
Jeff in the boys

Cliché reincarnation story MC dies and gets 3 nerfed wishes and is reborn in the boys I know another discontinued fic from me soz If you wanna steal or copy any of it I don’t mind use what you want

Noely_poley · TV
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6 Chs

Ch 5 hughie

Jeff heads out after his shower to go and get something to eat. As he is wandering through the streets of New York to find something to eat he walks past a small tec shop and glances in the window only to see someone who he is shocked to see. It's hughie the teleporting nudest at this point he has no temp V powers but when he does get them they will be useful to copy. Can he even copy temp V powers what about compound V can he copy that and give people powers. After this long and confusing thought prices Jeff realises he's been staring at hughie for a long time and heads inside the store to look around he needed a laptop anyway as he needed one to start doing work such as research on supe locations and on different Scientific things so that he could mesmerise them and become smarter and better

(Authors note)

I don't know what to do something is holding me back our mc's morality i don't know if he should be good or bad or somewhere in between

-lawful good


-chaotic good

-lawful neutral


-chaotic neutral

-lawful evil


-chaotic evil

These are all good options but I'm not sure so whichever gets the best point wins