mischievous note.

"Philip-sama would do," Philip promptly corrected, their exchange inciting shared laughter between them. 

"Is it time?"Rudeus asked, his expressions hardening all of a sudden.

"Yes." Philip replied, matching his gaze. 

"Alright. Allow me to get my essentials." 

"Meet us in the hall." 

Saying that Philip turned around and left Rudeus there who looked in the direction Eris had disappeared. With a sigh, he stood up and left. 


Mission: Kill the second princess, Ariel Asura.

Contractor: The First Prince---Grabell Asura.

Reason: To prove the Boreas Greyrats' Loyalty to the first prince. 



"Brother? Are you sure this is... ok? Grandma will scold us." My little sister spoke before going inside the room to change. 

"Hm? Yeah, I talked to Claire, and she said it's alright." I replied, looking down at her small stature. Her green eyes were looking at me with a mix of longing and doubt. 

"It's grandma, not Claire." She corrected, before closing the door on my face. 

She sure grew up. The small bundle of energy I remembered had evolved into this thoughtful and articulate young person. I mean, she was merely 6 at that time but still, kids sure grow up fast. After a while of frantic fumbling with clothes' hangers and tossing things here and there, she came out. 

As the door opened without any creaking sound, smoothly, she nervously stepped outside. She was wearing a white frilly suit with azure blue accents with matching coloured embroidery over it. The end of her sleeves narrowed down towards her wrist, perfectly fitting them. 

A white bow was tied around her neck----much like Zenith's attire. Her hair had grown from the last time I had seen them but not long enough. Her baby bangs rested on her forehead and stopped just above her brows while two locks came down on the either side of her face, punctuating her chubby face. 

The rest of her golden hair was tied back into a loose ponytail that rested on her back. Grabbing on to the hem of her skirt, she twirled around, "How am I looking?" She asked with a bright smile as she looked up to me. 

"Decent," I responded initially, though it was an understatement. She looked more than decent—she looked truly good.

"Only decent?" she quizzed, narrowing her eyes playfully in my direction. 

Was I supposed to say something else at this moment? Huh? 

"No, uh, you look really good." I corrected myself and bent my back, slipping my hands under her arms as I picked her up. 

"Woa---, b-brother! Get me down, right now!" She squealed. 

"But you liked it when you were little." I replied as she gripped at my coat tightly, pulling me. 

"I-I was little at that time. Put me down!" 

Oh.... well. I guess, preferences do change. Once I settled her down, she corrected the creases in her dress. Although from her expression I could tell she was enjoying it. Guess she still likes it but doesn't want to show something like this to others. 

Part of the reason could fall into Claire's lap since from what I observed, she was a strict one. Born and nurtured in a strict environment who later applied the same teaching on her daughters and grandchildren. Although, it seems like Mom and Aunt Therese were an exception. 

"Brother, brother. Where are we going?" Norn asked, tugging at my sleeve. Looking down, I saw her face lit up in anticipation of the short holiday she had gotten for now. 

"Hmm," A long hum escaped my lips. I had never been to Millishon. I was a stranger here. "Do you have any place you want to visit?" I asked Norn instead. Given how strict Claire was, it was hard to believe Norn would know much of the outside world, but it was worth giving a try. 

"Adventurers! Adventuring District! Let's go there!" She hopped and pulled my sleeve in an excited tone, as if she was waiting for me to say it. 

"Oh? Ok. If you say so." As I said that, she pumped her hand into a fist and threw it into the air.

Well, she seems in high spirits. 

"Hehe." She giggled like a gremlin. A cute one of course. Handing my hand over to her, I prompted her to take it. Her lips moved to say something, but she shook her head and held my hand. 

Well, not my hand. Since her hand was much smaller than mine, she ended up grabbing only two of my fingers. I wish I could take Aisha as well. 


3rd person perspective

Beneath the expansive and cerulean Millishon sky, Julian embarked on an adventure with his little sister Norn. Hand in hand, they navigated the vibrant hodgepodge of the [Adventuring District], where creatures of whimsy and wonder mingled, each one more captivating than the last.

