
JJK - The potential of the 1st grade

A MMA fighter accidentally dies in a fight and gets another chance to live, this time in the world he always dreamed to live in.

Lorafuma · Anime & Comics
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Another chance

Two men are fighting each other in the octagonal cage while broadcasted in front of the entire world. The two are at the peak of what a human can achieve, a part of the reason for their success was their innate talent, however, only through sheer discipline someone can achieve such heights. One of them, the spanish Alejandro Lopez, however, never really felt satisfied with his achievements, only competing in MMA tournaments because it was as close as it can get to the world of his dreams, a notorious manga called Jujutsu Kaisen. Fascinated by the world and the power system, arguably one of the best of all time, he was not scared in any way by the terrifying dangers of such world. This lack of conviction, never really hindered him thanks to his talent and training, but at such levels, against an adversary as talented and strong as him, is slowly proving to be crippling . The two are clashing fearlessly, with his enemy taking slowly the upper hand. The fighter in front of him, being like him one of the stronger, never had an adversary lasting that much in front of me, making him nervous and angered like he was never before, and in a close range contact, Alejandro manages to fight an opening, but while he throws an uppercut aimed at the chin of his enemy, a spinning elbow hits his head. His adversary, Georgian fighter Davit Beridze, was not used to fighting opponents as strong as him, and didn't control his power, and his strike causes a brain hemorrhage which will kill him on the spot.

????? "Dammit, this shouldn't have happened, my bad."

Alejandro, seeing his body laying on the ground, freaks out, realizing that he is a ghost watching his dead body.

????? "I would like to amend for my mistake, however you won't be able to get access to your old body, but I can get you reincarnated in a dimension of your choosing, and I'll grant you three wishes in order to protect you for potential threats."

Alejandro "wait, i'm not understanding shit right now. You're saying that my life on earth is over, I died just like that?!"

???? "That is correct, yes. I'll grant you some time to choose your new dimension , I now this is an important decision."

Alejandro "Alright then, I want to go in the world of jujutsu kaisen."

???? "wow, without hesItation. I recommend choosing your wishes wisely, that is a dangerous world in which you can easily die even if you are not weak." 

Alejandro "This is gonna be fun. I'm choosing as a first wish to have the ratio technique of Nanami engraved in my brain. As a second wish I would like have an talent in manipulating cursed energy compared to that of Sukuna and as a third his cursed energy pool. As for the last two wishes I want a heavenly restricted body still able to use cursed energy"

Even if some of his wishes where pretty good, Alejandro knows that the technique of Kento Nanami, still pretty strong, is easily surpassed by shrine or the 10 shadows. He still picked that technique because he always thought that first grade sorcerers such as Kusakabe and Nanami had their potential never fully realized, and he wants to show that they are capable to stand toe to toe with monsters such as Gojo or Sukuna.

???? "I'm surprised that you didn't choose the six eyes or limitless. Still, with this combination of gifts, you should be strong enough to survive in such a crazy world"

The entity snaps his fingers and the ghost of Alejandro vanishes, traveling from dimension to dimension until it finally lands in the dangerous world that he always wanted to live in…

Tokyo - 1999


The first thing I see once I'm born is a terrible blinding light which immediately makes me regret choosing to come here. Then the doctor handles me to the arms of my new mother, which with a genuine smile, something rare in my previous life as I never had someone close enough to smile at me like that.

His mother, Laura "Your name will be Sato". She says, a weird sparkle ignites in my heart, something that I never experienced before, is this affection?

It's been a few months since I was born in this new world. I don't remember anything from when I was a baby but damn is it boring. I literally only eat poop and sleep! I thought that the heavenly restriction would give me some advantage but I can't even stand up without falling on the ground like an idiot. However, once I'll be able to preceive cursed energy I'll at least have something to practice on. My new family is really likable by the way, even if my judgment is pretty unfair since I never had parents in my old family, they abandoned me and only came back once they realized I had money, so I never experienced the affection of a loving mother. My father, Aki, is mostly out for work but I see him pretty often during the weekend, and I can tell he also loves me. Damn all this love is proving challenging for my mysterious anime character persona…

I did it! I finally felt my cursed energy for the first time! It happened on an accident during my epic walking training, when I tripped like an idiot with my face on the ground all the curses that I directed the creator generated enough negative emotions allowing me to sense that new energy inside me. Heh, the talent of Sukuna is really showing off, I bet not even Satoru Gojo was able to perceive cursed energy at such a young age, I finally have something to do besides trying to walk and falling all the time.

It's been 3 weeks and let me tell you, cursed energy was good, surely, but being able to walk is sooo much better, I'm finally free to walk to the TV and do the Yuji cursed energy training , even if my progress on my cursed energy control is already pretty good, I'm able to use a rudimentary form of reinforcement which is pretty useless as my body is not able to endure the burst of energy that it grands. What I'm pretty disappointed about is my heavenly restriction, as besides being able to learn walking a bit faster (my mother was super proud, she even called other moms to show off her incredible son) it isn't really manifesting itself, I guess that being able to use it with cursed energy means that my superhuman body will develop with my cursed energy control, as I think they are related due to the wishes I made. It makes sense, being able to be as strong as Toji immediately is effectively broken. 

6 years time skip

Tomorrow will be my first day of school, which I'm not excited whatsoever as I will only learn stuff that I already now till around 11-12 grade, which will suck ass as I will only waste time and I will be surrounded by kids not emotionally mature in the slightest who will wine all the fucking time. Speaking about good things instead, on the cursed energy department I made pretty good progress, I'm able to control my high pool and somewhat hide it so that I don't attract any undesirable curses and my reinforcement is reaching a pretty good level, I guess at around third grade, I can keep it active for a while now without running out of cursed energy, which is pretty good as I'm only six. I was also right on my heavenly restriction as it also developed a bit, I'm as athletic as a teen In full puberty so my body is finally able to catch up with the cursed energy and I can finally perform my martial arts of my old life, even if I'm still not even near my old physical prime. Another thing is that will start soon to sneak out of the house since Laura finally stopped watching me 24/7, so I'm gonna start hunt some weak curses and finally try out the ratio technique, which is still is pretty undeveloped, but tomorrow things will change, and I swear to god, if those kids go on my nerves, I won't even need curses to try it out…

This is my first chapter, please be merciful

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