
Jeepers Creepers Boyfriend Scenarios

Moving into the countryside, this is your chance to start a new life. Meet new people, new friends, develop new relationships. But there's one thing that the town would rather keep it a secret than let it be known. And you get to find out that secret the hard way.

MidnightMoon8888 · Movies
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12 Chs

When You Move In/ He Sees You

You spent over three hours on the road driving to the countryside. Away from the big city and on your way to your new home. Long story short, you used to live somewhere in the big city until you received a letter in the mail from a distant relative that her house in the countryside is all yours, no strings attached.

But it's weird since the name of the distant relative isn't anyone you met before. That and there was another letter from the same envelope from their lawyer that the paperwork has already been done as soon as the distant relative passed away.

You don't know why someone will give you their house for free, especially someone you don't think you personally met before. But hey, this is a whole house far away from the city. This is your chance to start a new life, somewhere big and quiet. Maybe you might even own a chicken farm or get a bunch of baby goats.

Driving along in your car, all you've been seeing now are the narrow roads next to crops of corn. Then your GPS says to make a right and as you did you realize you're pulling up to your new home.

A classic two-story white country house. With a big front porch, large clean windows, plenty of space to park anywhere in the front.

You turn off your car and get out. Opening your trunk to get your stuff, you look out to the cornfields. You see there's a couple of scarecrows standing on poles in the distance.

It's not too windy out and it's not too hot out. Everything's just right out here. And with one more of until sunset you take most of your things inside before getting back into the car and going to the diner near to your new home.

It doesn't take long for you to get there and you find a spot to park. When you get out you see a weird green truck driving down the road. What's weird about this truck is how it looks, the color, and you swear you could smell something bad radiating off of it. Assuming it's a manure truck, you pay little mind to it anymore as it passes the diner, and smelling manure might have to be something you need to get used to.

You enter the diner and a waitress walks up to you. She looks to be your age, has curly light brown hair, green eyes, a couple of inches taller than you, a bright smile that's noticeable from across a room.

Harper: Well howdy there miss, you new to town?

Y/n: (You smile) Y-Yea, is it obvious?

Harper: Lil bit. But don't worry I ain't gonna give ya a hard time. Hi, I'm Harper.

Y/n: I'm Y/n.

Harper: Come sit down, I'll give ya a Lil discount, but tell no one ok? (She winks)

Y/n: Haha, yeah no worries.

She takes you to the bar and you sat down while she goes behind the bar and hands you the menu.

Harper: Now we're more of a breakfast diner but don't worry we also got lunch and dinner. Our soup of the day is Cream Crab and our Famous House Salad is a famous favorite, now if ya want I can give that discount on our desserts sections.

Y/n: Okay umm... let's see here...

Harper: So where are you staying at?

Y/n: Down the road, there's a white house my relative gave me before she passed.

Harper: You mean the one by the cornfields?

Y/n: Yeah that's it.

Harper: So that old woman was your family? I personally didn't think she had a family. Not to be rude, but she was always the town crazy old lady. From what I heard, she rarely left the house, always carried a shotgun, and told people that some monster coming back to town. I don't know, but man... I'm sorry to hear she passed.

Y/n: It's okay, it's just wired since I never saw her before. Maybe when I was young but-

Then a man bursts in the door and calls out to whoever drives a specific car parked outside. But it wasn't just any car he was shouting about, he was talking about your car. You get up and he hurries back outside and you follow him.

Man: T-There was a man in your car! H-He was going through something and he was sniffing your clothes like a dog! When I shouted at him he ran back to his truck and speed off.

You get to your car while Harper goes outside and finds out what happened. You don't see anything of value missing, just the sweater you left in the passenger seat. You get up and shut the car door and lock it.

Harper: Do ya want me to call the police?

Y/n: No, the only thing missing is my sweater. Good thing I didn't leave most of my things in the car.

Harper: Well alright, well I'mma give you whatever dessert ya want on the house ok? Don't let this ruin ya first day here.

Y/n: I won't, and thanks (You smile)

After a couple of hours of eating and chatting with Harper, it was time to head back to your new home. She gives you her number and tells you to be careful driving back before you take off onto the narrow road.

The sun's already down, and it's clear night skies right now. Besides that little incident, you love it here so far. Harper was even telling you about the community festivals and horseback riding lessons, all of which you can't wait to go to. Back in the city, it was always work and traffic. But now if you do decide to work, maybe it'll be at a small shop or farm.

As you continue driving down the road you see a car with its emergency lights on parked off the side of the road. The hood of the car was up and steam was coming out of it. You don't see anyone so you assume they must be inside or walking to the station. Either way, you pull over behind them and get out to get your toolbox in the trunk of your car. Back in the city, it was better to know things about cars than pay hundreds of dollars to a mechanic.

You grab your toolbox and make your way over to the hood of the car. They must've been walking down the road since you don't see anyone in the car. You take a look a the engine before taking one of your tools to remove something.

That's when you hear a weird flapping noise from above. You look up seeing nothing there. Maybe it was an enormous bird or something, so you get back to work. Then you hear it again, but this time it sounded a bit louder than the first time, and that's when you hear something that sounded like it landed on the ground. You spin around, seeing a dark figure a few feet behind you.

Its wings were the first thing you saw. Similar to a bat's wings, but these wings were bigger. The car's headlights were the only lights showing you more about the figure. You look up seeing its face... it's... it's not even human....

T-This creature... it's showing off its pointed teeth. Its wings have to be at least six feet long. But it's size... it's can overpower you... This demonic creature takes a step toward you and that's when you felt light-headed.

Before it could get closer to you, you fainted, landing on the cold road. Your last seconds seeing this creature, becomes the last thing you see.