Norn's eyes were saucers of awe, her gaze dancing from one fantastical being to another---something that she didn't encounter before due to the strictness of [Latreia Family]. "Brother, look! Did you see that one? It has wings like a butterfly!"

Julian looked in the demon's direction and then looked back at her, captivated by Norn's uncontainable excitement. "Yes, that's a Flutterwing. They're known for their graceful flights. Would you like to see one up close?"

Norn's nod was almost frantic, her enthusiasm infectious. Julian led her towards a clearing where a group of Flutterwings were flitting about, their wings shimmering like flowers in spring in the sunlight. 

One of them looked back and spotted the brother-sister duo. She got close but suddenly cold sweat started to form on her forehead as she sensed the throat parching bloodlust emitting from Julian. 

Norn on the other hand, oblivious to the situation, alternated her gaze from her to him. Once she realised, she jabbed into his Julian's guts. Her little hand carried no force, however it conveyed the message. 

Sighing, Julian shrugged his shoulders. "Sorry." He apologised to the demon.

The demon came close to her and bent down, patting her head, "Such a cute kid. Are you his brother?" 

"Hm." Julian nodded. 

"Do you like my wings?" The demon girl asked Norn as she nodded frantically. "Do you want to see them up close?" 

"Can I?" She looked back at Julian. Although she asked a question, she was already demanding only one answer. Any other answer was unacceptable. 

"Sure." Julian replied with a sigh. 

As she touched the wing, it suddenly fluttered, leaving behind subtle glitter. Norn's laughter filled the air, a melody that could rival the sweetest of songs. 

"They're so gentle!" Norn exclaimed, her eyes reflecting the colors of the Flutterwing's wings. She continued poking into them until suddenly the demon's face turned red. 

"Norn. That's enough." Julian said and grabbed her by the arm, pulling her away, "Thanks." He thanked the woman and walked away. 

"Brother! I was still playing." 

"Demons of that race have a tendency to mate with similar genders. She was using you. You insisted so I let you do it." His tone was strict, full of gentle admonishment. It wasn't a mocking strictness, but a rather soft one that didn't made Norn feel down. 

"Ohhh.... I am sorry." 

Julian tapped her head gently with palm, "You weren't aware, so it's ok. Just stay vigilant around everyone. Not just demons." 

"Noted." She nodded. She looked at Julian's hand and slipped her hand into his. 

"I thought you were embarrassed." Julian commented, mildly amused.

"Ugh, it's grandma who's always like 'act strong', 'act independent', 'be lady like', 'be perfect.' It gets tiring at times. Since I am here for such a long time, I just started doing it without any will to do it anyways." 

"She isn't wrong about many things." Julian commented as he kept his eyes on the incoming crowd. 

"What does that mean, brother?" 

"The teaching she preaches are mostly accurate. If anything, I feel like she is the perfect individual you should train under." He remarked with a hint of appreciation. 

"W-Why are you saying that?" Norn's voice started quivering. 

"Like I said, "Almost". Her method of execution isn't the very best. Especially for people of this world where men and women are on equal grounds when it comes to power dynamics. So, while her supposed "syllabus" is foundational and good, her execution is flawed." 

Norn suddenly stifled a laughter, "But brother. Why are you talking like you're from another world. It's so funny." 

Julian looked at the sky, "That is because I am." 

Norn let out a giggle, "You can even joke now, brother, hehe."

'I can, huh?' Julian thought. 'Ironic.'


As they continued their exploration, Norn's curiosity was a flame that illuminated their path. She pointed to a pair of creatures with fur as white as snow and ears that twitched like leaves in the wind. "What are those, brother?"

"Those are Frostbunnies," Julian explained, "known for their ability to create small flurries of snow. Some say they're the guardians of winter's secrets."

Norn's wonder knew no bounds. "Can we ask them to make snow?"

Julian was about to sigh but refrained. Norn was a sensitive one. "We can certainly try." He approached the Frostbunnies and whispered a request, and within moments, delicate snowflakes began to drift from the sky, landing gently on Norn's outstretched hand. Her laughter resonated like the tinkling of bells.

