
JJK:God of Slaughter

Warning:This fanfic contains lemons. so read at your own peril. -------------------------------------------------------------- the god of slaughter a person who murdered an entire universe because of his wife's death. has to move on from his violent past.... but will he be able to do so? -------------------------------------------------------- The mc is reincarnated as Toji zen'in from jujutsu kaisen. Will he be able to change his future? ---------------------------------------------------------

BAALC · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Final plans.

10 minutes before,

Outside the cursed warehouse,

"This brat really is taking his time in there."

'It's already been 15 minutes since he went inside. If he takes any more time someone will inform Naobito and I'll have to get involved'

"Doesn't matter. Since I've pledged my allegiance myself to this brat, I will have to go up against Naobito one day anyway."

"Though I can't really fight right now." The blob of cursed energy that had sealed up the wound on his ribs had bonded to his veins and had sealed up his wounds for the time being.

'The maximum time I can spend here before I have to go to the infirmary is 48 minutes.'

'Come out fast br-master.'

Just then he heard someone coming up the stairs to the cursed warehouse.

'The worst possiblity has occurred. The best I can do is stall for time.'

"Naobito, we meet again. How was your mission? I hope it went successfully."

"Oh yess my mission, you shouldn't be worrying about that right now should you? I think we have bigger problems on our hands." Naobito said while veins were bulging on his forehead. The ground was quaking under Naobito's feet because of the amount of cursed energy he was emanating.

"Now now. I was just playing around and accidentallyyyyyy broke this small gate down. Tee hee."

"If you want I can pay for the damages, whats a bit of junk metal between brothers am I right?"

"Yes Ogi you're right. Between brothers who've fought wars together this is nothing. But I do have to ask why did you bring Tadama's brat with you?"

"Hmm? Isn't it allowed for top members of the clan to get inside the cursed warehouse to redeem any one item. Last time you sent in your son Naoya instead of yourself to the warehouse, isn't me sending in Tadama's brat in the same?"

"Don't you think it's a bit unfair Naobito ?"

"Fine. You have a point. But I still have to enter the warehouse anyways. I have something I want to deposit in there for the sake of the "clan" " Naobito said while walking towards the now broken gate.

"Now now Naobito you know I can't allow you to do that don't you ?" Just as Naobito was about to enter an arm stopped him from entering.

"What is the meaning of this Ogi? Are you trying to plan a rebellion?" Ogi said with heavy bloodlust clearly emanating from his eyes.

'Oi brat come out quickly '

"Naobito, you know that stopping a person from picking an item from the cursed warehouse goes against the clan rules?"

"Does that even matter? As the clan head I can rewrite the rules however I want." Naobito said while frowning.

"Naobito. I think you're overstepping your boundaries. Respecting your ancestors is one of the top values of our clan. You can't just violate it as per your own wish. We at least need a vote in the higher ups of the clan for such a rule to be changed."

"Stop wasting time, Ogi. You've forced me to do this."

<Cursed technique: projection sorcery>

As soon as he said that it seemed like Ogi was stuck in time.his whole body became 2-dimentional for a second, entrapped in a glass like frame. In this second Naobito hit the frame. Sending Ogi flying towards the wall.

"This is my last warning Ogi. Stand down." Just as he said that he finally started walking towards the gate.

<Blazing courage>

As soon as Ogi said that a katana with 10 meter high flames was sent flying Naobito's way. Yet instead of hitting Naobito all it did was block the gate with its flames.

" *Cough* *cough* Naobito you know I can't let you do that."

"Ogi zen'in. For disobeying the patriarch I sentence you t-"

Just as he was about to complete his sentence a seemingly 10 year old boy walked out of the flames. He carried a broadsword on his shoulder with his left hand.

"Oi brat is that all you took from the warehouse?" As soon as he saw that the only thing Toji took out was the split soul katana he felt a wave of relief washing over him.

