

Chloe had one job: Kill the girl Jen is a clumsy teen who ends up missing on a trip with her friends. Chloe has to risk everything to get her back safely.

Destrokkers · LGBT+
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4 Chs

Part II


A scream broke through the air, and I leapt from the bed. I knew that voice better than anything I've ever learned in school. I threw open my door only to see a black figure dash past me with Jen in their arms. Jen's eyes were wide with shock and tears fell. I ran after the person, down the hall and to the window before I saw them jump through the glass and disappear into the night. Panic overcame me and I felt my entire body tremble. I just lost the love of my life.

I dashed down the stairs to Jacklynn laying sprawled on the couch, her controller in her hand and the game over screen bright on the tv. "Jack! Wake up! Someone took Jen!" I shouted, my voice shaking and my eyes welling up with tears. Jack blinked in surprise and looked around before my words seem to settle in.

"What do you mean? Kodi is this a nightmare or prank or something?" She asked.

"No! I saw with my own eyes Jen was being taken by someone in black and they jumped through the window!" I grabbed her arm and pulled her up off the couch. "I'll show you!" Jacklynn followed me and I showed her the broken window. Jack gasped when she saw it and the cold winter air came past us.

"No...my sister..." Jack started crying, covering her face and sobbing loudly. "My sister!" I tried to comfort her, but I wanted to cry again.

But wait.

What about Chloe?

"Where's Chloe?" I asked. "Surely she heard that. Let's go check out the room," I told her. Jack sniffled and nodded, running her hands through her hair and standing on shaky legs.

We ran down the hall to the room Jen and Chloe shared and I knocked on the door twice. No response. I tried to open the door, but the handle didn't turn. Jack tried knocking a bit harder and still no response. I took a few steps back and launched myself at the door, kicking it down with ease. As we walked in, I spotted the figure. Chloe was tied up onto the pole of her bed, her red hair covering her face. The entire room was trashed.

Jack dropped to her knees to untie her, and I dropped down to help as well. Chloe didn't stir as we untied her hands, she seemed to be panting very faintly. Once her hands were free, she lifted her hair from her face and looked at us with shock from before.

"Did you see who took Jen?" She asked looking between us. Jack and I shook our heads. Chloe cursed and jumped to her feet. "Get dressed! We need to get her back!"


"What do you mean? Do you know where she is?" Kodi asked, jumping to her feet to follow me to the closet. I sighed and looked her in the eyes.

"I know we need to get her back. Go put on some clothes that are easy to move in and warm. It's freezing out there," I told her. I grabbed my coat, but the two girls still stood around me. "What are you waiting for? Sunrise? Get out and dressed!"

I didn't mean for it to sound hostile, but they weren't doing anything. If the Corporation has Jen, that that means my plan is ruined and that she'll be dead.

Jacklynn looked at me and then to Kodi, who was glaring at me. "Do you have something to do with this?" I froze. Kodi never liked me in the past, but I didn't think she'd suspect me this soon. I couldn't let them know just yet. My plan would be ruined even more than it is now.

"No, I care about my friend. Whatever took her is probably going to hurt her. We need to get Jen back." Jack staggered for a second before she leaped out of my broken door and towards her room. Kodi kept her glare on me.

"If you have something to do with this, I want answers as soon as we get Jen back." Kodi then walked out and the door to their room was slammed shut. I sighed, reaching into my pocket for the mirror I had for emergencies.

Inside the compact mirror, I had many different pills, including painkillers and tranquilizers. I took two painkillers and looked at my image in the mirror. My face was covered in bruises, and I gritted my teeth. They were going to pay, whoever they were. I met the girls in the hallway, both of them not hiding the worry on their face.

"Now what, Chloe? How are we going to get Jen back?" Kodi asked, her arms crossed and her glare returning.

I followed the draft to a broken window at the end of the hall. There was a tree that broke their fall and footprints in the snow that looked a lot like a dog or bear. "We follow the trail," I said calmly. The girls looked between themselves and then back to the snow where the trail was.

"But what if it's just an animal? Those look like animal footprints to me," Kodi commented, pointing down at the snow.

"I agree. What if it was just a bear?" Jacklynn said softly, probably due to her crying earlier.

The agent that took her was pretty smart. I knew these prints were not animal, which means that they lead it to a cave of some sort to try and distract us or get us off track. I pulled flashlights from my pocket and tossed them to Kodi and Jack. "It's not a bear. I've seen this before, and it's just their shoes making prints to make it seem like they were a bear. Let's get going."


My throat hurt from screaming so much. Everything was a blurry mess that I couldn't begin to try and comprehend. All I did now was sit in my nightgown, covered with a filthy and moldy blanket while these tall men stood around me with their weapons held high. I was terrified to say anything or move. I didn't even want to take the blanket off.

One of the guards turned around and crouched to my level. "Don't be afraid. It'll all be over soon. Do you need anything?" I swallowed. I couldn't trust them. Kodi would freak out if I took anything to eat or drink from them. I shook my head. The man gave a small sad smile and stood. "We'll if you figure you need anything else, let me know. It's good to be comfortable until the end."