"Thank you, everyone!" Norn giggled, spinning around to catch more snowflakes in her hair.

Surprisingly, everyone did as Julian told them. Why? 

Some things are better left unsaid. Mentioning about the death threats while making requests isn't a very suitable thing to talk about.

As the day progressed, their steps led them to a stall adorned with exotic trinkets. Norn's eyes widened as she took in the array of sparkling jewels and shimmering fabrics. "These are so pretty!"

Julian knelt beside her, his tone conspiratorial. "Well, rumor has it that these trinkets hold a touch of magic. You can choose one, and it might grant you a small wish."

"Something like this exist?" She asked, feeling dubious at first. 

"Yes." Julian lied with a straight face. The thought of Rudeus screaming "You lying bastard", crossed his mind but he shrugged the thought. 

'I do not need to worry about him. He'll stay alive. And he'll get much stronger than before.' He thought.

Norn's eyes sparkled with a blend of hope and excitement at the false prospect. She carefully examined each piece, her finger finally resting on a delicate pendant that glowed softly like a captured starlight. "I want this one, brother!"

The vendor smiled, nodding as Julian made the purchase. "May it bring you joy and endless wonder, young one. May your wish be fulfilled."

Norn held the pendant in her hand, her gaze locked on the radiant glow. "I'm going to wish for more days like this, where we explore and laugh together."

Julian's lips quirked. "Not a very practic--- That's a good wish, Norn."

"Excuse me, give me that one as well." Julian spoke to the owner. 

"Oho? This one? It's a good one too. You're in luck, sir. You just got two of our best pieces." He complimented, rubbing his hands. 

"Do you want one too? What wish do you have?" Norn asked. 

"Not for me. Give it to Aisha. As a gift from yourself, of course." Julian spoke and handed the leaf shaped pendant to her. Norn's expressions darkened at the mention of Aisha for a while but seeing Julian holding it to her like that, she accepted it and smiled.



The scent of delectable treats wafted through the air, leading them to a bustling tavern known for its culinary delights---the best in Millishon. 

Julian held the door open for Norn, and they entered a world of warmth and aroma. The interior was a cozy blend of rustic charm and vibrant energy, with a diverse crowd sharing stories and camaraderie.

Norn's eyes widened as they were seated near a window, allowing her to see the medley of Millishon life unfold outside. The server approached, and Julian ordered an assortment of dishes that seemed promising. As the food arrived, Norn's senses were treated to a symphony of flavors and aromas.

Julian watched with delight as Norn sampled each dish, her expressions a delightful play of surprise and pleasure. "Brother, this is like magic in my mouth!" she exclaimed after a particularly flavorful bite.

"Aren't there chefs in Latreia's Estate?" Julian asked, forcefully munching on the flavorless meat---at least according to his standards. 

"There are, but none of them are this good!" She replied, hungrily eating the steak. 

Since Julian's restaurant was a massive hit in Begaritt Continent, many people started to replicate his dishes. Although they still can't figure out 95% of the sauces and condiments, a few basic spices like paprika powder were able to be replicated quite easily. 

"Eep--" Norn suddenly squealed as she took a bite from one of the dishes, her face bright red. "Hot, hot...." She muttered in a frenzy as she poured herself a glass of water and hurriedly drank it all in one go. Julian saw beads of sweat rolling down her face as she drank one glass of water after another. 

With a flick of his finger, he conjured a gust of cold wind circling around her face. Although her sweat dissipated, she was still in a bad taste. "Are you ok?" He asked. 

"Not for long...." She replied, trying not to be too loud. 

"Water won't help." Julian spoke casually and called out for a waiter. After a while, the waiter came back with a glass of milk. "Here, drink this."

"Milk? Why?" She managed to ask between ragged breaths.

"Don't ask questions." He replied and handed her the glass. Once she drank it, the pained look on her face started to relax.

"Phew... I thought I'd die." She mumbled. 

