
Jeff in the boys

Cliché reincarnation story MC dies and gets 3 nerfed wishes and is reborn in the boys I know another discontinued fic from me soz If you wanna steal or copy any of it I don’t mind use what you want

Noely_poley · TV
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6 Chs

ch 4 establishing the timeline

jeff now alone is his small apartment starts to clean up the box and the empty cups left behind by popclaw

(Jeff POV)

What do I do now do I intervene in the story or do I join vought as a employee like the original was going to and hide my powers.

Whatever I do I've got to make sure to stay safe fuck with a train running in and out of popclaws place I might get ran through like robin. Has that even happened yet where on the timeline am i from what I can tell I'm ether days from the start of the show or weeks it's hard to tell as there are no dates in the show.

Maybe I should test my new power that will take my mind of it yeah!

(Normal POV)

Jeff finishes cleaning up and goes to the roof of his building the best open space he can get without being in the road aka where you become blood mist.

Jeff begins to do push-ups until he reaches his limit so he gets up and starts doing squats and then plank and finally shadow boxing. After he finishes he's built up a major sweat so he sits down to rest "this should work right" Jeff idea is that if he can heal his injured muscles faster then he can surpass human limits and get a sort of weaker super strength and maybe weak super stamina

As he rests he notices himself healing and feeling better faster until he reaches his full health at which point he feels stronger than before but not by much after this he repeatedly does this workout and rests until he feels extremely hungry at which point he notices that it's almost turned 05:00 so he heads home and showers.