
Side Story (JenniexTequilaxVodka)

While cuddling with her wife Vodka, Jennie was bored and wanted something else to spice up her life. Yin, I mean Vodka, took a shot of gin and offered a cup to Jennie.

"Ah sorry Vodka. I prefer Tequila..." Jennie says, pushing the cup away from her.

"OH MY GOD I HAVE THIS FRIEND NAMED TEQUILLA LETS ALL HANG OUT!" Vodka screamed as she dialed the number on her phone. Jennie smiled at her cuteness and followed her outside to meet this Tequila.

"Hi! I'm Tequila! Nyeheh." The voice said. Jennie looked over, there, with an average height, glasses, messy bun and a big grin on her face was Tequilla.

"Hey Tequilla, this is my wifeu Jennie!" Vodka said.

Tequilla proceeded to do a weird flapping dance as she invited herself in after saying hi.

They had fun that night. ;)))

***sleepovers duh wtf***