"I'll talk to the che---" 

Knowing what kind of hell was about to fall on the chefs, Norn almost jumped from across the table, holding his sleeve, "That isn't necessary, dear brother... please."

Seeing her ask for something like this, he sat back. The vision of Julian brutally pulverizing the kids who tried to bully her in the village was still fresh in her mind. It almost sent a shiver down her spine. Her brother was not even 9 when he reached a rank even her father couldn't. The thought of him after these 3 years going on a rampage was enough to give her jitters. 

Regardless of all that, she felt a secure feeling around him. A feeling she only felt around her father and his one brother. As for the other, she was equally scared of him. Both of her brothers were more talented and stronger than her father. 

From the perspective of a little girl, both her brothers were in equal in power. Which was further solidified from the fact that Julian used to talk about his magical abilities while he was in Roa. She was genuinely scared of him. That day when she saw Rudeus beating her dad up, she felt a despair that couldn't be described into words.

He was her brother, still, so she didn't hate him. 

As they savored their meal, Norn's gaze wandered to a table of adventurers engaged in a lively discussion. She leaned towards Julian; her eyes wide with curiosity. "Are those real adventurers, brother?"

Julian nodded, his smile warm. "Yes. This district is a gathering place for those seeking quests and thrilling tales."

Norn's eyes practically gleamed. "Could we talk to them? Maybe hear one of their stories?"

"You're welcome to eavesdrop." He shrugged.

"Ugh, don't put it like that. Don't you find it exciting? Silently hearing to people's stories, hehehehe."

"Yeah, that's called eavesdropping." Julian deadpanned.

As if on cue, the started talking in a loud voice. "Gather 'round, and I shall regale you with a tale of a dragon's riddle."

Norn's eyes widened, and she settled in with bated breath as the bard wove a tale of riddles, courage, and cunning. With each twist and turn, Norn's expressions mirrored the emotions of the story – awe, suspense, and ultimately, triumph.

As the tale reached its climactic conclusion, Norn clapped her hands, her eyes shining like stars. She looked at Julian, "That was amazing, wasn't it?"

Julian had a lazy look on his face. The story was about a young boy with a demon girl who went into a new labyrinth and captured it on their own. The boy even defeated a Red Dragon inside it. His name was North Saint --- Blazing Sword. Of course, Julian was bored since he knew what was about to happen. 

Although what baffled him for a while was that the man telling the tale claimed himself to the "Blazing Sword." That could be dangerous since there was a North Emperor with the same nickname wanted all over Asura. 

"Yeah, that was so amazing." Julian replied. 

"Brother. You look so bored it seems like you're going to sleep."

"Huh? Well n-" He was interrupted as he stifled a yawn.

"See? I knew it!" She complained, putting both her hands on her hips, huffing loudly.

"Uh... I am sorry..."

"Wait brother? Weren't you an adventurer as well? Do you have your card?" Norn asked, sudden curiosity brimming in her. 

"You want to see it? It is almost out of mana." Julian asked, reching for the inner pocket of his coat.

"I've always wanted to see your's. I've seen dad's card a lot but never your's." 


Taking it out, Julian handed it to her. 






"So, it was you after all.....how dare he!" 

"I don't care." 

"What? You don't?" 

"No. Doesn't matter. At all. So calm down. Your face is red." Norn huffed, inhaling and exhaling air again and again until she calmed down. 

"So, Norn?"


"About Aisha. How is she?"

Norn frowned. "Why don't you meet her yourself." 

"Aisha and Lilia went with Paul. They weren't in the residence when I arrived there. So, I will ask again. How is Aisha? Are you two getting along?" 

"Y-Yeah, we are t-totally getting along." 

Julian craned his neck lower, matching her beautiful green eyes, "Norn? Are you lying?" 

She refused to look him into the eyes, "Why do you care so much about her? Everyone talks about how smart she is, how well behaved is she blah blah. You came back after so long, can't you not talk about her?" 

Julian rested his back against the chair, "Norn. Aisha is my sister. You both are equals to me. Although, who keeps comparing you two?"

