

Chloe had one job: Kill the girl Jen is a clumsy teen who ends up missing on a trip with her friends. Chloe has to risk everything to get her back safely.

Destrokkers · LGBT+
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4 Chs

Part I


The mission is supposed to be easy. Kill her and bring her back to the base. The first phase: getting them all to the lake house and getting her by herself.

"Chloe? Are you alright? Youve been zoned out the entire ride," Jennifer said softly. I blinked and looked back at her. She was beautiful, with bright blonde hair and blue eyes the color of the sea.

I nodded to her and gave her a small smile. "I'm alright, just a bit tired from the trip." Jen nodded in understanding and gently patted my knee before turning away to her sister, Jacklynn. Jacklynn was a bit taller than her sister and only a couple years older as well. She had blue eyes and blonde hair like her sister, but her eyes were lighter and like their other sisters, had dirty blonde hair. They were easily recognized with their curls sticking out of their hair and the fact that Jen wore glasses.

Then there was Kodi. Kodi was the athlete of our group, playing every sport on the school's teams. She was tall and toned, with milk chocolate skin and brown eyes. She wore her long black hair in a ponytail that reaches the middle of her back. She was really protective of Jen, which is why my job is so difficult.

I've been trying to kill this girl for fourteen years.

Why haven't I been able to? It's because of that Kodi. She was always fast or strong enough to fix what I had planned. It made everything difficult.

I sighed. There was more to it too as to why I haven't killed her just yet. I had a much bigger plan than what the Corporation had wanted me to do.

Jen's mother stopped the car at the large cabin covered in snow. She wanted to see where we would be staying just in case something was to happen to us. As everyone got out, I felt the vibration of my phone buzzing on my side. We all walked inside, and I went to the soundproof bedroom so nobody could hear the conversation. When it was clear and I was alone, I pulled the phone out of my coat and answered it.

"Agent 0618 reporting," I said softly.

The other line was static, but the voice was clear. "0618, good to hear from you again. How are things? Have you killed the girl I asked you fourteen years ago?"

"I have not. She will be dead before the end of the week," I responded.

The voice on the other end chuckled. "I sure hope so. I'd hate if you'd met the same fate as 0626." I flinched. I didn't want to remember that.

"It will be done. I will finish this mission and I won't fail." The static on the other end cut off and I put the phone back into the secret pocket.

I cannot fail this mission.


"Okay mom, you can go now! You've seen the house and everything in it. It's our week together and we're going to be alright! I'm an adult too," I told her. Mom had Jen in her death hug and I watched as my sister turned as red as her jacket form our mother's tight grip.

"I know you girls are very responsible. I'll get going, then. Call me if you guys need anything! I'll come pick you up next Sunday, alright?"

"Yes mom, alright, time to go," I said, pushing her softly towards he door. She waved at us before I closed the door and kept my hand on the handle, just in case she tried to get back inside. Once the car started up I let go of the handle to grab out bags that sat right in front of the door. I grabbed my sisters and my own, making my way up the stairs to the rooms provided. I spotted Chloe walking out of one of the rooms, her face was red and she looked different than she usually was.

Chloe was usually stoic, her big light green eyes looking down and her plump lips almost always in a frown. "Hey!" I called, making her face drain and her eyes meet mine. I smiled but she went stoic.

"Do you need any help with your bags?" She asked me, looking down at the bags I was holding.

I shook my head. "No! No, I was just taking my sister's bags and my own to our rooms. Aren't there four rooms?" Chloe shook her head.

"I told everyone that we had two rooms and that we had to share rooms," she said. I don't remember that part. "It's alright. I can take Jen's bags to the room we're sharing." I looked to Chloe's blank face and decided not to think about it. I handed her my sister's bag and went down the hall to the other room.

The room was huge which made me wonder how big the other room was. I dropped my bags onto the big king sized bed. This room was the size of my living room at home, large and spacious. I walked around the room, getting used to our surroundings. We were going to be here for a week so we might as well get used to it. This room had a connecting bathroom that was just as big as the bedroom. This place didn't look this big from the outside!

