
Jeepers Creepers Boyfriend Scenarios

Moving into the countryside, this is your chance to start a new life. Meet new people, new friends, develop new relationships. But there's one thing that the town would rather keep it a secret than let it be known. And you get to find out that secret the hard way.

MidnightMoon8888 · Movies
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12 Chs

When You Spend Time With Him

Let's just say... maybe he's not so bad after all. He saved you from getting kidnapped and he could have done something bad to you, but he hadn't. You're talking about Creeper. Kind of a weird name to have, but he did mention that humans call him many names. That and maybe he doesn't exactly know what the word creeper means to humans but... you try not to judge him.

He could have killed you that night, but he didn't. He saved you from going back to the life you ran away from. So being a great hostess and being of service to him would be the least you could do. Example A...

You made a big pot of meat stew and made sure to add extra meat pieces since you're positive he likes to eat meat. Well... the newspaper insists he eats human flesh. And the crazy thing about that is, is that it doesn't really bother you as you thought it would. Could it be because you're weird or is it because you know he's not going to kill you?

After serving him the meat stew, he takes one bite of the cooked meat and seems to savory it as he would if it was raw human flesh. But this meat has more flavor and there's no warm blood dripping down his sharp teeth. He smiles as he feasts on the delicious stew while you sit across from him at the dinner table. No one has ever cooked something for him in his entire life. And the fact that this tastes better than anything he's ever made in hundreds of years, he plans on savoring every piece he eats.

Even though he isn't human and he seems to love your stew, you feel very proud of yourself. You've never seen anyone who enjoys your food as much as him. Not that you were a bad cook, you just felt like you weren't being appreciated and you just thought you didn't cook well enough.

He then catches you staring at him causing him to stop eating to look back at you. A nervous smile appears on your face as you snap back into reality.


Y/n: Oh, I-I'm sorry. It's just um... I hope you're enjoying the stew.

Creeper: Yes, I am. It's very delicious.

Y/n: I-I'm so glad you like it, I almost thought that maybe you wouldn't.

Creeper: I don't think you need to worry about that.



Example B...



You're building a wooden fence around your property so you can purchase some sheep or goats. Maybe a horse or two. Have a farm just full of chickens and ducks. You don't know yet, but what you do know is that you're going to need a fence. You're building a wooden fence first and just as you begin to work, you hear footsteps coming toward you.

Thinking that it could be your ex, you grab your taser gun from your pocket and turn around to aim it at him. But when you do, you see Creeper standing there surprised by your action.


Y/n: (You sigh in relief and you put your taser gun away) It's just you... at least say something while you're coming up to me. You scared me.

Creeper: I'm sorry. Just who did you thought I was?

Y/n: Just a crazy ex-boyfriend. So, what can help you with?

Creeper: I came to see what you were doing.


Of course, he's never going to admit he's been watching you from the cornfields across the road for a couple of hours. He's seen you drink lemonade, take a small nap while laying underneath a tree, and feed your chickens. Ever since he's gotten a little closer to you, it's like his getting more obsessed with you.


Y/n: I'm just getting started on building a fence. I'm thinking about getting more animals. I don't know what animals I want to get, but I know this needs to be done first.

Creeper: Can I help?

Y/n: (Smile) Sure, I could need the extra hands.



And Example C...



You're sitting on a white rocking chair out on the front porch of your home. Creeper is with you too. He's sitting on the railing in front of you. It's a beautiful evening, and the sun is setting, creating beautiful orange and pink hues.

It's a comfortable silence right now. You feel like you've gotten to know him and he's gotten to know you as he's been coming around for a couple of weeks.


Creeper: I remember when you thought I was someone you dislike. Your ex. You even said he was crazy, and you tried to defend yourself when you thought I was him. (He then turns his head to face you) Can I ask what happened?

Y/n:..Well... Before coming here, I used to live in the city. A big city far from here. I used to live with him and... it was so toxic. He was toxic. But because of my financial situation, I couldn't move anywhere else... He would verbally, emotionally, and mentally abuse me. I was even trying to save money so I can move out on my own since I don't have anyone else to go to... And then; I get a letter from a woman who lived in this house who claims to be my relative, but I've never even heard of her until I got her letter. She left me this house, her land, and her life insurance. So I took that opportunity and without telling him, I left. As soon as he went to work, I packed all my things and left.

Creeper: And you're afraid that he could find you.

Y/n: If his friend found me, then he must know too.


He smells the fear and worry radiating off your body, but even without his sense of smell. Just by looking at your facial expressions, he can see that you're scared. You sigh as you get up and lean your arms against the railing standing next to him.


Y/n: I just wanted a fresh start. Away from them and go to where no one knows who you are. I can make new friends and create a better life for myself. But ever since that guy came for me, I haven't been able to sleep much at night... And...(sniff) I'm just scared of seeing him and him forcing me to go back with him. And I know he's going to try to take me by force...


You quickly wipe away the tears forming in your eyes as you try not to cry. Creeper gets off the railing and places his hand on your shoulder to get your attention. While wiping away your tears, you turn to face him.


Creeper: You don't ever need to worry about him coming.

Y/n: But knowing him, he might-

Creeper: He won't lay a finger on you. Because I'll be here, to protect you.


There's just something about this moment that makes you need a hug right now. You've never heard those words before. That someone will protect you. You're almost starting to doubt what he said, but you literary have no idea how much you mean to him. So, in order to fight back that doubt, even for a moment, you immediately lean in and embrace him.

There's no way he could have anticipated this since no one has willingly gotten this close enough to him, let alone embrace him. It takes him a few seconds to process this, but he finally embraces you as well.

You two stay like this for a little while, and as he holds you, he smells something different. He no longer smells the fear coming from you anymore, but instead, he smells a different emotion.

The sun finally set, and soon crickets could be heard throughout the countryside. An idea then comes to his mind. Instead of watching you sleep from either afar or in your room without you knowing. He's going to ask if he can stay with you for tonight, with you knowing that he's there.


Creeper: I can stay if you wish.


You take a moment to think about it, but since you feel safe in his arms like this. You feel like you can trust him, see how this goes for tonight. You just nod your head yes in response to him.

That night, you made dinner and you eat together at the dinner table. When it was time to sleep, you grab an extra blanket from the closet for him and told him that he can sleep in the living room before telling him goodnight. And while you sleep, he enters your room and kneels in front of you. There's something going on in his chest right now that he doesn't know what it could be, but either way, he thinks back to what you said.

He now knows why you came here, and he knows of the human who hurt you. It pisses him off that that human is going to come here and try to take you away, away from him.

Leaning forward, he moves his face toward yours and he didn't expect you to move. Because as soon as he got close enough, that's when you adjust yourself and the surface of your lips almost collide with his. It causes him to quickly move back and stand up.

He knows what it means when humans kiss. How passionate they are and stuff... He exits your room and shuts your bedroom door before he practically falls to his knees and covers his mouth with his hand.

Now that feeling in his chest is getting stronger than it ever has before. Now he's starting to realize this feeling he's been trying to figure out. Why he's always watching you, always wanting to be near you, and the only reason why he killed the two male humans for getting close to you. It's becoming clear to him why he's been obsessed with you for so long. He's also beginning to think how nice it would be if he were to have you all to himself.