Norn bit her lip, "Grandma." 

"Hmm. She won't do it anymore. Aisha is your only sister. And Lilia is your stepmother. Behave well with them. You two used to get along when we were living in Beuna village, yes?" 


"Look here."

She raised her chin, looking at Julian. He got over to her seat and placed her into his lap. Placing his hand on her head, he gently patted it, "Comparison is the killer of joy. Do not spend your childhood competing with others. Do not engage in meaningless scuffle of who's the best. Just do what you're good at. As for Claire, I will look to it that she doesn't verbally abuse you again." 

He advised as the sterile white floor, roof and walls flashed in his mind. The way a certain brown-haired boy stood on the heaps of humans----some of which he used to his advantage and others he trampled with his own feet, standing at the apex of humanity. It was what made him, his physical embodiment, yet ironically, he never wanted his own sisters to act in a competition like that. 

She sniffled, choking on a tear, "Mhmm...."


As Julian and Norn stepped out of the bustling tavern, the sun had dipped below the horizon, giving way to the enchanting embrace of the night. Above them, the velvety sky unfolded like a cosmic canvas, adorned with a million twinkling stars. 

The moon hung low, casting a silvery glow over the cobbled streets of the Adventuring District.

Norn gazed upward, her eyes wide and filled with wonder. "Brother, look at the stars! They're like the jewels on the cloak of the night."

Julian watched her. "They are indeed beautiful."

But did he find them beautiful? His mind wasn't even there. Only his ears. 

Norn turned to him, her cheeks flushed with a mix of surprise and delight. "You really think so?"


The cool night air ruffled Norn's hair, reminding her of the day's adventures. She turned to Julian; her eyes alight with curiosity. "Brother, how did your hair turn white?"

Julian's silver hair glimmered like moonlight as he glanced at her, his expression thoughtful. "Well, Norn, it's a bit of a sad story." He added in a theatrical way. 

Norn's eyes sparkled; her interest fully captured. "Tell me, tell me!"

"Well, you see, every mage has a limit to their mana pool. If someone pushes themselves too hard and exhausts all their mana, something happens."

Norn leaned in closer, her eyes wide with fascination. "What happens?"

"Sometimes, when a mage expends all their mana, their hair changes color," Julian explained. "It turns either white or silver, depending on the original shade."

Norn's voice was a soft whisper, filled with awe. "Like yours."

Julian nodded. "Yes, like mine."

Norn's gaze was thoughtful as she looked at her own hair, as if contemplating the mysteries of magic. Then, with a determined expression, she turned to Julian. "Brother, would your hair stay like this forever?"

Julian's eyebrows lifted in surprise; his gaze fixed on Norn. "What makes you ask, Norn?"

Norn's smile was shy yet earnest. "I just think it would be nice if we had matching hair. Like a special bond between us."

  "That's a sweet thought, Norn."

Norn's eyes gleamed with hope. "So, will you?"

Julian's tone was gentle as he answered. "Well, Norn, when a mage's hair changes color due to mana depletion, there's a chance it might go back to its original color when they regain their strength. It's like a coin toss – sometimes it stays, and sometimes it returns to its previous shade. In short, it is not up to me."

Her expression grew sullen. "Well, that's a bummer." 

Julian placed his hand on her head, tapping it slightly. 

"Sooooooo, uh, is your hair change temporary or permanent?"

Julian's eyes held a touch of amusement. "At this point, it seems to be leaning more towards permanent."

"Owwww. I hope we had matching hair."

Ruffling her hair, he spoke. "Should I color them?"

"No! Thats cheating!" 

"Fair enough."

The vibrant memories of their day's adventures seemed to meld with the gentle rustling of leaves, creating a harmonious symphony of serenity that enveloped them. 

Norn's gaze was fixed on a particular star, its shimmering light capturing her attention. A soft breeze tousled her hair as she broke the serene silence. "Brother, do you Rudeus?"

Julian's expression softened with a touch of nostalgia, his mind journeying back to their shared history. "Of course, Norn. He is my twin brother, after all."