I grabbed my gaming bag and left the room, heading back down the hall to the living room. Kodi and Jen were sitting on the couch, laughing about something, while Chloe was in the kitchen, pouring drinks. Jen noticed me standing and motioned for me to come sit with them.

"Hey Jack! This place is so cool," Jen told me, bouncing in her seat. I nodded in agreement and went to open my bag with my handheld games.

Just before I could pull one out, there was a crash in the kitchen. We all jumped up to see Chloe standing in front of a pile of broken glass and juice. She looked shocked, green eyes wide and confused. I quickly got up and picked up the shards of glass. Jen was right beside me with a towel to wipe up the mess.

"Are you okay? It's not like you to drop things," Kodi said. I nodded. I would know how graceful she was. I liked her.

Well, maybe more than like her but she was much more interested in Jen and we all knew it, except for Jen of course. My sister was very oblivious to pretty much everything.

"I just got distracted," she replied. "I think I need to lay down for a bit." We all watched Chloe walk up the stairs to the rooms in the back of the house, her footsteps echoing up the steps. I threw the glass into the trash and followed her to make sure she really was okay.

I dashed up the stairs and turned the corner to find her gone. How? Where did she go? The doors make noise when you open and close them and I didn't hear anything when I came up behind her. I went to open the door but it was locked. Something is definitely weird.


I watched as Jen washed out the towel from the broken cup. "Be careful, there are still small glass shards in the towel," I warned her. Jen rolled her eyes.

"I'm careful! Put some faith in me. I know when things are dangero-," she cried out and dropped the towel into the sink. I grabbed her hand and sure enough a piece of glass had cut her.

"Yeah, you're very careful," I said, making her pout. I slowly pulled out the small piece of glass, making Jen yelp. She ran her hand under the faucet and so I searched around the kitchen for a first aid kit or something. I finally found bandaids and sanitation wipes in a cabinet and helped bandage Jen's hand.

Jacklynn walked in, but she seemed lost in thought. I wonder what was keeping her? Did she not like the sleeping arrangements? Or did she see something she didn't want to see? Jack looked up at us and blinked a few times before she smiled. "Hey guys! Who's ready to get this week started?" She asked.

Jen jumped and clapped her hands, careful of the bandaid on the side of it. "I am! What should we do first? Go out and ice skate? Or play in the snow? Or maybe watch a cool movie on that tv above the fireplace?" Jen rambled off more ideas and I couldn't help but to smile and admire her.

Maybe not to many, but she was perfect to me, her blonde hair was soft, she was curvy and warm to hug, her eyes were ocean blue and made you want to stare into them forever. I loved this girl, but she didn't seem to notice it, or if she did, she was really good at hiding it.

"So what did you want to do, Kodi?" I blinked from my daze and looked between the sisters. I had absolutely no idea what they were saying.

"What were the options again?" I asked.

"Going ice skating or playing video games on the big television in the living room," Jen said.

"I say we go ice skating! I could teach you how to skate," I told Jen, making her smile. I smiled back and Jacklynn groaned.

"I think I'll just watch you two skate since I'm not much of an active person," she said. Jen rolled her eyes.

"If I can skate, so can you, sis! Cmon, Kodi can teach both of us how to skate!" Jen grabbed her sister's hands and dragged her to the door. I grabbed the skates I had bought all of us, minus Chloe's, and followed them to the lake just outside the cabin.

It seemed to be colder than before, sending a chill up my spine. Jen had dragged her sister close to the edge of the lake to look at the solid block. They both were wearing skirts, but Jen had leggings and Jack wore long boots. Hopefully they don't fall too much or they would get pretty cold pretty fast.

