
Jim Phoenal

Jim Phoenal, who has recently became a adventurer. Everybody doesn't except him to change the world. The story is about a 15 year old boy and his journeys

Sparkz27 · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter 22

The battle with Vivian and Tritium was going in fourth arena. Vivian makes a sword out of mana and stand in a defensive stance. Tritium channel his mana to his hands and strikes Vivian with a thunder. He throws the thunder at Vivian continuously. She cuts the thunders into half while moving straight towards Tritium. He waves his hand in wave movement. Lightening. A rainfall of continuous thunder hits the arena with a high energy. The thunder destroys the arena. Vivian deflect the thunder with her mana sword and back off. She retreat as the effective range of thunder is low.

The attack stops and he conjures a red lightning spear. He throws the spear at Vivian. Rock style sword technique. Third form. Titan sword. The sword change it's form and she blocks the spear with it. The spear explode after it is destroyed. "I know you could block that attack. But the explosion has dealt you some damage." As Tritium said Vivian couldn't completely defend herself. One point for Tritium. Rock style sword technique. First form. Giant Golem. As Vivian swing her sword towards Tritium the size of sword became huge and hits him giving Vivian a points.



Meanwhile in a Dark places, a group of was planning something.

"Mirisham and Zoom did you finished your work." A man with one hand who is sitting in a big chair asked. "Yes sire, we have disabled the teleportation portal. Only our people can come in and out of the portal." "Well done. All the preparation are done. Call all the 10 Zenith Commander. We must obtain the key." Ten people with different artifacts came and greets him. The one armed man pulled his sword and he shouted, "All hail the empire." Others also repeated. An portal opened and they entered it.



3- 2. Two more points for Vivian to win the match. Tritium has used all his technique except for one technique. Field technique a manipulation technique which boost the elementalist power and technique. He activates his field technique. Thunderstorm. The arena. The technique give him a boost to his power and covers the entire arena which give him a upper hand in range of the attacks. He start the attack with a thunder attack. Vivian deflect the attack with her sword. Vivian takes a defensive posture. Dark Sword Technique. Second Form. Sword that Cut anything. She cuts the field created by Tritium which initially deactivated the effects for sometime.

Dark Sword Technique. Fifth form. Sword of Darkness. The attack hits Tritium. The momentum from the attack pushes him back. 4 points for Vivian. Meanwhile the field actives again and effect got in efforts. Using the power of field he fires a powerful thunder attack towards Vivian. Dark Sword Technique. Second Form. Sword that Cut anything. She cuts the attack with her mana sword. Tritium couldn't maintain his field due low mana. The field began to disappear. Vivian uses her Fifth form of Dark Sword Technique. Last point for Vivian. Vivian won the round.



The three great mountain of Nidavellir in which the three main cities of dwarves are built. Nidavellir is consist of three main cities on the three great mountain, twenty minor peak which consists of minor cities and 10 towns surrounding the mountain range. The surrounding of the mountains range are divided into three parts. The first layer, Garovor, the area decicated for farming are others purpose. The second layer, Brokyr, there are large mine which collect ore for the smithies. The third layer, Stitheim, the workshop of dwarves. The Nidavellir is surrounded by a giant and barrier.

In the third mountain Grimaldi, in which the union conference is held. In a desolated alley a portal opens. Four Zenith Commanders and around 20 people came out of the portal. They went to the direction of Arena in four groups. The activates some machinery which already placed around the four sites around the arena. The machinery are well hidden from other people's site. An barrier encovers the arena. The four Zenith Commanders passes a message through a device that they have done their work.

In the Second Mountain Goldsheim, the other Zenith Commanders and the one armed swordman entered through a portal. Then were inside a building called Tumulus which is the Tomb of Dwarven Kings. The One armed swordman entered the tomb with his people. The Tomb is heavenly guarded with Dwarven soldiers. The Zenith Commanders engaged battle with the Dwarven soldiers. The soldier were on due to the difference in thier strength. As the one armed swordman venture further in the Tumulus he meet at a giant metal door and two Dwarven soldiers. The Zenith Commanders defeated all the Dwarven soldiers in the hall and catchup to their leader.

The Dwarven soldiers summoned 20 Rock golems. One armed swordman commanded the six Zenith Commanders to fight the Golem. The one armed swordman rushed towards the dwarves with unscathed his sword from scarrab. The dwarves shouted, "Who the hell are you, who tries to disturbs the resting place of our God." " You don't have the power to know who I am. Puny dwarves. I will kill you today." Dark Lord sword technique. First Form. Unyielding sword. He slash horizontally towards the dwarves. The dwarves step backwards to avoid the contact. Steel Wall. A giant steel wall appeared from the ground between the dwarves and the swordman. His attack cut the wall into piece.

"Seti bind him" said one dwarves towards the other while swung him hammers to avoid the cut piece of the steel wall. Seti uses his metal technique, Iron prison to seal the swordman. Meanwhile two Golem where defeated by the Zenith Commanders. A chained made of dark steel covers the swordman. He uses unyielding sword to cut the chain. The second dwarf attack sword with his hammer, pushing back. Seti make two more Golems. Zenith Commanders destroys three Golems. Dark Lord sword technique. Second Form. Death sword. He rushed towards the dwarf with hammer.

"Kal, I will stop him." Said Seti. Chained restrained. A chain binds the swordman. "You dwarf, don't think this chain can bind me forever." Dark Lord Form. His body become dark and covered in red stripes. He break the chain and rushed towards Seti and cut his left hand. Seti left hand get cut but there was no blood flowing. "I will kill you first nuisance." He cut Seti again. Kal block his attack with his hammer. Dwarven technique, Force. He forces the swordman backward. Seti picked his cut off arm. It was an prosthetic arm. He fix it back.