Norn's fingers traced absent patterns on her skirt, her voice carrying a mixture of hesitation and earnestness. "Uh, I met him around a year ago......That day... I was really scared."

Julian turned his full attention to her. "Scared? What happened?"

Taking a deep breath, Norn mustered the courage to recount a memory that had been concealed within her. "There was a fight, Rudeus and our father. They had an argument..... or a disagreement, I do not know.... and then... Rudeus started hitting him."

Julian had an expression of "he must've deserved it" on his face. 

Although Norn interpreted it as doubt. Norn's voice trembled, her words cutting through Julian's skepticism. "I know it's hard to believe, but I was there. I saw it happen. He was so angry, brother----Julian, and he didn't stop. Father was hurt, and Rudeus... he kept hitting him." 

"Well, Rudeus isn't the best human there is."


"And his decisions are quite questionable."

"Very much!"

"And he is a man of great lust."

"Yes! Why can't he be like y--"

"But no human is without faults. I am more flawed than him." 

"That's not true."

"It is. You can't see it, yet. You have a tunnel vision currently. You are only seeing my goods. Just like how you're only considering only his bads. Things aren't what they seem on surface majority of the time. He has his flaws, but he'll change overtime. He's working hard to become a better person."

Norn's gaze remained shadowed by the memory, her voice barely a whisper. "I know that now, but... the fear, brother. It still lingers."

Julian's hand reached out, his touch warm and reassuring upon her shoulder. "Well, regardless of the past, even if you find him scary, you have me. You don't have to be afraid."

Tears welled in Norn's eyes, her vulnerability laid bare under the moonlit sky. "I don't hate him, Julian. It's just... the fear. Even after he made amends with father, even after he changed... I still feel like if I don't do exactly as he says, something terrible might happen. I'm afraid of crossing him."

Julian's grip on her shoulder tightened gently. "You're our sister, our family. You have every right to express your feelings and make choices for yourself. If you were ever in danger and he's around, I am sure he'd be the first to jump in."

Tears spilled from Norn's eyes, her shoulders quivering as though a long-held burden was finally released. "I want to believe you, brother. I want to be brave. I don't want to be scared of everything.....everyone....all the time."

She stumbled into a hug with him as he placed a hand on her head.

'This will do. The family relations will come back on track with this. I can move on to the next step now.' 


"Thank you, brother. I had lots of fun!" Norn exclaimed in front of the residence. She looked back, "Why did you stop?"

"I am going back now. Do not talk of me with anyone, ok?"

"B-But why? You just came back?" 

"I have work to do. To be fair, I met you on accident or I would've kept my idenitity a secret from you as well. My work doesn't allow me to have my family exposed. I hope you understand."

She pouted, "Fine." 

"Don't brag to Aisha and give the gift to her. Use it to reconcile with her." 

Her cheeks inflated even more, "Fine." 

"Won't you say goodbye to me?"

"No. I hate saying goodbyes. Last time I said, you disappeared for 3 years." 

"Oh... well, understandable." 

"Can I hug you? Before you go?" Norn blurted out suddenly. 


Julian kneeled and she threw himself into his arms. With one last, long-lasting hug, she peeled herself away. Julian cupped her face and wiped her tears with his thumb before standing up. "Go on. Off you trot."

She waved her hand, "Take care, brother. I will try to reconcile with Rudeus if I see him again."

"Good." Julian replied under his breath and saw her disappear inside the mansion. Claire came out after receiving Norn secretly. 

"Are you going already, Julian?"

"Yes, grandma."

"Take care." She said and patted his shoulder, while handing him a small box of food, "I heard you couuld cook but carriages don't have the facility. Having something to eat until the next point should be good, yes?" 


"No problem, dear. Well then, it is getting late, goodbye." 

Julian nodded his head and Claire left. 

"Now then...Water God Reida, Sword God Gall and North God Kalman, huh? It's going to be a pain."


I am as high as a cloud writing this. Ignore spelling mistakes. I feel like an Australian, bruv. 

~~~ Feelin' like the world is upside down ~~~