'Guess this kid is truly an idiot. He didn't take anything valuable.'

Seeing the still small yet cute chibi face of the 6 year old waving at him he couldn't help but feel pity.

'Tadama really raised a cute child, too bad I'll have to kill him later.'

"Awwwww cute little Toji what happened to your right arm when I was gone?" Naobito said while holding Toji in the air by his shoulders.

But in reaction Toji didn't say anything making the whole interaction awkward.

'What happened. Uh did I make him nervous?'

Suddenly infront of Toji's face black energy appeared that slowly morphed itself into words.

'Hoh? This energy released from the blob on his shoulder can be used in such a way? Interesting. But what do these letters want to say?'

Slowly the letters started to take form and they read out,

"Good morning grandpa! Unfortunately because of an injury I can't speak for now also please don't blame uncle Ogi he just brought me here because he lost a bet against me" Toji was looking at Naobito with puppy eyes.

'Tch to think I have to resort to such lowly methods how far I've fallen'

Seeing Toji's unbearable cuteness he couldn't help but start crying inside silently

"Awww little toji. If you say so I'll let him go. Come here little brat I'll take you to the infirmary to get your arm and voice box checked out." Naobito hugged Toji before giving him a piggyback ride on his shoulders.

'I don't exactly know what's going on between Toji and the members of the hei unit, but based on the reports it looks like Tadama is just taking his son out to duel against the hei. Maybe to test out his cursed technique? This kid really is a dangerous variable. Even I can't get an exact read on his technique.'

"Oi Ogi come along to the infirmary looks like you have a wound on your ribs too."

'Phew crisis averted for now. All I have to do is act like I'm injured heavily and then pass time until I'm healed up.'

At the infirmary,

Naobito carried the kid on his shoulders until they reached the doctor, telling him that Toji's voice box was injured. The doctors slowly used their scapels to remove the fine metal particles left behind of the now junk inverted spear of heaven that had no use anymore.

In the meanwhile, Toji also found an unlikely friend to chat with in the infirmary while the doctors were doing their job.

It was none other than.... Jinichi zen'in. Apparently his arm was in an even worse condition then his and he still needed to be hospitalized.

7 hours later Toji finally was allowed to go home.

[The system advises the host to still not speak as your voice box still needs time to heal even though the fine metal particles are removed. Also the particles that made their way down your throat and into your stomach still need to be digested.]

'Fine fine whatever.'

As he opened the door he expected a party thrown together by Mai and his father. But everything was pitch silent.

'Boring. Well it is to be expected. It's 1 o clock at night after all.'

On the couch he saw his servant Mai sleeping on the couch with a matress to cover her up. Her little hands were popping out of the cover of the mattress.

'Aww so cute look at her chubby cheeks.' Toji couldn't help but poke the cute creature's cheeks while it was sleeping. But as he went closer to her he couldn't help but hear faint whispers as he brought his ear closer he heard,

"Mhm~ toji sama~♥️ we can't do it right now

We-we're still six. But you can do it if you want.hehehehe'

As toji saw the drool that was slowly dropping down from Mai's mouth he couldn't help but have complex emotions.

'Is this what it looks like when you have wet dreams?'

[Host don't forget you made these sisters like this in the first place. Their affection for you is already 95%]

'Uhm yeah. You do have a point.'

'Anyways I'm going to get some shut-eye, wake me up at 12 my one and only system.'

The system couldn't help but be perplexed. It's existence had been reduced to that of a timer? Truly an abnormal host.


The next day,

For some reason it looked like today the zen'in household was in an unusually happy mood. Even at 7 in the morning fireworks were being blasted each and every second.

'Tch these fuckers. Why do they have to blast fireworks when I'm sleeping.'

Soon infront of Mai, who had been watching over the house ever since 5 o'clock, letters started appearing they read out,

'Oi Mai why is there so much noise outside'

Mai hurriedly made her way into Toji's room and bowed before saying.