Until the end?

"Wait," I scratched, coughing a little. "What do you mean? What's going on?" I asked.

"We can't talk about it. You've gotta be as relaxed as possible and it would only stress you out," another guard said.

"I'll only be stressed if you don't tell me," I countered. The guards looked at each other.

The first guard sighed. "If you must know, you will be killed. That's all we are going to say." The other flinched and I felt my entire body grow cold.

Killed??? Who wanted me killed? Why? I felt the tears welling in my eyes and I harshly wiped them with my hand. I didn't understand why someone hated me. Is this why I was always clumsy and injuring myself? Because someone was trying to kill me?

I wish Kodi and Jack and Chloe were here. They were always there for me. I hope they are okay.

I sniffled and I tugged the crappy blanket closer to me. The guards started talking in a different language amongst themselves and judging by the way the way they were talking the one guy seemed to be in trouble. A door opened and barking followed by footsteps closer to where I was sitting. I turned to the sound and gasped.

It was my father! I couldn't believe it! "Dad!" I called. He looked at me with icy blue eyes but didn't say anything. "Dad! It's me, Jennifer! Dad please someone is trying to kill me!"

"I know. It'll be a great relief off my shoulders."


Chloe led the way through the snow, and I was having trouble keeping up with them. Chloe looked back and stopped, making Kodi stop and cross her arms.

"Are you okay?" Chloe asked. I knew she was being concerned, but her expression was always so blank it kinda hurt. I nodded, panting hard. Chloe took off her scarf and wrapped it around my neck and covering my mouth and nose.

"Thank you," I told her. She nodded and grabbed my hand, pulling me up to where Kodi was standing.

"Try to keep close," Kodi said, standing behind me. "We can't lose another person." I nodded and stumbled in between them as we made our way through the snow. After what felt like a long time Chloe stopped us and switched off her flashlight. I did the same and Kodi followed. A group of people ran by and past us. I opened my mouth to ask what that was, but they ran back by us.

"I told you that there wasn't anything. 0618 isn't stupid enough to come back. It's a suicide mission." One of the guards said. Chloe tensed up beside me and when the coast was clear, Chloe led us very quietly past. We made it to a cliff and Chloe let out a gasp.

"Are you okay?" I asked her quietly. Chloe shook her head, but she continued up the path. I followed and Kodi kept her pace behind us. The path widened into what seemed to be a base like you would see in movies. Guards were standing in front of a steel door while others patrolled the large area.

"Don't leave this spot, I'll go get Jen," Chloe said. I went to protest when I felt something sharp and hard on the small of my back.

"Move and you'll never walk again," a harsh voice said, and I squeaked. Chloe swore under her breath as she too was held at gunpoint.

"Nice to see you again, 0618," a guard said to Chloe, who glared at him.

"I go by Chloe," she spat. The guard snorted and pulled her forward. Chloe kept her glare on the guard. The guard leaned close to her.

"Sure, whatever. To us agents, you're still 0618," he said.

"Agents?" Kodi said behind me. "Like in secret agents?"

The guard holding me chuckled. "Huh, some assassin you are!"

Assassin? Chloe was an assassin. I thought she was eighteen! The guy holding me pushed me forward, so I was standing by Chloe. Kodi was pushed to stand next to me. The three guards kept their guns pointed at us.

"Now why are you here? To watch us kill the girl you were supposed to kill years ago?" One guard said, making the others laugh. Chloe growled.

"I'm not going to let you kill her. We're here to get her back," she said. She wasn't going to kill my sister.


"You were going to kill my sister?" I asked, making the guards howl with laughter. I couldn't believe it.

"Blondie here didn't even know? You were the best assassin, and you couldn't even kill this target? You killed all the others but not this tiny girl? Pathetic. I dunno what Bruce saw in you."

"Probably her body. You see that? She's in her twenties and still looks like a high schooler."

"Chloe's not eighteen?" Kodi demanded, taking a step towards Chloe. I put my arm in front of her, and the guards held their guns at Kodi.

Chloe looked to us and then to the guards. "I'm twenty-three."

Kodi growled and tried to jump past me, but I grabbed her around her waist and kept her from Chloe, who didn't flinch. A guard shot Kodi, making her scream and fall limp. Tears filled my eyes and I dropped into the snow to check her body.

Chloe fell to her knees next to me and moved Kodi's long coat to reveal a dart.

"Tranquilizer. She's not dead, she's just asleep. She'll be fine in a few minutes," Chloe told me. I nodded and watched her pull the dart out of Kodi's side. "You should stand, you'll legs will get cold." I nodded, looking down at my jeans becoming dark with the melting snow. I stood and picked up Kodi. She was surprisingly light despite being the most active in our group. Or so I thought.

"Let's move you to the facility. Your friend is gonna die soon." A guard said. Chloe glared at them but followed as instructed. I felt tears fall down my face as I accepted my sister's fate and followed them inside the building.