"Here, put on your skates and I"ll see if the ice is strong enough to hold our weight," I instructed as I put on my skates. Jen and Jack and went to slide on their skates. I walked up to the ice and pressed my foot onto it. It didn't break so I put my other foot onto it. The ice seemed sturdy enough to stand on. I slid a bit outwards and then back and not a single crack so I deemed it safe.

Jen stood in her ice skates, looking reluctant to get on the ice but I assured her that it was safe. I grabbed her hand and she screamed as she slid onto the ice. We all laughed and she playfully stuck her tongue out.

"This is scary! Wait until you get on the ice, Jack then I'll get to laugh at you!" Jen mocked, making her sister roll her eyes. I let go of her arm and she screamed again, flailing to grab a hold of me. I smiled and skated backwards.

"Cmon, Jacklynn! The ice is just right!" I called to her. She shook her head and I skated to where she had docked herself right on the lakeside. I rolled my eyes and reached my hand out. Jacklynn looked to her sister, who was now standing in the middle, trying to keep her balance. She grabbed my hand and I pulled her onto the ice.

A string of swear words came with her, making her turn red. I laughed and then let go of her so I could skate close to Jen. Jen laughed at her sister and grabbed my hand. I kept her close and skated backwards. The smile on Jen's face was priceless. She was having a great time and so was I. Jack managed to skate up to us and was holding onto her to her sister dearly.

"It's getting colder and darker, I think we should go inside," Jack said, gripping tightly to her sister, who was holding onto me with the weight of them both.

Jen pouted. "Already? We just got out here!" She whined. The sisters turned to me and I looked up at the sky. We didn't have much time before it got dark and cooler outside.

"Jack's right. It's getting darker. If we were here earlier then we could've stayed out longer." Jen sighed and grabbed my arm. Jack grabbed my other arm and I led them back. Jen was upset and I could tell by the way she purposely dragged her feet. "Jen, we can go skating tomorrow for sure and Chloe can join us this time."

Jen lit up. "You mean it?" I nodded and she smiled again. Man, she was such a weakness for me. I loved this girl. We all stopped to change shoes before we went back to the house.


I was the first inside and I waved happily to Chloe, who was standing in the kitchen with a warm glass in her hands. Her eyes met mine and I watched her light green eyes shine. "Hi Chloe! Are you feeling better?" I asked. Chloe nodded and continued to drink her warm drink. I kicked off my red ankle boots at the door and went to sit on the couch. It was so warm and soft.

Jack and Kodi came in and they both sat down on the couch next to me. Chloe stood at the end of the couch and looked to all of us. "I made dinner. Come and get it," she informed. I jumped up and hugged her. She gave a small gasp and I laughed as I went to the kitchen. There were bowls and steaming containers I didn't notice before.

"Ooh what is it?" Jack asked, sitting next to me at the table. Kodi sat next to me on the other side.

"It's ramen. I figured you'd guys would want some soup from being outside," Chloe explained. My stomach growled and we all laughed.

Oh man, ramen was my favorite food to eat! Chloe passed out bowls with cooked noodles and broth and she took the lids off the top of the other containers to show that they had different vegetables and meats to add to the ramen. I decorated my ramen with pretty much everything before I dug in and ate everything.

Usually I went for at least thirds but I felt full on that one bowl. Kodi finished after me, looking content with her share. Chloe and Jack finished theirs and we all cleaned up the table before settling down on the couch in front of a fireplace. "Can I light the fireplace?" I asked.

"No!" Kodi and Jack shouted at the same time. I paused and slouched back into my seat.

"I'll light it," Chloe said, getting to her feet and stretching. I got to my feet and stood next to Chloe as she put the logs into the fireplace. I took a step back as she lit it and cleaned her hands off.

I sat in front of the fire, warming my hands and smiling at my friends. "Kodi, come sit with me!" Kodi grunted and got off the couch to plop down next to me. I leaned onto her shoulder and sighed in bliss. Kodi was always comfortable to lay on. The fire was warm and exhaustion came over me.

I don't remember falling asleep, only waking up to Chloe standing over me with rope in her hands.