"Reporting. The patriarch of the zen'in clan has declared the next heir to the family. The announcement is being made at 10. That is most likely the reason behind the fireworks being blasted outside. Toji sama." Mai reported while bowing to him.

"Hoh is that so? Let's go then. Wait where is the ceremony being held?"

"In the clan assembly room master."

"Where's dad?"

"It seems like he was called early to talk about official matters with the patriarch."

"Fine. To the assembly room we go."

As they entered the assembly room they couldn't help but be a bit shocked by the magnitude of the people present. All the bigshots of the Zen'in clan were present.

Naobito, Jinichi, Chojuro, Tadama, Ogi , Noubaki zen'in.

Everyone whose names that went hand in hand with the zen'in family were present.

The room was so crowded that only the hei and the kukuru unit were allowed to sit on the chairs while the akagi unit was forced to stand and watch.

"OIIII TOJII COME HERE I HAVE A SEAT FOR YOU." He saw his father waving at him aggressively while pointing at the seat next to him.

This caused quite a bit of chatter because right next to the podium there were only 4 seats reserved for the top 4 in the hei unit. Wouldn't this imply that Toji was on the same level as the hei? But most people brushed this off as fatherly love.

"Okay everyone pay attention the next patriarch is about to get announced." Naobito zen'in who was yapping about development infront of the Zen'in family members was mildy disturbed by the intervention but continued.

As he listened to Naobito going on and on he fell asleep halfway but was woken up by Mai who was standing next to him because servants weren't allowed to sit down. It seemed that Naobito was finally about to announce the heir.

"Now now would the next heir please get on the stage." As soon as Naobito said so, a tiny kid walked up on stage. It was none other than... Naoya zen'in.

"Are there any objections to my decision?"

As soon as he said so the murderous intent and cursed energy violently poured out of the 4 people sitting next to podium. They were none other then Tadama, Ogi, Jinichi and Chojuro Zen'in.

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?" Naobito shouted. But just then the cursed energy that was being suppressed by everyone in the room vanished like it never existed.

"Oh it's nothing patriarch, we are just in awe of your decision." The four people in the front said together in an almost robotic voice.

The reason why they withdrew their killing intent was because while they released their cursed energy and were ready to fight against naobito 2 small words appeared infront of their eyes for a fraction of a second.

They read,

"Fall back"

"Hoh is that so? Well you better get better control over your cursed energy then. You almost killed everyone in the room." Naobito said while a small drop of sweat was falling down his neck.

"Yes we are sorry, patriarch." The 4 said while bowing down.

Meanwhile, the other people in the room didn't know what to make of this encounter. This was when they realised the true might of the strongest people in the family.

After that, the ceremony went on as normal and fireworks were launched at the end of it.

'Hmmm better send them a reason behind retreating right now.'

Just then the four once again saw 4 words appearing blocking their sight for a fraction of a second.

"Look at your arm."

The four quickly looked at the arms and sure enough a message was waiting for them written with black energy.

"The time has not yet come for me to ascend to the seat of patriarch. I still need to consolidate my position in the clan. Also taking care of such a huge place while I'm barely 7 would be too boring. Nobody would agree with a 7 year old being in charge of your clan anyway. We will not engage in direct conflict for the next ten-ish years."

After they read the message they couldn't help but feel a bit stupid. Who would accept a 7 year old as their leader? Toji really had a point.

After the ceremony was over all the kids had a party to congratulate Naoya for getting the position of heir but Toji was too sleepy to attend. After all who the fuck wakes up at 7?

' *yawn* The time is still ripe. I need to go to Jujutsu high first, gain some achievements and then come back to claim my throne. Till then my allies have to go along with Naoya. Acting like they accept him as the next patriarch.'

'Anyways time to get a good ol nap.'


That's the end of the chapter how'd you like it? :D next chapter is a timeskip FINALLLLYYYYYYY.